" , f , ?1 sfe- fi t W H - 4 --. -v y XT be IRebraehan -.' VoL IX. No. 140. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MAY 19. 1910. Price 5 Ctnti. 1. r ' JtwiS J ,l" MONSTER RALLY TO BE HELD THIS MORNING CHANCELLOR AVERY WILL PLACE NEW PLANS BE- FORE STUDENTS. TO FINANCE STUDENT ACTIVltlES Various Phases of Student Work Are to Bo Financed Minnesota Meet Enthusiasm, and Base ball Spirit Are to Be Cultivated. An All-Nebraska Rally. That is the attraction at convocation this morning. Every student is asked to attend this, rally as things of interest to every stu dent in the university will be dis cussed. Chancellor- Avery will he the principal speaker and he has ajglan which he will lay be fore the students of the school whereby things strictly along the lines of university activities will he placed on a -strong, financial hasis. "Among these things which are of particular interest to the stu dent body arc athletics, debating, glee club work and the Daily Nebraskun. Incidentally the coming athletic, meet with Min nesota and the baseball games with the Ames Aggies tomorrow will be brought before the stu dents and enthusiasm for these athletic contests will be aroused. Financial Plans. For the. past weqk tlie chancel lor has been working on a plan whereby the various student ac tivities along certain lines might be financed. The investigation has resulted in a developed plan of work-and this plan the chan cellor will lay before the studont body this morning. The plan as far as it is known is that a fee Will bo assessed to every mem ber of the student body when they register. This fee will go to pay a part of the expenses of athletics, debates, gloe club work and the Daily Nebraskan. fcW ff tliin nlnn ih rnriMnr1nnt in detail a petition will be .in all probability started and all the students of the university will be requested to sign this petition to the regents for having this fee added to the registration fees. When this fee is added then stu dents of the" university will bo given a season 'ticket o all ath letic events and will also receive the Daily Nebraskan free of charge. That is, by the payment of this fee all the university stu dents, will become subscribers to the Daily Nebraskan. Debate and Concert Tickets. In the other phases of studont activities as 'well s athletics and the Daily Nebraslcan are consid ered then in all probability the .students who .pay this fee will be granted season tickets to all the intercollegiate debates held at the university as -well as all BASE BALL MONDAY, the concerts which will be given Jby-tho .incmbera-of-tha glccclub. Track Meet. Tho biggest meet held on Ne braska field for several years will be pulled off tomorrow afternoon. The hopes of the Nebraska track men are that thoy will come off victorious. That they need the support of every loyal student is the feeling of every man who enters the contest tomorrow. As this is necessary to aid towards victory, the rally will also be for the purpose of increasing Nebras ka spirit and interest in' the work of the hicn of the track team as well as the work of the men of the baseball team who meet the Ames nine on the home field to morrow ami Saturday. RANGE DETACHMENT EAT. Hold Banquet at Lindell Hotel. The range detachment of the university cadets held a banquet at the Lindell hotel Tuesday evening. Captain Yates, com mandant, and Captains Kremcr, Weiss and Modcsctt and Lieuten ant Smith of the staff were guests. Captain Bartlett, inspec tor of rifle practice in the cadet battalion, acted as toastmaster, with Captain Yates in tho seat of honor. The work of the detachment during the year was discussed and generally commended. Cer tain improvements wore suggest ed, such as revolver practice for the officers, medals and other in signia for high records on tho range while 'in camp, and the formation of a rifle club. Captain Weiss' quotation from ex-President Roosevelt: "Tho 'shot that tolls is tho shot that hits" illustrates the efforts and aims of this new department of the university cadets. Captain TCremer in a lively speech emphasized one requisite of a good soldier. ' It was, in brief, prompt execution and un questioning obedienco to com mands frohi superiors in rank. The important speech of the evening was made by Captain Yates. It was in effect that abil ity to shoot is an essential of a soldier, that the shooting records of tho United Slates soldiers was the pride of our armies-, and that the range detachment is the vital element which will make tho university battalion and each' university cadet a formidable fighting machine should necessity call thorn into the services of our country. lie told 'of the saber's place in the army and what a P saber means. lie expressed tho opinion that it would always re main as a symbol of authority and sentiment, and ' closed his speech by presenting to Captain Bartlett, in behalf of the range detachment, a beautiful saber... Baked beans, baked on tho premises and served hot with dc licipus brown bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch. FOR BENEFIT OF A 1 MAY 23 Admission NEBRASKANS. There is a time for all things. Don't be a buzzard and sit off in a corner picking your teeth over a meal on dead grouches. Come out and throw your little "Whoopee!" in wth tho rest, to make things hum for Nebraska. Mummies belong way back in the days of tho pharaos. We prefer 'em live. Leavo the old shell dry up with the'slime and ooze, and come out to Nebraska's big mass meeting at convocation this morning. Remember tho mum my died five thousand years ago. ENTRIES FOR FRIDAY'S ' TRACK MEEUNNOONCED NEBRASKA TEAM WILL BE PRACTICALLY SAME AS LAST WEEK. AMES WILL PLAY BALL FRIDAY The Ball Game Will Start at One O'clock and tho Track Meet Two Hours Later One Price of Admission for Both. The entries for the Minnesot Nebraska track meet' that will be held on Nebraska field tomor row afternoon have been an anuouuecd. .. Manager Eager re ceive 1 a list of the Minnesota entries yesterday and in it are contained the names of some of the west's greatest track stars. Minnesota Entries. 100-yard dash Hill, llalstead. Mile run Rathbun, Bibb. 200-yard dash Hill, llalstead, and Hull. 440-yard dash Hill, llalstead, and Hull. 880-yard runHull; Hill, mill Rathbun. 120-yard hurdles Harmon and Stubb. Two-mile run Connelly, Tyde man. 220-yard hurdles Wilcox, Ktubb, Harmon. . r Pole vault Strain, Leach. Shot-put Frank, Grant. High jump Ostcrgron Chase. Broad jump Stubb. bisUus Frank, Grant. Hammer thr,bw Grant, Oste gren. ' Nebraska Entries. yFew changes have been inade in the linq-up pf the Nebraska team, Itvill be practically the same team that met Kansas last week. The list of entries follows : 100-yard dash Reed, Ankcny. 220Tyard dash Reed, Burke, 440-yard dash Burke, Reed. 220-yard run Aniberson, Rice. Mile run Clark, Rice. Two-mile run Milek, Ander son. 120-yard hurdles 'Fleming, Flack. 220-yard hurdles Flack, Pow ers. Pole vault Graham, Shock. Higk jump Graham, Munson. Broad jump Munson, Davis. LENGTHIES VS. Shot put Shonka, Fleming. DiseusllihsuiitJlimiiiig. Hammer "throw Harmon, Shonka. - Relay Burke, Reed, Ankcny, Davis and Powers. The meet will begin promptly at 3 o'clock and the events will be pulled off rapidly. Ames Here Friday . Ames will play two games of baseball with the Cornhuskers this week, Friday and Saturday. The Friday game will begin at 1 o'clock sharp in order that it may be finished before the track meet starts. Only one price of admission will be charged for both contests Friday. Those holding student athletic tickets will be admitted for one ticket. ' Ray Elliott will umpire both games. It has not yet been de cided who will pilch the Friday game. It-is probable that either Mathers or Olmstead will be. sent to the mound. . RETURNS TO NEBRASKA. Miss Schutlz Elected Secrotary pf University Y. W. 0. A. Announcement was made yes terday that Miss Carrie Sohultz, '08, had been elected secretary of fhe university Y. W. O. A. Miss Schultv. will succeed Miss Vib bard, the present secretary, next fall, the hitter's resignation tak ing effect at that time. Miss Schultz was a. prominent Y. W. C A. worker while in tho university, and since graduating from Hie university has been sec retary of the Y. W. C. A. at Bing ham ton, N. Y. INVITATION ACCEPTED. Chancellor Accepts the Invitation of-Riggs the Druggist for Students. Yesterday an invitation for all university student to attend tho Kiggs Pharmacy and there enjoy a treat on the proprietor, Mr. Riggs, the, night of the company "Q" parade, was received.-Chancellor Avery, acting on behalf of the students of the university, accepted the kind invitation, and the paraders will attend the pop ular pharmacy in a body this evening. NAY! ,NAYl FRESHIE! sMortar Boards for Seniors, Alas. She was a cute little freshman as she mdunte'd the library stops yesterday morning. Balanced at a becoming anglc-oreiHier curly locks she wore ft mortar board. It was all over in an instant. Without a word of warning, without a cry, two senior girls appeared on the scene and the struggle began, Thoy demand ed tho cap, in tones of anger. She demurred. A scuffle ensued, Tho seniors carried the day, and the freshman, dishevelled and grinning, continued her journey toward the reserve desk of the library.. ! JACK BEST FUND 1 DC ATHLETIC FIELD BIG BONFIRE AFTER COMPANY J PARADE FIELD TO BE DECORATED WITH COLORED LIGHTS. WILL BE A GREAT SHAM BATTLE School Dismissed (for Afternoon. Largo Attendance Expected "at "Compot" on Ath letic Field. There will .bo a number of.now features in tho parade of "Com pany (J" tonight. After the parade is over the studonts will gather on Nebraska flold, where a largo bonfire will be built. The field will be decorated with col ored lights. In tho midst of these lights there is to be a great sham Imttlo. Many other interesting things will furnish fun and ontor tainmcut. Every student is urged to be in thq parade. The plan outlined by Chancol lor Avery for the "Company Q" parade seemed to meet with gen eral approval by the student body. The paraders aro expect ed to include more of tho uppor classmen this year than has late ly been the eustom. Tho captain of the winning company will lead the parade and will be assisted by the other captains. There seems to be no dangor that 'the students wilLnot obey tho injunc tion to restrain from roughness and rowdyism. There will be no "school this afternoon and overybody ought to be at the athletic field to wit ness the annual compot. On ac count of the intenso interest and rivalry between tho companies the drill will be done by each company to- the very best of -its " ability. There will also bo tho individual drill, the winners to be a warded, medals. The companies drill for the colors and a cup. Tho judges will be regular army officers' from Fort Crook. RUNT LINE-UP ANNOUNCED. Big Gome Will Be Played on Ath letic Field Monday. The line-up of tho Runts' base ball team that will play tho Length ies next Monday has been announced. The lino-up of tho Lengthy team has not yet been decided upon. An admission of 15. cents will be. charged and tho proceeds of the gamp 'are to be turned into tho Jack Best fund. Manager llasqall has had a number of ppst- ers printed and fs placing them in conspicuous places on the campus. The Runt line-up: Catcher, Owen; pitcher, Oliver; first base, Ilascall; second base, Drake; third base, Stultz; short stop, M. Hawley; left field, Nemo Elliott; center field, Buphanan; right field, Smith. RUNTS y V f t-v-l . n' A f. V