.leS2il-.-J3TT.iM . . v:-,,,ir:.i,.. v -,-r. . r ,-vnt,.K.7, -vyr utv7WTW,, V ;iF7r ,.... - JH-i" v 4 -V T "- fLiuA . ,. .T''i v. KK":'iHH ,.' ;, r! .;4y ' . V "J K ; tv . - ier ! , A , ?rjra-, T-r7wtwwri.. m .. 11 ' a (IS in i 4 i . ' w' I 1 I Jm ' w a ' I 3v.".' Ntj, Dv - . 1. M i.& M? Vol IX, No, 14 . - UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, JMWCQljN, WEDNESDAY. MAY ?5. 19ft'. KANSAS AGGIES WILL PLAY BALL TODAY GAME CALLED AT 4 O'CLOCK THI AFTERNOON. lST CANE Of THE SEASON Maha,Uai. Team ft One of the Fastt$ College Teamsin the Woet Have Defeated Corn huakerg Twice This Season, The last baseball .game of tho season -will bo played on Nebras kaflelo hj8 afternoqn. The Corn huskcrp' opponents will be the mighty Kansas Aggies. The Ag gies havoionp of the fastest col lege teams in the. west this year, and have already defeated the Nebraska team in two. games. There will probably ball large crowd at the game this afternoon, as it will be the last opportunity , that the local fans will havo to 6oo their favorites in action. The game will be called at 4 o'clock $a,rp. ft vas thought this lato hour w,ould not interfero with classes to such an extont as would the usual hour. Defeated Wesleyan. The Aggies defeated Wesleyan Rlonday afternoon by the score of 6 to 4. In addition to star fielding, they secured eight hits off q the, delivery of Crane, the !raX "Wesleyan pitcher. The Cornhuskers are deter-, mncd to, win today, and redeem thomselyes for the two dofeatfc which they have suffered at tire hands of the Aggies this year. The team showed excellent form in the second gamp with Ames Inst .week, and if they play the same classy article of hall his, afternoon, there is no reason why toy should not win. U has not. yet -been decided who' will pitch for Nebraska. It is thought, however, that Mathers yiU sta-rt; the game. Mathers has, beep "tjiQ most effective pitcher on the 'team this ye'flr, having won more games than any of the oth, ers. The Cornhuskers have been im ment lately. Cummings, who was. one of the weakest batters on the ; team qarly in the, season, got twq or tne lour Hits against Ames lasj baturday. The other, members of the tcam are expected to do somq "jcre returned to the city at ! effective hittiner this TiftomoonT 6S0 p. ni. ... Line-up of the Teams. - A line-up of the team- as they I ,wilj( appear' in this afternoon's ,gamo follows Aggies Speer, rf.; Irice, 2b.; Parks, cf ; ; , Strong; If. ; Young, lb.; Billings, 3b,. Strohm, ss.; Forsberg, c.j Stack, Baird, p. - Nebraska Fehliman, rf.: Wat- ters, 2b. ; Ratcliffe, of. ; 'S.oloqter. If.; Clarice, lb.; Cummings, 3b.; Metcalfe, ss. ; Groenslit, c, ; Math ors; Glmstead, Frank, p. a - AEMg AND TH1 MAN. ii Dramatic Olub. Play Tomifht. "Arms and therMan.' a throe- act comedy by Bernard Shaw, appears at the Temple theater tonight. It is. put on. ly t Dramatic Club with an qxecp tTqnolly a.trqng cast. The play is distinctly a cos tume ploy, Thq costumos, which Were qrdqrp rpm ehpn, thQ Kansas City and Omaha the. atrical costumer, arrived yester-. day. ho play is laughable rthrouKh- ont and sparkles with character"! lstjc Shaw humor. Laurence Coy, as Captain Bluhtchli, and Elconor Barbour, as ftajna, star in the production. They are supported by an exceptionally strong cast, every member being thoroughly expert in dramatic art. FULL HOLIDAY MONDAY Deans Decide that University Class Be Excused May 30. Last evening by an agreomon of tho deans of the various col? legos of tho university it was de cided that there would bo qq classes next Monday, May 30, This action was taken as Monday is Decoration Day und in accord ance with tho custom established at tho university when this holi day falls on a week day, all classes at the university are ox, cused for that day. As the qus? torn is again to bo followed this year Monday,. will bo a lull hqli,' day. JUNIOR LAWS PICNIC. ANNDAL 001 AT 10 mOGK TUESDAY Bfmq BOUND AT LINCOLN JlfDUfl WAI, IPPfl-CTIplfr "'J1'1 kdkat to m mum Firt Time that Custom of Dedi cation of fuVU99 ft fac ulty Has ?een rfkfnmi AroiUH Imttcwt. Boat Race Feature of Afternoon. Thp junior law class held a picnic at Capitol Beach yester day afternoon. The class left the university shortly after 3 o'clock. They chose sides and played a game of J)all, after which an other team was picked which played the winners. The featuro pf the afternoon was a boat racP between Dolta Chi and Phi Delta Phi, The. boats, manned by Jlyo men each, started from the onno- proving in tjio hitting Jpart4lte sll0-:p an( raced to tho pior ment lately. Cummintrs. who was a distance of over, a mile. Phi Di'lta Phi won by about one' boat ngth. Lunch of weiriiesi sand-, wiolies, pickles, hot coffee, etc., was served, after wueh tho pic Thp 910 Cornhusjccr will makp its appoarancq on tho university campus at 10 q'clqck Tuesday mornjng. This dofinite anuounpp mept was nado possible yestor-j day by the fact that thp flu.al work on tho book, is rapidly noaring tho last stages of comple tion. Tho annual is being bound at the Lincoln Industrial iGxpoi. tion being held at the Audito rium. At olosing timo yesterday evening only a fow copies re mained tq he -hquncj. This bind ing is a pavfc o tho exhibit of Jucob North & po., whq arp on? gaged in tho printing of the book. Novel Dedication. The book this year has a rather novel though appropriate dedica tion. It is dedicated to tho read ers, to all thoso who fool the thrill of undergraduate life. This dedication is rather unusual for Nebraska annual. All of the annuals of any nature at Nebras. ka in tho past have boon dedicat ed tq somo momber'of tho faculty who ha.a assisted in building ip the university, Thq dedieatien. this year was' made, tq the read ers in apprcciatiqn of tho fact that they, in thbta efforts to huild up Nebraska, descvYQ this -vocpgnj" tion. This year's annual is arousing much interest on thq campus at the present timo. Its appoarance has been unavoidably detained a number of timesu but Hq appear ance Tuesday is now definitely assured. Many now features em ployed in the annual this year will, it is believed, make it one of tho most- popular books, ovpr produced at the university. speaker last ypar, prpforring to QCIJinRQ IIPPIRT HID fippurq a map of real morit pvcry , wtiWIflP UUrflnl rUn othor year. Their plan has boon justified in -the soouring of Pro fessor Thqrapapn, Pu Bpta Kanna is the eldest of .university fraternities. It wus founded m 1770. Tho fra tornity memborship is oleotcd purely oh tho basis qf schclastio standing. 8IOMA TAU A?fQUET Xp$infrimj. tpktfpnkity Hold Banquet at IiU Hqtel. Tho membprft of $h hpnqrary enBJnqQriug frntornjty," Sigma Tau, held a bantmpt ftt tho Lin dell hotel last pvonipg. About thjrty-fivq mombors of tho fra-. fcrn,Hy were in attondauco. v7. V, Wphienboi'g was tpastmastor of tho evening,, an4 informal tqasts were given by (vanajqnty jf thpso present. Jtoqert Fulton, lOQd; o-prqsident of the En giueoving Sqcipty. was tho. only out-of-town alumnus present. PHI ALPHA TAU BANQUET. NEW MILITARY WORK. Esther- Devalon, Alpha Qmi ?ron Pi, ty, horp visiting at the present, time. Miss Dbvalon re sides in Omaha and will bo in school next year v Cadets Receive IntructiQp in Setting Up Tents. Last night company D of the First battalion of university cadets were given instruction in the setting up of 'tents. This :is, a new department in the military work of the cadets. In past years tlie sottipg'up of ' tents at cadet encampments, has boon done by. tho hospital corps. This year, the cadets themsolvcs must , do this Workv Instruction iu the worik is nocessaryas the army tents 'arp set up according to a methqd prescribed by tho drill manual. PHI DETA KAPPA ORATOR Professor of- History and, Dean at the University of Chicago. James WpstfalKThompson will deliver tho annual Phi Bota Kappa4 oratiqn thia. year. The address, will bo given in tho Tem ple theater-, on thp -oyening of Juno 13, Phi Beta Kappa Day; The annual banquet and initia tion will be held' thq same ovon ing. An effort will bcx made to secure the presence of as many of the older members of this scholarship qrganizatiqn as, pes-. sib. " , " "History, Tradition antf Cul ture1' will hq thp subje.pt of Pro, fessor Thompson's address. The speaker is a man. of rare scho lassie ability and has" much power as a speaker, Tho society had hq Linooln Hotel Is flfoene of Last Banquet. Phi Alpha Tau held the last bauquqt pf t.hpyeav in the Lin colu hotel last night. Plates were set for twenty-five. A. It. Ray mond was initiated. V. B.'Marcetyus was . toastmas ter. The following toasts wore given: "The Relations of Phi Alpha Tap to thq Student Body," Mr. Rogers; 'A Year in Phi Alpha Tau,M E. If. Hahnc; "Class of 1910," GeorgpVailace; "How it Feels to Be Initiatod," A. R. Raymond. H. W. Pottor and John Alexander as outgoing seniors wore called upon for im promptu speeches. Jack Miller, opo pf tho charter mciubors, in an impromptu speech told tho chapter nuiny intorosting things. Tho banquet partpojc of tho na ture of a farewell tq the seniors and in closing the university songs'pnd the "Phi Alpha Tau" song wcro sung. HIFORD THIS H0RIIH6 i ANNUAL ,,81AC DAY" OF THE UPPER OLAMM1N CELEBRATED. WCHIC WIS, MAKt IHf PWMM Paoulty Apprissd pf the Holiday of the Seniors, but Under Olassnfon Haye fa Knoflr edge of the Event Until This Morning, PICNIC NOT SPOHJBD. Unique Event of Freshman Class to Be Held Saturday. Yielding fo a storm of protest from members of the class, Chairman English qf tho fresh man picnic cqmmit(co has an nounced that the . date' for'tho event will hp Saturday, May 28th. lip hurriedly cpmmuriicated with the members of the committee last night bofore announcing thp dqto. Practically all of the unique events which were oricr jnally planned will be carried tra week, hpwpver, permits thp committee tq make more exten sive and elaborate preparations. It willjbe a regular old-fashioned picnic. Tho committee handles no cash whatover. Everyone pays his own" car fare', gate lee of ten cents", and provides his, own lunch, by proxy, or. other wise. Tho car will leave ''the corner of Tenth and O streets at 4:20 q'clpck Saturday nex. ( Two hundred strong the mom bors of tho sonior class dopartod for Milford at 7:30 this tnornirig on tho annual senior "Snoak Day" outing. With tho pprmis si6n of the mombora of the fac ulty and without tho knowlodgo of tho undor clasamon .- the seniors dopartod. Tho program of ovonts is sim ilar to tho ovents held at the former senior outings. Upon their arrival at Milford, tho ren dezvous of senior outings, a parade will bo held. Tho soniors will march through tho main streets of the town, and then go lo tho picnic grounds along tho banks of tho Little Salt, where the picnic will be held. Baseball Game. After a pionic 'dinner an ath letic meet will bo held, .This will bo follqwed by a basob.aU game botwppn the seniors, and tho Milford team. Individual stuntp of various paturp will be held and tho entiro day will be spent in picnic sports. Tho seniors will roturn lato inltho af tertioon, arriving in the city about 6 o'clock. Senior outing day is a sur vival of tho formor senior "Sneak Day." Tha members of the faculty were- apprised of tho fact, that tho members of tho upper class wcro going to take this holiday yesterday. Tho fail ure of tho mombers of tho sonior class to put in an appearance on the campus this morning was tho first knowledge of the absence of tho upper classmen. This is the last celebration of thp class ,of 1910, as the wook of final examinations ' commence June 3rd, and then the woek of commencement completes 'the his tory of thp class of 1910 in tho university LATH OLUB BANQUET. Professor Barber Toastmaster, The Latin Club held jta. third annual banquet a,t the Lindoil hotel lust- evening, Plates were $-et for about thirty mpmbors.', Professor Barber w,as, tqast mnstcr, Tqasts. Were responded to as follows: "Clause of Actu ality,'' Professor Barber; "Pur pob Clause, " liss, flutter i "In dirpqt Piscourae,' Professor, San, f'livl; MParqnthetical Clause," .Miss, Miller; "Simple Condition,'' jfiss Drake, and "SlubjunVtive by AUra.ctfqn," Miss. McYpigh. ' KANSAS AGGIES ' ' . '..,..'.. ..-.-.. l'-?,nil" '"' "'" l"'rl' ' iiinilmll tliilil MM.itli-Mil . ....,.. r ,. .,17.... J,. ,.,..' ., ,.,'. f , , , ,T --ir ' JJ "T-J"- " - , 'TKmjr -!j;i-'-,; ,y,t( fl3fmMl?T0 litellrth-ri I mJ '1?- iin.li-- r -tJgPnWrTl,li L -- , . .. .. .. , - ... --- - ----- v ."tz rr J . . . . ... . -,,,.., ... p ,.,.i .. i. i, ii... '- 'V '- 1 W - - ' -r 1 . i Win I rt TODAY m i - r u If'l 7 A ... A.,-i!t ..V - W . --n """.'i ! '"1 . .. - "a j -slSfflB jrr fGfM h ;..-i)rf33II ' B ft i m ,C ; rmmmum ... . . .. HiiiiiH