The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1910, Image 3
JH UK-'- '.... .''?' ,'. t - If '-.' " ,.. hK 1-' l.V , "...: W '- . . ' BS&V...- rW',5? ' Xfc.' -, f . - A- L - " . . Vvw' h . rs' virsxtmranrT "ww r. J - , "pwsv '""--s- ' ?c-""w tt ' !," -," i- 3" '-y" ".""T-'lts'ffWtV1 ".- vr-rr t- nw! " -, .ry t 'lj!ip'i.".irr"':? '"yffi THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - SPECIAL NOTICE --T Six pairs of Imported Mercerized Hosiery Saturday we place on sale a special purchase of Men's Imported Mercerized Hosiery. Navy, Black, Helo, Res ida, Gun Metal, Dark Grey, Wine, Reo-Tan, Brown and Purple. Your choice of colors, six pairs to bdx, 75. i I MAYER BROTHERS Lincoln's Leading Head to Foot Clothiers V to Rrlni' Ynr Nt Jnh nf Printing rAN TINE PRINTING CO. I ind Get Satisfactory ResulU f 128-130 No. 14th St. Auto 3477 J TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Robuilt Maohinoi Llnooln Typewriter Exchange Auto 1165. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th IWWW Hot Drinks ac now la teason. Do-you-know-any pUc where you can gat as QUICK SERVICE M yy can at otirnew atore? No aa4 of being crowded. Lincoln Candy KitCnen 3. W. Cerar CDrn A I rOrMTOC fr Graduation Pres Or HIAL. IJIxIJE-iXD ents should be left now. We make special Rings, Pins, Spoons, Fobs, Buttons, Prize Cup, Badges, Etc. Let us figure with you. HALLETT, Jeweler ESTABLISHED 1871 1143 O STREET Campus Gleanings7 C. II. Frey, florist, 1133 0 st. I o Now Ilnyden Studio, 1127 0 st. K2l0 Fraternity and Sorority Trade A? SPECIALTY Chapin Bros., florists, 12V So. 13th.' ' o Thornbnrg's Orchestra. Auto 5877. ' - o, o o 4 Try a lunch nt the Y. Mi 0. A. Spn. 13th -and P sts. Eat- at Don Cameron's Cafe, 115-11$ So. 12th street. 0 o . Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 N. 11th. '' Domestic, Lunch. J. McKen- sie, 1230 IT. you their new snappy oxfords. 1107 0 st. ' Dr. 11. M dramb, Osteopathic Physiciuiij U. of N. '!)() Burling ton bloclc. Ladies' and Mon's Clothing Cloanod, Prossed and Ropairod, Iluts Ofoancd Blocked and Itotri mined L. BLUMENTHAL 1 Practical Hotter rind Cleaner Goods Called For and Dolivorcd. Boll Phono A-021, Auto Phono 0448 225 So. Uith St., Lindoll Hotel, Lincoln. Nob. SHOWING UP WELL. Before buying your sprinTffoot vvtfar let Beclcman Bros, showlnell, 5. Defeat Grinnell 10 to 9. The Cornhuslcers are showing up VeLL on thoir eastern trip this week. They defeated Grinnell on May 4 by a score of 10 to 9. The game Avas loosely played, errors being , numerous, but Nebraska outflclding their opponents a$ well ris . outbatting themj-'Cap-t'n'in Greenslit starred at the bat. Olmstead pitched an excellent gamo aftor he went into the box. Tho scora by innings is as fol lows : . Nebraska . x. , 1 0 2 0 0 4 0 3 010 Grinnell ......13401000 0 , 9 Hits Nebraska,, 15; Grinnell, 7. Errors Nebraska, 4j Grin- All Classes Excused IVY DAY MAY 1 1 Pay Assessments Now and Get Tickets . - gnnninftrnnmiummnMnmiimmniu SIMMONS I E XHP iRINXBR s m Vrlntlnc - s engraving, SBc 4p mnoaalns - th& IF jf-jr-ff you think an oxford won't fit ' .: i .!. i.i you arouna cue aiutic, try uii an " F-F-H ". They fit up cloce every time. $3.50 and $4.QQ 5 YATES-FRENCH CO. SttOt Neat Repairing. 1220 0 St. CRITICS SAYITHAT ' Cojlegfe Memories " The now Song byMr. Stovens and dedicated to tho . Alnmni, is JUST AS GOOD aa "THE CORNHUSKER" "' " which in saying a good deal. For sae at Collogo Book Storos and all mnsio stores fl5c T - -- Fraternities r Sororities W cam mly you 12 pr CMit your fuM bub Semi-Anthracite $8.00 M THB REASON mfeBu Gregory The Coal Man imTom. a y - . k V , . l J 'X.3 l i& ti i t'. .m t AUTO Hit S17 UOVT 1TH HtfuuuuiiiiuiiuuuiimuiiiuiiiiuuS Xi , H - 41 ; - . 1 - i . r - f . ' H V i . A-a. .- r-.i-U