The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 26, 1910, Image 1

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" IRebraeKari I
I. , .
Vol. IX. No. 145.
Price 5' Cents. 'fP'
Boating, Baseball Games, Picnic
Lunclrand Parade form Large
Part of the pay's Entertainment.
Workmen Plug Holes in Admin
istration Hall.
With the assistance of sovonil
workmen Administration Hall
may bo able to weather a fow
soaBons more. . Workmon wore
busily engaged yesterday in add
ing centont to various interstices
between the stones which wero
nssuming' alarming proportions
through the ravages of the
weather.. The combination of
weather displayed by Nebraska
seems to have been a little too
much for the building.
Yesterday was Senior Outing
Day. One hundred and fifty of
the seniors gathered at the Bur
lingtonstation nt 7 o'clock yes
terday 'morning and departed on
a special train for Milford, where
the day was spent in picnic style.
The morning was partly spent
in viBiting general points of in-
teres!, including the Old Soldiers'
' Home and the Shogo-Lithia
pringB. A girls' baseball team
entertained the crowd for the rest
of the morning. At the close of
the first, inning the game was
r called for lunch with the scoro
standing 21 to 4,
Picnic Lunch.
At noon a picnic, lunch was
served on the lawn of the Old
Soldiers' Home. Boating enter
tained a portion of the upper
classmen in the early part of the
Through this sport two of the
' members of ' the class camo to
grief. They borrowed the city
marshal' boat, without his
knowledge, and when he discov
ered the loss of the boat he
promptly' searched out the of
fenders and charged them an
enormous rate for the use ol the
nnnronriated property.
, Various forms of amusement
entertained the crowd .until about
2 o'clock, when all repaired to
tho Milford baseball lot, where
the, senior team played tho Ne
braska Militaiy Academy team.
The game was fast and furious,
and ended with the score 8 to 2,
withthc seniors holding the
small "2."
, The 4 upper classmen returned
to Lincoln about 6 o'clock"" and
marched to the campus, where
they visited 'the library and other
buildings,v-and then after gathef-
. .Jug around the rock gave amiver-
sityand class yells and dispersed,
after aponding the last holiday
granted them by tho university.
' Senior Outing Day js.tho suc-
il cessor to senior "Sneak Day."
"Tjf past years the seniors on a I
certain day disappeared mys
teriously without knowledge to
any one but themselves as' to
tljeir rendezvous, 'fIn the last
Iwp years Senior Outing Day lias
bcei? permitted at the university
wltyn the university faculty-have
beoni apprised as-to what day the
. upper classmen intendpd .'to go. '
. , Last yeai' ftnu fl"B year tu0'
custom of taking some mombers
; -"ofthe junior class along has
H been followed, and yesterday
three members of the junior class
- were forcibly requested to accom-
'plLny'4the crowd of, picnickers.
Barbour Elected to Board.
Mr. Erwiu II. Barbour has been
elected a member of tho board of
education. IIo is already serving
as a member of the city park
commission and as a 'trustee on
the cemetery board.
Nebraska, Ames; Missouri and
Grinnoll Look Strong for
First Place Powers
'iMi- urniA nfnrtninrfl in
.various ways, especially in help-
ine irith tho serving of the lunch
ij -. .'1-ut ::in. n..Mlr
;VilH OH"Jv pnuuui uuv,
Nebraska High School Athletes
to Go to Omaha in Force -
iNext Saturday.
Entries from three schools were
received by Coach Cams of tho
Omaha high school for tho inter
scholastic state meet to he hold
here next Saturday. ' York high
school sent a list of ten men con
stituting its squad, Falls City
will be represented by five and
South Omaha by six lads headed
by Strykei;. t
Although no word has heen
definitely received from Lincoln,
a squad of ton-men is expected
from the high school thore. Tho
Lilicolnites consider their school
has at least fifteon points cred
ited to it before it starts. Mann
hopes to take the 100-yard and
the 220-yard dashes and Cruse
expects to repeat his perform-
mice at -the Missouri Valley meet
lipid at Des Moines and carry off
the first in the 120 high hurdles
in record time. Tho Lincoln rc
la teain which' appeared here
April 1 at the Auditorium was a
little slow at that time, but it has
been co.achcd by some of the uni
versity athletes since then and
has developed speed that will
ktHip the Omaha lads hustling.
Practically all of tho large Om
aha hotels have, arranged rates
for entertaining the visitors at a
reasonable price in consideration
of tho numbor that wiFl appear
from each school. Mr. Cams is
arranging an entertainment at the
Young Meni&jQhristian Associa
tion auditorium on Saturday, at
'which hc medals won by the
different 'competitors in tho meet
will be presented. If possible
the Omaha nigh School Glee
Club and" the Mandolin Club will
be on hand to entertain the au
dience. At thcMioad-of the officials who
will have charge of tho meot will
be Painter iCnox of Council
Bluffs, ;ytio has for somo years
been prominent in trade events
in tho west.
The list of events which .will
be run off by tho high school
youths will include 100-yard
dash, 220-yard dash, 120 high
hurdles, 220 low hurdles, quartor
mile run, half-rinilp run, milo vjln,
-mot put, 'discus throw, high
lump, pole vault, broad jump,
''alf-mjlo relay, and possibly a
mile relay.
The squad of tho .Univer
sity of Nebraska track team
leaves at 2 p. in. today over the
Rock Inland for Des Moines to
enter tho Missouri Valley confer
ence meet. The men will reach
Des Moines in the evening and
will be ready tho next day for
the sprints and hurdles, which
aro started a day ahead of the
other events. The men who go
today are Coach Cherrington,
Captain Burke, Beed, Ankcny,
Flack and Fleming. The re
mainder of thu team will follow
Nebraska's chances arc not of
the brightest just at present, ow
ing to the injury to Powers, 'who
will be unable to accompany the
team. t h impossible to get
much accurate dope on the out
come of the meet on account of
the large number of small col
leges entered, some of whom have.
good men.
Strong Competition.
However, it is thought that the
100 and 220-yard dashes aro A
throw-up between -Wilson of Coo
college, Haddock of Kansas and
Reed of Nebraska. Our mile re
lay team will have strong compe
tition from Kansas, Missouri and
Crinnell. The .440-yai'd dash
will be a close race between Cap
tain Burke of Nebraska, Berwood
of Missouri and Turner of Grin
noll. In the half-mile Nebraska
will' be stronger than at any time
this spring,' as Ambcrson is grad
ually rounding into shape.
Chirk should give Steel of
Missouri tho race of his life in
the one mile. Melick in-the two
mile will show up we)l, as he has
boon improving, at each. meet. Tie
will find his strongest competitors
from Missouri, Ames and. Kansas.
Graham has an excellent chance
in the polo vault and should
place in the high jump. Munson
and Graham should both placo in
the broad jump, though uncertain
because Towa lias, a twenty-two
foot man and Wilson of Kansas
bcts twenty-two. Shonkn ought
to place iu the shot put.
Nebraska, Ames, Missouri and
Grinnoll aro the, -schools" which
.look J;o be tho strongest contend
ers for first placo. ' Thirty points
will probabljv-be enough to win
advisory board will meet with
tho committeemen. Chancellor
Avry, Dr. Barker, Prof. Ilinman,
Dr. Condra, I'rof. Heck, Dr. B.
j. IVmo, Rov. L F. Roach and
h. J. Marsh, '01, aro members of
the advistory board, After the
.supper, which will bo held at G
o'clock, the members of the vari
ous committees will got down to
real hard work, drawing plans
for the greater work of tho fall.
Secretary Joe Dor Kinderon has
been re-elected for another year
at Nebraska, but has not up to
thisjvriting announced his doci
sioifwlth regard to the mattor.
Secretary Dor Kinderon came to
tho university three years ago to
fill thoposition left by Arthur
.lorgenson. .le has been given
a unanimous request to continue
his work as executive head of the
Nebraska association.NAll work
ers of the Y. M. C. A, sccin very
optimistic, when discussing plans
'for the future. Big things are in
store for Nobraska.
Play Deals With War-Time in
Bulgaria Gorgeous Costumes
Add Greatly to Pictur-
esquonefls of Scenes.
Necessary to Secure Them at
As announced in the Nebras
ka n last weok, senior play tick
ets will be on sale at the Temple
Thursday and Friday from 10
o'clock. a. m. until 5 p. m. On
Thursday only those who have
paid the two dollar assessment
will ho ablo to purchase tickets,
thus giving thorn clroico scats.
On Friday all paying their assess
ment on that day will bo sold
tickets. After that time tickets
will be on sale to all," for a cer
tain period each day, to be an
nounced later. The prices are:
Parquet, jl.00und 75c balcony,
75c and 50c; Matinee, 50c every
where. Do not delay, the pur
chase of tickets. Come early and
get the best.
Many Entries Are Expected for
Large Meet.
The tennis tournament that
will decide the university cham
pionship will bo hold some time
during the present week. Many
students who belong to the ten-
nis club vhavc signified thoir de
sire to enter the tournament, so
it is expected that this year's
meot "will be the largest in the
history of Nebraska. The exact
schedule will be out in a fow
days. ,
the meet.
Y. M. O, A. Committeemen Will
Meet Tonight.
fl'l.n ' .. 1 -..v,.,J4.. ....
-i hi; ujiuutu ui;iniuii-,iuuiuuu a
feed oltho Y. M, C. A. will bo
held tonight in the banquet hall
in the basement of the Temple
building. Sixty to seventy-five
members of the committees will
meet to" consider plans for the.
full work, after rounding up all
unfinished business of this year.
I All officers and members of the
Being unable to raako satisfac
tory arrangements with the com
pany furnishing the invitations,
I find it necessary to call upon
those who havo ordered, inyita-,
tions to come to the library
Thursday or Friday and pay the,
amount due, as the invitations
cannot be obtained from the ox
press company until the full
amount is on hand, as thoy como
C. O. D. l also have a number
of extras for thosq who have not
ordorod. Tho invitations will be
hero Thursday or Friday.
"" II. 0. PERRY,
. ' niinittmiii
- ..f...
Cosmopolitan Club meets at
Townsond's at IS o'clock today
to have pictures taken. All mem
bers are requested to be present.
'Arms and the Men" was prc
sentcd to a full house at tho
Temple theater last evening. Tho
play was the regular semester
play given by the Dramatic Club
of the university.
Tho play was perhaps one. of
the host over staged by the Dra
matic Club. One of Bornard
Shaw's characteristic comedies
wiitf" givon with striking effect.
The interpretation of the parts
was excellent and tho stago ef
fects were of the best. Thq play
was distinctly iNcostnme play,
and the stage presented an aU
most gorgcriiiH appearance
throughout, ' An orchestra en
gaged by the club furnished tlio
music for the evening.
Laurence Coy ns Captain
Bluntschli was a typical Shaw
man. His octing last evening in
,tho principal part was almost per-
:ffcct. Miss Eleanor' Barbour' as
Baina also starred. J. A. Nesbit
as Major Saranofi! and Helen
Mitchell as Louka presented
strong parts well. S. P. Dobbs
as Major PotkofT and Margaret
Wheeler as Catherine, his wife,
interpreted their parts success
fully. Grovor Long took the
part of-Nicola.
Plot of Play.
flic first act opens in tho bed
room of a Bulgarian army of
ficer's home. His daughter has
just retired whon her room is
unceremoniously entered . by a
Servian army officer,, who is flee
ing from the Bulgarians. In a
short time pursuers search the'
bedroom, but fail to find the cap
tain, as the girl "has hiddon him
and lies to prevent the officer iu
charge of the search from dis
covering him.
During the second act the Bul
garian' officer- returns home in
company with a major who is
engaged to the officer's daughter.
Tho major, while delighted to
reach his fiance !s home, starts to
make love to the pretty maid as
soon as he is alone with her.
The maid very subtly lays plans
to entrap the major.
In the third- act the Servian
captain returns in order to seo
tho daughter, and then develop
ments come thick and fast,' with
tho result that things aro unex
pectedly and humorously fixed
up to give general satisfaction.
Cast of Characters,
Tho full cast pf characters, is
o's follows -
Captain Buuchli (the man)...
. . ,i, , , jjaurence uoy
Captain Saranoff
, . J, Arthur Nesbit
Major Petkoff.. Stewart P. Dobbs
Catherine (his wife)
,;.....,,,. Margaret Wheeler
Raina (his daughter)
, . . . , Eleanor Barbour
Louka Helen Mitohel't
Nicola , ,...'.. Groyer Long
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