- V THE DAILY NEBfcASKAN t ! . OLIVER THEATRE TODAY, 2.30, TONIGHT, 8:15. Thurs., Frh and Frl. Matinee FULTON STOCK CO. Itr "The Adventures of Lady .Ursula." MQHT 25 and 15c. MAT. 25 and 10c. SAT. MIGHT, MAY 4. WILLIAM COLLIER In "A LUCKY 8TAR7r Prices $1.50 to 50c naa ttm wtA iMttftflJ dmsk Boys My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! I.. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fino Tailoring Cornell University Medical College A coIIoku iluvrnn In roijulri'd for lulinUflton. AtlvnnouHtHii'UiiK trruiitoil Htuilontu ronMit Ink nnltHfnutory urntoirlulH from ncnrnilltod motUeul ooUoKtii Krory Inclllty Is uffiirotl to ubittirnrud niioHitooklnv thn ilonroo or Doctor of Mmlioltio A nplo fn llltlomro ulnoofforttil (jn nit Hod Krwlrnituu to put-unit orkunil luvuttU KiiKon lu miy do inrtiiimt Kor fnthr p-ir. tlcnlnrnnpiilv to Thi Dim, Cirni'l Unlnnllf Midlcil Cillin, Klrnt Avo and itHili 8t . Now York City. SAeIl Jeuelry Chas. W. Fleming JEWELER ami OPTICIAN 1311 0 SI. - Lincoln, Neb SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 WART HOIN'S Quality Counts THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We mako a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and punch for Prat As Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream alwaya oa hand. Bell 20S. ate 1181. 1816 N 8t New Music When you ro homo sond to mo for tho muilo that nro tho "lilts" Imro at tho Unl. BUv In tho Kino ovon though you uro at homo. WALT "The Music Man"- I3IS O STREET 1 UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN d. A. Tucker JEWELER S- S. Shean OPTICIAN 1121 STREET,' YELLOW FRONT ALUMNI. PROGRAM, Alumni Momhcra to Furnish En tertainment Tonight. . ' The Palladiau Literary Society, will give an iilumni program nt tho hnll tonight. Several prom inent nlumni will bo present and 1 ii lec pnrt on the program. All tho muMic for tho. meeting has been corn posed by Miss Flora Hullock, a Pnlladian alumnao. It is desired that tho meeting be gin promptly at 8:30. MISS PAXSON COMING. Versatile Socretery Hero for Wook. Miss 1'axson, who is coming to the nnivor ity this following week to hold a series of special meetings, is a woman of wide ex perience and strong porsmality, aijd peculiarly fitted to interest her audiences. She possesses a personal attraction and magnet ism that attracts girls and all people to her on all occasions, and her popularity ns national secretary of the Y. V. C. A. is equaled only by the reputation she now enjoys as traveling sec retary of the student volunteer movement. She has been in this public work for about ten years, and has come in touch with every sort of college and colle.go girl. Miss Paxson is a graduate of the University of Towa. She is a Kappa Kappa Gamma and a Phi Beta Kappa. The program of the Ruth Pax son meetings, follows: Sunday, 1:00 p. in., Temple the aterMass meeting. Special mu sic by Y. W. C. A. quartet, Misses Hartley, Vibbard, Kock, Clement. Sunday, f':20 p. in. Cabinet girls. . Wednesdav evening, 7:00 to 7:45, Hays Ilall. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, noon meetings, 11:50 to 12: Is"). Tuesday, 5:00 to 0:00 Senior meeting in Y. V. ('. A. rooms. POSTPONE MEETING. Latin Club to Wait for Open Meeting. . The regular meeting of tho Latin Club, which was to have taken place Tuesday, has been postponed until, under the ruling of the chancellor, an open meet ing may be held. At Huh time Prof, drove 10. Harber will give a report of the Classical Association, which met in Chicago last month. .lit cour tesy to the professor and in older that more may enjoy the benefit of the report, each mem ber will be privileged to bring quests. It is being planned to invite all the Latin teachers in tho city and suburbs. Also the Latin Club banquet, which was to have lcon held next Saturday, will he. hold at a Inter dato at the Lindell. UNIFORM CONTRACT LET. DifQoult Question Settled to the Satisfaction of All Concerned. Yesterday the contract for the cadet uniforms for tho coining year was let to the Pettibouo Cq. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Previous to this timo tho uniforms for the cadets of the First and Second battalions -were handled by tho Pershing and "Workizer Rifles re spectively. Hast fall soind, little diflieulty arose between tho Per shing Rifles and a downtown clo thing firm, and the matter was settled for next fall by Captain 'ates by calling for bids for the -ontract of making tho uniforms ev vo-t faJJ. -) In ,tliis Way one firm has tho amammmmtmmmmmtmmmmmmmamtmmmmmmmmmmmmimtmmmmmmtmmmmmm W6UwJm$3fi4m JmSBI f I WW Will Pit m w 1 Mm mm . IHl Ham. mm hO entire contract and only their uniform will be the official imi forin. It was also decided that in all probability the Pershing Kifles would handle the uniforms for this firm next year at the university and perhaps the Work i.er Rides would have the same task to fulfill at the state farm for the Pettibone company SOUTH DAKOTA SATURDAY. Cornhuskers to Play on Home Diamond. Cnivorsity baseball fans will have an oporf unity Saturday ,of watching tho varsity experts play ball on the honi" diamond. South Dakota will cross bats wfth the Cornhuskers. The game which was to have been played with Dakota on the Cornhusker trip was called off on account of rain. The Dakota team is playing fast ball and is expected to give Ne braska as strong a light as will be witnessed on the homelia mond this season. o "COMPET" DATE CHANGED. Annual Competitive Drill to Be Held June 19. Willi the announcement that High School Fete Day would bo held Friday, May 20, the date for the annual competitive drill be tween the six companies of the First battalion Of cadets, has been changed fo May 19. The "compct" will probably be held on the new athletic field. Classes will in all probability be excused Thursday afternoon, Mjvy 19, for this drill, as this has been the custom in' the past in regard to competitive drills. Princeton Fellowship. The department of geology, in iu Princeton University has sent no tice to tho department of geology hero that fellowships and scholar ships will be availablo to the stu dents, of tliis university. In the case of high grade students who need financial aid an offer of spe cial consideration is mado. v 'Catholic Students Meet. The Catholic Students' .Club will hold a meeting in tho scioncp hall of the Temple at 7:30 Sat urday night.' Important business will be transacted. When Yoi Get ". a Kensington Suit . you cuf out the element of doubt the doubt as to how it will fit how it will wear, how it will look two months from now A Kensington spring suit-$20 to $40-will look just as well at the end of the season as it does now. Of all wool fabric it's built to Fit and Stay Fit. , Our L System clothes-$f5 to $30-distinctive, dashing "college clothes" but not freakish They're built to sup ply the need for garments that set olf the personality and athleticism of the college man. Better made, better fit ting, better priced (taking into account value) thrn most young men's clothes. IVfAGEE & Lincoln Aurora Blue Serge Suits We have just received some new models in the famous "Society Brand Blue Serge Suits." Let us show you what they are like. FARQUHAR PIPES porter's Mixture D YOUNG': Galtc box Mixture PIPES TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES rssEs!ssssss SOLD OR RENTED Rent Applies on Pnrclmso Prico. Fivo Daya Froo trial boforo you pay. Two yours jjuurntoo when you purchaso. Easy Torme. Get our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1201). B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. B!H!!MIHIHMMHM.mmMM!nTmmTTTTTTTC IsiMMONS I fc THE PRINTER : P fc lrlntlnfl: 3 P fc BncrnvlnB, C - 9; UinboMalna C ; fc . .. '. t AUTO SOlf 017 SOUTH V4TU z nmimuuiiitm"""""""""""""""" TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with stand $3 pr Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines Lincoln Typewriter Exohmg Auto 11SS. Boll 1181. 123 No. 11th Before Going Home 'Purchase a Copy of The Cornhusker or College Memories 25c a Copy Music Stores or College Book Store ? DEEMER Ped Oak PIPES PIPES 143 So. 13th St. Brief Yur Next Job of Printing to to IV AN TINE PRINTING CO. I and Gat Satisfactory Remit. 128-130 No. 14th St. Auto 3477 leaVBHaaaaieMnB i The first Trust & Sav ings Bank 4 Per Gent Interest A $1 tpens an aooount Comer I Oth St O Strtttf aos Hot Drinks rt bow la Kstoa. Do you know aay pUcs where you can get u QUICK SERVICE u you can at ournew itore? N Bred of being crowded Lincoln Candy Kitchen :&. - . Ztr. -i,1"1.1. PlF-TKyBt&Yfia jpaejMijbKfMRtwMntai Nt?fn JllliiiUlllji.iMil