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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1910)
!rfw!vji!oCTf 'Tpr'JjV?'i &' s, --- v. -.; , .i;-iv- ., . i? 4 be 5) a i I p 1Re brae hart V VoL IX. No, 131. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN. THURSDAY, MAY 5. 1910. Price 5 Cents. THE VAMPIRE Treated, fwiaohem of Europe purplod in the dis tance. Nearby, tho cypress .for ests of Chnlki island rose up in Jan Noruda by Qrin Stopanek. The excursion steamer from Constantinople brought us tothe island of Prinkipo and we step pe ashore. Our party was not large a Polish family father, mother, tho daughter- and her lover; then we two. And lest I forget, there was a youthful Greek who joiticd us just before we Grossed tho wpoden bridgo that leads out pf Constantinople, Judgrpg from tho oanvas which he tiarricd under his arm he must have been a painter. Long dark tresses hung over his shoulders, and hia. deeply-set black; eyes contrasted strangely with his pale cheeks. At first he -interested me, especially because of his goniality and his familiarity with current events. But I soon Jound hirautoo garrullous and turned to tho others. The Polish family was all the more agreeable. Tho parents were kind, cheerful folk; the fiance was a sincere, upright young man of polished manners. They had comq to Frinkipo to spend the summer months on account of tho daughter, who seemed some what sickly. She was a beautiful girl, though rather pale, and ap peared to "be either convalescing or just falling prey to some sick ness. She leaned against her lover and often stopped to rest. A dry cough frequently inter rupted her whispers and then her companion would stop consider ately and give her a look full of sympathy, which she returned as if to say, " Oh, it's nothing I am happy.'' pdth were imbued with a spirit of chorf ijlncss and q faith in their futuro health and happi ness. At tho Greek 's 'advice the fam ily took up lodgings at an inn on the heights. The landlord was a Frencliman and his house was furnished in the comfortable and elegant French style. We breakfasted together, and after the hot southern breeze had subsided, we all set out for the pine groves on the heights in or der to revivo our spirits with the view. Hardly had we sought out u comfortable resting place, when tho Greek appeared. He greeted us lightly, looked around for a favorable spot, and sat down a few paces from us. Ho laid out , liis, canvas and began to draw. "J think he. js stting up close, to the bpulder purposely so that we cannot sco his drawing," I re marked, "Well, wo don't heed to watch him,;i said tho -young Pole, "there is enough to see here"" And pres ently he acldeti, " .believe he js using us aginodols; well, let him." There was certainly onough to see. The world offers no grander retreat than Prinkipo. The polit ical martyr, Irene, Jived there a Uiontli. in. exile. if I cpujd spend a'jnonth of'my life hero IshquJd fee happy ever after with tho" re membrance, of it. I can never for got that memorable day, The air was clear as crystal, so balmy and delicious that the soiil .seemed to be rocked on its Ijpsom. Across the sea to the right tow- crpd the. brown mountains of Asia; to the? left the steep shores sad, dreamy picture interrupted by a large sanatorium which crowned one of the high hills. Below, like some glistening opal reflecting myriad colors, lay the quiet waters of the White sea. In the distance it shone milky white; closer it had a rosy hue: between the two islands it glowed a fiery orange, and below us it took on tho soft groonish-blue color of a transparent sapphire. It lay there in silent grandour; pot a' large. ship was to be seen; only two small boats flying the English flag chased each other along tho shore ; one was a steam er, the other a row boat, and as the twelve oarsmen raised tho oars simultaneously, molton silver dripped back into tho sea. Con fidential dolphins circled about over the surface of tho water. Eagles soared silently in the blue sky as if measuring the great gap between heaven and earth. fa? The whole slope before us was crimson with blossoming rose's, whose fragrance pervaded the at mosphere. Muffled strains of mu sic came up through the clear air from the cafe on the short. The scene was soul-stirring. All of us sat reverently silent, drink ing in the heavenly picture with all our souls. The Polish maiden lay on the verdant sod, her head updn her lover's breast. Her pale, delicate face began to glow and unbidden tears sprang to her ex pressive blue eyes. Tears stole mto the mother's sad eyes aud even I could hardly control my feelings. "There can be only health and peace for body and mind here," whispered .the girl. "How inspir ing! How sublime 1" "God knows I havo no ene mies, but if I had, this is the place where I would forgive them all," said the father in a quiver ing tone. There was a long silence again All were so ecstatically, so un speakably happy. Each felt that the joy of tho whole world was all his own and wished he might share it with all humanity. No one had th.e courage to break the impressive silence. Wo had not even notified that tho Greek, after an hour's stay, had risen, folded his canvas and departed. Finally, when the sky began to take on the sonibro, violet huo of eventide and the boatiful sunset gJcV announced .that the day was (?ono, tho iftotljer reminded us of going, "We rpso reluctantly, and walked down to the inn with tho freshness and light-hcartcdness of youth. We were shown to a pleasant veranda and had hardly -seate1 ourselves when wo heard the souud of angry voices coming up from below. Our Greek was wrangling with the landlord and we listened for the amusement of it. The entertainment did not last, long. "if I had no other guests here, I'd " growled tho inn-keeper, 'as he climbed the stairs. "Please sir," queried the youric Polo, stepping up to him, "Who s that follow? What's hir ;omef1' 'Heaven only knows," mu "orcd the inn-keeper, looking Continued on Page 2 Tho monthly Litcrarv is- xdt&to&wmhmM " kail" undor tlin mnnmrtninri .of tho English Olub. "THE INSPIRATION OF POETRY" There are few students in the university who arc not hoping to find a "sometime" to bo devoted to tjio reading of that literaturo of tlic world which the world has agreed to call great a literature, after all, not so very great in bulk. And in a university life so given over to specializing that only a "per cont" of the students can find time in their university course for tho help which instruc tion in literature gives to its ap preciation, there are many who feel tho need of competent guid ancein the matter of choice, in the matter of understanding, in the matter of zealous assimilation of good reading. It is for Such, students in the university, workers out of it, whom the "grind" and narrow ness of the specialty make rebel lious, that books like George E. Woodbcrry's "The Inspiration of Pootry" are written. It is a book of lectures, two about tho nature and mission of poetiy and six about six poets Marlowe, Camo ens, Bj-ron, Gray, Tasso, Lucre tius intended to send you to the poetry they wrote with under standing aud enthusiasm. That the reading of -the book is likely to do this is not only a natural tribute to its author's selective -powers, as a critic, and his ap preciative powers, as a poet, but also to the teacher's powers of instruction won by him as a pro fessor of literature, whoso career, as every Nebraska student should know, Avas begun at our own uni; versity. In previous series notably "The Torch" and "Makers of Literature " Professor Woodbor- ry had already shown himself a capable and inspiring guide to many of the greater poets of our own and England's literature. In the new book he gives an invigor ating prospective of some of the groat poetic moments of Euro pean history, 'and of those poets in whose lives and works the greatness was reflected. H. B. A. UNIVERSITY TRADITIONS M"$ZJ? :W nlAU<enMsralC!!Riu MOTHER SONG Hcprint from "Songs of. St. Barthploraew." Oh, Mary loved the little Christ, - Dear -son, as I love thcG, ; Although .she say fyrcshadewing 'Tho errant and hitint Ttvn And Mary prayed above her babe Dear son, as I praynOw, ,. That she might bear the keenest pain, And keep tho hardest vow. Oh little son, I .love" thee so 1 nave mothers loved before ? Smikvlirtlo'son, and tell mo thon, Gould she have loved Him more?. ... .. --Sard Hamilton BircliaU (ex-1907) -Chicago, 111. Baked beans, baked on tlio remises janpl served'hot with de 'icious brown bread, 10c, at The Hoston Lunch. 'js-kS"! Among our springtime expecta tions is' Ivy Day-moro truly Ne braska!! in origin than any other tradition we have. This is es sentially a senior day, when it is tin (ftistom to further the beauty of the campus by planting ivy. AiUli'ionul event of tho day are ilio winding of the May pole, the mr.'Mng of the senior oration, and the ftonior poem, presentation of llio senior present to the school and tho intcrehss track meet. On this day we could wish for more beauty '. of ceremony a pretty spi ingtime p"oct ssional, with mui'h emphaBis on the nature sig nificance of tho day. Another senior "joyfest" is that annual event once known as "Sneak Day." Then the seniors secretly and surreptitiously van ished from the campus on a cer tain glad spring day, to wander off to sunny fields and tempting Streams, or slide down twisty fire escapes. Now, through the good graces of the chaneollpr, this ray comes by annual permission and with official blessing. And so fades away the traditional "Sneak Day" and -with it the zeal of the high school lad to in itiate so tempting a custom. With rtttch sanction the seniors spend their day somewhat moro joyous ly than the freshman laws who snt dejectedly in their classes and "listened to the tinklo of tho cowbells" across the fields, where they wore not. The "shirt-tail" parade, in its snaky, noisy course through the lusiest streots of Lincoln, patron--isring in lock-step, quick-time fnslium the aisles and stage -of the theater' monopolizing tho soda counters of the drug stores, ap )M printing tho street car prop erty of tho traction company, and calling at the governor's mansion - this event is possibly tho most I eturcsfjue feature of the collogc calendar. Other annual events are tho girls' basketball tournament, on which occasion a -circus- parade ushers in the contesting class teams; Fete Day, when tho high school students from abroad in the state arc guests of the univer sity, to be. shown the pleasures and advantages of future attend ance hero; the County Fair ancj May mprnjng breakfast, In addition to these traditions of (Je?d are many traditions of story. Do you know the origin p J;hc blocks Qn the "banisters" of tlio Vniyersity Hall stairs? In the old dfivfi, RtudnnfR frnrmnntlv made a hasty deicenl to the nox; class by way of the banisters, p;io day an unfortunate two hundred twenty-five pounder, shot dpwnward with f njrious , mqmen,- nun, caught lus iooj ip a frayed mat at the base of Jhe stairs, am, was hurled wildly against the' door pf a room where a class wa? recitipg. Spon after the blocks appeared. It is said tlia't for years it was the custom for tho, girls to ifse ono entrance and stair case oMJnjversity Hall, while the boys used the other, just as today, it is still the custom for the girls tp he seated pn the right side of Mcr rn6rioi Hall, while the boys arr seated on he left side, To deviate somewhat from the J subject; In the commencement Seniors": "Miss Louisq Pound, a favorite in society aud tho class room, is tho next to engago our attention. Sho has been thought by many to bo oold-hqarted. This is clue por haps to the faot that many have not becomo well acquainted with her. Sho has" many admirable traits of character and will, bo successful in anythinf sho under-, takes. "George Lawrence Sheldon, the all-round man, is ono of tho most original and striking figures in the class. Ho is popular with tho boys and with the girls. Ho will study law and in a fow years will run for president on tho rcpufi" lican tjekct. "Samuel Avery, who is often spoken of as a very good man, is next in alphabetical order. Mr. Avery is not so well known' as some of his associates, but is well known in the laboratories. Ho is. a scientist and has rison rapidly in that line of work during tho paftt year or two, Mr. Avery's best friends are thoso who know him best. He will teach next year in Beatrice. Wo expect to sCo him professor in some great-university at no distant date." "THE BUHERFLY" Leafs from a Freshman Girl's Diary By Grace Ryan. Monday, September 17. Brighter prospects; smoother' sailing! About four o'clock this afternoon a "Butterfly" drifted in from a lato train. She js a -sweet, pretty ,brown-hajrod girl and is very stylishly dressed in a nobby blue traveling suit. The matron introduced us and in formed' us that wo werp to be two of four girls to opcupy a suite of rooms. Somehow I am growing accustomed to the place. Lincoln isn't half bad I Tuesday, September 25.- Four -girls- surely can-havc-moretuB than I ever realized. The Flirt's mother has sent boxes 'and hexes of good things to cat, and we have hat cle.gant spreads. While we wers in the midgt of pno, wo heard strange knockings bolpw us. We thought i$ must be "spirit rappings," but later dis covered it was tjhe chapcrono ppnnding on the ceiling of her rooms below, Wishing tp be courteous and recegnize her salu- .taion, wp returned her knocks, "The Butterfly," with her airy manner, is just tho girl to enlfven us a bit,. Wo like her immensely, dospita the fact that she drifts along, shouldering no rcspensibnY i ty. ..- Wednesday, September 26We arp quietly waiting fcrnptie to leave tJaylord Hall. We certain ly expect to 'bo sent home in dis grace because we disobeyed or ders, usee? , our chafing dish, and, as a result, hact a firei We wore indulging jin a spread j "Inno cence", was filling the alcohol Jamp, and "The putterfly" melted a. match to it while the hbttlo was still pear the lamp. TJie resultvwas a slight explosion. The flames caught "Innp cenco's" hair and bp thoujglit'., Continued on Page A x& fit t ',-, A sl il m 1 4- ! .9 i i n ft "& t rt.' ,- ' - . J&A f ?;ta5ttw' -- .T. ,--:.'h;:,: r-yrTHv, VJJr'vfc'"'- '" ) .--. t M & & '?J '", - 1 h - i ,) '?: ;.J; V ' ,:r