J1 T V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN m IriBftfllHftdlj UKuny Boys My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fiae Tailoring Cornell University Medical College A oollofte dogroe is required for admission. Advanoed standing frrantod studonta present ing satisfactory oroaontials from accredited medical colleges. Erory taoillty is offorod to nndorgradttatbs Bookitag tho dogroo of Doctor of Mouicino. Amplo faoilttlesaro also offorod qoallflod gradaatos to pursue original invostl Ration in any department For furthor par ticulars apply to Tbt Din, Ciraill Unliinltj Midleil Ctlltt, First Arc and 28th St., New York Oity. TYPEWRITERS AH makes .vented with stand $S pmr Month. Bargains in Bebnilt Maohfnot UriiIi Typiwrltir Exohanrt Auto 1160. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th JORUM. Continued from Page 2 4 feels that it is useless tp jtrv rto raise the standard -of honor among the students; that public opinion cannot be educated, nnd that alL the cheating is doiio by students who are deliberately dis honest. She thinks that the fac ulty ought to have a large, num ber of proctors, monotors" and HninH tn wiiinh t.Vin Nf.nrlnnfH nnrl f report tlicm. This, in her opin-' ion, would be no insult to the honest student, whereas the re quest to sign a pledge saying that he was going to be honest .would be nn insult. l t Wsm ffljS&iiSik Fraternity' and Sorority Traders A SPECIALTY 11 Swell Jeuelry Chas. W. Fleming JEWELER and OPTICIAN 13)1 0 SL - Lincoln, Neb merits during the coming"' exam ination, talk our p"ans over with our parents durinvtlie summer, and come l)aekyjifrHliefaU deter mined to raise the. -standard of honor he if it toe possible. We can count upon cordial .co-operation from the chancellor, the ad visor of women, the registrar and faculty. If the plan first stated is best, and only the faculty can help i. inatterswAot us hope that they will be brought to a realiza tion of thp fact. vBut if the move muflt come from the students, then let us all work together. .. ' M. WANTED Wanted Students (ladies or gentlemen) who desire omploy mont during vacation may loam of an .opportunity by addressing Nobraskan "G." Givo address, and hour interview may bo had. tf o Ailr,iy It is the 'custom of the minister of All Souls' church, corner 12th and H streets, to preach an an nual sermon' to studonts. This will be given on Sunday morning, 29th. The subject is "A These views are given Jier length in order consider "them is not confined to any fino organ ization or set of organizations. It concerns all the Avbmen in the school. Let us i in&dij, our own LoBfcRed covered pocket notc r that tha 'girls innyl jYya6 of Discovery." All stu l. Tho movement ts in the university are cor- i di . .. : :aj u. ..ii...j -uiiuiy inviiuu in uuunu. 147-lt LOST book, containing notes on ad vanced mathematics. Finder leave at Nobraskan office and re ceive reward. 147-3t New Music When you go homo Bond to mo for tho musio that aro tho "Hlta" hero at tho Uni. Stay in the gamo oren though you aro at homo. WALT "The Music Man" i faisO STREET UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1121 STREET,, YELLOW FRONT Yew rutnMge Soltcttb Addison Mould, Phi Psi,. of Omaha ,is visiting in Lincoln at the present time. Waterman foun- on campus. Reward Lost Black tain pen, for return to Nobraskan office 145-3t H ' .-p. ' . 55 Clissiflri Cil.mn J I Lost-Brown Moore's rion-leak-able fountain pen. Return to Nobraskan office. 145-3t PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PEtYSIOIAKS AND SURGEONS DR. LILLIAN SNOW, 1339 0; hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Dis eases of women. Auto 3038. FULK 1325 0 ST. After June 1 you want to wear a new straw hat and you want it to be strict ly correctrin styleand-the beststraw hat your jmoney will by. A hat select ed from, our large stock will be sure to please, you. ' $6.50 to $1.00. 3PEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION AT THE Minnesota Resorts They aro easily Fetched via Chicago J ? Great Westerns 'Railroad T.he St. Paul-Minneapolis "3hort,LlnoM Two, Dally Trains JDaylight "Twin City Express" and Electric Lighted "Twin City Limited" .Comfortable and complete In every f detail Leave Omaha 9 A. M. and 8:30 P. M. Round Trip $12.50 Juqe 1 to September 30 Agents of all linos sell tickets via tty) CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN. For further Information, call at any ticket oflc,,qr. address , FREtf wigat; bi.t:pa8;rAit f 15-12 Farnam St. - Omaha, Nebr. Campus Gleanings W C. II. Frey, florist. 1133 0 st. New Hayden Studio, 1127 0 st. Chapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 13th. ' Domestic Lunch. J. McKen- sie, 1230 n. .. t Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 115-119 So. 12th street. .' i ' Trya lunch at the Y. M. C. A: Spa. 13th and P sts. ! 'Green's Sanitary Barber Shop1. 120 N. 11th. f --. Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto 5877. Be;foe buying your Spring foot gear let Beckman IBros, show you their new snappy oxfords. 1107 0 st. Paul Boll, Beta, '09, was a limvorsit.v visitor -vpRtmvlftv J -- wm m, v w v w. v w VJ DR. 0. H. RUSH, Surgeon, Richards Block. Both Phones. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, 221 Burr Blk. Both Phones. LIFE INSURANCE UNION CENTRAL IJFE, S. B. Coon, agt., 216 Richards blk. . "Marcia Iladley, '07, is teach ing in the schools at Elleusburg, "Washington. a Albert Tjbbcts, Alpha Tan, re turned yesterday to Hastings after a short visit in Lincoln. , . v ! The state fair management has. set aside Thursday, September 8, as Collego Ahimni Day. Superintendent Calvin L. Ken dall,: city schools Indianapolis', A. Iff. Tale 1900, will be one of the lecturers at the summer school of Buperintondonce. Ben Clierrington, the popular coach of. our" successful track earn, is at prpspnt at his home in Omaha; suffering from jllness. tt' is hoped that Coach Cherring 'tqn will be 'back in school in a f(w days. y, - TVt s. FF-H C'l onoes The that will look best at graduation , will be the "F-F-H". Shoe. Why not have a pair? YATES-FRENCH efc : . , 1220 & Street SttO When We RoSole Your Shoes They Never Rip New Line of Pumps and Ties Ready for You r r The . Pompadour a very high toe in Gun Metal 'MOM i and Tan is very smart. i The New High Arches and High Toes look good on the feet. I v.:- I i EffiidjmFK v. L)-' r I ' I' . tv . Men's Bootcry i C. V. Roberts 144 No. 12th Lincoln ! l Su ni ihe rt Session ,;'' The University of Nebraska June 2b to August 12, 1910 Courses in Agriculture, Anatomy, ' Special attention to subjects r . via. XI Tit.. I.l . . ' . . Botany, unemisuy, waucaiion, juuca- f-quirea ioivproiessionai ceruflcats. -- tional Theory -and Practice,-secondary Education, .Normal Training Elemen Wy Education Englisll Language and; Literature, 'French, Geography and Geology, German, American 'History, Homo Economics; Horticulture, 'Latin, Manual Training, Mathematics, Me chanical Drawing, Philosophy and Pay chojogy. Physical (Education, Physiol ogy, Political Science arfd" Sociology, Ruetorte and 'English, Composition, Zoology, ' .. - J c( i i Nine hoHrs of- college'work possibla. , . . Conditional admission on 22 polats. Teachers 2X yesjwbr over my. enWr"4 . ds Adult SpecIaikaUdents. I High-School Coursea la the Teaok rs' Collego High School. TIVvi rnllAfln tnMtna4An a1j1ham1 UMVWUt VI 1U1VIUMUUU HUU1CI If 1' THE REGISTRAR . ' r n r M i UMi,yaMeei, v awtiitlGSP University of Nebraska .Lincoln. I.. ' Y. f K 4' . . m. . JH r v vv .y..v i 4. . ' . t ' . A- i