.... I " ' "wBeeeaeBi iiJzr. riiy-M ,.IWCTw4ravhM, ",-,, " wwm I L 1 M L, ".,'& "-".' t, ,.-? ,. a. ."" J tJ ' . I , NEBRASKAN t to m iv A l" h v J' . (' I A '- -1 te iS i ft i :h OlfflQTCmY. .T -, I Unlrelty ftttmi )4 rf tf U:t tzo hee NebrRBkua adrartlieri, Md to raeio the ebraikaa wMfe do- lDf f DANK rat Ta es BiTlnp DAKiBR.nD Foliooi ;- DARDBR SHOPS OreeXi ' s l" ' BOOK BTORKi Corop. . . - C.EANBR J. 0 Wood ft Co. ; Jo The. Tailor. CLOTHI.Q Faro,nhK - Magee Deemer - Mayer Broe, la)aoe ClothlBg P&. Bjioler. ft Slmoa Armstrong ClothBg JJej.. COAL , Gregory, Whitebreaat CONFECTIONBRT Uacoln Candy Ke Tommy DANCO AQADKMT LlacoR PITTfii, DOCTORi Dr, prijah dry aoobs Miller ft raise Rudge A QueMLel Herpolaholmera DRUGQIBTS' ENORABR8 cjornoU IXORISTB 0. H- f?7 CHAPIN BROS. - FURN;8.IGB nudd Fulk Magee ft Doemer Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. 'Rudge ft- Guenzel Speler ft Simon Armstrong Clothing Oe. HATTBR8 . Budd Fulk UnlanA Armstrong Clqthnj Ce. Magee & Deemer Mayer Broa. Palace Clothing Oo. Rudge ft Guentel Speler ft Simon ORCHESTRA Thornburg'a. PHOTOGRAPHER! TownienA PRINTERS Simmona Van. Tine KBSTAURANTB Boeton Lunch i Cameron'a Y. M. C. A. Spa JEWELERS Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES . Evana " ri 1" OPTICIANS ." 9hea Howe. "BHOEB Men'a Bootery Franklin ice Cream Ce. Bookman Broi. Uogera ft Perklaa Budd ICE CREAM Mayer Broa. Miller & Paine Yatoa-Prench Co. BHOE REPAIRING Electric Shoo 8tore Yateu-French Co. BKIRTS -Skirt Store TAILORB Elliott Broa. ' Herzog Joo, The Tailor. LTJDWia! THEATERS Oliver QrpheuM. TYPBWfUTPW , n:lncol Typewriter etc Uoderwoo TyeewrHer Oe, rfegYeefKitJeVeirrMU I VAMTIHEWWHTmGCO. I mm Qet, SetUfeetery Reetf X iat.lSf Ne, 14A St, Aete 1477 j " ' 1 1 i si m m tr rw s-4 1 1 rr,Hffaajw p j ATf Hll lotrwi TH "i um iim ' SIK OUR WQOLtNf Elliott Bros. TAILOR3 149 tOUTH TWILFTH Money Made WmMuj iccking for ScrlbhTy MjiEzln aor.ffie7V si-gHfinaw mm aV.-t Clty iw I Thi First Trust I Sat Met link 4Psr Cmt iRtsrtst A $1 tlllll IH IIIIHRl Quality Counts THArSWHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM irso popular W mak a pedalty of fan ty craami. ihtrbcti, Ics al fiaaok for Fret St' Sorori- iwaya es hmid. Bell SOf. AmUillLillli at Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 WARTHOIN'S Hot Drinks 11 . , i . aa aew la teuoa De yo kaew aay elaea where you can get aa QUICK SERVICE M fu mm al ournew atore? Ne mt m nf crowo Lincoln Candy iCitchen 5, w. cm "TTTT CONCORD EVANSTON Willi Alfc-Motch with Uttttoabolo , THE NEW Arrow COLLARS FQR SUMMER HlgVenwthfor looke low enough for comfort nd plenty of roem lot the tie to elide in. QiMt, MrT;'cSri mm nL'tw (., 1 1 A I nijtiEWv PPM WM MYBTERY OP HALLBY'fl 'PRO TEOE' IS OLEAJIED. TELLS WHY I? MISSED THE EARTH Origin of Oomet Is Volcanic Bent Ita Tail on Trio Near 8un Why It Trayeled CQHYQQfttio.& thjft wqrnng wft devoted to a cenorai atudy of te mystery of mystories Haj ley's cpraet, unclor tho quidanco of Prof. Q. D. Swozoy of tho University of leraska, loip ra. Hall was filjec to, tlQ galler ies wltlj university students, tho crowd probably being ovon fargqr than it would have been, jiad not the cqmet Ijicqu discernaMe last night. Professor Swezoy's lec'tuyo was not confined to ft" scientific trcft tiso of IJalloy's comet, but rather was prepared with gireat sim plicity, in view of the fact that very few of the students hal an extensive lnowedfi(Q of astron omy. To increase tho clearness of his, discussion, Professor Swe ssey displayed many tereopticon viows of phonographs. p$ JU. ley's and other comets, taken by astronomers of high repute. Bo- cause of an apparent inability of tlio students, to uudorsaud, tho many different directions in which the viows showed the cornet to bo traYoling, ho lec turer explained by practical il lustrations the fact that Darallel lines cpnvorgc in a point, and that many lines seemingly not parallel really qro. Hurled Into Space. The comet, he declared, trav els in an orbit and requires seventy-five years to make a semi revolution. At some unknown, time this body was hurled into space. It continued straight un til tho great gravity of the sun caused it to describe a sort curve and return in practicably the sam,c orbit it mado on thp putward journey. As it nears the qun, it makes a short dip, which if pursued would end in the body of tho sun. Its oxtrcmo velocity at this time, however, causes it to be sharply deflected, to narrowly miss tho sun, and dart off again on a seventy-five year jaunt, only at the oxpjra tion of this time to' repeat the same trip. He attributed tho origin of the comet in question to some vol canic eruption of the sun's sur face, duriqg which this, groat body of matter or gas was hurled into spacer -By means of store opticon . views, -lie proved that similar, eruptions had occurred, rind that liugo bodies had been expelled- into 'spaco because of the infinite .solar powejf. Profossor Swozoy accounted Very clearly for the earth's fail ure to pass through tho tail of the compt as prooto'd. While treating tiis .phase of tho sub ject, he also topk particular care to virfdicate all the astronomers, 111 their unanimous decision on the. cxaqt" tine this incident should occnrt Thqir determina tions, ho said, wore regarding tho-jcxact mbmpnt that tip head of the comet should pass through Lthe earth's orbit, between tho earth and the sun. Tho astron omers predictions were accurate. Tho. betjd of the comet did pass through tho defined space at the required, time,, put a revelation ivnn ninrla r-nlnfiirn t-n. 4-l.zv !! fl the comet. This, (ail was sup?, QpnMnufQnaKeg I iF The Nebraskan the rest or the year 25 Cents - .'' t - - ft V YOU THE N ,iiiai !- '".. - ? "ii.'ii. - ! BASEMENT ADMINI3TRATIOli BUIIXINQ UX .. - -i r& s -v 1 , wy f X - ( - ., x. O.' Tk5" ' JUu-t V "-" t i ' ., - V I1 v tf. ve ! mi k' "-tl :.V- Vj k Tfc", ' r V 5'9 "'V " r - t 2jf & v 1 :-i. v J- T Ik rm... F- H Ht-j.v Jim u1 1 ' NEED PAPER w ' . t 1J ' i -r ie-y - t - I - - ;, v .-, ;.t'v. - - - 1; u'i' r -' r "..a. y -1- 21 3 V) rl a. ' y I -rw v? w1 t MA -'- rfJvif;! ' 'Jk.r . t .S'Vf'il 3Ai.,vj s? . SlMMl I III ." r 1i ,Tini i (ftl "i"' ' lT" ' f ' ) '