X .1 T- ,: li y&ywi "'. ?: fc t 7 " UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910. Vol. IX. No. 135. 'Price 5 Cents. . ' ' A '' Jr'''.-M71-iJ,'"' ? ft be IFlebtaekan FRESHMEN WIN THE INTERCLASS MEET A--' SOPHS SECOND, JUNIORS THIRD, SENIORS FOURTH. C COLLIER WINS THE INDIVIDUAL Second Place in the Individual Championship Close Between Funkhauser, Christmas and Lindstrom. VV'' 8 s . . .'-.. J :.' I- The afternoon of the holiday yesterday was taken up chiefly with the interclass athletic meet. No new records were broken at this meet and the time in .the , majority of the events were slow, l: wing to the grass track. Tho frrslnncn won the meot with a total of 56 points, while tho soph omores were second with a total of 37 points. Tho juniors and the seniors were third and fourth respectively, the former having '11 points and the latter 4 points. Collier, a freshman, won the in dividual championship by taking four iirsts and tying for a second, amassing a total of 22 points. Collier won first in both the low and high hurdles, the broad and high jump and tied for second in rJ2 the polo vault. Funkhause was Jq scc.oml in the race for individual kj "honors with a, total of 12 points. rS7 J Arxj Hllcwoii first in the. shot put, sec-! 'f ond in the broad jump and third Cw - hi the discus, third in both tho r? high and low hurdles and third tyS in tho high jump. Christmas was rS third with 11 points, by a first! in tlie 220-yard dash and a second . Cj in the lrigh jump and 100-yard jJ dash. Lindstrom, also a fresh-1, man, was fourth in the contest Cg fpi' individual championship with two firsts to his credit, having a.S total of 10 points. Ho won first rJ2 J., 4.1, v.nl. ttnilU niiA Mf 5 flirt i CJ 111 LI1U IU4U VllUiU UV mill III uuu quarter mile. In tho latter event lie surprised all of the crowd 'by running one of the prettiest races of -the day, with Minor, a sopho moro, a plose second. The Summary. 100-yard dash First, Kay, 1913; second, Christmas, 1912; 'third, Upward, 1913. Time, 10 3-5 seconds T 220-yard 'dash First, Christ mas, .1912; second, May, 1913; third, Minor, 1912.' Time, 24 sec onds. 440-yard 'dash First, Lind strom, 1913; second, Minor, 1912; ' Third, Barney, 1913. Time, 5G seconds Half ' mile First, Rico, 1911; second, Swanson, 1912; -third, Babbitt, 1913.' Timo, 2:13 4-5. .Mile run First, Anderson, 1912; second, Rice, 1911; 'third, Votava, 1912. Time, 5:12 1-p. Two mile Firstnyder, 1913, second, Ncgley, 1911; third, Wie flan, 1912. Time', 12:32. ' Pole vault First, Lindstromr 1913; second, Shock, 1912, and Collier, 1913, tied. Height; 1Q ft. 4 in." s Broad jump First, Collier, 1913; second, Funkhouser, 1913; third, Hiltner, 1912. Distanco,' 20 ft. 9 in. High jump s "First, Collier, 1913; second, Christmas, 1912; third, Funkhouser, 19J3. freight, 5 ft, 4 in. Shot put First, Funkhouser, Tis tho -meadowlark ! Flinging his morning song against the hills. Again again tthat golden triumph thrills Tho quiok air of the spring! Tho dew gleams yet in cool nooks of tint clover, ... And Btill that wild song peals the green hills over ' Thou bird of morning sing! ( Up, up tho eastern sky Lustily mounts "the sun! A SONG OF MORNING. By Fayc M. Hartley. .'. ' . Burst from a heart 'too joyful lo contain? The meadowlark again! ,." , The bird of morning and the bird of youth. See how ho rocks on yon wot tree, in truth Voicing a joy soo deep it rings of pain Bathing his throbbing throat in the pour ing rain, Flinging his rapt song to tho western sky ! What does ho see? That high Hope in his tone, whence comes it? Ah, a ' poor bird, Classmates, and friends,' how wondrous-kind Thou must bo mad! But, see the West. . is Heaven Since in the morn of Jife to us' is given Such course to run! On, comrades, on, and sing! The glorious day of life lies all beforo us, Tho wide earth round us, the deep sky o'er us. is stirred Faintly, the low slate clouds begin to shift, To drjft, to whiten and, through a widen-, ingrift, Sudden, the sun! " The conquering sun, swift kindling in .tho same Ours is .the work to do; the. truth to bring! Great flash all startled earth and. heaven Ours the spring! a flame a Of gold! A rainbow in the JEast 'glows But alt, a vision comes Dream of life's dreary, waning afternoon To come with clouds and darkuessr soon,. too soon! - Darkness, declining day, and deepening cold, And all things that grow old: And autumn sadness, and tho falling rain, And morning cheer as it had never been i. . Dread dream of pain! Leave us, thou, vision 'sad! Better to march on blindly to the end..' Meet blindly any doom Iteavon wjlls to senu; ( -w-w, But "have our morning glad ! , bright, While everywhere, in flashing arms, 'tho '" light r .' ;."'" Rain legions run. And now the vision fades, Having thus grandly qnded; and our eyes See-today's sunshine and glad destinies. Again the lark's fresh morning song is ringing Up from the grass whero, still the dew is ;. , clinging i " - To fresh green blades.' '. k .i L ' Wise yellow-throated bird I Thy song is big with "morning of a day Yet still the vision lingers, prayers are Far vaster than our fleeting earthly way, vain; And we have heard.! A dreary vision evening, and. driving rain, Morning or evening what to thoo arc all-r-- And groaning wind that leaves us cold, as The sun, tho rain, youth, ago, the spring, hearts ' the fall- Bitter and frozen, touching ours, impart But dream, but story? Numb shivering. All things 'dying seem, Eternal morning of tho soul thou singestj, and wo, - -: - - - ' ;Aj vision of the sun of truth thou bringest, We dying seem, to be. ' Which hides to reappear whilo still thou Fruitless thou art, indeed, "'' ' f in scarlet glory! ". , , 0 false and mocking promise of the. inoiuij ' V '. If this bo thy fulfilment! Let us. scorn vSo fare weforth with hearts that leap and To set out, singing, toward, such end of life. f sing, . ' Far better sink to earth. Of toil and strife Glorying while, our lives are .at the spring. What use? What need?. 0, lest wo lose .the vision and the warning, Sing over in- our hearts, thou bird of But, heed! - , - morning! What can itmean, this loud, exultant strain Meadowlark, sing! s B 8 & en ys ' PA Si 3 0 rtTBICE 6IIIES THE IVY DAY ORATION COMPARES OOLLEGE STU DENT TO GROWING IVY. DAISY CHAIN WAS A FEATURE Two Ohondoliors for the Library' Stops Gift of Olaaa to Univer sity Morning Program Wit nessed by Largo Crowd. Sltll,l,llltltSJl third, Ross, 1913. Distance, 37 ft. 8 in. (, . Discus First, , Gibson, 1912; second, Minor, ' 1912; third, Funkhousev, 1913. Distance, 100 ft. 8 in. v120-yard lutrdles First, Col lier, 1913; secpnd, McDonald, 1910 ; third, Funkhouser, . 1913? TimeV18 2-5.seconds. ' . 220-yrtrd. hurdles First, Col lier, 1913; second, Funkhouser, 1913; third, McDonald,, 1910. Time, 28 seconds. , Totals: Freshmen, 56; sopho mores, 37; juniors, 11; seniors, 4 -If EVEN! iG PKOGRAM A DECIDED SUCCESS THIRTEEN JUNIORS SELECT- r ED BY INNOCENTS. "ELOPEMENT OF ELLEN " PLEASES Dramatic Club Banquet Tonight. The Dramatic Club will hold its banquet tonight in the ban quot Hall of tho Temple. The guests will be seated at ,6;'30. Tale DTolland will act as toast master. The tickets for the ban- quet, which oan be procured at any time today or at the banqu6t Cold Did Not Prevent Large Crowd from Enjoying Outdoor Lunch Band and Quartet , Furnished Music from the chairman, S.'P. Dobbs, 1913.; second, Gibson, 1912; 'are $1.00, Much interest' was aroused by tho-iniiounccmerit of tho juniors selected for membership in the Innocent society. At 5' p. m. a large crowd gathered in front of the stage. Tins year's Innocents went among the crowd in red caps and gowns and touched the selected juniors on, tho shoulder and escorted them to the plat' form. - Chancellor Avoty, vho Was to dolivor the address, was unable to ha present, and Profes sor Fossler toolc his place, Dale McDonald, preceding the address, wjiich tohV what the Innocents stood for, read the following names, which arc the now Inno cents: Ralph Weavcrling, B, Amberson, Guy Reed, A. M, Obcr- fclder, C. Jf Lord, A. M. Hare, Nyo Morehouse, Ray Rice, Lynn Lloyd; K. P. Frederick, B. IL Ilahne, Harry Cain- and W Q. Weiss. ' Crowd Large. The evening, crowd was eyerr larger than that .of the afternoon,. After lunch had been .eaten the crowd reassembled before the stager The university band and the Glee Club quartet gave a concert, alternating their selec tions, ' The song, "What's the Matter With Father?" with band accompaniment, made a, great hit. All the numbers wore well re ceived. .The curtain, arose for tho Dra matic Club play at 8:30. While k Continued on Page 2 t V Yesterday was Ivy Day. The program on Ivy Day has always been Impressive, and yesterday's program was no oxeoption to the rule. The weather was all that could bo asked for. Tho sun lont its brilliance to tho brilliance of tho program and tho morning ox orciscs composed one of tho most beautiful affairs that has. over y uecn seen on the university cam-' tJ ntie The ilrst number on the pro-, gram was the singing of tho, clasl song by a male quartet. Those who sang were W. W. Guidingor, Harold Clater, Clarence Clark and Kenneth Warner. J. A. Clinc introduced John L. Rico as tho speaker of tho day. Tho title of Mr. Rice's address Was "Tho Graduate." As a piece of scholarly' work 'and as a prc seiitatipn of dcop thought and ii'i .teiffld patriotism, tlie oration wS .generally concoded to be one of tho greatest over dolivored by a student of tho university. Ivy Day Honored Custom. . In beginning, Mr. Rico said that tlie class had assembled in accordance with a time honored custom' for the purposo of leav ing upon tho campus a fitting and lasting memorial to commemorate tho happy-busy years which 'they .. had spent" in tho University of Nebraska, and to pay tribute to the great institution that they would in a. short timo 'call their Alma Mater. Tie said it was fitting that they should express their gratitude t thjj acuity, tho chancellor, tho regents, and tho whole state for the good education that' they had 1UUUIVUU. . . In discussing the planting of the ivy, Mr. Rice compared it. with ibd lifoo a student in the university. The. freshman,, like tho ivy, is small and weak, Small and weak in mind, if not in body. They plant themselves in the rich fields of learning in the univer- . sity. They put forth their onor gicB, like tho tendrils of tho ivy. in search of knowledge, light and truth., After four years under the influence of tho university, with its fostering care, protec tion 'and support, they are ho longer the sprout, but tho grow ing plant. A Worthy Aim. ' - ' The closing paragraph of the oration was as follows: "Let us, then, hero this morn ing, make a firm resolve to sup plement .the education wo have received, with a life of industry and energy, with a life of useful ness. Lot us by cultivating tho virtues of honesty, " integrity, charity, and: justico toward "ail, , build iov ourselves a character that Will bo an inspiration and an example to those whom misfor Qontinuecl ouPafeQ 2 i m 3 ;) .'!