The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 01, 1910, Image 1

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Vol. IX. No. 148.
McGowan Breaks the Conference
Record by Pour Seconds
Hard Luck Roosts on Ne
braska's Standard.
Nebraska won third place in
the Missouri Valley conference
"meet laBt Saturday, being a half
point behind Missouri, which was
second. Kansas won first place.
All the luck brqke her way, and
it upset all calculations of the
dppesters, who conceded a prob
able victory to Nebraska, as the
XJornliuskers had already defeat
ed Kansas ih their meet. The,
meet was exciting and the three
Universities who scored the most
points were neck and neck all
through the contests. ' The
weather was warm, but there was
a strong wind blowing. Seven
new records were, set in spite of
thiH. Fully 5,000 people wit
nessed the events, the Drake sta
dium at Des Moines being filled
to its capacity. The final score
was: Kansas, 31; Missouri, 22;
Nebraska, "21M-.
Nebraska again demonstrated
that she has the best relay team
in the west when Ankeny, Davis,
Burke and Reed won their race
easily. McGowan was another
Nebraska star, winning first in
t;he half-mile against a strong
wind .and breaking the conference
Record four seconds. He received
a gold watch, which was givqn
each first, and a gold medal. This
also gave him his "N." The
ljelay team won the silver cup.
Tlie men Nebraska counted on the
lpost failed to score. Graham,
the best pole vaulter in the val
ley, was stopped at 10 feet, a
strong gust of wind spoiling his
three trials. Munson failed tp
touch the board in his three
trials at the broad jump and
failed to qualify.
Other Scores.
Shock tied for third in the,
pole vault, scoring one-half point.
Shonka put the shot 40 feet 5
inches, a new university record,
but wob only second in the meet.
Reed got third in the 100 yards,
and second intho 440. In the
latter rage he drew the outside
track .and the other seven men
blocked him so completely he had
little chance of winning. How
ever, he ran a remarkable race
and was easily secQnd. Burke
was third in the 440. Clark won
second in the mile. It was, a
very close race and the winper
lowered the record several .sec
onds. Melik was third in the
two-mile. Steele of Missouri, the
winner, ran a sensational race
and mnele the fastest time pypr.
made west of the Mississippi .river
with the exception of Anderson's
race at the indoor meet in Om
aha Jast fall. Anderson was un:
able to be in the mept "because
of injuries. u
Summary of Eventgi. , i
100-yard dasi "Wilson1, " "'Coe
'college, Cedar Rapids, la., first;
"Haddock, Kansas, secpnd ,,Reod,
tfdftfttit, ' third. Timer & W
on'da, ilaC
One-mile run Thompson,
Drake, won; Clark, Nebraska,
second; Bier, Antes, third. New
record. Time, 4:34 2-5.
120-yard hurdles Winters,
Kansas, won; Wilson, Iowa, sec
ond ; irolcomb, Ames, third. Time,
16 2-5.
440iyard dash Bermond; Mis
souri, wonf Reed, Nebraska, sec
ond; Burke, Nebraska, third.
Time, 50 4-5. New record.
The score at the end of the
fouth event stood :
Kansas 8, Nebraska 8. Missouri
5, Drake 5, Coo 5, Iowa 3, Amc?1
220-yard hurdles Hamilton,
Kansas, first; Davis, Kansas, sec
ond; Kinzer, Grinnell, third.
Time, 27 seconds,
Half-mile run -McGowan, Ne
braska, firsfr; Talbot, Missouri,
second ; Kraft, Ames, third. Time,
2:00 4$, New record. .
F 0-yard dash Haddock, Kan
. first; Wilson, Coe, second;
Young, Ames, third. Time, 22 1-5.
New record.
Discus throw Alderman, Iowa,
won; A. B. Roberts, Missouri,
second: Smith, Ames, third. Dis
tance, 126 feet 3 inches. New
Points : Kansas, 21 ; Nebraska,
13: Missouri, 11; Iowa, 8; Ames,
5; Drake, 5; Coe, 8; Grinnell, 1.
Pole vault Lambert, Wash
ington, and . Stevens, I&jasouri,
tied for first; Roe, Drake,, and
Shock, Nebraska, tied for' third.
Height, 10 feet 10 3-8 jnches.
One-mile rolay Nebraska, firs
One mile relay Nebraska,
first; Missouri, second; Ames,
third. Time, 3:28 2-5.
Two-mile run Steejo, Missouri,
first; Kemler, Ames, second; Mcr
lik, Nebraska, third. Time,
0:56 3-5. New Missouri Valley
record. BeBst time ever estab
lished west of Mississippi river.
Shot put Howe, Washington,
first r Shonka, Nebraska, second;
Alderman, Iowa, third. Distance,
42 feet 6 1-2 inches. New rec
ord. Points: Kansas, 21; Nebraska,
22 1-2; Missouri, 23; Iowa, 9
Ames, 9; Grinnell, 1; Drake, :
Coe, 8; Washington, 9.
High jumpMitchell, Wp.slH
ington, and French, Kansas, tied
for first; Lee, Ames, third.
Height, 5 feet 9 1-8 inches. New
One-half mie rqlay, . Drake,
first; Grinnell, second; Iowa,
third. Timo 1:33, i
Broad jump Wilson, Kansas,'
first; Knowles, Grinnell, second;'
Winter, Kansas, third. Distance,
22 feet 10 1-2 inches. J
Final score: Kansas, 31; Mis
souri, 23; Nebraska, 22 1-2;
Drake, 10 1-2; Towal 10; Anies,
10: Washington, 12; Coe, 8; Grin'r.
-nell, 7.
Columbia Honors Woman. '
In the recent election to col
lego hpnors teachers' college of
Columbia University shgldd out
a young woman ior an nonor
that has , but f ow precedents in
the history 'tf-'the institution.
Miss Abby Porter Leland has
been chosen a fellow in educa
tion. J3hoisono of three .women
on whoin, so far as the college,
pcorcte . show,, this signal honor
Khasvbeeh conferred.
.George ..Hunt, .and. ,B. .Tynde
went 10 Des Moines to witness
the track meet.
Young Couple, Their Servants
and Their Parents Mix Over
Repetition of Sentence All
- - Live'Happily Ever After.
"Thank heaven, the table's
set. Now, please say it." "J
won't." "You will." "I won't."
"You will." "Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"
. Such was the character of the
discussion very evident at the an
nual junior class special program,
given in place of tho regular con
vocation exercises in Temple the
ater. The program, in all, con
sisted' of a production of "Ob
stinacy," a simple one-act. com
edy by Annie Peacock. Without
out doubt the play this morning
compared favorably , with many
of the past junior eiiterbiinmcnth
and in humor excepdqd most of
them. The. plot, although simple,
was very ludicrous. The play is
laid n the interior of n home
owned by Robert, tand Grace Aus
t1n!M ifty.y.vj$dcJ eouple, Tho
Ojfqresad pcbnle hayp as .servants
twp negroes-a young man and
ypung lady, who are existing on
the "united we stand" basis. The
curtain raises with the negro girl
and boyi on the stage. Their
names are Lizzie and George, re
spectively. For noma foolish, rea
son. George says, "Thank heaven,
the table's sot," and requests
Lizzie to please repeat tho same
words. This she adroitly refuses
to do. Result, a word battle "re
splendent wijth acrimony; ulti
mate result, a breach of all pre
vious soul inspiring, engagement
Repeat Performance. '
Enter Robert and Grace, both
in amiable mood. Sudden dotco
tipn by Robert of Lizzie's appar
ent grief. Upon investigation.
Robert reveals the truth of the
affair, and, both as a joke and a
mnfli nil nf ont'tlinr ll. !.- ..n
M'"""UU v nuinillf, mu Him IJIJUI
rol. .he asks .Grace to renent the
simple words, "TJjiuik 'heaven,'
(the table.'s sqt." To this com
plete surprise, Qraee , refuses tw
.reflupfjt fand asserts 'h.qr ntqntion
of never .'repeating tfumi. Tnis
stand,, Robert deems an insidt
(Result, another, quarrel, with'
more bitter words. Robert and
Grace' both appeal to the princi
ple of tho. question, and, at
length',; no' sdttlfnent having, bepii
jreaqhed, .they "in turii disavow
fc)foir )natrjmonial bonds. Grace
decides to return homo.
At this unexpecVd mojnent he
parents of the married cpjjplc
f riter ihe scene, Tlie old geritle-'
lan soon diseeVnf tlij existence
pf riffl9d,foiithor8, Kiind qucstionK,
Concerning the same! 'Ho finds
the trftjh. t Likewise, he cpnsi
prs it' a joke, and refers to his
Wife as a living example of )rth
!'no nuarral. evorlnsHViL"'"'. lt.vnn.
She, -however, t'pfr-'SHJlJ with,
neasure of his' fVtQijaMoVie and
levpiop, t)iQn grgiQiisy bC
: leeches her to reptv URhjnlc
leaven, the itable set." This
favpr she obstinately refuses.'
Result, more high-toned belliger
encies. Homo for Thorn.
At this juncture Grace and her
mother make preparations for n
homeward migration. Hereupon
Robert produces a beautiful neck
lace which ho had purchased in
view of the culmination of three
months' happy life. Ho tosses it
to (3 race and tells her to take it
with her.
This Grace can't stand1 and
with n conquered spiritT she
whispers, "Thank heaven, the
table's Bet," much to her moth
er's disgust. Result, a congenial
embrace and "kidooy" scene on
the part .of Robert and Grace.
George and Lizzie are the next in
order to establish a truce, due
to the surrender of "obstinate"
At this "mother" makes a glar
ing declaration of independence,
and cries that if they were her
dying words, she would never
say, "Thank heaven's the table's
sot." This consequently makes a
striking climax to the comedy.
The juniors participating in
the play were the following:
George Harold Coulter
Lizzic Lucile Harris
Robert Austin. . .Byrne Marcellus
Grace Austin. .Florence Whittier
Frederick Kent, Austin's
father-in-law ..Nye Morehouse
Mrs. Kent Margaret Guthrie
D..G. Andrews to Lead Forensic
Organization. , '
At the closing meeting of tho
Student .Debating Club of the
year, Saturday evening, the fol
lowing officers were elected for
next somester: President, D? G.
Andrews; vice-president, II. E.
Dixon, and secretary-treasurer,
Mr. Howard. A general discus
sion followed considering means
for invigorating the club, and
committees were appointed to
make recommendations for
changes next year.
The past year has been quite
successful. The interest has been
good jand plenty of material is in
existence. An oratorical contest
was hold this spring whicll
brought out good talent. Tho
winner of first place wan Mr.
Daniels and of second Clarence
Clark, An aggressive campaign
nliiitnnri for nrvt vnnr itnr1rf
,... !-..,....., -w. ..w... j .,. ..........
Ihe new omcials.
Many Seniors Call at ,Cornhusker'
Omco Yesterday.
The senior invitations arrived
,v.stcrdny and were distributed
lrom the oflice of the Cornhusker
yesterday afternoon. Tlie com
,mittee in charge was swamped
with seniors desiring their invita
tions m I g the afternoon.
The invitations for this year
arc very attractive. They are
put up iii cither the 'leather or
pard covers with' an, artistic
Fjiicld of Nebraska in the upper
left hand auarter and " Nebras
ka" i)n the lower right hand
quarter. On1 the first page is a
but, of old IT hall, which fol
lowed by thty program for com
jufuicehiQiit week. The class .of
fers, class committees nd class
Voll occuply tho succepding.pages.
' , : r, -pa,
; liss Marian Carter, Altfha. Dm,
icron Pi, leaves for Boston Fri
day, ' - .-
Price 5 Cents
Comments of Approval and Do
light With Publication of Up',
per Classes Are Hoard as
Students Read Annual.
The Cornhusker is out. Scat
tered over tho campus, on the
benches, in hallways, on tho
walks and on the steps of' the
buildings, the students glanced
through the big annual. A few
hasty glances at the new features
of the book and the majority 6f
(he readers hastily turned to tho
joke department.
The same scene was portrayed
on the campus this morning as
has been portrayed at the univer
sity each year for the past three
years. Every one who had a mo.
ment to sparo was reading the
"Cornhusker." Many comments
mere made on the big annual,
and all of them were favorable.
The best book yet," "The ar
rangement is certainly great,"
these and similar remarks were
heard on all sides, as "the stu
dents commenced to go through
thp pages upon pages of individ
ual pictures and write-.up, cuts
of fraternities, sororities, the yafi
ou,s organizations of iihp univer
sity, the stories, the poems' land
last but not least" the jokes.
Similar Binding-;" "
The 1910 Coriiliusker is similar
to the annuals of the paBt two
years. The binding is in black
leather and the lettering in cold'.
The publication of trid junior arid
senior classes this year is differ
ent in many respects than the
previous publications. The ' an- -
nual is divided into six books,
which are in turn divided irito
chapters, where the large 'amount
of material coming in that book
causes it necessary for its classi
fication, The various books of
the annual have been divided by
colored inserts. This adds ' a
charm to the book aridalBo shows,
that there is somd change- 'from
the work of the former Corn
husker staffs.
The Cornhusker was first pubr
lished by the junior and' ftenioc
ulasses of the university 'in l(K)t.
At that time the Vobk was made
a combination of 'the senior book"
which had beeh at'that time piib-v
lished . by the senior class. At;
rthis time tho juniors had also
published the Sombrere for sev
eral years, and some of tno" dthe
colleges of the'university had 'also'
been publishing annuals' of varUw
pus nature for several VcarsA
Some difficulty arose and it waV
decided hattho yearly publica
tions of the various-colleges and
classes would--be oombine'd'into
one large pSfbliba'tion whidh
would be issued annually by tlio
junior and senior classes and'
wou)d be called thV "Corn- .
tmskor." The flfrgt annual- bear-'1
intf:-this" title -was published.' in
1907, -.and each! succeeding, year
has been, marked by thcdveririg
of the campus frith wrappers and
Other paper; as well as a: large,
pprtion of.' the student hyfaho
were reading the last volume of
tho Cornhusker.
1 1