sitH-mmumM. iHSJIAll hmm mh4 u i THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. mmmiimmmmimfm4mimim I p V V DIRECTORY. utlneu Directory Erer lojal University Btudont Is urged to patron " lu those Nebraflkan advertisers, and to meatlon the Nebraskan while de lac bo. BANKS First Truaw fc Saving BAKERIES Folflom " BARBER SHOPS Qroon'a BOOK STORES Co-op. Unlverlsty CLEANERS J. 0 Wood k Co. Joe, The Tailor. CLOTHINQ Farquhar Magoe & Doemer Mayer Broa. Palaoe Clothing Co. Bpolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Ce. COAL Gregory Whltebreaat CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kltchea Tommy DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln J PITTS DOCTORS Dr. Cram DRY OOODB Miller ft Paine Rudge & Oucn-ol HorpolBholmera DRUQQISTS Rlgga BNGRAVERB Cornell FLORISTS C. H. Frey CHAPIN BROS. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mugoo ft Doemer Mayor Bros. Palaco qiothlng Co. Rudgo ft Guenxel Bpoiur ft Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk Unland Armstrong Clothing Co. Mageo ft Deemer Mayer Broa. Palaco Clothing Co. Rudgo ft Uuoniel Speler ft Simon ORCHESTRA y Thornburg'a. PHOTOGRAPHER! Townaend PRINTERS Slmmona Van Tine RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch Cameron'a Y. M. C. A. Spa JEWELERS Hallott Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS Bheam Howe. SHOES Men's Bootery Franklin Ice Creasa Ce, Beckman Bros. Rogers ft Perkins Budd ICE CREAM Mayer Bros. Miller & Paine T Yates-French Co. SHOE REPAIRING; Electric Shoe Store Yatea-French Co, BKIRTB Skirt Store ' TAILORS Elliott Broa. Herzog Joe, The Tailor. LUDW1G. THEATERS - . Oliver Orpheum. Lync TYPEWRITER . Lincoln Typewriter Kx. ' v Tlniarwoo4 TvBawrlta tla i 7" BBBBal sVl V BbbbbbI aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaN HHHViiJflHHHali STATE CHAMPIONSHIP POSSIBLY NEXT WEEK DEBATE WILL NOT BE HELD IN LINCOLN. CONCORD EVANSTON wlta Arfc-Hotch with llattotiaola THE NEW Arrow COLLARS FOR SUMMER. High enough for looks low enough for comfort and plenty of room for tho tlo to slide In. lte.Mcb,aforsC4. Clnett. Peabody A Co, ATTOwCnffi.Bo. NINF x DISTRICTS WILL COMPETE A, 6. SPALDING & BROS, THI Spalding Trade Mark 11 i " (a kaowa trotifboat tha world aa a Guarantee ol Quality- are the Largest Manufacturer! in the World of Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES Last Debate Was Held Friday at . Wahoo,- Plattsmouth Winning. First Defeat in History of i Wahoo Dobating. IFYQOgS ahonld hT a copy at to .ipftiaiDf Ct10fU It' aooraplateonorolo Mport and la aan 'hat podia of traa ob raquoat. SJ A. 6. Spalding & Bros. 147 Wabash Aveoue. CbJcafo. PfinitimiimiTTmninTTmTnTTnTTfmniTti SIWMOINS tTHB PRINTER; rlntlnflc. mboaalngc a. JB17 South 18th s B.narmtlrtfx wi b Auto 9819 Kitiiihiiuiiuuiiuiiiiniiiiiiiimimuuiid TYPEWRITERS AU mnkea rontod with stand $3 par Month. Bargains In Robuilt Machines Lincoln Typiwrltar Exohangt Auto 1165. Boll 1181. 123 No. 1,1 th Before Going Home Purchase a Copy of The Gornhusker or College Memories 25c a Copy Music Stores or College Book Store Tho state high school cham pionship debate is to bo hold next week if possible. Tho de bate will of course be held out side of Lincoln. Professor Fogg, president of the league, is busy with the arrangements and may be able to announce definitely fhl5 meeting placo in a day or two. The place must bo able to accommodate tho audience in good shapo and be where good railroad connections can be made. The debate will be between the representatives of the schools who have won the championships of their respective districts. They are Geneva in the central dis trict, Ashland in tho eastern, Hastings in the southern, Kear ney in the western, Beaver City in the southwestern, Broken Bow in the west central, Allianco in the northwestern, Valentino in the northern and Plattsmouth in the cast central. The last of the district debates was held last Friday night at Wahoo, where Plattsmouth won the decision over Wahoo. Platts mouth hnd the affirmative of tho league question, "Resolved, that labor unions are on tho whole beneficial." The judges were Prof. II. W. Caldwell, Prof. Ed win Maxey and Albert Watkins. Tho judges report a very excel lent debate, Professor Caldwell saying that it was one of the very best high school debates he had ever heard. Judge Good of Wahoo presided. Plattsmouth has appointed Miss Mario Doug lass as its representative in the state debate. ' This is Wahoo 's first defeat in three years, that town having won the champion ship each preceding year of the league's history. Briag Yaur Naxt Job of Prlating to IyAN TINE PRINTING CO. j and Gat Satisfactory Rasulta 121-130 No. 14tk St. Aute 3477 J Thi first Trust ' Sav ings Bank 4Pir Csnt Intettst A $1 opint an aooount Cmr I Oth & O 3tMu PAN-HEL LAST NIGHT. Hot Drinks ate now la Kaaoa Do you know aay pUca wbera you cio at as QUICK SERVICE a you ca At ournew store? No . aacd of being crowded Lincoln Candy K. itchen s. w. cor Finest Informal Dance of Year Held at tho Armory. - Last evening tho annual Pan Hellenic dance was held at the armory. This was one of the finest informal, dances df the uni crsity social season. About one hundred and twenty couples were in attendance. Walt's or chestra of tofi pieces furnished the musie. Tho armory and chapel were tastily decorated in the univer sity eolors and many "cosy cor iovaM woro arranged with furni ture and were screened off with palms. A little to tho east of Iho door .between tho "chapel and the armory tho orchestra was stationed on a platform and were screened off with palms. Harry L. Cain, Phi Delta The ta, was chairman of the ball,' and I.ynn Lloyd, Phi Kappa Psi, and Arthur Homier, Delta Tau Delta, were first and second masters of eoie'ii' nies respectively. Curses! This Is Hard on Ted. London, April 29 Mrs. George Cornwallis West will not enter tain Theodore Roosevelt when ho ftomi- to TVmrtnn. . 7 v . ' n ir The Nebraskan the rest of the year 25 Cents .. -:l I" i I ff'l J M YOU NEED THE PAPER I v '-- BASEMENT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING J . . - . f . ; V t, ') .J