a HteUSKA STATE HISTORICAL 800IM - --: Lincoln, Nebraska C& ' N 4 ,DEC 17 1912 TIbe IFlebraekan ft '-v.. I": i VoL IX. No. 147. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN. SATURDAY. MAY 28. 1910. 1910 CQRNHUSKER WJL LBE READYJMJIIESDAY MORNING BIG ANNUAL AN ATTRACTIVE PUBLICATION DEDICATED" TO READERS-DIVIDED INTO EIGHT BOOKS, WITH COLOR FRONTISPIECES-NOVEL. ARRANGEMENT OF PICTURES-MANY CUTS Price 5 Cent. endar for tho year. The 1910 Cornhusker is ono of the best boblw that has boon pub of this year's Cornhusker, tho university annual. He is a mom- !bor of tho Innocents and of tho lished by the upper classmen of Sigma Nu fraternity. run nmnnas f Ti. -J-.l .. . . ' it. m. bwitzlcr is correspondent The 1910 Cornhusker, the an nual publication of the junior and senior classes, will be issued Tuesday morning. The big books will be put on sale at 9 o'clock and will be distributed through out' the day. At the present time the entire edition of the annual has been contracted for, and op tions aro now being taken on tho copies of the annual that are not called for. The book that has been pro duced by the 1910 staff, of which R. S. Moseley is editor-in-chief and It. E. Weavorling is business manager, is one of the best that has ever been issued at the uni versity. Nothing in .the matter of fiinances has been spared i to make the book worth the price, as general arrangement and minor details of tho publication have been worked out to an ex cellent advantage. Many Half-tones. Many of the nlost attractive features- of tho 1910 Cornhusker is the numerous TfallTarrcsr ottP" dents and faculty members mako up tho large part of the photo graphs, although various views of the university and the state fajm campus come in for a share, of the numerous attractive fea tures. Clever cartoons and other numerous drawings also .take up a large part of the book. Many of the cartoons are extremely clover and portray the humorous side of university life. The Cornhusker has a large number' of new features. One of them being the dividing of the volume into books. Book one is entitled the "Colleges." This book is also divided into two chapters. Chapter one is made up of the pictures of the mem bers of the junior and senior elasses'of the different colleges of the university, with the write ups of tho various individuals. Chapter two contains tho his tories, of the present classes, along with cuts of the officers of the two lower classes. Book two is entitled "Frater nities," and contains a half-page cut of each fraternity and a full page list of the members of each Creek letter organization, as Nvell as 'data concerning each. Professional as well as literary fraternities are included in this list. Book three is entitled "Sorori ties," and is similar to. book two in make-up and it contains a full page cut.Qf each sorority and a page of material concerning each. Book four is entitled "Litera ture." This hook contains prose and poetry compositions by vari ous members of tho student body. Book five bears the title of "Col lego Life." In this book of the Cornhusker cuts and write-ups of the various organizations is found. The various student so cieties arc herein listed, among them being tho Union and Palla dian literary societies, the Y. M. C. A. and Y..W. C. A., tho Cath olic Students' Club, Kominsky Club, the Chemistry Club, the Forestry Club, the Dramatic Club, Latin Club, the Divinity Club, the English Club, tho En gineering Society and the Uni versity Chorus, and many oth ers. Chapter two of this book deals with debating work at the University of Nebraska and con tains cuts of the intercollegiate debating teams as well as the cuts of the members of the class debating teams. Chapter three of this book contains cuts of the various class societies, among them being the Innocents, Black tne university. It deals with every phase of university life and all university activities. One of tho excellent things about the new volume is that tho cuts and cartoons aro extremely clear and distinct. No blurrs or poor cuts mar the book and instead tho beauty of tho volume is greatly added to. The Cornhusker is bound in soft leather similar to the 1908 Cornhuskor, with the lettering on the outside cover in gold. The 1910 Cornhusker is dedi cated to the readers and all thoso who express a love for Nebraska. The various books of tho volume are set off by colored supplement, making in all one of the most at tractive publications that has ever been produced by the mem bers of the junior and Rnninr classes of tho university. Great credit for the excellence of this volume is due to the work of R. S. Moseley as editor-in-chief and R. E. Weaverling as business manager. Those two men have Deen assisted to a great extent by G. E. Reed, managing editor, and R. E. Waldo and I. S. Cutter, managing editors for the law col lege and medical college respectively. JOURNALISTS TO UIUC I .;y!!iflv", " JPI'DSJ--: OHAPim'TO in Lincoln for the Omaha World Herald, and has worked on that paper for tho past throe years. During the past year ho has dono regular correspondence for the St. Paul Dispatch. lie is a mem ber of the Phi Kappa Psi fra ternity and a senior academic. J. E. Lawrence' is a reporter on the Lincoln Daily Star, and has formerly been reporter on the Beatrice Express for one yoar. IIo is a junior law and was president of his academic class in its Boph omore year. He is a membe'r of the Alpha Theta Chi, Phi Delta Phi and Phi Alpha Tan. ' Victor B. Smith is a junior academic. He was editor-in- chief of the Daily Nobraskan, the college publication, last setnes tor, and is at present a reporter on the Nebraska State Journal. He was a reporter on the Fre mont Daily Tribune in 1907 and city, editor of the Fremont Daily Herald in 1908. He is a member of the Alpha Theta Chi frater nity. II. W. Potter is a senior aca demic, an Alpha Theta Chi, a Phi Beta Kappa and a Delta Sig ma Rho. He debated against Min- VARSITY WILL MEET " COTNEB HEBE TODAY LAST GAME OF THE SEABON WILL BEGIN AT 3:30. LAME (R0WD SHOULD ATTEND Ootnor Hob Fastest College Team in the State This Year Mia- souri Valloy Moet on at Des Moines. HAVE TWELVE CHARfi C"JjrvH4 M fTMJpKpflrappBBPPPjpppVK if - JfTV .vdBlillll4kailllllllKiHHKjJ nf MEMBERS f&HHHK frfiCTiiHrm'HBRftM Founded at Syracuse University Purpose to Elevate College Journalism None Are Below Junior Class. R. S. MOSELEY Editor-in-Chief 1910 Cornhusker. Masque, Vikings, Silver Ser pent, Iron Sphinx, Xi Delta, Spikes, and Mystic Fish. Book six portrays the military side of university life, and shows the life of the cadets at camp, on the march, and at competitive drill. The companies of the First battalion are listed and cuts of each company are given. Tho Officers' Club,, thje Pershing Rifles, and . a .full page cut of Captain Halsey Yates, colmman dant of the university cadets, aro included in this book. Book -seven is entitled "Athletics," and deals with all the university ac tivities along the line of athletics. Cuts of the varsity teams, J;he class . teams, are distributed prominently throughout. A his tory of athletics at Nebraska for the past year also is an impor tant feature of this book. Joke Department. Book eight is the humorous book of the Cornhusker, and; it benrs the title of "Jokes:" In this department every phase of student and faculty work is treat ed, in a humorous vein. Cartoons too. numerous to mention fill in a great share of this book, and last but not least comes the cal- The varsity baseball team will lino up for the last time this af ternoon. The victims will be the saucy collegians from Cotner. The Cornhuskers aro determined to defeat the mon from Bethany and the classiest baseball exhibi tion of tho season is oxpected. Ray Elliott will umpire this afternoon's game. Ho has offici ated at several games this, sea son and has given general satis faction. Elliott is an old Ne braska ball player and thorough ly understands tho game. Tho Cotnor team played a bet ter game against the Kansas Ag gies last Monday than any other team tho Jayhawkors mot on their recent rip. In fact,- the Cotneritcs probably have tho fast- - r'est collecro acrerroffntinn in i ,Btato thin vrinr fcnttSEZr""? !! i nn i i n .-. .- -t rr .ww.. PvStra Kiek- Nebraska is to have a chapter of Pi Delta Epsilon, an honorary journalistic fraternity. This was given out " late last night when news of tho granting of the chap ter to the Nebraska Press Club arrived. Tho twelve members of the Press Club petitioned Pi , Delta Epsilon of Syracuse University come time ago for tho grant of a charter.. Through some diffi culty with tho mails no news of tho granting arrived until yes terday. Pi Delta Epsilon was estab lished at Syracuse University in 1909, and has for its main pur poses to stimulate an interest in eolleero iournalism nnd to nlnvnt its 8tandarLjp25. The chcr members of the Nebraska chapter are all men who have had experience either on the college paper or. on other papers. Members are elected to this organization only "when they are actually engaged in newspa per work, have been editors of college publications, or have bona fide intentions of working on a paper when through school. None, of tho members are below the rank of a junior. The Members, Tho following is a list of; the members, with a short account of each: . . R. E. WEAVERLING Business Manager 1910 Cornhusker. nesota this year, and was editor-in-chief of the Daily Nebraskan last year. James Brown is a junior law. He is a reporter on the Lincoln Daily Star, and is Lincoln corre spondent for the Omaha Daily News. He is a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Ho was employed as a reporter under tho national republican central com mittee in Chicago in 1904, and has since that time been employed on Chicago and Omaha papers. Sam Buck is a freshman law, who came to the university from Seattle, where he was sporting editor of the Seattle Star. He is .a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. He took his academic degree at Nebraska in 1908. Stuart P. Dobbs is a reporter on the Lincoln Daily Star. He is a junior law, a Phi Beta. Kap pa and a member of Phi Alpha Tau. He won his Delta Sigma Rho as leader of the debating teams against Ipwa and Wiscon sin universities, no has- oeen promptly at 330. Student ets are good for this game and' it is hoped that every, Arti'dont who has one of these iHlckots will attend tho game. J-'ho studonts, it is reported, hajgpiot support ed baseball thisear as well as thoy should.fliore seems to bo a tendehcyamong the students to journey oi to Antelope park and watchthe leaguo teams play rather than turn out and support the university team. Thoso in charge say that if the studonts of -the university want to have a baseball team they will have to support it better than they, have th isf year. If the Cornhuskers are able to win this afternoon's game it will aid their percentage column. So far they have won five games and lost eight. Today's game, if won, would raise the number of games won to six, or three-sev enths of the season's games, manacrinc editor of tho Corn husker and of the Daily Nebras- R. S. Moseley is editor-in-chief' Continued on Page 2 The captain of next year's team will be elected next Tuesday. So far there has been no .campaign ing done and no candidates "have been announced. At the present time two men on tho team are being discussed in connection with the honor, and it is prob-.. able that one of them will -be elected. Missouri Valley Meet. All of the members of . ' the Cornhusker track team are now in Des Moines. The sprinters and nurcuers leit at z ;0'ciock Tiiurs- , day over tho Rock Island and the rest of the team .took the same train yesterday. Nebraska is expected to mako a strong fight for first honors in tho valloy meet this ydar and bring more glory to tho already hrilliant track rec- xVi nrrf fm. 1910 '. Afc "it? .-'l . m- f A I I 1 i r r 'Lm-JH f ' Ut. X . , iff-A . ." t- - . ... tf:iy