Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1910)
t" j ," f "r"Jr" , jr. i 0j.ff, ,fmm-KA FT" ,.-.,. .i.ii MiM, -, .f.'.Ti.ik, u.",. 1 1 ..) Ti'j -- - , I ... ' , frnrrrfnTn i"' p fi n . .i . , "5 . . . V"! . $1- ' , y,r ; - . ' y. ",, j ' . :i -' " 1 THE NEBRASKAN i l' i tm it f v ii tiPS Afcun& )wi- - - - GOVERNMENT INFECTION WAS HELD YESTERDAY irrTirT- -r " , ' vii''," '& KENSI -V : , NGTON M tu- v i . 9 1 i It; fM: fifr fcW K -4- Boys--My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them ! L. J. HERZOQ 1230 O St Fine Tailoring Cornell University Medical College A onlloKO ilonroo In required for ndmlmtiin. Ailvanom BtandinR aranWtl Mtudnnln promnt ItiK Hfttlufnctory urodontlnlH from nnorodltod mo Heal ooUorch Brury titolllty Is itfftirod to undo 'urnduatoii Hooklni Mm dHRroo or Doctor of Moillolno, Aitiplo fa llltloi nro hIho of forod nunliflnd RrodimtoH to pur-tiio original InvouM triitinn In nnv ilniitirtinnnt. Por fitrthnr tnr- tlnulnf h nppl V to Thi Dili, CirmH Unlimlt Midleil, Cbllin, First Avo. nndxaUi Ht., Now York City. Swell JAJ&lry Chns. W. Fletaing JEWELER and OPTICIAN 13 1 1 0 St. - '" "ETntoln, . Meb MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Three Great Concert $3.00 MAY 16-17 OLIVER THEATRE if SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 WARTHOINS Ml rwi; Quality. Counts TO ATS WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR W make a specialty of f an ty creams, sherbets. Ices aad punch for Prat As Sorori ty partiea. Whipping Cream always oa hand. Boll SOS. utellSl. lSlSNOt awaaaaagscwwaassi ' New Music When you ro homo sond to mo for tUo mmlo tlmt aro tbd "Ilitn" hura at tbo Uni. 8uv Intho Ritmo oven though you nro at homo. , WALT "The Music Man" iaiS O STRBBT Tht First Trust & Sav ings Bank 4 Par Cent Interest A $1 ptns an aooount Corner l6h & 6 Sttt KNIVEISITY JEWELEft 4 IPTICIAH C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN II2JI SHEET, YEUIWFMIT Ttr rfttrfMf' S!leiU RAIN INTERFERES AND THE WORK IS HANDICAPPED, ONLY A SMALL AMOtlRf OF DRI L Company and Battalion Drill and ffimtvl Mount, nnrlWork ftf ttnr.. talion Could Only Bo Judged by Work in the Armory. Aftar being poHtponod for a dny, nnd then fliinlly forced to sdolc cover from tlio heavy ruin, the nnnttnl government inspection of the First endet battalion wnH held yesterday by Captain Cim monds of tho U. S. army. The inspection yus not long in dura tion, but the work of tho cadets was elosoly watched by tho in spactingQiTlcer. . - Tho first cull was sounded, aT 1 :15, nnd nssombly was blown at 1:20 p. m. The companies were lined up and then prepared for inspection. After inspecting the cadets of the battalion as to their uniform . and cquipmont, the cadets of tho various companies wcro put through as many of. the i! volutions of drill as it was pos sible to do in tho crowded arm ory. Following the preliminary inspection, companies 0, B and A wcro put through an exhibi tion rifle drill, which is known in military circles as Butt's Man ual. This drill was followed by company drill by company D. Tho company oxecutcd the man ual of arms and marchings and also 'oxecutod somo squad move ments and skirmish drill with one company. After this work companies I and It woro put through a series of bayonet exorcises, As tho rain had ceased for a few moments I ho battalion was. marched out on Twelfth street, and there some battalion drill 'was oxecutcd. Bot talion skirmish drill was also ox ecutcd, and the rain interfering tho battalion was marched back to tho armory aud dismissod. An inspection of tho officers of the battalion and tho records of tho cadets was thon hold. The work of the battalion appeared very favorable to tho inspecting of ficer and ho was satisfied with tho work of the cadets under tho command of Captain Yates, com mandant of tho university cadets. FORESTERS IN DEMAND. Mpre Positions than Nebraska ' Can till.' There have been numerous let ters coming to tho Nebraska for est department asking for men to work in tho sorvico during the summer vacation.. Professor Phillips soys h6 has positions for about twenty more men than ho con possibly get. T. E. Miller and R. D. Garver, '11, hove received appointments as assistants at tho forest station near Manitou, CqIo. These men oxp'oct to rewainbiit of scbool for tho year in. order to improve their practical training. Hal Ctultz, R;, Tt Phillips and V. FulJ.away have secured posi tions on the Holy Cross experi jnent station in Colorado. Thoy will lea v6 after tho final oxam iriatioYVs. Thqodore Krueger will go t6 NeVv Mexico to take 'charge of a station established -by Pro fessor Phillips in 1907.,About ton freshmen in kth6 department will l6avo in , about a month for a' lumber camp at RedolifT Colo. This clamp has supplied positions, t?p.Wqbra8lca ;.fqr,esjers. ior. the past ten years. ' t il Classified Column JJ FOB SALE For Sale Duo bill on Lincoln's leading piano company. tf For Sale Duo bill on a good Lincoln tailor. Address H, Ne braskan, or call 1821. tf. LOST Lost Delta Upsilon fraternity pin, with diamond center setting surrounded "by opals. Notify Auto 3450 or NcbrUskan. 128-5t Lost A 1901) senior pin, ini tials "M. EK K." Reward. Re turn to Rag. 130-Bt y WANTED Tho men of the senior class have had their experience aud now want paying positions. Mr. .VW. Pratt, at the. Windsor hotel, has several good business propo sitions and can locate some of the seniors for" the coming year. 2t There arc business opportuni ties open to a few senior men who are in for business and will act under a six months' or a year's contract. No investment r-eccsv.-.ry. Apply at the office of .1. AV. Pratt, Windsor hctel. 2t Wanted Energetic students for vacation worlc. Wo will Jiire only men and women whom we believe con succeed. A definite amount for yoiir time of "success, raiigTng from $55 a 'month up. Tho King Richards6h Co., R. Q. Gi-iffi'thj Windsor Hotel, this week. , 2't PROFESSIONIL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR.XILLIAN SNOy, 1339 0; lours, 9 a. ni. to 9 p. m. ' Dis ases of women. Auto 3038. r DR. 0." EC, RUSH, Surgeon, - r, Richards BVoolc. Both Phones. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, 221 Burr "lk. Both Phones. LIFE INSURANCE UNION.OENTRAL LIFE, S. B. Ooon, agt., 216 Rioharda blk. Cravanettes Rain of "shine KENSINGTON Craveiiettes are the thing. You'll never find a more serviceable gar ment. - You'll never want a better fitting, better looking, better made' coat than a KENSINGTON Crave nette - KENSINGTON Cravanettes--$1 8 to $30. Other good reliable raincoats at $18 and $15. UMBRELLASof 'cravanetted materfal, close-fitting cover; strongVrame, Congo or Mission wood handle 1 f A with tasselan unusually good value, at JLLVJ - . N t Magee & Deemer LINCOLN AURORA Fresh Baked Goods of all Kinds. Ice Cream ,and Ices. We Serv6 Lunches. The 1910 Cornhusker The Best Yet" Order Now HI ' rJ?A & Wfe-Preserver i N if fflr 'fcor Few I cople realize ruined by poor shoe polish. The nctf or alkali in such polw hes destroys ihc leather. When we sell our customers Regal ishocs we knou) that we trc giving them the very best leathers in (he world, but, to insure Jong, atijfactory service we always recommend Regal t Jt rT,"8!? ""c! ,hJ Sho Company to firotecj Ihetr Regal Shoes-r.ol for profit. Where ura urns moauiaclurer ninkcj bolh ihoci and dressina ,v iijyo iiiq oi I N - ifeS ; PvrDrMiiiuii quickly and cosily applied, kecw K fcf HmW 9rCM'"8JVTL;,e,:mdroNlillhir- Sold only at our H W '' Pw tlorc Pr bcttlc, 25c. f - ' M B Speier& Simon 1 jTlJ ' if r ' i i in Cl jCt RED OAK 1307 O STREET Your Shoes tKat'iria finpRf lm.. -i k Dre ssing pouiuic guarantee ot Ihc qtit lust of b ' t, ':fr . . "t "W1 VJ - ' 1 v t ' )T-J-' M ' 'Tt- r j ' 41 ,.-ci . y ihi . j mv J n vift31 .... "- 4,vs ' ,r ' , -r vHf .;t'ii ,1'ua t.M&L&&. Jy,- .iU .iflt-Aafc.- V -