The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 14, 1910, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 137.
Price 5 Cent.
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Wildly Excited "Scientist" of
Giltner, Nebraska, Sends Fif
teen Hundred Word Tel
egrams Broadcast.
"The principle of gravitation
is inadequate to explain the in
terrelations of tho v solar system.
These and the concommitant
phenomena, including sunlight,
may be referred to tho 'fact that
all the bodies in the celestial uni
verse floatjn a Bea of force and
the impulses pulling them to
gether arb duo to the relative
pressures of tho atmospheres on
tho surfaces of tho bodies."
The above is a portion of a
fifteen hundred word telegram
sent to Professor Swezey of tho
state university by Edgar D.
Lynds, a "scientist" of Giltner,
The telegram was received by
the astronomical professor Friday
.morning. Ho was unable to fit
, the theories of the correspondent
- .with the recognized laws of at
mospheric pressure and stellar
interrelations. In his opinion,
the telegram was more likely to
be of aid to the newspapers
than to science.
Lots of Calculation.
The telegram enters into vari
ous calculations, intended to dem
onstrate tho truth of tho theo
ries propounded. Iirone instance
tho observer attempts to show
that by calculating the various
atmospheric densities, the tem
peratures of the bodies in the
solar system may be calculated,
and that tho phenomena of sun
light may be referred to tho fact
that the pressure of tho atmos
phere on the sun is so much
greater than that on tho earth
that the heap engendered in that
body is that much tho greater.
So also, the temperature of tho
earth, due solely to tho atmos
pheric pressure, would bo much
higher at the equator than at
the poles, since the poles do not
have tho direct prossuro of tho
atmosphere which is experienced
at the center of tho earth's sur
face. Out Broadcast.
Tho theory presented is very
.involved, but it seems to rest on
tho assumption that the pressure
exerted on the surface of celestial
bodies is reflected in force, the
force so given off .being tho prin
ciple of attraction commonly
known as gravitation. Tho posi
tive reaction of the solar gases,
says the discoverer, must deplete
tne space between the sun and
earth of its gaseous contents
more rapidly than can tho" nat
ural pressure of interstellar
space make good the deficiency.
So there is always a suction of
gases into this area; which in
turn draws at the earth and the
sun at the ends of tho area.
Not satisfied with sending a
fifteen hundred word telegram to
Professor Swezey, tho "scien
tist" of Giltner sent thorn out
broadcast liko handbills. Tho
Stato Journal received one, one
was sent to tho Smithsonian in
stitute, oho to the Scientific
American and one to a Mr.
Thompson of New York. Tho
cost of sending these messages
aggregated about $100.
Second Year Glass Will Give
Their Last Dance at
the Lincoln.
The tickets for tho sophomore
hop havo been selling rapidly,
and now they are practically all
sold. The only tickets that are
now on Bale are thoso that have
been ordered and not paid for.
Absolutely no tickets are being
reserved and those persons who
have ordered tickets will havo
to pay for them at once.
As the sale of tickets was lim
ited, the ball room will not be
crowded, and it is thought that
tho dance will be ono of the most
successful of the year." Only one
raoro dance will be given at the
Lincoln hdtel this year, the
freshman hop,- which will bo
given cno week later.
Met and Decided Upon Question
to Submit.
s Nebraska this morning sent to
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois
and Iowa universities, tho other
members of "the Central Debating
League, a proposed question for
the annual contests of the league
next December.
A conference was held last
evening at Professor Fogg's of
fice, at which a number of fac
ulty members were present, be
sides the members of tho univer
sity debating board and a num
ber of students, at which tlie
question was discussed. There
were a number of suggested
questions, but tho ono chosen
was considered the most appro
priate by a largo number. It
will bo published later.
Fifteen Men Accompanied Coach
Oherrington Yesterday.
Tho Nebraska track team left
yesterday at 1 o'clock for Kan
sas City, where they arrived last
night. This morning they go to
Lawrence, wherp they meet the
Kansas track team in their an
nual meet.
Tho men who were taken on
the trip were: Captain Burke,
Reed, Amberson, Davis, Ankony,
Rico, Clark, Milek, Anderson.
Shonka, Gibson, Graham, Mun
son, Fleming, Flack, Powers and
Coach Cherrington.
The. team is ' composed' mostly
of now men and the" result of the
meet is much in doubt.
Courts Have Been Inadequate
Weaverling, Smith, Pierce, Os-
terhout, Soudder, Hubbel to
Play Chairs for Spectators.
The third annual Nebraska
Kansas tennis tournament will
begin this morning at 10 o'clock.
Tho motches will bo played on
the three now doublo courts west
of tho library, which arc tho best
courts -that tho. Univorsity of 'Ne
braska has ever had.
AH indicatipns point to the
most interesting' tennis match
that has-ever been held in this
city. If it were, not from the
fact that tho Nebraska men have
been handicapped all season for
tho courts upon which to prac
tice, their chances of winning
would be very favorable, as tho
team will bo composed of experi
enced players who have made
records in past play. Tho Kan
sas aggregation is also made up
of veterans and can bo counted
on to play high class tennis.
Nebraska Entries.
Tho try-outs have been in
progress for the past week, and
the following men have been
chosen 'to represent tho local in
stitution today:
Singles Weavorling, Smith,
Pierco and Soudder.
Doubles Osterhout and Hub
bel, Smith and Scudder.
Tho Nebraska point winners
will bo given "N's" by tho ath
letic association. This is a cus
tom that has been carried
out since these intorcollcgiate
matches began three years ago.
Thus the men on the team are
very desirous of winning points
in tho tournament and receiving
a letter.
Chairs will be placed around
the courts so that the spectators
will bo able to sit down while
tho matches are in progress. The
co-eds are expected to turn out
in full force, as this is a sport"
that is as popular with tho wo
men as with the men.
Tho sale of tickets has hnon
large, and it'is. expected" that the
tennis association will bo enabled
to pay all tho expenses of the
meet. The tournament will be
in progress all day and specta
tors can come and go as they
Toasts and Impromptu Readings
by Members.
Tho Dramatic Club Jield a ban
quet .in tho banquet hall of the
Temple Thursday evening. Yale
Holland presided as toastmaster.
About .thirty members were pres
ent, which" number would have
been increased it is believed had
it not been for the smallpox
scaro and tho consequent change
of date and place
Impromptu roadinga wore re
sponded to by Miss Bashio Tully,
Miss Bcrnico O'Kiof, Byrne Mar
ccllus and S. P. Dobbs. The
toasts were rosponded to as fol
lows: Paul Yates, "Tho Work of
tho Club"; Searl Davis, "Tho
Glub from tho Standpoint of an
Alumnus"; Miss Howell, "A
Dream for tho Future of tho Dra
matic Club."
As this was tho last social
meeting of tho club for tho
school year, tho meeting was
closed by sincrinir "Auld Lane
Syno," out of sentimont for tho
seniors and their connection with
the club. As ono member puts
it, it brought homo forcibly tho
fact that petty strife and jeal
ousy among tho mombers is the
worst, thing for an organization
of this kind and that magnani
mity and truo loyalty aro the
only basis upon which a club of
this kind can havo a lasti
Six-Foot Cement Walk North
of Campus.
A six-foot cement sidowalk is
bing built along tho ontiro north
side of tho univorsity campus.
This is a much needed improve
ment, as there has been no walk
of any kind along this sido. Thorn
formerly was not much use for
one, as the only gate on that sido
was a wagon one, but since the
new athletic field has beon in use
a wplk will bo much appreci
As Bright as It Will Become.
Professor Swezey of tho de
partment of astronomy says that
Halley's comet is now as bright
as it is likely to become, provid
ed tho watcher views it at the
right time in the morning and
under favorable conditions. The
comet itself, appearing above the
horizon about 3:30 a. m., is vis
ible until tho brightening sky
just before sun-up causes it to
fade from sight. Tho tail stream
ing in a southernly and upward
direction from tho horizon is
readily discernablo to the naked
eye, and watchers say that it is
well worth tho inconvenience of
tumbling out of bed at that early
Tho comet is now rapidly ap
proaching tho sun, preparatory to
swinging around it as ono end of
its 75-year course through the
heavens. Next Wednesday even
ing about 10 o'clock, standard
time for this locality, the comet
will come between tho earth and
the sun. Thd tail streaming out
directly away from the sunJ will
be' directly in the path of the
earth which planet will pass
through it. Those "who will sit
un oxnefitincf to snr nnmn nnlnnfinl
phenomena, such as brilliant fiilM
ing meteors, aro likely to be dis
appointed. . In all 'likelihood no
evidence wili )e observed by the
ordinary person that the earth is
enveloped in ,the tail.
South Dakota Team Though
Handed the Sioux City Team a
Victory After Having Them
Blanked in Ninth Lining.
Today tho Coyotes from South
Dakota aro duo tOincot tho Corn
huskors on tho athletic field. Tho
Coyotes aro strong and arc plan
ning on making this game, the
climax in their contests with tho
Cornhuskers. On tho other hand,
tho Nebraska men aro determined
wiiu mo gamo snail result in a
victory for tho Scarlet and
Last fall tho South Dakota
football team came down full of r
vim and vigor and nearly swept
the Cornhuskers off their foot.
As it was, tho gamo .rbsultcd in
a tio score. Lastf Saturday tho
Nebraska men carao back-at tho
Coyotes in tho thrce-cornorcd
track meet at Sioux City, but
lost the meet to tho northerners
by ono point. Today tfio Cprn
husker baseball team is determ
ined that they will even things
up and trim tho South Dakota
Coyotes Are Strong.
At tho present time the Coyoto
line-up has not been given 'out,
rnd the strength of tho team ha91
not boon fully determined. It
is known though that tho South
Dakota boys have a strong - ag
gregation. A short time ago tho
pupils of Coach Whitmoro went
up against tho Sioux City West
ern leaguo team and held thcm7
down to a gooso egg for nin
innings. Tho Dakotans in. tho
moanlirao scored ono runy Iri
tho last of tho ninth, with two
men gono, tho Coyotes went up
in tho air and before they land
ed the Packers had scored two
runs end won the game.
Tho boys from Dakota depend
a great deal on Moo, who is
touted as being one of the best
college pitchortf in the west. 'Ho
pitched for the team against tho
Sioux City. Jcam when they were
defeated by the 2 to 1 score, and
he is expected to mako monkeys
out of tho Cornhuskers,
On the other hand the Nebras
ka men are determined to win
this gamo and they are' going to
fight to tho finish. Tho team
Will have the same-line'nipsar
when it went on tho eastern
trip. The Jine-up will" bo as fol
lows: Captain Greenslit, c; Clark,
lb,; Waiters, 2b. ' Metcalfe ss.;
Cumming, 3b.;'Sleuther, If.; Rat-
cliffe,cf. j, Patterson, rf.; Frank,
01mstad nd Mather, pitchers.
Baked beans, baked on the
premises and serye'd hort with (delicious-
brown bread,1" 10c, ii The
Boston-Lunch. ',
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