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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1910)
ijBtfr rw, y'vawv" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN fc f" n? r Ti Oliver Theatre Tonight, Sat. and Sat. Mat. THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE Night, $1.00 to 25c Mat., 50c and 25c COMING "THE WIZARD OF WI8ELAND" LEW DOCK8TADER Wm. Norrls In "My Cinderella Girl" I IMPni U MATINEES (Bxctpf Mcnday) 3:30 LlnUULn BVEN1NOS AT 8:30 ORPHEUM SUSS'iS.' ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Week Starting Monday, Sept. 26 HAYWARD & HAYWARD And 7 Other Big Acts Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 3!jc and 50c TIT E ront all umlcos of typewriters " and furnish with ouch machine a goldon oak typowritor tablo. A apocial rato$0.00 for 8 months is now boing offerod. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Ground Floor Richards Mock The First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST " $1 opens an account " 139 South 11th Street. LiliPRINTINGXtiyH Soo Us Boforo Ordering Elsowhoro Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-130 No 14th St. SPECIAL GLASSES FOR UNI MEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE UTILI TARIAN STUDIES. Afternoon and Evening Classes in Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typewrit Ing, Penmanship At Nebras ka School of Business. EXPERIENCE Of UNIVERSITY MEN Tho Nebraska School of Business, located in tho Hall Bros.- building, 1519 O street, is organizing special afternoon and evening classes at con venient hours" for university studonts who wish to study either shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping or pennlon ship. Tho evening classes meet three ovonlngs each week Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. University stu dents may arrange for any number1 of hours per week that' they may wish to take, and Ulcerates for tuition will bo very reasonable. Tho instruction is given by teachers of long experi ence and recognized ability. MrGIenn O. Taylor, B. A., LL. B., peaking from his owif oxporlence, says: I have no Hesitation in say ing that I believe the freshman In col- lego makes a mis take If he does not avail himself of tho opportuni ty of studying shorthand and typewriting. Tho student who has a knowledge of shorthand has not only a very rapid moans of taking notes from class work to be used later as references in preparation for roviows and examinations, but also has a knowledge which may be readi ly turned into money during his spare hours and vacations- Moreover, such student, when his college course Is finished, Is assured Immediate employ ment in the commercial-world." Mr. Frank Oates, a student of the N. S. B., who held a position with tho B. & M, In this city last year, is now paying his way through Northwestern, at Evanston, with, hjs shorthand and , typewriting. Any university students Interested In these special classes are Invited to .call at the school and ob(tain further particulars. Tho school, is located ON THE CAMPUS The first university girls' tea will bo hold this aftornoon at 3:30 o'clock. Havo your clotheB pressed at Wob- er's Sultorlnm, Eleventh and O. tf Y. M...C. A. and Y. W. C. A. socials on Saturday night. Evorybody will be there. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P streets. ' J. E. Woods, '10, Beta Theta Pi, of York will enter Northwestern medical college this' fall. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120. No. 11th. . P. J. Pipal, 1907, fellow In botany, spent last year as principal of the schools at Benkelman, Neb. Any make of typewriter with golden oak typewriter tablo, $6 for 3 months. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. tf It was announced at convocation Thursday that Gov. Shallenbcrger would hold a reception for all the new girls of the university October 8. Miller & Palno's Cafe. "A good place to oat." Quick service, well cooked food, moderate prices, good menu. Try it! 1-Bt Miss Ethel Sloan of Geneva has re turned to enter her sophomore year at the university. Hon. Charles IF. Sloan, her father, Is the republican candidate for congress in the Fourth -rtlistrict. H. S. Stephens, 0S. visited at the Delta Upsilon house Tuesday, lie was on his way to Ft. Collins. Colo., where he goes into tho law business. 1143 0St. $G rents any make of typewriter with stand for three months. Itent applied if machine is purchased. Lin coln Typewriter Exchange, 122 No. 11th. Richards block. You pnss our store every day. If Prof. Sarka Hrbkova of tho depart ment of Slavonic haB returned from Clarkson, where she gave an address in the Bohemian language at an anni versary meetng of a' society belong ing to the Federation of Bohemian Women. Dean Fordyce and wife were called to IJiawatha, Kan., yesterday on ac count of the death of the mother of Mr. Fordyce, who passed away Wed nesday night. Dean, Fordyce will re turn in time for his classes on Mon day. Die Germanistlsche Verein will hold its first meeting In the banquet hall of the Temple Friday afternoon, Sept. 30, at 5 o'clock. All members and all Interested in German are re quested to attend, as important mat ters are to bo discussed. A bulletin just issued by tho U. S. department of agriculture contains an article written by Joseph A. Warren, '98. It Is a careful resume of studies of legunus, wild bean pod-plants, in Nebraska and Kansas. F-r-H I HALLETT thb SttO YATES-FRENCH CO, 1220 O Strf t ," The marrlago of Miss Sylvia Killlah, Pi Bctn Phi, of Wnhoo to Mr. F. Quiggley of Lincoln was held at the home of the bride's father Wednesday afternoon. The chapter girls of Pi Beta Phi wore In attendance Mr. and Mrs. Quiggley will ninko thoir future home at Valentino. Dr. BcsBoy has decided' to open his lectures In botany 33 to all studcutB. This 1b a two-hour course primarily designed for .those who expect"' "to teach botany. While it Is a special course in the tcachors college, any 0110 can take it as a locturo courso with out credit. ThlB Is the first time the course has been offered. The class moots at 8 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. - F. E. Clements, head professor of botany at tho University of Minnesota, has written to Dr. Bessey telling of work at Minnesota. Dr. Clements, who is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and was a follow and later assistant profeBBor, wont to his pres ent position, sevornl years ago from Nebraska. Over llvo hundred stu dents are enrolled in botany 1, which course corresponds precisely to the course nt Nebraska. Coe, Simpson. Cornell nnd Moines begin chiHses today. Doh Michigan la soon to have a $200,000 auditorium. The present hall Is much too small. Last year tho son of tho khedive of Egypt took a course In ngrlculture at tho University of Michigan. At the University of Washington co-eds are eligible to wear tho var sity "V" for .excellence in the vari ous branches of sport. Last year out of a mepibcrship ol 273 men, tho Young Men's Christian Association of tho University of Ar WIfP" DON'T BE LATE-- get an alarm clock the good kind. $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.7$, $2, 2.50, $3 one day and eight day; long alarm or intermittant Big Ben's too knnsns had 21G enrolled In Dibit study, 50 In mission study classes, and an average attendance nt the relig ious meetings of 80. A trial court hns been put in oper ation at Wisconsin for the purpose of trying undergraduate offenders upon complaint of the members of tho fac ulty. Indiana graduates now fill the president's chair in seven colleges. Seven sons of one Bloomington man are professors and one is a college president. The trustees of Columbia univer sity are contemplating the expendi ture of $3,000,000 for their college of physicians and surgeons. .They pro pose to make it the greatest medical school in the world. Now York. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the vanished explorer, has been sight ed in a Munich hotelT under tho name of Mr. Coleman and family. Michael Mntynn of Bridgeport, Conn., has in formed tho New York Times how he met' the doctor. "I nrrlved in Munich on August 31," said Mr. Ryan, "and on entering the dining room of my hotel I was amazed to see Dr. Cook, his wife, son and daughter sitting at a table. There was no attempt at "disguise. Ho wore his moustache, little side whiBkors and looked just like his photographs." v THE GIRLS Are getting next to the fact that they can buy shoes, with the $5.00 style, fit and finish here for ' $3.00 No moe Stage Lasts a Specialty - BTX 'EM UP TOO COMING EVENTS Convocation. TuoBday, October 4, at convocation, Dr. F. M. Fling will be the speaker. Social. Fraternity "rushing" Boason opens Friday evonlng, SeptombOr 30, at, C o'clock. Tho Union Lltornry society will hold its opening reception to now Btu donts Friday nt 8:15 p. m., Union hall, Tomplo building. The Second Prosbytorian church re ception to students will bo hold on Friday evening. The first Y. M. C. A. "stag" rocop- Hon will bo held on Saturday, Octo ber 1. The Y. W. C. A. will hold open house on Saturday ovenlng, Octo ber 1. English club meets Saturday even ing nt 8 o'clock at tho homo of Miss klaxon Sprngue nt 3119 O street. Organizations. The German socloty (Gormanis tlBche GoBollschaft) moots Friday af ternoon. Ail members axe requested to attend. University Democratic club moots Tuesday, October 4, 7:3a p. m., In room U306. The KomciiBky club will entertain in honor of the new Bohemian stu dents enrolled at the university on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herman, 102L M street. All Bohemian students arc cordially Invited to bo present. The Pallndlan Literary society will give an open reception to new Btu dents tonight at tho hall on the third floor of tho Temple. Everyone is cor dially invited. Athletics. Football practico every day at 3 o'clock on the athletic field. Saturday, October 1, football, Ne braska vs. Peru, athletic field. Every dny this week: Season tick ets for sale. They admit to all tho games. Class Elections. Senior election, Tuesday, October 4th. Junior election. Thursday, October Uth. Sophomore election, Tuesday, Octo ber 11th. .Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid in advance, at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three inser tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. Wanted Student barber for Satur dayp. 205 So. 11th. 4-3t Found Music student's notebook. Owner may obtain same at "Rag" of fice by paying for this ad. 5-3t For Rent. Students Clean, ;nodorn room arid board. 1328 T st. 2-5t Two rooms on first floor, oak finish,, strictly modern. Call Auto 6015. 3-3t Room and board for three young men In a private family. All mod-rn home. Close to university. 1225 U st. 3-3t Educational. Learn Wireless and R. R. Telegra phy. Shortage of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ex tensive "wireless developments. Wo operate under direct supervision of telegraph officials and positively place all students, when qunllfied. Write for catalogue. Nat'l Telegraph Inst, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, Davenport, la., Columbia, Sv C.,' Port land, Ore. ' v tf The Saratoga Eleventh ami P Streets A CHAT ON CLOTHES Do you know what Ken sington moans? It means clothes jib por fect as clothes can bo. Clothes hand tailored by craf tsm on porf oefc fi t f ault los8 style distinctive fabrics. Thoy oqual tho host work of merchant tailors. .They're the result of our years 01 experience macio according to our direction. Prices that you can afford $20.00 to $40.00. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street Simmons the Printer PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 2319 317 So. 12th laxite KBBBBBKjri Herpoisheimer's Gate Dinner 11:30 to J :30 OCA Supper 5(30 io 7t30 fcUll ALSO GAFETERIAH STYLE Hot Waflis with Maple Syrup lOo Wharton's $2.50 Shoe Store and the Original Elect ric Shoe Repair Factory 142 No. 12th St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN , 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited Hot Drinks aro now in soason. Do yon know any place wboro you can get as QUICK SERVICE as you canat qur new store? No need of being Crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen 14tk Jb O S. W. CKMf The. Largest & Best Place "S i t BILLIARDS mtheefe O street in JppWr JuBt oast of th(j M"- cTa 4