', r THE DAILY NEBRAKAN Hi..- .' V Fk " I. I. 4 I'W V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . ' THM PROPERTY OF THE UNIV8R8ITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln Nobraukn. PubllHhod by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD ,. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor ... 4. i C. J. LOUD AwOoJfttB'JSaitor T. J. IIARORAVK ABBOdftto-Bdltor. A. 11. DINHMOIUC USINE68 STAFF. Manner ...,. a. C, kiddoo AMistantManaRcr v. c. HabcaIjI Clroutatpr,..- C. BUCHANAN ; . -.'dlterlal and Du.lnei. Offlcoi A8M1NT ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. Potofttce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 1.2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. ", Single Copies, B Contt Ench. ' Telephone! Auto 18B8. Nlot Phone. Auto 18J8! Auto 2C83; " Dell 1123. 'INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be clinmed for at tho mto or 10 contn tho Insertion for ovcry flftocn words or fraction thereof.- Faculty notlcoH nnd UnlvornKy 1ml lotlna.wlll Kindly bo published fro-. ICntorod a tho poHtollleo at Lincoln. NcbntBka, jib flncond-olimn mall matter. 'und'or tho Act. of CowjroHH of March 3. 1870. " , ' AdvertUomonts for the want column houfd ba left at tho bualneas office, bnso meht. Administration bulldlno, between 10 a. nv and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and B p. m, Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for ench r fifteen- wors or fraction thereof the first Insertions three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. OCTOBER I. 1910. ROOTING. Tho rooting of NcbniHlui stmlontR nt tho football biuuo Saturday wns tho worso thnt this University lian over known. Of cqurHO, tho gnnu wns nil on, but If ImlMicnrtccl.choer lng la to bo tho ordor of oventa whon Nobrnslm Ih winning, what will bo tho result whon the title of fortune flows In tho opposite direction. Men nnd women, get boiiio spirit roal, truo Nebraska spirit. Mnny n bnttlo hu8 been won by tho men nnd womoii In tho Btnnda. Cheer, root, nnd yell. Do anything to mnko n noleo. Don't pretend thnt you have 1 SHOES 1415 a pokor up your back, and perhaps nro schcdulod for a musical solo In tho evening. If you are, you should bo .locked up In a sllk-llnod caso and fod( qu honey and peppermint, Instead ot'Bittlng in tho blenchers watching a football gamo. DRINKING FOUNTAINS. - Tho. Installation or the now sani tary drinking fountains in tho Uni versity buildings Is a step In the llgh' direction. Tho University needs ever raodom convenience for tho use of tho students, as well as Inventions which will protect the health of the young, men nnd women-of tho state. Thq jtlmo has arrived when health has been found to bo a great factor In tho tuccoss of tho work of the uni versity man or woman. Llttlo im provements llko tho recent ono are appreciated by tho students, and tho men "of tho Institution" who furthor theso movements nro known by the student body, and are thanked foi tholr efforts. " TH08E HATS. Havo .you. seen th,om? If you hnvo, that Is all you could see. What It wns, wo do not .know, but It looked llko an Inverted waste-paper baskot covered with feathers, ribbon's, and lucor-,and was called a hat. ,. 'Tho, n'ddltlon of a aquaro foot or two of window glass, along with tho rest of tho department atoro, might make it more, convonlont for those sluing" In, tho rear of "tho .creation," and also . increase their chances of seeing at leapt, a. small .fraction of tho professor's profile. NO ROLITICALvMEETINGS. Tho action of tho Board of Regent in deciding that tboro shall be no . meetings on. he University campus or in any University building by any political organization, or In the inter est of any political party, will appeal to tb,e student body and" tho people ,dt tha'tae as a prudent and reason' -able regulation. Tho University U a CONVPjGATIQW. . w Prof. F M. Fling 41 The New World Europe" "Goveji 'nor's Mansion part of tho public school system of Nebraska. It is supported by thapco plo of nil political parties. Practical conimonponsc nnd a wise admlnlslrn tlvo policy roust stiggost the Impro priety and dahgor of such meetings, Tho words oj William McKlnloy In his exposition of tho public school sys tem, vindicate the action taken by tho Regents. Major McKlnloy' snld: "Within tho jurisdiction of the public school Bystom nil distinctions, social, political, and rollglous, are banished-; all differences huBhed, all barriers re moved. It recognizes neither party nor church, creed, condition, nor sta tion, but free as the air wo broathe, Its bounties nnd boncflts fall in equal measuro upon all." THE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Xha .establishment of a btreau to aid XInlvorslty men to socuro employ ment Is a credit to tho institution and tho Y. M. C. A. Tho man who makos his way through school de'scrvos a great deal of pralso, and -by aiding him In every way possible, thosq who realizo his position, should receive tho commendation and support of tho student body. ON M Y NE W " CU B " LAST. POSITIVE LY THE MOST CLASSY SHOE IN TOWN iwiicr CAin J A A fcJ ili O PRANKS OF DAN CUPID. Arrows of the Love God Hit Former University Students. Mr. and Mrs. J. 15. Emory of Lin coln announce the engagement, of their daughter, Lorene, to Dr. Wll 11pm Windlo Davis of Omaha. Miss Emory was a student of tho Univer sity School of Music, and is a mombcr of tho Alpha Omlcron PI sorority Mr. Davis is a graduate of Crolghtou modlcal college, and Is a member of Phi Rho Sigma fraternity. The day of tho wedding has not yet been an nounced. Invitations have been issued by Professor and Mrs. Erwin Hinckloy Barbour to tho marriage of their daughter, Eleanor, to Harold JamoB Cook of Agate, Nob. Tho ceremony will tako placo at 7:30 Thursday ovenlng, October 13, nt tho First Con gregational church, and will bo fol lowed by a reception at tho Rarbour homo, 1234 R street, Miss Barbour Is a grnduato of tho State University, completing her. courso Inst year, win ning Phi Beta Kappa honors nnd Sigma XI membership. She Is a mem ber of tho Delta Delta Delta sorority Mr. Cook'lB also a graduate of. the State University nnd of Columbia col logo, Now York. Ho has accomplished some noteworthy . work In scientific lines and haa written for sclontlflc publications. Miss Marie Talbot and Mr. Charles Stewart will bo married October 29 Tho bride 1b tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. A. R. Talbot. 'MJss ,Talbbt was graduated last year from a Chicago college, Sho studied for twoycars Jn the University and. Is a membor .,61 the "local chapter of Pi Beta Phi! The prospective groom Is the son of Mrs. L. A. Stewart. Ho is a State Unlven sity alumni and Is a member of thfrinopn classes., Phi Delta. Theta fraternity. . 1 ' . Mjss Flprenco: Chapman ontertairiecj a dozen girls at.: luncheon on frldav TUESDAY . V: Memorial Hall at 1 o'clock In honor of Miss Pearl Fitzgerald of Omaha, who Is to be nmrrled to Harold Soars tho coming week, and of Miss Joss Kllllnn of Wahoo, whq leaves soon for Manila to visit her 'sister. In the afternoon a shower wns glvon for Miss Fltzger nld. A Sacramento (Cal.) paper glvoB an nccount of tho marriage of Miss JSJjiol Perkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. PorklnB of Lincoln, ind Krnest Hunter Wnrnor, alflo formerly of this city. Miss Perkins wap In her senior year nt tho State University and a membor of Alpha Omlcron Pi sorority whon she left a year ago for California wfth her parents. Tho fam ily still keop their homo in this city at 1GM Washington street, nnd it Is understood thoy expect to return' to Lincoln within a few months. Singers, Attention!' Studonts wishing to tako chorus may still register for tho work without ad ditional fee. Tho class meets In Science hall, in the Temple on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at ft p. m. Ono credit is given. BUDD tt STREET $3.50 COMING EVENTS Convocation. At tho convocation this morning, Dr. P. M. Fling will speak. Subject, "The New World, Europe.K Memorial hall, 11 o'clock. 8oclal. Friday, October lf church recop tlons to University students. x Organizations. Meeting of the Students Debating society, Wednesday,-8 o'clock. Union Literary society meets Fri day evening. University Democratic club meets Tuesday, October 4, 7r30 p. m., in room U30p. Class Elections. Junior election,. Thursday, October 6th. Sophomore election, Tuesday, Octo ber 11th. Athletics. Saturday, October 8, football, Ne braska vs. South Dakota, at Lincoln. Class Elections. Senior election and class meeting, Memorial hall, today, 11:30 o'clock. Associations. Y. M. C. A. mid-week meeting, Wed nesday, October 5, G:45 p. m. Lender. "J. L. Der Klnderen. Subject, "Tho College Man's Battles." Notice. The German department Is very de sirous of having a good ropresonta tlon of University mon from tho do partment In tho German parado next Thursday. The Intention Is to -have them mnrch behind tho float contain ing a hunch of our fair co-eds, as a guard of honor. All men who wish to enter the parade will please leave their names with Profossor Fossler, Participants are excused from' after- f -Michigan University has-.awarded ki;.prIeof ?100 for -a rip grldiron- OUIIB. -. The University of Nebraska Y.M.CA. A EMPLOYMENT BUREAU WANTS A proof-reader An experienced printer and press feeder A man to tend fumace on 25th street A man to work in Library from 3 to 5 p. m. Men who need work The co-operation of University Students Office Auto 1132 The Uni Smoke House Cole & McKenna FANCY TOBACCOS UP-TO-SNUFF PIPES POOL For Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St. BOTH PHONES THE CLUB HOUSE 118 North 11th St. The Place to buy your Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Magazines FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Goal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 The Saratoga The Largest w";-P8-- & Best Place BILLIARDS in the City..., Typewriters ALL MAKES SOLD OR RENTED Rent applied on purchase price. Two year written guar antee with every machine sold. Distributers New Model, L. C. Smith & Bros, visiable. Call or write for catalogue and special price list AutoJPhone 2080. Bell Phone 1299. B..F. SWANSON CO., Inc. ,143 S6. 13th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Work Called For and Delivo rod Studonts Work a Specialty 'y incisor Suitatorluni ,c - ' ' Sulti Cleahednd Ptetud $105 ' Pressed 50c . Auto $728 i y ' Open Saturday Niglit All Night Y. M. C. A. Rooms Bell 1132 BILLIARDS BeUF2292- ' i WOLFE 6s YOUNG H y - a !4 P -'. '- 1 i fr v '. ". T" HIMl"i i i i Umi.l i .m.nj' ' L ' ' '."i'i i ., "J '