'tntKA'KyiimlMf -i'l " nii'UiH . . , in,,,,", r Anmmwmw - -4. . HniillH. lHwnJMiiUlAiip . ...-.JL "MMMMt ilm mi Iiwtyaw ! gl " - I III &-' -. . L - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN K If -A Mr it r ffl w IN tr i i. to.- &- ' . .1 L 1 1 The Daily Nebraskan TIII3 PROPERTY OP THE UNIVBnsITV OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln. Nebraska, Pubtlnlicd by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF-. Editor... K. P. Frederick Managing Editor Carl J. Lord Atioclnto Editor T. M. Edgecombe Associate Editor R. D. Hawloy BUSINESS STAFF. Manager. Q. C- Klddoo Aitlatnnt Manager V. C. Haioall Circulator C. Duohanan Edltotlal and Duslneai Office: aaBvhWItW ttt&Tft ATC-CCy Poitohlce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, ft Cents Each. - Telephonei Auto 1B88. Night Phones Auto 1B88;,Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL.NOTICEB will bo charged for nt tbo rato of 10 conta the Insertion for ovnry flftoop words or fraction thero of. Fnoulty notice nnd University bul letins will bladly bo published frco. Entered at the postofftco at Lincoln, Nebrnsko, ns sooond-oloss mall matter under the Act of Congress of March J, 1870. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between ip. m. and 5 p. m. , Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten oents for each fifteen words or frnotlon thereof the first Insertion: three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. THURSDAY, MAY'S, 11)10 This Issue Edited by Editor . . . .FAYE M. HARTLEY Associate Editor . . .ESTELLE MORRISON . HONOR BRIGHT! This is the phrase soon to be heard repeated commonly and as a matter of course upon our ejim pus. Or so one senior uirl as- $4.00 GUN ANKLE STRAP PUMPS . . . $4.00 PATENT " " "... $4.00 GUN OXFORDS, TANS AND PATENT $4.00 HIGH SHOES, PATENT, GUN, KID . sures us who spent some time at an eastern school, where the honor system had been in force for a long time, and where the expression quoted had become a favorite. ( ITaving waited for weary months for the masculine half of the university to get the honor system established in 'the school, the co-eds eem to have taken jnatters into their own hands. Several prominent sororities arc helping to put the matter before all the girls in tho school. Cheat ing in examinations and in class and laboratory work as well may. be included in the list of prac tices to be abjured. It seems a hard thing that our school should need any such de vice as an honor system, among girls or men, to insure tho doing of honest work; but we have re fused, ostrich-like, to look square ly at the difliuinv for too long a time. Wc cunnot take this matter too soriously. Nebraska's good name is involved. Lot us all boost for the honor system. WHAT DO YOU THINK? ' The May Morning Breakfast Is Not a Plynn Breakfast. May morning breakfast! The name gives you the same sort of fceling-that you experience when some one. says Cliristmns or . Fourth of July. You don't think of Blockings hanging over the fire place or (ire crackers and merry-go-rounds, but yon get that pe. quliar holiday 'sensation- and you .think of Jong tables laden .with well, IhiiigH Mr. Fynn didn't recommend nnd of bevys of protly co-ckIh in white nproiiR, nil a flutter to wnit upon you, nnd there wells up within n flood of college .spirit tlmt innlccH you dive down to the bottom of your pocket after the requisite quarter and but don't ktop to deliber ate. Buy a ticket now; in the first flush of your enthusiasm and how glad you will be Saturday morning that the mercenary con 'tf77ftwrtf?e The May morning breakfast is an annual affair under the aus pices of the Y. W. 0. A. It is served in the dining room of St. Paul's church and the proceeds are used to senc! delogates to the summer conference at Cascade, Colo. The sororities and other social organiotio'ns of the uni versity each are responsible for and preside over one table. A special effort is made to have the breakfast satisfactory and the oe- -iMtntfui-a-it-nrhole-cnnoytrhlTr: THE VAMPIRE. Continued from Page 1 back ominously, we all him the 'Vampire.' " "Is he an artist V" "A fine trade, that, indeed He draws only corpses! The mo ment someone in Constantinople or the vicinity dies, he is at hand with a portrait of the deceased He sketched a corpse tofjajC lie draws them beforehajjdfand like a vulture he is ahvnys sure of his prey i' I he mother jrave a frightful serenJii in her arms lay her slaughter, pale as death. The young Pole had rushed down the stairs in the meantime; had seized the Greek around the neck with one hand, and with the other had wrested the canvas from him. Both the mon were rolling on tho sand in their wild endeavor to get the better of each other. We rushed after them. The canvas lay on the sand. On one sheet was sketched with pencil the head of the young Polish mai tlen, her eyes -closed around her brow a myrtle wreath. . "THE BUTTERFLY." Continued from Page 1 fully threw the bottle of burning liquid at "'The Flirt," who. when she looked down at her blazing skirl, rushed about frantically. For sevpral moments she stood in a bay-window, where every breeze fanned the flames. In tho midst of this confusion I stum bled over an open suit case, and, catching at tho tablo as I fell, spilled a chafing dish of scram bled eggs on the floor. While ihe other girls wore fighting the blaze on their clothes, "The But loifiy" began beating tho flames that rose high up the wall whore the lamp stpod. Just as we had succeeded in getting the fire out, the matron came in. She con tributed a few remarks, to which wc replied 3 calmly jis possible. At present we are awaiting, re sults. Friday, September 28 "The Flirt" is. in a rageshe spent all of last ovcnhig proparing a hetoric lesson, and this morning ' The .Butterfly "who shirks ev erything coolly appropriated the prepared exercises and copied tliom word for word. She has Ht ic peculiar traits which we did not notice at first It is so much easier to go to the treaters and let some one else do the studying. Later. There is such a thing as a limit to one's endur ance, and in my case it's almonf reached. I am heartily sick o making a daily tour about mTc rooms picking un clothes' and more clothes everything from tables and bed are decorated with various articles belonging to "The Butterfly." There arc peo pie who never do their share of the work! Even "Innocence," demure and calm, is losing her temper. She worked up a toy rage today, when she picked four pairs of shoes from the study table, and had to search for hours in the debris bn the chiffonier top, for a stock, only to discover that -Pho-BuMt'rfly-Mrml-wTnTr-it to- school. Monday, September .'11 In rc- eponse to pleas for advice, our mothers have written telling us to overlook little faults. As if mothers realized the situation Hf they did, they would nojxbe so free with advice. Wc do not care what happejiKfwe will not be trnmpledOfi! "The Butter fly" may-lrave good traits, but- well L-wc've decided to move! Ivy Day Notice All elass teams must be at the state farm to participate in the meet at 2:30 sharp. Class of ficials are urged' to get as many men out as possible to try and win the eup. BAUMAN, AMBERSON, Chairmen. $2.50 euoD VV 1415 O ST. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When you wnnt to KotClcmnliiK nnd Presshiij tlono by lmnd and not by niuclilnorj- brlnir your olotbuH to JOE The Tailor who In also n SpoolnllHt on altering nnd roiltt . Ins your clothes up-to-dnto. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dresamaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin MAY. 6-7, Friday and Saturday High School Fcto Day. 4, Wednesday, G:50 to 7:30 Y. M. C. A, meeting, in charge of seniors. 9, Monday Election of Ath letic Board. 10, Tuesday Convocation. An nual peace program. 11, Wednesday Ivy Day. Al) olasses excused. 14, Saturday Dual traclc meet Nebraska-Kansas, - at Jjirw- rencc. 14, Saturday, morning Senior breakfast. 16-17, Monday and Tuesday, Temple Minneapolis . Sym phony Orchestra. 17, Tuesday, 11 "a. m., Temple Convocation. Junior pro gram. 17, Tuesday, 11 a. m. Convocaj. tion at Temple theater. .Tunior class program. 18, Welnesday, .TJ106 Platform Club m,cets. PIPES Iporter'e HlMxtute YOUNG. Calte box flMxture PIPES Fresh Baked Goods of all Kinds. Ice Cream and Ices; We-Serve Lunches. Ladles' nnd Men's Clothing donned, Pressed nnd Ropaired, Hats Cleaned Blocked nnd Rotripnmed L. BLUMENTHAL Practical Hatter and Cleaner' Goods Cnllod For nnd Dolivored. Boll Phono A-021, Auto Phono 0448 225 So. lHth St., Lindoll Hotel, Lincoln. Nob. i mAp TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES -I . ' Itont Applies on Purchnso Price. pay. Two jre&rs guarntoo whon our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1201). B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL sf HARVARD UNIVERSITY VNSECTAWAN ELECTIVE courses leading to the University degrees of S.T.B., A.M. and Ph.D. Xu Students paying the 'full fee may take without extra charge appropriate courses offered In the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and in Andover Theolog ical Seminary. For particulars address The Dean of Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachucetts. All Classes Excused IVY DAY MAY 1 1 JPay Assessments Now and Get Tickets The 1910 Gomhusker a The Best Yet" Order Now PIPES PIPES H 1307 O STREET 9ULU U If nunicu Fivo Days Froo trial boforo you you purchnso. Eusy Torms. Got 143 So. 13th St. UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES OTh V A .. .. . .iirji, 7m i1 ft "& .I iiii'iiir;r',i.iy., ., " ' , .