,'4f"ip,'W,,3fp'ffwr!. ftmY '7r!pf -". "v "Wptvr-! irTjin? . ""'mjfiyf't " "'WniTfT!j?rf.iP'jyjiJfir' T W8K " J'J.1 1. Npl ( d(P "' r V THE IDAELY NEBRASKAN s X" m 4 M. RUK -r- .i?oys--My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring Cornell University Medical College A collopro dogroo Is roqutrodtor admlRalon. Advanced standing prrantod studonta present ing satisfactory credentials from acorodltod modioal coUcros. Brory titoility Is offorod to unrtorgrnduatoB Booking tho degroo of Doctor of Modlclno. Aniplo fa -1111108 aro also offorod qualified graduates to pursuo original Investi gation in any dopartmont For further par tlonlarfl npplv to Thi Dun, Cirntlt Unlnrilij Midleal Colltti, First Avo. and 28th St., Now York Olty. Swell Jewelry Chas. W. Fleming JEWELER and OPTICIAN "I3lf 0sf. - Lincoln, Neb MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Three Great Concerts $3.00 MAY 16-17 OLIVER THEATRE SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 WARTHON'S Quality Counts THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices amd pnnoh for Frat & Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream always oh hand. Bell 08. Auto 1181. 1810 NBt New Music When you 'go homo sond to ino for tlio inuslo that aro tho "Illta" hero at the TJni. Btav In tho gamo even though you nro at homo. WALT "The Music Man" tats O STRGBT 2?i Thi First Trust It Sav ings Bank 4 Per Cent Interest A $1 opin in loosunt Comet lOtk U O Stmt UNIVERSITY JEWELER L OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1121 S STREET, YELLOW FRONT Ttr rutrtMft Solicits PETITION WAS CIRCULATED Would Limit Voting to Students and Factdty. Sonic interest was added to the campaign for athletic board elec tions yesterday by the circula tion of a petition among the stu dent Kody asking that the rule al lowing graduates of the univer sity to vote bo repealed. The pe tition was addressed to the uni versity senate, which passed the alumni rule April 15, 1906. riu- reason i set forth in the petition for asking the repeal of the rule are in brief as follows: "ho active .student body is best able to judge the merits of the candidates, but few alumni know ing the nominees or having par ticular interest in their election. It is said that last year nearly all the alumni who voted were brought to the polls in automo biles and the spending of money in a campaign ol uns Kind is con demned. The petition also states that it is believed undesirable to cause men to vote who for lack of interest or knowledge or other reasons would otherwise not do so. About twenty-five copies of the petition were in circulation yes terday and were said to meet with general approval. A meet ing was held last night by those who arc looking after the peti tions to plan a general campaign for names within the next day or so. Some of the candidates ex- . ....... -. . FULK 1325 O ST. pressed surprise upon hearing of the petitions, but none has so far shown any opposition to it. it is not known just where the idea lor the petition originated. Some one suggested the Innocents, but i- member of that organization stated that they were not re sponsible. SCIENTISTS WILL NOT MEET. Postponed Because of Spread of Smallpox. The meeting of the Nebraska Academy of Science, which was to have been Jield at the univer sity at the end of this week, has been postponed because of the smallpox scare. The time of the meeting will be decided upon later. Notice, Seniors. A'll seniors should order caps and gowns at once. Orders will bo taken at the Co-op, and it is dcsirablo that the orders be placed at once. . - C. W. MIUNGEL, - Chairman Committee. Field Geography, Course 10. Excursion to Milford next Sat urday, May 7,, 1910.- All who arc registered in Jjiis course should report to Dr. ConcTra or Prof. Bengtson at once. r you you jp-rn th& , SHOtr YATES-FRENCH CO. Neat Repairing. 1220 0 St. WANT ADS LOST Lost Delta Upsilon fratornity pin, With diamond con'tor sotting surrounded by opals. Notify Auto 3456 or Nebraskan. 128-5t Lost A 190!) senior pin, ini tials "M. B. K." Howard. Ko lurn to "Rng. 130-3t Wanted Wanted Energetic students for vacation work. We will hire only men and women whom wo believe can succeed. A definite amount for your time regardless of success, ranging from $55 a month up. The King liiclmrdson Co., R. ( Griffith, Windsor Hotel, ih is week. 2t PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. LILLIAN SNOW, 1339 O ; hours, 9 a. in. to 9 p. m. Dis eases of women. Auto 3038. DR. 0. H. RUSH, Surgeon, Kichards Block. Roth Phones. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, 221 Burr Blk. Both Phones. LIFE INSURANCE UNION CENTRAL LIFE, S. B. Coon, agt., 216 Riohards blk. Plain White and Fancy Skirts We have just received a lot of beautiful new patterns in Manhattan and Eclipse Shirts $1.00 to $3.50. lj)Campusy)j. W Gleanings W ('. II. Frey, florist, 1133 O st. 0 0 New I lay den Studio, 1127 O st. -0 127 So. Auto Try, a lunch at tho Y Spa. 13th and P sts. M. C. A. Kat at Don Cameron's -'itfe, 115-110 So. 12th street. Croon's Sanitary Barber 120 N. 11th. Doineilre Lunch. ' J, sie, V'60 J I. Before buyipg'your spring foot wear -let .Beckmau Bros, show you tlicir new snappy oxfords 1107 O st. At Purdue, 19 men of the base ball squad have sjgned statements that they have never played pro fessional baseball. Notice. Last Glee Club try-outs N this year will bo lield Friday from 5 to 6 o'clock. . IF think an oxford won't fit c around the ankle, try on ., Chapin Bros., florists, 13th. Thornburg's Orchestra 5S77. ' 0 o o Shop. C McKen- an "F-F-H". . They fit up cloic every time. $3.50 and $4.00 K1 WANTED-A RIDER AGENT amnio Ltet Model "Ranger" iiMniiiK iiiuucy ii. trrutjarjmi parucuiart ana tMtUll Wtr at diet, . VI NO MONK I invnnp. nnw to. anyone, anywhere in the U, 8. x UB.UUWHU where in the U. 8. allow XKN 1)AVH put It Keep -IV-k ftjri-L .' Ifcjr.iU fer vu . CKH to any teat you .liti II eep the bicycle ahlp It back to CAOTODV BDIOCC W nvivni i nivk at ono rnDV BDIOCC e nmie Ixlilt.d your bicycle. I) to Sit tnldfllemen'a iirnftli hv nt imf trie until vo prittM and rtttiaritaSU ou recel tftctal YOU WILL IE ASTOMSHFI he.n you receiv? our .beautiful catntoffiie and UU miX BE naiVnianCi Mud, pur auperb modela at the wcmitrfiilt ivvt print wo can mane you inia .t,A1?r..0.l!,.e.r.,.i?Wni.' We IIOYGLIS 1)I;A1((.KHI you I1IOVOL.IC 1) a our nrlcca. Grdera MKTONIJ IIANIt ItmVf iiiicu tne k OLEICS. utually have a number on liaml v liave a number on hand taken In promptly at pncea mnmnu irom a to BH or COASnMRAKESi&lSBtoW -L- .;- go HEDGETHOKH I doubt $o CCI C-UCJII RUA TRDRTe A SAMPLE PAIR Vkhl IB&aHblUU ini.lUV TOIMnODUOE,ONLY The rteular relet 1 1 irce of thtte lirti h SSMf ttr eaie. but to introduce we tiill lellyouasampiepairorffMicashwitiordtrfJi), HO MORETROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS, Tnoks or (Unas will not lot tho air out Sixty thotieatul pairs noUl lnit, year. Over two humirccl thuusntid pairanow in ttac. DESUniPTIUNt Made in al 1 alien. II is lively and eaHvrldinir.vcrvtltunblcniul lined tiiblilowl injj.vcrytluinblcniul llncU liiMiiowlth a nncciai atinntv oi itiuucr. wnicii never necotiun . ."r H.i .... . mlltyof lubber, which porotia and which clouia utrHinall t: Iiitr the uir tocBcapc. Wc lmvc huuurcds of tcttcrn rotia ntui which cioui uirnmaii pttiicturca witnout !.. . ... . CcdcustoincrMBtntliiK thni their t it caltavconly been upoticcor twice inn whole acnsoii. lhcy wcluli no n ordinary tire, the puncture realiUlnn qualities being given by Bcvcrnl In) era ufthln. Hpcclnlly picpnred ftibrlcou the uy ncvcrni in) era ot iiiin.Hpcciniiy picpnreu niurtcon tne trend. The rcRiilnr price of thcae tlrcn Is ffl.a icr palr,bti t for advcrtlfihiKpurpoucawcnrctnaltlntfn special factory 7 Cli therrldcrofuuly tito tier patrr-AlrrjTUCTFHlnnbeu approval. You do not pay n cent until you have We will nllow n cash (llsoount of per cent Bend rilLIj CASH WI'l'U OltDKft and enclose nickel trintcd brass band pump. Tires to be returned at OUR expense If for any reason thev are iui BuiiHiuciuiy jii cxitiiuiiimuii. vc urc pcricciiv rename nuu money sent to tin u ns salens in a bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find Hint they will ride easier, run frnlcr, wear better, last longer and look liner tlmn any tire you have ever used or seen nt any price. We know that you will be so well pleaded that wlien you want n bicycle you will give us your order. Wc want you to send us u trial order at once, heilce this remarkable tire offer, fa- VSlff HfjrJCV TDPC don't buy nny kind at any price until you nend for n pair of Mr YUU Nb.hU i InCO Ilcdgcthorn tuncture-rroof tires on approval nud trial nt the special introductory price quoted above; or write for our big Tire nud Sundry Catalogue wlijcb describes and quoted all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. nn MMY WAIT but write us a tostal today. UO NOT THINK OK HUYiNOnblcytlc mM9 fllff WWMIM or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new an' wotidtl fill offers wc arc making. It only costs a postal to learn every thiug. Write it NOW. J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHBCAG, ILL OIUTICS "College Memories" Tho now Song by Mr. Stovons and dodicntod to tho Alumni, is JUST AS GOOD as 44 THE CORNHUSKER" which in saying a good deal. For salo at Co logo Boole Storoa and all music Htoros, 2ic summer The University June 20 to August 12, 1910 CourBes in Agriculture, Anatomy, Botany, Chemistry, Education, Educa tional Theory and Practice, Secondary Education, Normal Training, Elomon tury Education, English Language and LItdraturo, French, Goography and Geology, Gorman, American History, Homo Economics, Horticulture, Latin, Manual Training, Mathematics, Me chanical Drawing, Philosophy and Psy chology, Physical Education, Physiol ogy, Political Science and Sociology, Rhetoric and English Composition, Zoology. An Easy "OUT' A first baseman' lini' more chances for niit.mtta than any other plaver on nine. He must have the beet made. Chance, Konctchy, Chase. lenneyand Stahl arc men whose accurate work on first is due in a large measure to ea First Basemeh's F'"Z?"CSli2!!.rJ - - -v-v., -,,. UIIW ui;iiics i wnct. reamer , .Lacing, throughout. e JKAl, Trade Mark Guarantees satisfaction and perfect goods. " S.M.OWeWl Vin Ml Out to - wady The k. J, REACH ..... ....... yciii 1.1 ucjun pioio lotorrotljn U COMPANY, !79 Tulip St, Pitilcdelphla, Pa. wrilt lor ftte Reath Ltniorjue. IKEAGHT0WN McrcTaTunJIihed by in. QurucnU ev hero an until you receive-anuapp without a ant dttotit In until you recelvo and approve of ypi.r blcyu-WaiUa l ana tit without a etui dtiotit In advance. TUIAL. rvi . j I ..-.i-.it-.- - LJILH !&. Ull iitln which time you fn.iy ride the IHcy r and au iyi ne. irtitt frlkt. arwt you ua at our eapenae and yen are then not perfectly mi nectiy Mtuiini or uo not wla i ta lumian. tno nisneat nade tho lilgheat era da hi vnii net m an fit ttnt. clea it i possible to make) null profit above actual factory cott. You aavc f to rvrli.. ll I iui VVJTII ' aRcnta year, we aeii tne iiigiieaisrade bicycles lor leu money aro Ml'"" with Ji.oo profit above lactor cost. can aell our blcyclea under your own name plate at ny received. We .do not recrularly handle second hand MctcIm. hat tratln hv nnr ( hinrm rill air.. n !... .. .i ! ' V- 1- .-'"V-.w . v.w.1.-.. .11.. .. .I--N. UH mio. Dejcrlptlvo bargain Hats ma ted free. PUNCTURE - PROOF $ from en tin- aiiovr- piitnped A" uml puncture atrlpa "II" and !," alao rim atrip "II" to prevent rlin outline Thi tiro will outlast any other tnnho-HOKT, JSLASXXO tiud more than price to avo Mixuinu, , halite day letter is tccclvcd. we ahln C O. D. on examined and found thcni-Strlctly as represented. (thereby making the nrlcc S4.D1 ocr nnlr) If vbu thin ndvertlcctnetit. We will also cnd one SAY THAT 4 session of Nebraska Special attontion to subjects, re quired for professional cgrtlflcats.- ' Nino hours of college work possible. Conditional admission on 22 potato. Teachers 21 years or over may enter as Adult Special Students. High-School Courses lnN tho Teach ers' pollego High School. For bulletin or Information oddreai THE REGISTRAR, ) Rf,K9,rJ,1.l'55.t.?1 V. and h8 tliarnanufacturer'iKuar- O NOT I1UY a bicycle or a par of tlrei from n nts re our catalotruea and team our unheard of fatter afftrt to rldor aaronU. MM IL wsmwilaWmt''f r --.jivmK.t.' Hall Notloo tho think rubber trend The University of Nebraska, Lincoln, .i , the mitt Davis. Mitts 4 Thumb, DP cao bwU, , or 17 mau. ca Due H;7 m ZM ML v k& JAMft .Alw1ia AOMvUzzzl. , i'-i-i;j'-i4r. .i 3u ..a- , ., v At ! Jt vs t W mtf''-