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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1910)
fpr - t J r ftbe 3ailp fkbraeftan i . -Y. V 4' tvWfy Vol. X. No. 6 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, (FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1910. Price 5 Cents. V r 1 'IF N : I CONTEST WITH PERU TODAY NORMALITE8 TO BE FIRST MEAT FOR THE CORNHUSKER8. i MAHY MEN TO BE TRIED OUT COACH COLE WILL GIVE ALL CAN DIDATES A SHOW. Veterans in Good Condition Straight Old-Time Football to Be Used Chiefly. NEBRASKA. ' Line-up. Woight. Chnuner, 1. e , 158 Shonka, 1. t 207 Elliott, 1. g 186 Collins, c 178 Hornberger, r. g. and c 200 Frcltag, r. g 1C5 Temi)lc( captain), r. t 185 Warner, r. o. and q. b ICO Lofgren, r. e 155 "dsSss? CAPTAIN "JACK" TEMPLE Who Leads His Warriors Into First 1910 Battle Today. the O. Frank, q. b: and 1. h , . . .160 Hascali, q. b. , ,...,. 150 B. .Frank,' r. h 150 Rathbono, f. b 1G0 jlbson, f. b. and 1. h 170 PERU. Line-up. Woight. Blackstone, 1. e 145 .Shaver, I, t 1G5 Hirsh, 1. g 164 Glfford, c 168 Rlneckcr, r. g 170 Stoddard, r. t. : 160 Cook, r. o. ...' 130 Rfenfro, q. b 150 Gelwlch, 1. h .. 150 Stevens, r. h ..... ,. 145 t Lundy, . b, , 168 .OFFICIALS. Cherrlngton, referee. , . . Irwin, umpire C Cornell, head linesman. " , -Total weight 'Peru, 1,715 Average weight, 156. 'At 3:30 sharp, tho whistlo will be blown which will signalize that 'tho . - season of football for tho year 1910 is on. For two weeks "King" "Colo ha? been drilling his huskies until he lint got thorn into such shapo that he car present a definite line-up in the open ing contest. Tho strongth of tho Peru men i unknown. Nebraska presents a heavj squad of men, wTio will all bo given i work-out in this opening game. The Peru line-up is light when compared with that of tho Cornhuskcrs. The men have an avcrago woight of llr pounds, while that of Nebraska c.u not bo ilgurcd on account of tho mini bor of players who will bo used. All but Ono Outweighed. Every man on tho Peru team is out weighed, with ono exception. Lund the big fullback overbalances Rath bono by eight pounds. In case Gibson Is put in at full, tho CornhuBkcr will have tho edge on tho Normnllte b two pounds. Collins will start the game at cen ter. This will bo his first game for two yearB. Although ho has been in a suit for only a few times this sea son, ho lias annonuced that ho will show tho Nebraska rooters that he can "come back." Somo of tho varsity mon aro still a littlo soft. Colo has put the men through two weeks of gruelling prac tice and ho has been ablo to get them into shapo for tho opening game. Frank at Quarter. Owen Frank will probably start the game this afternoon at quarter. He played that position part of last year. In caso he does, llathbono, Gibson and "Young" Frank will probably hold down tho back-fioid. If Warner is brought back to quarter and Frank to left half, then Lofgren will go in at right end. Captain Temple and Shonka will hold down tho tackle Jobs. Captain Jack Iuib developed an ability to tear great holes in tho scrubs' line nnd he is oxpected to do wonders in making openings for tho back-field men to go through this afternoon. Girls' Section. A section in tho north grandstand has been reserved for university girls. All tho co-eds will moot this after noon In tho woman's rest room and go over to tho .game in a body niih occupy tho section in tho stands which Manugor Eagor has reserved for them. Rooting leaders will be provided foi tho co-eds and it is planned to give this section of the north grandstand to tho girls at all the games this bea Bon. Admission to tho stand will be by the students' general admission ticket. No extra charge will bo nyule for seats in this section. FIRST UNIVERSITY TEA HELD. Large Attendance to the Initial Event of This Nature This Year. Tho first of the teaa for university girls was given yesterday afternoon under tho direction of tho women of tho faculty. It was tho largest tea that has. been held sinco tho custom was first established. Ovor three hun dred faculty women and university girls were in attendance. Miss En sign, advisor to women, was assisted by faculty women and members of the University Glrla' club.' Tea and waf ers w,ere served. CAT GET8 THE HAT. Fair Co-Ed Loses Headgear Through Feline's Mistake. A fine now chantecler fall bonnot, adorned with a roostor, yesterday af ternoon brqught Mlsa Lucy Livingston, a student nt Drake university, much pain and ombarrasBmenfc While she was walking through Drake ' park shortly after 4 o'clfick yesterday eyem Ing a large gray cat, perched on d limb of a tree, spied the rooster' and leaped to catch It. Miss Livingston's new bonnet was torn to pieces by the hungry feline and her' face Waa 'badly lacorated, ' , . hKv 'bbbbbbbbbbV Ibbbbbbbbbbbibsbbbbk. v bbbbbbbbbbbI l BBBBBBBWiM BBBBBBBBBBBBBl bbbbbbbbbbbM -i .bbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbJ&Hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb IIBI COACH "KING" COLE Who Is Developing His Third Stone wall for Nebraska. REGENTS TO CONTROL TENNIS ATHLETIC BOARD TO NO LONGER MANAGE ASSOCIATION. YYEAYERLIN0 IS ELECTED MANAGER FALL .TOURNAMENT WILL HELD THIS SEMESTER. BE Plans for Meets With Minnesota Are Discussed Wisconsin May Play Here. The tennis club of tho University of Nebraska yesterday met and organ lzcd In Brace hall. In the midst of such conflicting interests as varsity football and tilings politic, tho tonnls club has again jumped to its feet wltTi display of vigor that ec-lipscB any thing over before observed In that department of university nthlotlcs. Tho tennis club and everything re lating to It has for a long time been SE&jSe MiE!aawi'Y ASSISTANT COACH EWINQ A. Veteran Cornhuskcr Who Is Lining Up. the "FreshUs? f'I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmi bbh iBBW'lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKAiSr' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw!i - mrm-t.- , j L-;u.rju clamoring for n new organization, which tho members consldorcd tho ono poRslhlo method to instill somo real university spirit Into tholr provlous .innunl mechanical operations as a school function. Regents to Control. TIiIb innovation was accomplished j Bierduy. In reality tho change con sIbWmI in a shift In tho source from which the club shall' recolvo Its super HbIoii. Heretofore tho management of tho tennis organization has boon iii'dcM the direct control of tho univer sity athletic board. Other things. which nccmed more vital to this hoard of control, however, are said by tho tennis club management to huvo mo nopolized tho tlmo and money which properly should hac boon expended .n tho maintenance of courts and equipment. Yesterday th direct supervision of tho club was trans ferred formally from the university athletic board to tho university board of regentp Applications for ontranco to the fill tennlB tournament for the Bchool yeai mi 0-1 1 will close next Wednesday Every freshman in tho university lh eliglblo to this tournament. The pur pose of the moot will bo to determine and soleot tho annual varsity squad, tho snmo to bo composed of olght rep resentatives. Tho first contest at present promises to bo very exciting. The courts aro crowded dally with good players who apparently never bo foro played at this Bchool, but who likewise can manipulate tho Lawford strokes, volleyB and dilvcs in n man ncr foreboding to older players who contemplated varsity honors for this year. One distinct reason why tennis is proving bucIi a strong Inccntivo to freshmen students and a gamo to ar rest their attention is that It affofds the only moans whoroby they may win their "N" the first year of their col lege life. Ralph Weavorling, 1911, of Beatrice, was elected manngor of tho tcnniE club for tho ensuing year at tho meet ing ye8tordny. This Is tho second tlmo that Mr. Woavorljng has been solectod for this ofllco. Lylo OBtor hout, 1911, of David City, wb chosen as secretary and treasurer of the or ganization. The report of tho treas urer for the 8iicceding year allowed a balance of $20 to tho credit of tho club. Changes In 8ystem. Various desirable changes wore also made In tho system upon which tho club will bo operated. Ono of the most conspicuous of these was the elimination of entranco dues. Tho annual subscription fee was lowered to $1, nnd an entirely now equlpmont has been ordered t obo used by tho club this fall. Tho tennis "dope" for tho coming year is very encouraging. With tho opening of tho year, however, pro's pecta woro not so bright. Tho first announcement to reach the club mem bers was that Scuddor and Smith, two old varsity mon, would not return to tho university. With tho Initial work-out completed, good material, and eligible material, will soon bo forthcoming from tho freshman class. The management of tho club have ac cordingly corresponded with Minne sota and Wisconsin in view of obtain ing tournaments with these universi ties. If successful, Nebraska will con test with ono or tho other of these schools for the first tlmo. The game with Kansas will bo set for some time In May, 1911. The annual freshman-sophomore pushball contest at Iowa was won last Saturday by tho sophomores. The contest is divided into three parts, In each of the first two parts the partici pants are an equal number of picked men from ,each of, the classes and the last is a free-for-all. The soph's won the first two parts amd the ireebaiM the free-for-all. TWO RECEPTIONS TO-NIGHT Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. C. A. TO EN TERTAIN 8TUDENT8. VARIOUS STUNTS ARE PLANNED RECEPION FOR WOMEN AT GOV ERNOR'S MAN8ION. Boxing Contents, Wrestling Bouts, "Paddle Ooclal'arfd Short Talks Will Be Given For the Men. A "Btag" rocoptlon is tho order of oventB at Memorial liall this ovonihg for nil the university mon. Under tho auspices of tho University Y. M. C. A. a social of a novel nnturo will bo hold for the entertainment of the mon of tho university. A rocoptlon for all tho university girls will bo hold nt tho governor's mansion, 1445 II streot. This is .the annual reception to tho now students MANAGER EARL EAGER "Dog" Is Ready to Sell Athletic Tick ets to All 8tudents. of tho institution and all the women of the university havo boon invited to be present. The "stag" recopton in Momorlal hall will bo what is commonly known as a "paddle social." Big paddles, lit tlo rJaddles, nnd medium slzedpaddlos will be In evidence at this affair. However, the big paddles aro not al lowed to bo "bigger'' than fifteen inches and the little paddles can be as small as bearer desires. Athletic Events Several, athlotic events will bo on thjp program for tho entertainment of the men. A wrestling match between i BBBBBBBJ TbbbbIbbbbbs " ' BBBKiT Dly and Farley promises to be oh of the most interesting parts of "the pro gram. Both men are amateurs la this line of spof-t, hut each one has a rep- r tatlon Jtf the university and are- se ' evenly matched hat, the coateetwlU ! be a furious oae from start to iaisk. , A bojtlag matohb9tWn"aj ftt - t CmnHed on Pag i j -U l i i M v .A? 4, HI v. --