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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
."v- -A' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN & Considerable disturbance and fric tion has developed at Michigan be cauBo of the barring of girls from attendance at mass meotlngB, The undergraduates of Columbia have voted for themselves a tax ot $8 on each student yearly for the support of different athletic teams. - A party of college girls from tho University of Minnesota took tho stump for the cause of woman's suf frage this summer. ' ?N University cAthletics W J L n i-; h .'.. WJ o tho Joy of Coach Colo nnd to tho Shonkn; guards, Froltag or Hornbor gonorkL Satisfaction of tho "rootora," Sid ColUhfe ilonnod n football Biilt last night and got. Into tho gnmo for tho ilrst Umo for tvo years. . Collins returned from Montana and announced, that ho waVn candldato for hlB old position of contor, which "Tubby" Horriborgor had hold Tlown so far this season. Anothor .Joy to tho supporters of tho Bcarlot nnd Croam was tho worfc of urdy-on tho froshmnn Bquad.Ho Js a former Deatrlco high man and has had somo work undor Stagg. coach of- Uio Midway squad. Purdy has shown that ho Is tho "goodB," and hla'work haB boon watched vory cloBe ly. Along with "Weaver and Urannon tho freshmen have boon giving tho varsity a hard hour's work ovory night, which has causod tho "N" men to alt up and take notice More 8crlmmage. Hpal scrlmmago work wbb tho order at tho athletic Hold again on Thurs day oydjllng. Tho freBTTnion and vnr- isltyoquadB had a long fought battle of nonriy an hour In longth, In which now football nnd old wore both tiled put? Tho coaches watched the men carefully, paying particular attention to tho Infractions of tho new rules, which occurred at tlmoa nnd wnrnlng against thlor ropotltlon. McKInnoy and Purdy In the llrBt yonr mon's bncknohl proved to bo "ablo toadvanco tho ball through the varsity lino on plunges with regular ity. Both are fast, hondy men. quick hlttors, accurate In locating holes and hard to down. Tho varsity tried very Httlo lino bucking, putting In moBt of Its tlmo In tho passing. Hardly a for- ward pass was tried which dimmer or'Lofgron waB not ablo to grasp for a good gain. The rulo which does not 'l)ormlt of nny roughing or the man faking tho pass oxcopt on a bona fide effort to grasp tho ball, mnkes It easier for tho end as lie known whnt to expect. Rathbone Works Hard. Harvey Rathbone, last yoar's full back, was out again and worked hard getting 'himself In shape for the -gquabblO'.wlth Poru Saturday. Wolcott appears to bo .definitely out qt tho game, tho result of parontnl ob jections. Minor win take his exam inations. for tho credit which he needs to play this fall on Saturday and .Mon day and is confident that he can make tho- hours nocoBBary. He Is a good student undor ordinary conditions and tho chances of his return to tho game aro bright. H1b presence, with that of . Rathbone in the backfleld, will go far tptyards solving the most vexed ques tion of Colo's present day problems. Minor may bo placed as quurierback of tho team. This would leave War ner ,1oobo for a backfleld position. anil will prphably cause the coach to put1 .the. following men in his set of 1 backs; Minor, quarter; Rathbone, full; Frank and, Warner, halves. Warner wants anend, but ho is too fast .a man to -jjo played anywhere except behind :tho. lino. "Young" Prank, Gib Bon, Elwoll. and others will bo the sub backfleld, Lofflrejn Looks Like an End. ,That Lofgron-w.Hl cinch the oxtra place at end and olthor Freltng or Hornborgqr tho extra guard seems to " bo a cinch from tho early dope. The nresont line-up puts Hornberger at center, a position from which ho was displaced by tho return of tho experi enced Collins There will bo a nice fight between he two .candidates for that oxtra line position. Hornberger has tho mpre weight and is better """Built, his beof, being mpro evenly dis tributed: but Froltag "is a man who . gor and Elliott; contor, Collins; quar tor, Warner or Frank; halves, Frank Warnor, Rathbone or "Ernie Frank; full, Rathbone. Kansas. Conch Konnody's pupils were sue ceEsful Thursday for the first time lu tho soason in working tho rovlscd for ward pass. Not only onco but several times during the Bcrlmmage with the freshman toatn did tho varsity use the toss formation. Tho result was as Konnoily predicted, long gains. The coach was moro ploasod with the new play than ever and expressed hlniEolf as confident that It would, prove the real big play of tho season. Ho will continue to use It In all the prelim lnary gamcB this season and to coach his mon until they become ofllclont in Its use. Tho scrimmage showed the Jayhawkers to bo In better form than during nny other practice games this Hcaeon. Thoy worked hard and buo ceeded in putting the freshmen to route by a 5 to 0 score. The Jayhawkers' line-up was chuuged lightly and will probably re main unchanged until after the Sntur day game. AmmoiiB relieved Ahrenr by going back to his old post at end and Captain Johnson went in at full back. Missouri. David E. Dextor, candldato for n backfleld position on tho Tiger team sprained his ankle In scrimmage, and will be unablo to get back in the gnmo for about a week. Dextor is re lied on to fill the position left vacant at fullback by the loss of Alexander. Dexter will not be ablo to get In the Monmouth game Friday. Coach Hollcnbeck still is worrying about Johnson, tho big veteran tackle. Johnson came out for the first time thlB season last Saturday, but did not como out last night. Johnson says ho will not be nble to sparo tho time from IiIb studies. Hollenbeck is badly in need of line men nnd Is trying his best to induce Johnson to como out regularly. The game with Monmouth college has been -moved up to this afternoon Instead of Saturday afternoon, as originally announced. will put up a.gopd fight,1 From present Indications tho line-up which will face, Pern Saturday will bo as follows; Ends, JLofgren and Chau ner;' tackles, Captain Temple and Iowa State. Tho football practice at tho Univer sity of Iowa started Tuesday; a quiz was conducted one day earlier. Nel son Kollogg, a track star of Michi gan's earlier teams, will bo the ath lotlc director. Ho is hero now. In terpretation of tho new rules will be made hero on tho return of Prof. A. G. Smith, chairman of the board of con trol of athlotlcs, who has called a meeting of western ofllclnls to be held In Chicago at the Chicago Beach notei, on the coming Saturday morn ing. Tho rules committee's western members aro to be there also. In the main, tho team that Coach Hawley will build the coming month Is to bo made up of veterans. He has tho "makings" of a powerful eleven, If tho athletes can escape tho penalty of "cons" that seem to impend. Among tho returning stars are: Mark Hyland, captain-elect, a great end; Chaso, another end; O'Brien, a husky center, who may bo switched to tncklo and thus make way for Brookhart or Bowman at tackle; Alexander, the col ored player, Is anothor sure tackle; Hooley, Bell and Hanson aro excellent guards, and Weeks, a giant of little experience, Is the promise of a high class guard. Co.ach Hawley hasn't much to worry about until ho hits tho backfleld. There ho must develop a bunch. Curry is a quarterback from tho 1909 freshman eleven; Murphy la a fullback therefrom, and both are .gjlt-edged players. Bennett, Thomas and 'Hodges offer material that ought to develop-with 'Zastrow, anothor '09' haf, as a good looker, too , THE CLUB HOUSE '. Hi NerU Uth.St. r The Place tjo buy yourOiiar, Tobacco, Pipes, 'Magazine? Society Brand Clothes Every day we are showing and selling Society Brand suits. Each season this famous line of Young Men's clothes becomes more popular. If you have not seen the new fall models let us show you what they are like. FAROUHAR The Stb It's an honor to be a Sub on the Uni Football Team. The Sub is the man who entices the team on to success. Every first team man has this motto stamped on his mind. "Do your best at all times. The Sub will get you if you don't look out" This fact we impress on the minds of the ''Seven" makers who contribute their best models to our stock. Your Goods must excell or out goes your line for the one which excells yours. Mayer Bros. "Seven" Clothes. The Best Values at Every Price Step. $10, $12, $15, $18 to $40 MAYER BROS. 1009 to 1019 O STREET Smart VVViJP Men'sRegal $ m 7 KB ; 1' xSltn of vBEdfa m - rt. Drop In And Look Over Our New Fall Regals You can tell at a glance that their lines are trimmer and smarter, and their workmanship superior to that found in other ready-to-wear shoes. And there is a reason for this. REGAL SHOES are built on the very newest and smartest custom lasts, by the most skillful bench workmen. Other ready-to-wear shoes don't have these exclusive custom shapes until the following season when these styles are out of fashion. We recommend these Regals for-long service, and guarantee to fit you correctly and comfortably. .$35o $400 $450 $500 SPE1ER & SIMON Corner 10th and O Street 4n H i rf : ' m - r if. ? WJir, S 'HP, I -VJ' i, ; r ',' T' Jf, - a . .,' - ,"5 ..