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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1910)
t r ? J?As?i3A.sian yjT."f TT v Mi V) . K ,-,-', - -401f--) ,. t2"- -'? . . . . . . t rimi """""w-j . . -! a be umlip meorasRan 1 VoL IX. No. 149. ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT . PLANS NEARLY COMPLETE PLANS ARE TO MAKE THIS ' BEST ENCAMPMENT YET. SHEIBY TENTS TO BE USED Cadets Are to Work Out Many Problems in Military Work Canteen to Be Established--- Gadets to Spend Some Time on Rifle Range. The .annual cadet encampment will commence next Wednesday. The cadets will assemble, at the armory and there they will be -marched to the Burlington sta tion. They will be taken by twin from Lincoln to about three miles north of Ashland, where ythcy will murcli from to the place where the encampment will be held, at the government rifle " range. For the past two weeks prep jjiarations have been going on fori the encampment. Captain-Quar- t tenhnster Modesitt has been '.working on the details of the camp lor some time, and it prom- ises to be one of the best en campments that has ever been heldi by the university cadets. This week the cadets have been issued haversacks, mess kits and canteens, for use afijiunp. This is govt-rnmenpproperty, and the cadets will be also better equipped for this encampment than they ever haye before. Shelby Tents. The cadets this year will be housed in Shelby tents. These . t 1 1 A. -1.,.1. 4-1. A ure rue conical icnis which uw government lias had in use for the past few years.-' The tents willle 'distributed proportionate ly between the six companies and .vtheUv6detachments. Three tents will be issued to each company for the use of the officers and the first and second sergeants. Eight tents will be used by the remainder of the company. The camp this year will be dif ferent in many ways from for mer encampments. The men will bp put to work in the solution of various military problems. In previous yeafsthc cadets have had daily drill and one problem in defense and attack of Jt posi tion. This year they will havo problems in outpost duty, and other similar military problems 1 besides the problem in- defense and 'attack. Drills and parades will also occupy a- large part of the time -flf the cadets, and Jtho mwHMiininpnh this vear nromises -tir kv ft busy five -days for- flic four' hundred men of the First battalion of university cadets. Another new feature of this year's encampment w,illj. be the work of the cadpts on, the rifle 1 ranee. Last vear thoAvhdle bat talion spent, a clay io range. , This year it is pi ,to have spend a one company at a day on the range. ? is will give the cadets a chanco to do their best work .on the targets and in -this way the men' of the various Companies can show" vtfia't ability tjujy. have as marksmen., A Canteen. , This year, the cadet encamp, ment is to have a canteen... This is 'another novel feature of the At XMifJ Wfpe 7 ' fff01: cs- JpiSm,e' VTfCl ' f, "fl- UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1910. years the Y. M. C. A. lias had a refreshment tent at camp, but this, year the quartermaster will have a regular canteen. .Here everything in tfie line of necessi ties may he purchased by the cadets. Clothing, refreshments, and all things that could be pur- 'ehased at a regular army can teen will he kept on sale at the canteen at the camp. Things of this nature are expected to make the encampment one of the best ever held by the First battalion of university cadets. DR. CONDRA IN CHARGE. Will . Teach in Largest -Summer School. Catalogs of the Cornell 1'niver sity summer school have been re ceived on the campus. Dr. G. K. Condra is again to have charge of the department of geography in the Ithaca summer school. This is the largest summer school in the United tates, professors and students and teachers being pres ent from everywhere. Dr. Con dra is to give lectures on jndus- trial geography, physical geo'gra- phy and will be in charge of the field work, as well as direct the ether work. lie will have a corps of , four instructors under him. Cornell is well situated to be made an ideal place to study geography in the summer. Field excursions to Niagara Falls and New York city are listed. Cor nell has the mOst beautiful cam pus in the country. Dr. Condra leaves, about July 4 for Ithaca, giving summer school lectures here before going. It would be a good chance for Nebraska stu dents who wislj to get acquaint ed with eastern student methods and have an ideal place to dot? . . j ------ - m m summer work to go to Cornell for their summer months. TO PRESENT THE RIVALS. A, to Giveiff, Class in Rhetoric 38 Short Comedy Thursday. Thursday morning at 10 o'clock the members of the class in rhet oric 'S will present the short comedy; "The Rivals," in the Temple theater. The class wil al.M) present another short, com edy at the close of the presenta tion of "The Rivals.". The cast is as follows: Sir Lucius 0 'Trigger. ; . '. . ' . . A. It,' Raymond Bob .Acres den Fordyce Captain. Absolute . ...... 7 ... Harry Hathaway i.$ Anthony soluto Paul Yates Faulkland .Miss Miller t Mrs. Malajmip. ...Miss Uenningor hyO'iA' Languish. '.Miss Kaufftniii? ilu!in Miss Baker David Miss Wharton Miss Reulali Jennings Alpha Chi, spent last Sunday''"visiting her parents at Davenport. . She remained over Monday and re turner yesterday. . Alpha Chi Omega was given, a house party last Saturday even--ing by one of their number, Miss Dale Pugli, at Ijer home at Twenty-seventh and - Washington streets." Among the picnickers at C'npi tnl!BoiichxJIpudaycpu1d bo seen 11m : Ainhft.'Ohf - Onie'iras". The Alrtlm ntiic itnnrf- nnovoftllonf Journalists. Applications for tho position of Editor and . Managing Editor on tn& Dally i-NTebraskan muit be in the office of .thasecretary,. E. Hi Clark, by 5 o'clock this Vjtfning. QUESTION DECIDED FORJGOLLEBE DEBATE SUPPORT OF ORGANIZED LA BOR WILL BE ARGUED. HIGH SCHOOL QUESTION IS Unofficial Announcement offaMor- collegiate Question Made! terday High Schools lMl Argue 'Navy Problem. The question for the fifth an anual debates in the Central De bating League has been unoffici ally announced. "Resolved, That the movement of organized labor foi the closed shop should re ceive the support of public opin ion, ' is the question which will io be debated in the contests of the league next December. , The five members of the league, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wis consin, lowa and Illinois, each submitted ii question and a vote was taken. This resulted in the selection of the closed -shop ques tion as submitted by Minnesota. The Nebraska try-outs foi places on the squad will not be held until next fall. Students interested in this matter are re ferred to the intercollegiate de bating bulletin, where an an nouncement will be made -in a 'JJMr days. ' j High The quest mull Nebra High School Question. question for the fourth an: iska High School De bating League's contest was an- 'nounccd yesterday by Professor L 'M. Fogg, president of the oague. The question follows: "Re solved, That the policy of main taining the United States navy at its present strength is preferable to the policy of substantially in creasing it. it was selected Dy a vote of the members from a list of tpn which the executive com mittee suggested. A bibliography of the question will be published in the third annual bulletin of the league, which will be issued next week. The annual will ilso give an ac count of tlje forty-five contests of the year just closed. cm t PLAN FOR SELF-HELP. r "Current Literature" Has Estab lished scholarship Jt una ior Needy Students. ' Realizing that hundreds of mahh vomitr men and vomit: Avomen who, thdugh in character and ability art) cntmeci to every advantage of. a highereducatipn, aVe' compelled ,o forego a college course on acl.'ount of - lack of funds, the ('urreiit Literature Magazine, has been able, to porXcct, a plan,by,Ayhieli .it tcan enable an indefinite number of students to secure the jmonqy' freqnired to pay .nil necessary college ox-tTeiises-'- ' w,. A Scholarship, FurjU, open to any younc man or iroraan who I line tlm rtvnunt TPflnn110lidnHrma . mailable in aivrecognizea college in the country, has been 'established. The plan has the en dorsement of educators through out the country, and the supervis ing board of the fund consists of six of the best known literary men in the United States. The Hon. Adlai 14. Stevenson, ex-vice-president of the United States; i uaviu Mtarr .Jordan, prcsi- HJent of Lclnnd Stanford, Jr., Uni versity; Mr. Elgin R. L. Gould, ex-chamberlain of New Y;ork City; Dr. .John II. Finlcy, presi dent of the College of the City of New York, and former professor of politics in Princeton; h Eth el bert Warfield, president of La fayette Collogc, and Dr. Edward S. Wheeler, editor of Current Lit erature. f ' The fund provides for an un limited number . of scholarships worth spS'io a year, for a four year course. There are Jit pres ent (58 beneficiaries of the fund enrolled at 47 different colleges throughout the country, including 7 at Yale, f at Cornell, 1 at Har vard, and 1 at Dartmouth. Full particulars may be ob tained at the office of the State Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., Temple, Thursday and Friday from 2 to " and from .7 to 8 p. ta., and Saturday from !) to 11 a. in. MUSICAL CONVOCATION. Song Recital by Miss Harriett Cook. The weekly musical convoca tion will be held this morning in. convocation. The program is as follows,: Our Nebraska. . ' .University Chorus. Three Spring Songs "An Open Secret". ."Woodman "May Morning" Manney "Lc J'riiiluiiipH1' ........ .Stern Harriett Cooke. . . . "Ave Marin'" .....,... .Gnlliko University Chorus. Aria from llorodiade "11 cstdoux; if est bon" , .. Massenet n. "Will of the Wisp". .Spross b. "Jean" Spross c. "A Forest Song". .Whelply "Les Filles des Cadiz". Delibes Harriett Cooke. " Uriday Chorus" Co wen University Chorus, RECEIVE NEW MAPS. To Enlarge Courses Next Year. The department of geography has jltst received a number of maps and lantern slides to illus fratctheiiojintries''of Europe and Asja. They will be used next year in the courses which deal with these regions,. England, Ire land, , Spain, Germany, Switzer land, Italy and tho JMble hinds are among the places which can nie almost perfectly illustrated. The course next year will' be 'en larged -and ext6iidcd. There has becif a demand' for some' time oh the part of students of Bitild his tory and of foreign industries for fhis workf, and nex;t year they can be accommodated. Phi Beta Kappa, 1910, to Meet, , Thp members r of tlie class of 1910 who wore elected to the lii Beta Kappa society are requested, tp meej; at University ITall 1QC for n few minutes, at 5 o'clock tliis (Thursday) afternoon. .. . M-. M FQGO, ' Price 5 Cents. NEW NEBRASKA S0N6 SUBMITTED TODAY t THE UNIVERSITY PUBLIC TO HAVE A VOICE. CHOSEN BY THE COMMITTEE Former Rumors as to Inability to Deoide on Song Based on Mis understandingChorus Will Sing It at Convocation. The matter of choosing a uni versity song is, again to come bo fore the public. At convocation this moaning the chorus will sing. "Our Nebraska," the song tobo tricd out before the university publir. Some slight? misunderstanding has arisen with regards to tho university song Contest. It was due to this that the, report was circulated some time ago that the committee selected to choose a university song had found no song worthy of selection. The committee, it is true, did not feel ready to declare arbi trarily that any one of 'thesongs submitted to them should, bpj the official song of the school orall time. They did, however, find one oug so good that the mem here agreed it, was worth putting before the school, even at a great deal of pains, it was at first thought that the song could not be so "trfed out" until next fall, hence the matter was considered closed for the tinie being. "'By quick Work, however, the song has been ' published, and Mrs. Raymond has drilled the chorus in it. Tt will bo sung and copies will bo on sale in a day or two at different places in the city It is hoped that a largo attendance will be at convocation to' pass judgment on the song, r As submitted to the committee the words of the .song follow : Our Nebraska. I On gold of tho sun, and gold of the corn, And gold of the golden' rod, Nebraska stands, our college 'dear, Queen of her prairies, broad.. J Tor spirit free as the winds that blow, Ifcr vision wide s the sky And .high in "tho fight for' truth or right ' ' ' A-- ITcr glorious colors fly. i U.... tf, t . T ' , Chorus. . '. Then on, on, winds of the prairie, Sweep and leap o'er your billow ing -plains! Swell the song. our voices raise Nebraska! Nebraska! . Our Nebraska! ,' . ller.f is tho wealth of ages, gono, Spoil of -a million years. v , , ITefs is the hope of days to cd'mo, Strong as the sons she roars.- IMother of light to her children all, ; ' ' r . , Scattered from sea tp sea They, "shout from the Eaatthey; . r shout from the W'est; "Jiong life to, thee!" r' Chorus. . ' Then .on, on, .vrindsl of the prairie, Sweep .and leap o'er your billow. ing nlains ! , " ' , ' , Swell the song oui: voices raise Nebraska! Nebraska! 4' Our Nebraska! ''V I t M i w i. ii .) mmiP'i '. '