.-rr.',t xjvf , . . ,,jrT" ,-jMr -sna ' -.." FTi V- lf.& i ft I "H. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 ? ?..' r HI ,'i ?. ' k5 11 w I OLIVER THEATRE today, 2.30. tonight, smb. ;. Thurs., Frl; and rt. Matinee FULTON STOCK GO. In "The Adventures of Lady Ursula." NIGHT 25 and 15c. MAT. 25 and 10c. - i - ii - SAT. NIGHT, MAY 4. WILLIAM COLLIER In "A LUCKY STAR." Prices $1.50 to 50c E1 IBBBBBBBBBBRjri uimQ) Boys My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring Cornell University Medical College A collogo degree Is roqulred for admission. Advnnctu standing granted Btudontn promot ing satisfactory credentials from ncorodltod medical collegos Erory tnclllty Isoiforod to undergraduates Booking tun dogroo ot Doctor of Modiclno. Ample fa dlltlos aro also of forod qualified graduates to pursun original lnvoatl- fatlnn In any dopartmont For fnrtlior pir Iculars npplr to Th Our, Ciraill Unlnrtltr Midlcil Cilliit, First Aro. and 25th St., Now York City. Swell Jvielry Chas. W. Fleming JEWELER and OPTICIAN 1311 0 St. . - Lincoln, Neb- SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store arid Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 jiUARTHON'S uality Counts THAT'S WHY RANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR r make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices iaA punch for Frat & 'Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream 1 ways' ob hand. . Boll 201, AUMIlll. lBlXi BE. lew Music ion you so homo Bend to mo for the mala that are tho 'IIIta" hero at the Inl. Btnv la tho gamo even though you ro ac nomo. (ALT "The Music Man" laifl O STREET - UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1121 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Ttr fitrwgt SslicltH Campus Gleanin C. H. Frcy, florist, 1133 O at. New Haydcn Studio, 1127 0 at. ;- - Cliapin Brqs., florists, 127 So. 13th. Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto 5877. Domestic Lunch. J. McKcn- sie, 1230 IT. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 115-119 So. 12th street. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P sts.- Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Picnic days aro here. We make a specialty of putting up sandwiches, salads, cakes and all tho dainties tbnt help to make tho day enjoyable. Dal rymplo's, 13th and M. tf Press Club Meets Today. The Press Club will hold a short meeting in the office of the Daily Nebraskan at 5 o'clock this evening. Important business in to come before tho club. Tennis Tryouts. Teams who wish to trv out for the squad will "report on tho courts Thursday afternoon for play. The two teams showing up best will play against Kansas next Saturday. h. 0. SCUDD13K. Manager. Miss Helen Nasen, Alpha Ph'i, loft for Omaha yesterday. She plans to return Monday. Suit Cases and I f '1 itU. ) gSM We have just the suit case or bag you ' will need for your trip during your v1Qor- rp summer vacation. $1.50 to $22.50. lod UM. : i- CLASS SONG. Written by Helen Mitchell. The class song, which was writ ten by Helen Mitchell, was given yesterday morning b,y the Glee Club quartet. The .song follows: (Air "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes.") The end is near of college days, The work of life at hand. We can now see the parting ways, Strange face or lonely land. We meet once more before we part -fillii Upon our. quest, and now Sing we to nineteeri-tcn, our class Ajid take a- loyal vow. The wild March wind has told -our tale":- '- - ; ,-- All nature s.ung our praise, .Four years enthralled we've gath- ered hero Triumphant hymn to raise. Within these walls we've pledged our lives, Tho highest learning sought, Where Truth, undaunted," .-honor and beauty, Forever have beon taught. ttuIelX f. , ZJ7r-7Vr' Thats the name of the TL Z-JZ-J high heel last. Gun Mets SHOt YATES-FRENCH -CO.. Expert Repairing , 1220 0 St. Cosmopolitan Club. The Cosmopolitan Club will hold a meeting Thursday ovening at 7:15 in U10G. All foreign-students of the University are re quested to be present. Tho or ganization of tho club will bo complolcd at this meeting. 31 TO Classified Column ftl Iff Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid in advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. WANT ADS FOR RENT For Rent Dwelling, 1527 M street, at present Occupied by the Kappa Kappa Gamma soror ity, will be for rent September lst Will be enlarged or remod eled if desired. George IT. Rog ers, 1530 Tj. 134-51 LOST Lost May 5th, gold seal ring, marked "II. K. Yates, U. S. M. A., J 390," Finder address 720 South Kith street, and obtain re ward! 134-3t WANTED Important. Would you be interested in knowing how your efforts during the coming vaction or longer can bring ,ou n definite amount of money with good opportunities for promotion? Apply at office of R, !. (Infill h, Now Windsor Hotel. 135-21 Bags FULiK AVantod A member of the fac ulty of an eastern university desires a furnished house for the summer. Well known in Lin coln. Address Nebraskan' "F." 134-3t PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. LILLIAN SNOW, 1339 O; hours, 9 a. in. to 9 p. m. Dis eases of women. 'Auto 3088. DR. (Q. H.RUSH, Surgeon, Richards Block. -Both Phones'. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, 221 Burr Blk. Both Phones. LIFE INSURANCE UNION CENTRAL LD7E, S. B. Coon, agt, 216 Richards blk. Before buying your spring foot wear let Beclcmun Bros. ,Ahow you their new snappy oxfords. 1107 O st. new MAhteloDef high heel last. Gun Metal and Patent high shoes now shown in our windows. $4.50. Fresh Baked Goods of all Kinds. Ice Cream and Ices. We SerVe Lunches. LadW and Mon's Clotlilntc Clonncd, liiooKou unu L. BLUMEINTH Praotlcnl Hattr Goods Cullod For anil Dolivorod. 225 6o. lth St., Llndoll - FOURTH- ANNUAL M(W 16- rjt eMinneanotis Orchestra mmmmmmmmmmm - SEATS FOR SINGLE CONCERTS MAY BE RESERVED TODAY AT "BOX OFFICE iVK a k -Svv 7et"h aZlSZacr?' YO OUflHT TO PAY WHAT 'Ik X K .- OWE THENEBRASKAN BASEMENT ADM. BLDO. ? '7V y x& 1307 O STREET z: , ProBacd nnd Ropulrod, JidiB Oloancil iiotrumnea f-IAL leafier andC Boll Phnno A-021, Anto Phono 0148 HotolLlncoln. Nob. UL : MUSIC - FESTIVAL Oliver Theatre 1 k! 'r afton amii U T M Ml " v I ." '-w- C v-t "- ' && - .., ?jcJy! '-,-a;-t.. .' '-, a -", 5k ".. J - ... y; . -.-,. . v. :,;;'vt m i t t - - - "