n'TTTfyrt-w-p-- farf. t iI THE DAILY NEBRASKAN If 0C)oOOOOSOOOO55O5O &o o ooeiboooooofr '$ TENNIS TOURNEY ' 9 o- , xr I KJIJA I " 4 4 NEBRASKA-KANSAS f i 4 9 i " ; The Daily Nebraskan TUB PIlOPEItTY OF TUB UNIVBIISITY' OK , NEBRASKA, Llncoln( Nobranko. Published by TIIB STUDENT PUBLICATION DOARU EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor K. P FredorlcK Managing Editor JL";:c?fr J,J Llt AtiooTato Editor T. M. Edgecombe AMOolato Editor R- D. Hawley BUSINESS STAFF. Manager - c- Klddoo Aialttant Manager V. C. Hotoall Circulator C, Duchanan Editorial and Dutlnen Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Centa Each. Tetephonei AUto 1888. Want Phonet Auto 1888; Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for nt tho rato of 10 ccntn the. Innortlon for every fifteen words or fraction there of. Faoulty notlcea nnd University bul letin will bladly be publlwhcd freo. Entered at tho poiitofllca at Lincoln. Nebranka, nil Bcoond-clnsii mall mattor under tho Act of ConRreaa of March t, 1870. m Advertliementa for the want column hould be left at the builneia office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and S p. m. , Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising) at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first insertion? three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1910. Tho rabblo gnthor. round tho man of news, Artd listen with thoir mouths wido open; somo ' Toll, somo hear, some judgo o news, Bomo make it, And -ho that lies most loud, is most believed. . Drydon's "Spanish Friar. Jayhawkcrs hero and Jayhnwk ers ' there Jayhawkcrs every where. Kansas wo meet on two fields today with our "right hand outstretched. May tho best man win. Tan Oxford Sae "" budd I Mil VAIUIU UIU why Pay More? 1415 O ST. Tho department of journalism edited the paper at tho Univer sity of Washington for n week without serious results either to tho department or the -paper, as far as we have been able to ascer tain. Not a bad idea to apply to .the courso as offered at Ne braska. Our wrath began to boil about 10 o'cloK yesterday morning. It boiled rivd sizzled away until eventide, when so much of it hnd stcame.l away that our trcmb ling hnnd was again ablo to direct a pen. Nothing. Only tho Furdue Exponent clipped our editorial without the tng. j Whilo scanning tho headlines of an evening paper wo noticed that "King George Is Hard Worked Man." This palace business evidently does not differ so essentially from university life after 'all. Wo extend the hand .of condolence across tho dancing waves to our follow man of the order of tho hard workers. Tlp sun jBhone yjesterday in its purest ray serene. Students, un mindful of danger, wandered aimlessly about, thinking the mighty thoughts of the average student. They attended classes, went about unvaccinatcd, passed under ladders and in frontr of street cars, all unmindful of the awful danger. Without a single mishap, -the university passed through another Friday, tho thir teenth. Gentle reporter. As you ram ble . about tho campus, .sipping at 8 TTMlVimRTTV C.AMPTTR the fountain or gazing into the nzuro depths of tho Boft spring skies; as you slumbor peacefully through a class or cko out a smile nt tho vordant humor of n week-stand play or vaudeville hns it ever occurred to you that there might bo news to gather? Has it ovor occurred to you that littlo droplets of news aro cling ing horo and there about these old halls or arcr-floating hither nnd thithor about tho campus and that wo keep reporters to gnther them?v WIENIES AT OAPITOL BEAOH Seniors Fish Whales from the Briny Deep. About 7:30 this morning eighty members of tho class of 1910, clad in picnic garments and car rying fishing poles and baskets loft tho - campus for Capitol Beach. Not until yesterday did Chair man Mnhood find that it would bo permitted to have this much coveted festivity, on account of tho smallpox scare. Tickets wore put out immediately and the loyal sons of tho class "came through" in a hurry. This is the second and last senior breakfast and tho mem bers all left with tho highest hopes for a good time. Even bc foro reaching tho car lino the dignity was set aside and had it not been for the fact that they wero well known they would hnvo been mistaken for a bunch of freshmen. It is expected that after their arrival at the beach they will seek some secluded spot on tho green near the lake whore a regular old enmp firo will be built and the coffee started boil ing. After they havo refreshed themselves upon tho black coffee, wienies and rolls, various games will be indulged in. There will bo bont races for those skilled in tho art of rowing. A ball game will be the attraction of tho day nnd thoso who find that sport tamo will probably fish whales from' the banks of tho lake. Othor senior breakfasts lmvo been held, but not beforo this one has thoro boon one held which will afford such unique pastime and pleasure, and when they return wo expect reports of a most excellent time. LENGTmES VS. RUNTS. Big Game Will Bo Played Mon day, May 16, at 2:30. At 2 :30 next Monday afternoon Jack Best will pitch tho first ball and tho gamo,bctwoen the lengthieB and the Runts will be on. Moro interest is being aroused in this gamo than in any gamo this year and the. .attend ance will probably bo large. TO O'CLOCK Tho parade will bo one of the features of tho day. Tho univer sity cadet band will inarch with the contestants and prominent university people. Tho lino of march hns not been definitely de cided upon, but the procession will disband at the ball grounds. Tho game will bo quite a soci ety affair. Boxes will bo re served by the different sororities and these organizations will prob ably be out in full force. Other university organizations will also attend the gamo and are reserv ing blocks of seats. Tho game is to be played for tho purpose of rnising the "Jack Best" fund to $400. The luncheon of tho Presby terian students of tho university, which was to havo boon hold at tho Lindcll hotel Saturday, May 14, has been cancelled because of smallpox. Latin Club Banquet. Tho Latin Club banquet, which was to havo been held on the 14th of this month, will be held on the 21st instead. It will be held at the Lindcll hotel. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When you want to got Cloanlng and Pressing douu by hand and not by mucliluury bring your clotheo to JOE The Tailor who 1b also a Specialist on altorlng and refitt ing your clothou up-to-date. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin MAY. 14, Saturday, 3;30 p. m. Bae balj. South Dakota. 14, Saturday, 2:30 p. m. Ten nis. Nebraska vs. Kansas. 14, Saturday, 8 p. m. Palladian Society meets. Alumni pro gram. 14, Saturday Dual track meet Nebraska-Kansas, at Law rence. 14, Saturday, morning Senior breakfast. 16-17, Monday and Tuesday Temple Minneapolis Sym phony Orchestra. 17, Tuesday Convocation. An nual junior program. 18, Wednesday, U106 Platform Club meets. 18, Wednesday, U106 Platform Club meets. 20, Friday, 8:30 p. m., Lincoln Hotel Sophomore hop. 18, Wednesday, 6:50 to '7:30 , Y. M. C, A. "The Tendency in Athletics." Geo. M.Tinneo. 19, Thursday, 2:30 p. m., Ath letic field Competitive drill. AH Souls Church, Unitarian Corner of H and 12th Street ARTHUR L. WEATHERLY, Minister. Services 10:45 a. m. - Sunday School 10 a. m. All students are cordially Invited to attend its services ALL PEWS ARE FREE Sunday, Hay IS Rev. Fay Mills will speak at 10:45 A. M. Subject: "Have You Seen God?" He will speak at 3:30 on "Walt Whitman", and at 8 o'clock on "The Tyranny of The Dead." Social Ethics Class 12:15. Prof. L. E. Aylesworth, Leader. The Student's Liberal Rcligous Union meets in the Husic Room of the Temple at 4 p- m. Sunday. All students invit ed. Executive Committee Miss Lois Fossler, Miss Mary Wheeler, and Robert Ashby. PIPES porter's flJMxture YOUING'i Galte box fflMxture PIPES TYPEWRITERS all makes SOLD OR RENTED. Rorit Applies on Purcliaso Prico. Fivo DuyB Freo trial boforo you pay. Two yours guurntoo when you purchase Easy Tonus. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1201). B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL sf HARVARD UNIVERSITY UNSECTARIAN "PLECTIVE courses leading to the University derees of S.T.B., A.M. and Ph.D. "' Students paying the full fee may take without extra charge appropriate courses oftered In the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and In Andover Theolog ical Semlpary. For particulars address The Dean of Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachucetts. Summer Session The "University of Nebraska June 20 to August 12, 1910 Courses in Agriculture, Anatomy, Botany, ChoraiBtry, Education, Educa tional Theory and Practice, Socbndary Education, Normal Training, Elemen tary Education, English Language and Literature, French, Geography and Geology, German, American History, Homo Economics, Horticulture, Latin. Manual Training, Mathematics, Me chanical Drawing, Philosophy and Psy chology, Physical Education, Physiol ogy, Political Scienco and Sociology, Rhetoric and English Composition, Zoology. The 1910 Cornhusker J "The Best Yet?' Order Now PIPES PIPES 143 So. 13th St. UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES Special attention to subjects re quired for professional certificate. Nine hours of college work possible. . Conditional admission on 22 point. Teachers 21 years or ovor may enter as Adult Special Students. High-School" Courses In tho Teach ers' College High School. For bullotin or information address THE REGISTRAR, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln. r V u A tt hr S ""VaiilW ' ' WJifettr1 1 U '.!'