The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1910, Image 1

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Vol. IX. No. 136.
Two New Cases of Smallpox
Among University Students
Oauso University Authori
ties to Toko This Action.
High School Fete Day has been
indefinitely postponed. This was
the announcement made yester
day by Chancollor Avery. The
postponement of this meet had
iicm made earlier in tho month
(n account of the epidemic of
smallpox which was prevalent at
the university at tho time. Yes
terday with the announcement
that andthcr -case of smallpox had
developed 'and that a ease had
also developed earlier in the
week, the chancellor put the ban
on the 'fete day, which had been
postponed from May 6 until May
20. ' . '
This announcement means that
the athletic meet which was to
have been held on this latter day
will not be held this year at all.
TJic championship inter-high
school- debate, which was also to
have been held on this date, will
probably be held on a later dato
or be held in some other city be
sides Lincoln.
Large Number of Entries.
The number of high school ath
lete's who had been entered for
the track meet number close to
tvo hundred. These men will be
unable-to participate in this meet
on account of the postponement.
The annual high school fete day,
which has .been hold at Lincoln
over since it has been started, has
been oric of the great events of
tho year for the high school stu
dents of the state. At this meet
Ihoy were able to visit the uni
ersity and become acquainted
with its workings and in bring
ing the meet to Lincoln the high
school stulents who visited the
institution were enabled in this
way to. gain an idea of tho uni
versity and also encouraged to
develop an interest in the uni
versity itselfl ,
The ' now cases of smallpox
which, were, discovered were
George -Harriman of 1218 Q
Street, ana" L.B. Magor of 934 II
street. The first case was dis
covered on Tuesday and Harris
man -was takon to the isolation
hospital immediately. Yesterday
Magor was taken ill tind he was
also sent to tho hospital as soon
as it was discovered that 'ho was
suffering from tho pestilence.
The "action, of- tho university
authorities in tho. matter" 'of "tho
smallpox epidemic, was thought
Jo' have checked the spread ol!
the disease, but thfi development
off these new cases has causedjho
university authorities to take'
more decided action on the mat
ter andv tho absolute sprca of
the 'disease will be checked as
soon as it is possible, if it is nee-
cssary to take the mpst stringpnt
methods possible.
Two of tho university students
were released yesterday from the
isolation .hospital. These were,
Limo and Nixon. These men
were placed in confinement about
tAvo weeks ago. They returned
to their studies this morning.
Annual Danco of tho Fraternities
of tho University at tho
Preparations- are complete for
tho Pan-IIelienic bull which will
be held this evening in the
armory. The dance will occupy
all the floor space of the armory
and the chapel. It is planned to
have this one of the finest infor
mal dances of the year. A largo
orchestra of ten pieces has been
engaged for tiis event, and it
will be situated so that it will be
possible for the music to cany
into the chapel and armory both.
Preparations to hold this dance
at the Auditorium were ..inter
rupted by the epidemic of small
pox, and the armory was taken
instead of postponing the dance.
Tic 'dc.corotious Cor the hall will
be very beautiful, and with' the
campus for the dancers to stroll
in during the intermission of
dances it is planned to make this
Jill one of the most brilliant af
fairs of the university social sea
s ui. On account of tho change1
in halls tho price of tickets has
been reduced from $2 to $.1.50.
LI. L. Cain is chairman of the
dance and Lynn Lloyd and Ar
thur Ilcmlcr are, first and second
m asters of .coromonics respective
ly. The danco will commence at
8 o'clock sharp.
South Dakota Comes for a Game
with the Cornhuskers.
Tomorrow afternoon ' the Coy-
rotes from South Dakota Univer
sity will meet tho Cornhuskers
on the new athletic field. ' The
quality of the northerners is un
known and the Cornhuskers arc
expecting one of the hardest bat
tles of the season.
The team has been out for daily
practice sinco their return from
khe eastern trip '.and' they arc de
termined to win as many games
as they possibly can on. the home
field tliis season.
Mana'ger Eager announced yes
terday that two games had been
scheduled ' with the Ames Aggies
forFriday and .Saturday, May 20
and 21 respectively. On the east
ern trip the Cornhuskers met the
Aggies in a two-gamo series'and
they were defeated in the first
contest and the second was called
with the score a tie. .
.. r.
Shackelton Slides.
Tito department of geology is
using some of Shack61ton's slides
m illustrating lectures. Ernest
Shaekolton and his marvelous
dash for the south nolo are fca
turcs of present histpryt lie is
to appear at tho Auditorium Sat
urday night.
Team Will Tako Several Cripples.
Only Three "NM Men Will Ap.
pear on Team Several now
Men Doped to Win Points.
Tho Nebraska track team vill
leave at 1 o'clock this afternoon
for Kansas City and Ivill go to
Lawrenco tomorrow, when tho
annual Kansas-Nebraska track
meet, will btf held: Last year the
Cornhuskers won by one point,
and while the team is composed
almost entirely of new men this
year, the meet is expected to be
i very closely contested one.
McGowan," the eraok half
milor, will not accompany the
team. Ho hns been ordered by
his doctor to" refrain from indulg
ing in all forms of athlotics on
account of a weak heart. Mc
Oo wnii has been making bettor
lime in the half-milo than nnv
other candidate, and his absence
will greatly weaken the team.
The men who will be taken on
llm trip are: Captain Burke,
Heed. Amberson, Davis. Ankeny,
I?icc, Clark. Milek,' - Anderson,
Rhouka, Gibson, Graham, Mun
Hoii, Planing, Flack. Powers and
Coach Cherringlon. Reed, Burke
and Amberson are the only 'N"
men on the squad.
Entries in Events.
- A list of the men. who will be
entered in the different events
follows :
100-yard dash Kodd, Ankeny;
2'20-yard dashHoed', Burke ; 440
yard dash-Burke, Reed; 880
yard run Amber-sou mile run
Clark, Anderson; two-mile rim
Milek, Anderson; 120-yard hur
dlesFlack. Fleming; 220-yard
hurdlesT-Flack, Powers; shot
put Shonka, Fleming; discus
Fleming. Gibson; high jump
Gra ham, Vinson; broad jump
Mnnson, Davis; pole vault Gra
ham; relay Burke, ttood, Davis,
Ankeny and Powers,
' Competition in Dashes. '
The dashes will be very close
ly contested races. Haddock and
Roberta of Kansas and Tteed of
Nebraska aro among the fastest
sprinters iin the west. The rec
ords of all three-men are about
the same and tta result of these
ra,ces is very much in doubt. ''
Captain Burke js oxpeetcd to
win the 440-yard dash with ease,
and it is thought that? Graham
will win thc'pole vault. Graham
i also doped to win second place
in the high jump. The Kansas
jumper goes over six feet and
will easily win the Missouri Val
ley championship.
Amberson and Rice, the Ne
braska entries in the half-mile,
are neilher in good condition, but
they will give the Kansas man a
good race. Anderson, also,r isv in
poor condition. lie will run a
gritty race, however, anc may
win tho mile. Clark antf Milek
are both in good shape and have
excellent chances to win.
'The Kansas hurdlers are an un
known q.iamity, but tho Nebras
ka men have been traininir luiwl
and thd.itrh inexperienced hiivtf
neon tio'iig good work iiiprac
lice. The -result of the' broad
jump is Mho in doubt. Davis
and Munsn.i are expected to show
up well in this'ovent.
The CorjUiusker weight" inen
are r.ll inexporioneod, but may
springsome surprises. The re
lay' teams are evenly matched.
'ami IVitt time should be inndn
this year.
Next Saturday the Cornhusk
ers meet the Minnesota track
team on tho new athletic field.
Minnesota has i stronger team
this year than she has ever had
before, and is doped to win. How
ever, Nebraska has never been
defeated by Minnesota on tho
fiM"k and this year's teamis de
termined that the record shall
be kept intact.
Jayhawker Team Will Arrive at
10 O'clock Today.
The annual bout between tho
tennis teams of ' the Universities
of Nebraska and Kansas will bo
held on tho local courts tomor
row. The Kansas team will ar
rive in Lincoln this morning at
10 o'clock, so as to be here in
plenty of time to start the tour
nament' early in the -morning.
Tryouts wore held yesterday
aflernoon and the Nebraska team
was chosen at that time. A
larger number of men tried out
this year than over before and
the team is a good 'one. The lo
cal players feel confident of vic
tory in Tomorrow's contest.
AVeaverling and Smith played
Offlcrlimit and llubbel; score, f-7,
0-7, 4-0. Scudder and Pierce
played Proud and Young; score,
0-1, 0-0. Scudder and Pierce
played MeConnel and Carrier;
score, 0-3, 0-0. Scuddor, Pierce.
Ostcrhont and llubbel will play
the doubles in the meet with
Kansas hero Saturday.
The courts back of the library
have been improved and put in
the best possible condition. Of
course, these courts are in an un
desirable place and are" crowded
for room, but they now present
i fairly respectable appearance.
A large 'number of tickets, bayc
been sold for tVie tournament by
The mombers of "the tennis asso
ciation. As the association is
eoiupellcd to pay all 'the ex
penses of tho tournament, it is
necessary that they .sell about
5(10 tickjets to make tho meet a
success from a 4nancial stand
point. , Superintendent .Staley, '01, of
Superior; Supterintendent R. II.
Graham, '07, of Wymore were
in the inspector's office looking
up teachers for next year,
Paked beans, " baked on tho
promises and served hot" with do.
.Hcjous brown bread, 10c, at The
Boston Imnch.
MW, .
Price 56cntg
Meet next Tuesday to
perfect plans.
Would Havo Girls Sign Stato
mont on Pledgo Taper Fao
ulty to Tako No Action
Until Aftor Tuosday.
Tho girls of tho Univorsity of
Nebraska are planning an honor
system to becomo efl'ectlvo in tho
near future. A mooting of all of
tho university girls is to bo hold
next Tuesday at 11 o'clock in
Dr. Shermans' rooms in Library
Hall, at which time it is desired
to mako definite arrangements. It
is expected that practically all
of tho ladies' organizations' of
the university will bo represent
ed by delebates, but all those
who belong to no organization
are just as much invited.
It is desired to make the honor
system poetically universal
among tho women of hc univor
sity. That is why a general at
tendance at tho Tuesday meeting
is necessary. All of tho sorori
ties arc to be represented, tho
Efiual Suffrage Club has appos
ed delegates and othor similar or
ganizations have dnno likewise.
Present Plan.
The present plan is the pledge
paper system, tho signing of a
stuli inent on an examination pa
ier t 11 effect that no help' has
i'.'en received from anv sourcf
However, if any other plans prove
more popular thoy will bo adopt
ed. It is hoped that tho girls
will come to the mass meeting
prepared to express their opinion
and offer any new scheme thoy
may have in writing.
' The faculty knows of the plan,
but is wot likely to tako any ac
tion neither favoring it or dis
countenancing it until some defi
nite action is takon. It is said
that the chancollor will sanction
any movement that is satisfac
tory to the students. It is a
matter of prido to the- univor
sity that such movements arc be
ing instituted without suggestion
from the faculty.' Tho move
ment has already been starred
rionc- the fraternities,' and the
law school is now said to be fig
uring on taking it up.
Oollegeg in League Suggesting
Next Year's Subject.
Professor Fogg has announced
that tho question for the debate
in-'tho Central Debating League:
for next" year is now Under con
sideration.' Several of tho uni
versity ,professof1Tare suggpsting
questions. Each collcjre in tho
league has until tho end ojjthis
wuuii iij Hiiuiuiu u qui'.Hpion, .uucil
school js to vote on tho question
next week, a the. end of which
time those" interested in debating
at Nebraska ought to know the
dxact, question.
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