-""". :xtfr' , - 1 VK :, vf ,' THE DAILY NEBKASKAN p h IT m, Oliver Theatre Two Concerts THUR8.. OCT. 6. Afternoon 3:30 Night 8:16 Innes and His Band 55 Players, 3 Soloists MAT. 25c to $1.00 NIGHT 506 to $1.00 8AT. "WIZARD OF WI8ELAND." LINCOLN MAT,NIffspA?oy) aS3 ORPHEUM !SoL;;i88DVANCE0VAUDVILLE Week Starting Monday, Oct. 3d. FRANK STAFFORD & CO. AND 7 OTHER BIG ACTS Mats. 15c and 25c Eycnlngs 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Simmons the Printer PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 2319 317 So. 12th The First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST A $1 opens an account " 11)9 Houth 11th Street. IF IT'S PRINTING!"!! Soo .Us Boforo Ordoring Elsowhoro Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No Mth St. SPECIAL GLASSES FOR UNI MEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE UTILI TARIAN 8TUDIES. Afternoon and Evening Classes in Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typewrit Ing, Penmanship t Nebras ka School - of Business. EXPERIENCE Of UNIVERSITY MEN Tho Nebraska School of BuBlness, located in tho Hall Bros, building, 1519 O street, is organizing special afternoon and evening classes at con venient hours for university students who wish to study either Bbortband, typewriting, bookkeeping or penman ship. Tho evening classes meet threo evenings each week Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. University stu dents may arrange for any number of hours per week that they may wish to take, and tho rates for tuition will bo very reasonable. Tho Instruction is given by teachers of iong experi ence and recognized ability. Mr. Glenn O. Taylor, B. A., LL. B. Bpoaking from his own experience, says: "I have no hesitation. In say ing that I bclievo the freshman in col lege makes a mis take if ho does not avail himself of tho opportuni ty of studying shorthand' and .typewriting. The student who has1 a knowledge of shorthand has not only a very rapid means of taking notes from .class work to bo used later as referenecs in preparation for reviews and examinations, but also has a knowledge .which may bo readi ly turned' Into money during his spare hours and vacations. Moreover, such , student, when his collego courso Is s finished, is assured Immediate employ raent id the commercial world.' Mr. Frank bates, a student of the i,N. S. B.f who hold a position with tho B. & M. in this city last year, is now n.tin 1I nfnw i1.itcyY. TtHiirAeit nra ' (It WJ"b ". TJ " W.MfTVPOVVM, at Bvanston, with his shorthand and ..typewriting. , Any university students lntereatfc4V In tliftfio special classes aro invited to call at the school and obtain furthei particulars. Tho school Is located op O street in the Hall' Bros. lHlai. .' iure but nr rn n mr. m. disk. ON THE CAMPUS George Flnck, 1912, of Omaha, who nttended Nebraska Inst year, Is pur suing his courso at Harvard. Have your clothoa pressed at' Woo er's SultorJum, Elov'enth and O. tf H. C. Hathaway, 'lianas returned from the national convention of Delta Upslion, held at San Francisco. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa 13th and P streets. o Hlland Wheeler, Delta Tau Delta, was a campus vlBltor recently. He has JiiBt roturnod from a visit with his brother, Mason, in New York city. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. The Tegnar society, the University Swedish -tlub, hold Kb first meotlng Saturday In Science hnll at tho Tem ple building. The next meeting will bo held on October 14. - Any mako of typewriter with golden pak typewriter table, $6 for 3 months. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange tf o Erwln Floyd, '09, who was promi nent In military affairs while In school, wbb a campus visitor yester day. Ho has been out In Wyoming surveying. o Miller & Palno's Cafe. "A good place to eat." Quick service, well cooked food, moderate prices, good menu. Try It! l-5t The English club meeting. Satur day evening with Miss Sprague, 3119 O street, was devoted to a consldora Hon of j)lans for improving tho work of the club. Each member "was given FULK FURNISHER AND HATTER 1 325 O STREET a mlnuto und a half in which to sug gest means of bettering the stand ards and utility of tho organization. Some now methods of conducting the winter Bories of meetings will prob ably result from the session. $6 rents any make of typewriter with stand for three months. Rent applied if machino is purchased. Lin-1 coin Typewriter Exchange, 122 No. 11th. Richards block. You pass our store every 'day. tf Among the passengers ' sailing on the oxpresB steamship Kaiser Wil helm II, of tho North German Lloyd line,' from Now York to Bremen, via Plymouth and Chorbourg, today Is Miss Martha Herman oi Lincoln, Nebr. New sanitary drinking fountains are to bo placed in tho-main buildings on tho campus. For many years past the ordinary iron ice water tank has sufficed. Tho new fountains will be of tho typo installed last ypar. In tho Engineering building. No cups- will bo necessary. a A reception to studonts of tho uni versity will bo given by tho Church of tho Holy Trinity on Friday ovon ing, October 7, in tho Sunday school rooms of tfio church. This reception is under tho .charge of. Uio St. Agnea guild. All students of 'tho university, d.:.:..... 'i ICJBIlll JVM yffJ youiruvt SHOfr'v whether Episcopalians or not, aro cor dially itivlted to bo prosonL- A spe cial feature of this rocdptlon will be an illustrated talk by Prof. William F. Daim of tho Stato University. A largo party of members of tho Catholic Students' club of the Univer sity wero doilghtfully ontertalned at a dancing party at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. J, Doylq, Friday ovoning, on tho occasion of tho rooponlng of school. Tho Catholic Students' club is one of tho Influential Coruhuskor organizations and draws Its member ship from every collogo and branch of nctlvlty In tho Stato UnivorBlty. Tho evening was spout at dancing In the spacious parlors of tho Doylo homo and dainty refreshments woro served while tho dancing was In progress. Special Notice. All members of tho Students' De bating club aro urged to bo prosont at tho first meotlng of tho club, to be hold at 8 o'clock Wednesday ovon ing, OctoborJLJmportant business Is to bo transacted, so come out and bring your follow members. H. E. DIXON, Vlco President. CROSS-COUNTRY MEETING. Long-Dlstanco Runners to Organize for Work This Morning. Tho first meeting of thoso Interested (n tho -crosstcountry try-outs will b held In Dr. Clapp's offlco this morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. Clapp is confident of an attondanco of at least fifty : this assembly, and will aVall hlmsol of tho opportunity to creato spirit ant. Interest among all tho fellows win will probably bo aspirants for crost country honors. With tho addition of much good mn tcrlal in the way of cross-countr Come and See our new Soft Hats and Caps that you would be pleased to wear and know that you were wearing the right thing. men to Dr. Clapp's previous experi enced supply, tho prospects for n Ne braska victory in tho mid-west mec aro very oncouraging. This moot wll be held some time during tho wont' of November and is considered an'ath letlc event of tho year In which Ne braska will mako good. . Tho first announcement from the office which warrants to a groat ox tent the confidence that Nebraska will again retain her distinction of pos sessing tho winning cross-country teaf is that four of last year's varsity team will bo on deck at tho initial try-out. These men aro Captain Me lick, Anderson, Am hereon and Lzicar. 03. T.rump, who two years ago made such an excellent record'and who was reckoned as ono of Nebraska's best representatives In the Chicago meet, will not train or try-out this year be- causo of increased weight. 'Freshmen in tho university who are fostering tho Idea that thoy may be able to display cross-country running ability will bo given an opportunity lator on in tho Beason. No freshmen entries, however, will bo received to day. Rowing at Prl'ncoton will bo given greater attention tnan over boforo. Members of tho freshman class have already been urgod to. roport for prac tice at Carnegie Lake. Thoc fall re gatta will bo hold one month from yesterday, "in' the Lab butwhen you tyiy SHOES don't expert rhent buy them at . k rm.wrm MMrli.Uo . . Y Al 1!.S - f KlLNiiH TUi ' i??; J.-s 2M O StrMt 4J EXPERIMENT Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tweon 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted Unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tlons 25 cents; 'five Insertions 40 cents. Wanted -A roommate- for Unl. stu dent in prlvato flat, close in, 313 So. 14th St. ' 7-U Wanted Studont barber for Satur days. 205 So. 11th. '4-3t Found Music student's notebook. Ownor may obtain sarao at "Rag" of fice by paying for this ad. C-3t Found Fountain pen. Owner may havo samo by Identifying at "Rag" office and paying for this ad. 7-fU Lost An O. H. S. '09 class pin on Q or R stroot, oast of school. Re ward If returned to this office. 7-3t Lost Pocketbook on tho campus last Thursday or Friday. Reward If roturucd to Nobraskan office. 7-lt Educational. Learn Wireless and U. R. Telegra phy. Shortago of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ex tensive "wirelcsB' dovolopmontB. We operato under direct supervision of telegraph officials and positively place all students, whxm qualified. Write for catalogue. Nat'l Telegraph Inst., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, Port land, Ore. tf CHURCH RECEPTIONS. Entertainments Planned for Unlver - sity 8tudents. 'Receptions for unlvorslty students will bo held on next Friday evening, "v-iniipr 7, In tho following Lincoln churches: Holy Trinity Eplacopal, Twelfth and J Btreets. First Prosbyterlnn, Thirteenth and M streets. St. Paul's Methodist, Twelfth and M streetB. First Baptist, Fourteenth and K strcots. ' FirBt Congregational, Thirteenth and L streets. Vine Congregational, Twonty-flfth and S strcots. United Presbyterian, Sixteenth and It streets. Trinity Methodist, Sixteenth and A streets. First Christian, Fourteenth and M srteets. ' . English Lutheran, Fourteenth and F streets. It is possible that other churches may mako later announcements re garding their recoptions, but this list contains all which .hnvo as yet been announced. . KOMENSKY CLUB MEETS. Bohemian 8tudents Plan Work the Coming Year. for Members of tho Komensky club and pthor Bohemian students of the' University wero entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herman Friday even ing at their home, 1C21 M street. Tho scope and nature 'of tho club woro discussed by Prof. Sarka Hrbek. All Bohemian students wero urged to becomo Komensky workers, and It wns apparent that thole present w.ero heartily In sympathy with tho cause. A largo number of nov Bohemian studonts are enrolled In tho Uhlver sity tlijs year. Nearly all of thena tako advantago of the courses offered by tho Slavonic department -and tho majority tako on active Interest In tho Komensky organisation. The Komensky" nxovemcnjt was Im nueurnted by students at this Univer sity ihv'l80. Two yra later It b cameja Federation of, Komensky clubs, w)ifch- at present includo? flHeen' 6W ganlzatlons, representing' severaj states ad' six unlwaltlWs. t ' The' Federation publUhM. a nionthly maaxlae, the 'KomensVy;"'havfriga circulation at irtHoimnh" hovkiit, ytinen jeaoa yoang mm B flSr. Se& (Si '- They're Worthy of, Yopr. Study You'll find Kensington suite and overcoats a revolution. There's faultless tailoring. No lack in stylo or fabric. And abovo all, . thoy, fit and stay fit. Good fit is proof of good on one of our coats and you won't need further argu ment. ',.. Suits $20.00 to. $40'.00; '' Overcoats $12.60 to $J5;00. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street , M kVnflflUBflRjri V Herpolsheimer's Cafe Dinner JJj30 to Jt30 ORj- Supper 5:30 to 7(30 CUB ' ALSO CAFETERIAN STYLE Hot Waflft with Maple Syrup (0 Wharton's $2.50 Shoe Start, and the Original Elect-, ric Shoe Repair Factory 142No.I2th! tii..i ;( it i. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN, C. A. Tucker -JEWELER S. S. Sfiean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FnOHT Yovr Patronage Solicited aro now in season, Do yOa know any place whero yon can got as QUICK SERVICE" as yon can (at our no wtoro? No, need of 'being crowded. Lincoln Candy J Kitchen s! w. ri.v: stntes of tho .Union, Tje nrlsaary Hot Drinks object of tho paper da the cpoMpB of hlghor education amo-okiitoBr-J'v It lias, been instrumental i bringing; many students into tte college. Be- -, " sides editing artlclef1 lry' eariieat '' Bohemians, it alee, publlshee transla- " . r,s I tlons and origlaal works of Up s dents. Biographical sketckes, V . nent Jiving" Bohemiaas ar 'ir&ntfik each month jad a ;portloa ja Jfitie- i over to schools aaa. eaweauon. , iJWh perta from theseyeraUcIiilMi ari .llshed, thus keeping thf Ff united aBcL inforaied pon xm';r: ; grfsa BituK la",,, m,tmmmmm-'- people ir- iu im ajavoni aeirBenv! , ' ? ; " . tj ' A U. "i i . Jl H 'I 1 l "?i ..- - .! J.- M :.?! ft i"- v -t A : - ',4. 4, U1, I' X '&? ',:,-s. .1 !. ". ."'! ' r '.& i - ni-Hih ? . ' -t -T t A '." n-1 -'V c-'- - L' 'V' "' - . .' ,