"" -.m 7 ( MJaMaHwMJhw ' . W . I, ..;!, 4 -.- .- - . 's.,.! .., ", . . .!., ,,rrf 'i.ini iii mi i '' ii T - Hf .4 . . . 7 i ii: -itLJf rfuiii.-nr.ittiirirffi'i-r'-f dCSBSSS Z'' . . t l r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . ii ii i m i , , m i-jna L i j, , "rN,r-v v-ftt-" ff- -j . -.. n riftnB! , , i .ii,. -" , KIP ' ' y i i 1 Us. it The Daily Nebfaskan dfr My TIM iPJCOPlMTT PFJJ, ,ii 11 v MUTT ,. or ipBBnAWA. eS 4nV Ne6faasw i.,.-j..ti - - "j TUB BTUPBNT PUBLICATION DOARD DITOHIAL TAFI'. SWlt ..;... ..;... K fyj Manaalna Uttr Carl J. Lora .AeaelateKaitQrv,.,. ,..,... ft. D. Hawley .Aeelstant MjMarfai..f Yli,CJiV 4anaP .'.-........ i .. 4 U. V f9 Pestofllee, atatlan A, Llneeln, Nab. u..omVjoSij1jicijjS?r1vM mala copies, 8 CanU Kaeh. Vlllik'an'i'l A'llta 1M4. Nlaht Phenee Auta 1W Auto 44 INDIVIDUAL NOTtClSwill be chartd 6r at the ra 6f 10 cente ctiaS Inrirtlrin for avery fifteen worda or fraction there st Faculty notice! and Unlveralty bul istlna will bladly ba publlrtied fraa, ,I0ntred at the poatofflca at Llnwln abfaaVa, aa fecOnd-daa. ftull matter aadar the Act of Confreaa of March 1, tni. t AiviriiiiMnli for the iftini column hould ba left at the builneia offloa, bate 4ntnt Administration bulldlna, between 10 4. m.. and 12 m., or between x m. ana pm... - -r... .t h- Ciiih miat aectfrnpahy all ordtra for ad verting, at the rate, of ten oenta fpr each fifteen woVrfa or fra'etlon thtniof the flrat miertlon; three,, lnaertlonei.twantyflva entif five (niertloni' forty cint. , SATURDAY, MAY7, 1910. The great thing iff the world ifl rttit fi6 mn'c iti ried where we 6tafid as in what dirodtiori we dre g6ing.0; W. HolmM. KariSnfl redently ldst bdth in latfoba1!! and debate to Missouri. Evidently tho sido hills are slip pery. ittifetf; iilifrpino Islands, Gor nidnyi Sdotlrfhd. arid Ireland give M6 Nfilirast Cosmopdlitan Club world vViflo rferirddenttttion. Hbw dbdilt ifesfj'erdnto as" a medium for Kjonducting tho business of the U MiinsnyfnrriSp:i?nBUDD am IK LV mm olubt No n6w doses of smallpox yes terday. A banQudt at Rhodesia with thd patients responding to tdastg. Truly this smallpox is not tho disease that common rq pprt would makd it. The light ness of the disease, together with thd stroriuous efforts the authori ties ftro making ought to take the shivers Out of the most timorous spiri6. BUftFLOWERS. llid t6'p8 of the sunflowers aro dgitttted. AH is" not serenity bo riiJdtli their deep shado. Delving dbWH to' tlio black loam that sur r3tindlf thdiF roots we "found the following paragraph in tho Stu dent' fre'rald, tkd papdr of the Kansas Agridiiltural College: fifiriBg M tot ydai . tt. has lost her dohijneoring hold on thtf schools Of the Missouri Val ley. Perhaps thd loss bf tho foot ball grime with Missouri Had much to do with it. Nebraska stands' ncf longer in awe as ovi dericed by their attitude relative to the K. U. bluff of eligibility bf hor baseball, sciuad. The Aggies possess enough-of thd farmdr in dependencb not to card d wlioop what the University does, and they' fcrijby' A square deal 66 thor oughly thdt a' black eye to Can ndnism id , athletics meets with their approval." ttdtfJ&IRS' tiAY. Mothers' day occurs next Suri dayj. F6r Bpfne- years tiid" second jSutiady in May has been set aside' Dy'&bmirion O'bns'ent, 4 a da oh 'which each persdii yntiy Mdnbr and uplift motherhood, and give Piano .solo, Bertha Williams; vo-' comfort and happiness to tho bt cal &161, Virginia Laudermilch' mother tilio 6W lrVdd His tdtt duet, Lillian Cokd ihdldi Mother. in'ltfvinromonlbran'ViteMj -covmI selectifln, Irmi bl His fifflttor, tlW curftortf ia Iff Sil&k. each one to do some distinct act of kindncaa either by a visit or letter. A whito carna'tiari is thtf ent' blehl t be" wortt. It is alsd to bo. ednt to tho sick Or unfortunato iii hbmda; hospitals or prisons , ' The firflt movement towards makihg Mothers1 day reoognized throughoiitrtinrUnited. States was1 stnrtdd a fo years ago by C. M. Mano a Beloitf graduate?, who is at present sedrotary of thoY. M. 0. A. in Lincoln. DR. SOHRACJ TO EUROPE. Will Spend Sumnief There Study ing eltid Sightseeing. Sir. fechrtfg of the Gorman de partment is going to leavo for Burono from itfow ifofk on May -3i To-willflrst visit inr-ltalyf remaining six ivooks in Naples ; tlion cross tlio border into Tyrol, Austria. Ho will take in tho Passion Play at Oberammorgau. jjcter Dr. Schrag will visit the more important of tho South German cities, which he faildd to visit two years ago, and then be in Berlin for four weeks, ilorc lid will searcii for a Gor man play for hoxt year, and pur chase a few solcct pictures for the German department. PEAOE PROGRAM. Annual Affair Comes Tuesday. Next Tuesday at convocation will bo held thd university's an nual peace program. The meet ing will probably bd hold in the Temple. This year tho address amBf m bbbj mm rmmmtw of tho day will bo delivered by Dr. Frank L. Lovoland of Omaha, pastor of tho First Methodist church of that city. Dr, Love land is a great -thinker and a brilliant orator and tho univer sity is fortunato in soouring him to address the students. There will bo other features on tho program". Tho University Gloo Club quartet will furnish music. A largo crowd is expect ed to be present. KISSING SAFE PASTIME. Harvard Proi ess'dr' Assures Audi ence That Heart Troublo is Only Result. Kissing as a perfeotly safe pris time has irecoiVbd the approval of' Dr. A. M. Wbrthingtoh, a pro fessor in tho Harvard medical school. Persons who refrain through fear of tho interchange of bacteria are niartyring them selves uselessly tho educator told his aiidience'at a lecturd on "Mrin and His Bacteria." Tho bac teriologist assured his hearers that thd only dancer in thd prac tice waa that of a Sudden and vio' lfent attack Of heart trouble. ' "There is every reason td 'be-, lieve that when two wholesome persons meet lip to lip without upsetting the 'bacterial balance,-' there is no danger," was the way ho put the good news. Y. W. 0. A. NOTES. Announcement of Ndon Meetings -Entertainments for Bliss Vibbard. Praise service Moiiday" iio'bri. A Tuesday noon faceting, fed by Caroline ,Osborno Wednesday led by .Misfr Snyder, from Nebras- kgi.Wcsleyan; Thursday-noon led b Miss Yjbbardj Fridays noon, led by Lotf pdnc6h A fow dt the Y, W. C. A. girls have been giving somo pleasant" entertainments for their genorul secretary, Miss Vibbard, in honor of approacning events. Monday ovoninga pretty affair took place at tho homo of Alice Humpe, in tho form, ol a miscoimnoous shower. The decdratioris were in the scarlet and the cream, and a pleasant little program was carrjod out. The guests wore th6 small cabinets of last year and this year. When litiss Vibbard reached her hoino she was sur Tjriscd by a group of iriends. While the affair was a shower, it was uninuelv arranged. The- gifts were hidden about the house and the bridc-to-oo was forced to search them out. Hearts hold a prominent place in the program. 'Twas in tho restaurant they met, One Romeo and Juliet; 'Twas there he first fell into debt, For Romeo' d what Juliet. Ex. The University of Misourl is to have a four-bell chimo and a now clock with four eight-foot dials. Tho cost will approximate $3,000. After this year an" oral exam ination in either Frenchor Gor man must be passed by any stu dent wishing to obtain his degred at Harvard. taBa d 1415 O ST. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When you want to Ret Gleaning and Pressing dons by hand and not by machinery bring your clothes to JOE The Tailor who la also a Specialist m altefirig and refitt ing yoflr clothes up-to-date. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy Upstairs, 132s o st. Lincoln University Bulletin &AY. 9, Monday Election letic Board. of Ath- 10, Tuesday Convocation. An!- nual poaoe program. 11 Wednesday Ivy Day . All cIas8eft,.oxcusedi 14j Saturday-Dual , track in'eet NebVasks-Kansas, at Law rence: l4, Saturday, morriiiigSeriior br&ikfast: i6-it, kohdoy' and Tuesday . Tenipie Mifarieapoiis Sym- phony Orchestra. rf, uefdoy,Ji a. m., Temple- vonvocauon. junior pro gram. 17, Tuesday; 11 a. m. Convoca'- L thm at Temple theater. Junior class program. 17 Tuesday Convocation. -An- "nual jiinidr prograhl. 18, Wednesday, U100-r- Platfdrm Glnb meets. v '.,." 1&, WedneSdayi UldB-Pltifrm 1 .Club-rilgets: ; --' ' AH 96Ui Church, UnitdHaff 0riT ef H and ARTHUR L. WEATHERLY, Minister. Service. (0:45 a. ni. - Sunday School 10 a. m. All stthlciitf rt9r4ly hivtal t Utn4 Its ttrvle " ALU PEVS ARE PK&'L e a v Sunday, ray 8-Sermon Sub: "frttdbr and tki &lr. Ittial Life." . 3ocll Ethic CUiS 12:15. PrOf. L. E.ylesworth, Leader; ; . 66 eringa TviU'Bo r6col6d May 8th for tho Missionary work of tho ' Wflt6rri Unitarian Conforence; And of thd American Unitarian Aasocl The Student's Liberal Rcllgous Union meets In the Huslc Room of the Temple at A p- m. Sunday. All students Invit ed. Executive Committee Miss Lois Fossler, Miss Alary Wheettf, and Robert Ashby. tun PIPES portet'0 flDixturc Mt YOUNO,i Cafic box mixture -iii r ri Vi jr TYPEWRITERS All makes ; ' " SOLD OR RENTED fioht Applies on Pur6ha&o Price. Five Days' Froo trial boforb yon py. Two yoars guamtoo when you pnrohaso. Easy Tonne. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1201). Mi F. SWAN50N CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St. Wmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmwmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmm THE DIVINITY SCHOOL tf HARVARD UNIVERSITY VNSECTARIAN ELECTIVE courses leading to tbe Upiyerslty deree of 3T& A.M.and PhJ5. - Students paying the full fee may take without extra charge appropriate courses offered In the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and In Andover Theolog ical Seminary. For particulars address The Dean of Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachucetts. YO OUGHT TO PAY WHAT U OWE . , ' ' BASEMENT ''' "i" THE mmmmmmmmmmmmm , 12tb Strlti iV t i.. fflfBt3 PIPES Sm llik VNFOERftrY PRIVILEGES --m U NEBRASKAN ADVl. BLDO. tr ' iff -' i . -a i - ...w m vj i T 4 1 N S ; I'tV ;A.' ?& X- 'L' x. . "a j-j !&lftL-t. ' V", "' -fci t V J. ' I? -