i.iii'li"in'.t Lf. -r- k- t,-,; V THE1 DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan 1'IIB PIlOPBnTY OF TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln Nebraska, PubllBhcd by . ., THE STUDENT PUBLICATION DOAUD EDITORIAL STAFF. , , , dltor ' K. P. Frederick Managing Editor .. Carl J.I Lord AMOolate Editor T. M. Edgecombe Aisooldte Editor R D. Hawley BUSINESS STAFF. Manager ' "? ,?i?J?fi Aitlit.nt Manager V. H"oH Circulator Buchanan Editorial and Butlneet Offlcei BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. poetoffloe, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance, single Coplei, 6 Cente Each. TelephoneJ Auto 1888. Night Phonee Auto 1888; Auto 8844. The Strongest Fidelity and Casualty Co. of the West The National Fidelity & Casualty Co. Omaha TWO LIVE PROPOSITION PROPOSITION NO. 1 Wanted 8ix first class men to do apodal work for tho Bond dopartraont. ' PROPOSITION NO. B Wnntod six men for apodal work in apodal torritory fnr tho Accident Insuranco Department Mon who work be cbubo thoy liko to work, and uro ambitious to socuro results, apply. All others Bavo your postago. DR. SWEEZY TODAY x 8 8 i HALLEYS COMET ff h' 1 4 I INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for Rt the mto of 10 oonta the Insartlon for every n'tflon words or fmalonthoro of. Faoulty notices and UnUoralty bul leWnn will Gladly be publlehed free. Entered at the poatomco at Lincoln. Nebraeko, a" aooond-claaii mall matter under the Act of Congreia of March , 1179. Advertliementi for the want column -. u .. . i. um hnainAaa office, bate- ment Admmletratlon building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. ( Cain mutt accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraetlon thereof the first Insertion: three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. . 8 CONVQCATJON II A. M. p ooooetooooooo5G$0o TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1910. Or who would over euro to do bravo doed, Or Htrivo in virtue others to excol, If lionb. should yield him his de served meed, Duo praise, that is the spur of doing well? Sponcor. When is tho Gornhuskor com inn out? Don't shoot! Won ono and lost one in base ball with Ames. Forsooth, Yo oldc Nebraska hallo teenie plays comet to give us -a full semester's credit in any subject in the uni versity. If Mr. Hallcy liad only inveHtigatcd conditions and dis covered a well behaved comet with regular habits. But no he had to discover a comet that has the manners of as tramp and is about as faithful and orderly as a day in May. flcro it comes fooling along through millions of miles of ether and, just as ev eryone was expecting to pass through its tail, it Hits away. When next seen it has lost its head completely or its tail there is some doubt as to which was lost. One astronomer discov ered the tail in the east Wednes day morning and the same even ing another observatory reported observing the head in the west. Either tlie comet is of a new -gymnastic variety, or the tail and head have parted, company, or somebody mistook a lantern in some barn for the comet. We have sat up Jialf the night wait ing for that comet ; we have risen at the first cock-crow to see it, and we have read scientific and unscientific opinions about it un til we decided that it was all a ment. lie expressed the belief that still more improvements would be made in the next few years and there were good oppor tunities for young Americans to take an active part in this work. This is the firse lecture that has been delivered before the law students this year .by any one outside the faculty. Light Lunches Hot and 'Cold Drinks. Ice Cream and Ices. Fresh Baked Goods Daily. Bell 456. Auto. 2214. &ot 1307 O STREET Discuss Plans. The officers and committeemen of the Y. M. C. A. will meet with the advisory board on Thursday evening to discuss plans for the fall work. Meeting Postponed. The Germanistisehe (Jesell schaft will not hold' its meeting this week. It is postponed until a week from Wednesday. The announcement of the program will bo made later. TYPEWRITERS all. m akes 1- 5 SOLD OR RENTED Iiont Applies on Purchase Price. Fivo Days Freo trial hoforo you pay. Two years pnarnico whon you purchase Easy TormB. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 120ir. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So'. 13th St. PIPES IPorter's flMxture ED YOUN Gafte box flDtxture PIPE8 PIPES PIPES Dr. Fordyce Delivers Address. Dr. Chas. Fordyce of the 'teach ers college is now giving much of his time to the closing exer cises of the public schools. lie delivers the commencement ad dress before the following four- Tan Oxfords $2.50 BUDD A Sale of $3.50 Values. Look 'em up. 1415 o ST. THE DIVINITY.SCHOOL sf HARVARD UNIVERSITY UNSECTARIAN UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES pLECTlVE courses leading lo the Unlvently carers of S.T.B., A.M. and PnJ. "-1 Students paying the full fee may take without extra charge appropriate courses ofiered in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and in Andover Theolog ical Seminary, For particulars address The Dean of Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachucetts. yo balle right merrily and does upheld yo honor of ye institu tion well. Bernard Shaw is again to take the center of the lime-light on the university stage. Whether bis philosophy, or message, or whatever it is that critics arc prone to call it, appeals to the thinking student (as distin guished from a number who don't think) his plays furnish a good vehicle for the Dramatic Club's talent. The track team has got it. It lias several things in fact. In the first place, it has the spirit that wins the spirit that, as it grj)ws x, in the, university, will make Nebraska the strongest school in the country. But be sides this it has the admiration and respect of Nebraska, of Kan sas, of Minnesota and of the col legiate world. Were the whole campus filled with wreathes, were they piled up to the eaves of 'UM hall, it would be but a frac tion of what is due to the team and the coach. Get out and pile them up. , grand joke being played on ' a gullablo world by a comet 'wij.li a sense of humor. Hereafter we will take our comets in photo graphic form. JUDGE LOBINGER OP PHILIPPINE ISLANDS SPOKE TO LAW STUDENTS LAST EVENING. TOOK UP THE LECAL SYSTEM Compared Old Spanish System With the Present Government A Great Opportunity for "tfoung Americans. COMETIO REFLECTIONS. At conyocation today we are to .hear al about Hallcy 's comet. t We arc pot acquainted with Mr. llalley, but he brought enough grief tp both scientists and lay men by discovering the comet to gain the lasting enmity of man kind. Whether it was intentional on his part, or merely accidental, is of little consequence it vns a "blunder. We have learned and unlearned enough about that Judge Lobingier spoke on the "Legal System of the Philippine Islands" in University Hall 30!) last night. A large number of law students were present and were highly pleased with tho address. Jinlge Lobingier is a Nebraska graduate and was formerly a lec turer 111 the law school here, his specialty being equity. Later he was one of the Nebraska supreme court commissioners. At the present time he is a judge on the supreme bench of the Philippine .Islands, un'd is considered one of the ablest judges' there. In his address last .night, the judge discussed the system of laws in vogue in tho Philippines, lie compared the old Spanish sysr tem with the present combination and told of the great improve ment under the present govern- tcon public schools. Stuart, Shu bort, Odeil, Hardy, Orleans, Morse Bluff, North Bend, Crab Orchard, Loup City, Beaver Crossing and the eighth grade of the Lincoln schools. IS. C. Uoi'b, Sigma Nu, re turned yesterday from Harlcn. Iowa, where he had made a short visit to his parents. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY Whon you want to (cot Cleaning and Pressing done by band and. not by inncbinory bring your clothes tp - JOE The Jailor wholnoUo n Specialist on altering and refttt Ing your olotbea up-to-dato. -MARGARET M. FRICKE Dreaimaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN 'ICUi-A Summer Session The University of Nebraska June 20 to August 12, 1910 University Bulletin . MAY. 24, Tuesday Convocation. "Hal- loyfs Comet.' ' Dr. Swczey. 25, Wednesday, 3 p. m. Base hall. Kansas Aggies vs. Ne braska. Athletic field,, 25, Wednesday, 8:15 p. m. Play by Dramatic Club, , Temple. 27, Friday, 8:30 p; m., Fratorn ity HallFreshman hop, 0 Jmne, 1, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Plat form Club meets. 3-9, Friday to Thursday Second semester exams. 8, Thursday Cadet encampment commences. Courses in Agriculture, Anatomy, Botany, Chemistry, Education, Educa tional Theory and Practice, Socondary Education, Normal Training, Elemen tary Education, English Language and Literature, French, Geography and Geology, German, American History, Homo Economics, Horticulture Latin, Manual Training, Mathematics, Me chanical Drawing, Philosophy and Psy chology, ' Physical Education, Physiol ogy, Political Science and Sociology. Rhetoric and English Composition, Zoology. " Special attention to subjects re quired for professional certlflc&t. Nino hours of college work possible. Conditional admission on 22 points. Teachers 21 years or over may outer as Adult Special Students. High-School Courses in the Teach ore' College High School. For bulletin or information address, THE REGISTRAR, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln. The I 1910 Cornhusker k " "The Best Yet" 9 Order Now p .' I -- , && s ... . ...4- " ) i 'ij'ifi .Hi I,.,. !. ,ntt , j. lta,W"UlHr