.-f - . f ..-. V- t ' .. -V i-"' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN r IS te i u M it1 J Bc o bbsibbv sVSbSSIbbW Bo,y My Spring line of woolens are stunners See them! L J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fiae TaUrfg Cornell University Medical College A college degree la required- tor Admission. Adrano t aUnillUR vt-ftutod students Hreijtnt tag Mtlsfiidtbty credential from accredited nedlcal colleges Rvery lictlltjr It offered to unrterim.aiiAtesklnith degros or Doctor ofMedlciue. Anplt'fn ulllftartrBHlsapfferod qnalifled rradtutes to pttwuo nrlaltlal laventl aattn In' Hur do tortmnnt For fa thur nnr tlotilHrM nppl v to ,Tlf his, Clnwl Biliirtllf Mitfttil C!lKi, Flrt Am And JWth 8t., Now YoNt VtT i)Campu8.y J Gleanings HI: C. II, Frey, florist, 1133 0 at. Tho Univorsity 6t Pennsylvania has conferred tho dogreo of doc. ,to"r of laws upon Governor Hughes of Ncv York. Sviell Jewelry Chas W, Fleming JEWELER. and OtfTIOI AN ' 13110 Si: - Lincoln, M , MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL HINNEftPOLISSYMPHOriY ORCHESTRA Three Great Concert $3.00 HAY 16-17 OLIVER THEATRE SEC OUR WOOLENS 9 Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Louis Hartc, . ox-19i0, Beta Theta Pi was on the campus yesterday. 'Ohapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 13th. ' Dr. Mtixey, and Professor Wat son; actd as judges in tho intdr. sodioty' debate that.. was held at ycsleyan last night. . s Thornburjf's Orchestra. Auto" 587" . .' . . - K The University herbarium has just Received 200 fungi from all parts of tho United States and 2Q0 flowering plants from Van couver island. New Haydon Studio, 1127 0 st. Prof. Sarka Hrbkova of the department of Slavonic returned yestorday from South Omaha, tfhore she cava a lecture for the benefit of the freo public library of South Omaha. John Krisl ac companied her as operator of the slcreopticon. , Boforo buying your' spring foot wear let Bookman. Bros, show you their new snappy oxfords; 1107 tf st. ai y j Classif lid Column - J gft 4B Advertisement for thta column hould be .left at the business 'office, asement Administration build. ng, be ween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between ' p. rm and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In. lerted unless paid In advancer.ai.the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for avery fifteen words or fraction there, if for the first insertion; three Insert tlons 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents WANT ACS FOB SALE Cincinnati $2.50 Shoel Store and Electric I Repair Factory I New Location 142 North- 12 1 For Sale Duo bill on Lincoln's leading piano company. tf For Sale Duo bill on a good Lincoln tailor. Address H, Nc braskan, or call 1821. tf LOST Lost Alpha Chi Omega pin. Return to Nebraskan office for rc ward. !29-3t Lost Delta Upsilon fraternity pin, with diamond conter setting surrounded by opals. Notify Auto 3456 or Nebraskan. 128-5t Lost A 1909 senior pin, ini tials "M. E. K." Reward. Re turn to Rag. l80-3t ft, ,.' . . - s. 'HfCTIsK' ' : 'liHWW HFJ Bln: 4' - '-XsbbLbHrHH BBSBr HBb9kSBrtsfe'; IJEhbBBBBHb! SSbSMh:'.' ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSL BPPidriBtfSlBBHBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBkV BBSHBBBBBBBBBSWBbNBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj BBBBBJBPjf i,- . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF BBBBJr , jBBBBBBPBPJBPBBBBB BHB' -' BBBBBBBBBBBBaH '''BHBMftMBBBBBBBPJ9SsBVBBBaBaH BHBn'2BBBBBBBBBBBBV VBbSBBBBBBSBSbBBBBBBH BbV;4JbBBBBBBBBBBbW - VBHSlfBBBHIfttBBBBBSBBl BBBB'y'.'' ISBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWr -.' ' r BBBKlK .liBBBBBVBBFi Bjfei IPBBBBBBBBBBBBfv st'' ".BBBBKr9s SflBBBBBBBSB9 LEB ' 'tJflKLJHBBW BBmrBBBBBBBBBBH SaBBBBBBBlBSBalBBBBBBMBHP BBBBBBBBBsIbIbIbI " ' fjABflrBiBBSBBSBBBlHBSB LHbbbKbIbIH LMMf'-BBHBk BByLViyflHBiHBi bbVkJbbbbW -'sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbSbbbbbbbbBBb HIbbiw sBBHHsiPHBsf BsIsbP 'BBvTMBEsBiBBilHBl UbBpbBbf ' .v'BVbbHBm 4bhvBbbBsbHBbbbbbbbbBw Em 4Hfl VbbBbHbIbbBbH IffiRllr i fl'BBHSW'SBBBBBflBBBBsBlE ILBHiiLBBVVHBBHBHBlHHR BBBBBBBBBMBBlBUmBW'BVBBBBSL:.aBBBlW slW BBsS ".it BBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBVsVBBBBBBlSilUD JsWBCTiiMBMBBltBmhfcBBBlLyi bbSbbbbbbbbHbbbwbbbbbt ' v 1FsbbW BBBHBBKoHSfK S3bSMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb aW. V bbIbIbbbV IHBKJBHsHBHBBSBBBBBBBBfeisl ' '' '3BbK BBBBBBEBBBkBr3ISBBBBBKHBBBVBBBBBVBSMSVB 'J iIbBBBBBBBBB Ibbbbm.VIhHEP ?99WJBnDsBlPV,Br PIJbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSbSsWs' 49sIbbsb1FF lBmMtiXiiVfJTf', rffSl , - 4VsBBBBBBBBBBBslHBffTF'9 - 'PaBbIBwA HiBiB5BN msEBf 4 j ' CDCsOI A I nDnrDC Graduation Pres 3r tilAL. UKUlLlVO nt8 should be It ft now. We make Special Rings, Pins, Spoons, Fols, Buttons, Prize Cup, Badges, Etc. " Let usTfigure with ycu. HALLETT, Jeweler Maude Wilber and George Dameral in "The Merry Widow" Oliver, Tonight, Wed. and Wed. Mat. ESTABLISHED 1871 1143 O STREET UARTHON'S - I ) r Quality Counts TH ATS WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR W mmk m specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices a mack for Frat& Sorori- " ly firtie Whipping Cre MlmmjttmkUl Bell 108. New Music ' When yon ro homo Bend to mo for tho ibhmIo that r tlid "Hits" b-re.at tba TJni BUy la tho game oven though you are at homo. WALT "TM Music Man" iis O STRGET I First Trust I Siy- int Bank 4Psr Ctnt Inttrtst A $1 tHcnt an ! Cttui tOth S 9 SwM - H. yTry a lunch at tho Y. M. 6. 'A., Spa. 13th and P sts. Important. The freshman picnic breakfast committee meet at the library at 11:30 Thursday. The following are members: Miss Mary Roberts, Miss Helen Oai'ns, Miss Mario Hodge, '.merman, McBrien, Bu- chajian, English, Ichon. ' Eat at Poif Cameron's Cafe, 115-119 So. 12tli streot. Important Notice. . Headquarters University Carets, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Neb., May 2, 1910. : General Orders The annual government inspec tion will take place Wednesday, May 4. First call will be at 1:20 p. m,f assembly at 1:30 p. m. ' ; . W. 0. WEISS, ; Captain and Adjutant, University Cadets. " . . , Green's Sanitary JJarber Shop. 120 Ullth. , . vGlaze, the all-Am&rican star end of Dartmduth, lids been en gaged by tho Baylor university of Ppxas to coach the football team. ' "Domestic Luncli. J, McKen sie( 1230 H. ' j - WANTED Wanted A limited number of men to work during tho summer. This is a proposition which will pay an excellent salary. For par ticulars call or see E, L. Powell or H. S. Lower, 237 No. lGth St., Auto 15G2, Bell 1263. 1293t CRITICS SAY THAT , fc ( "College Memories" Tho now Song by Mr. Stovons and dodlcntbd to tho ' Aluinni, 1h JUST AS GOOD as , "THE CORNHUSKER" wi.iuh is suyin a good doul Fur salo at College Book Storos and all music stores, 2Bo FOUND Found Seven kcyB on heart shaped ring.. Call at "Rag" of ice. 129-31 Found Lady's watch and fob, with ".1908" ongraved on case. Owner can have samo by identi fying and paying reward. v129-3t PROFESSlOm DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR, LILLIAN SNOW; 1339 O; hours, 9 at in. to. 9 p, m. Dis eases of women. Auto 3038. Summer Session The University of Nebraska June 20 to August 12, 1910 : DR. 0, H, RUSH, - '" Surgeon, Richards block. Both Phones. IMIVEISin JEWELEU IPTKll A C. A- Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean M OPTICIAN U21 1 STIEET, YELLIW FM1T . DR, J. R. HAGGARD, 221 Burr Blk. Both Phones. LIFE INSURANCE UNION CENTRAL LITE, S. B. Coon, agt., 216 Richards blk. tm. NOTICE! The nif.y -shoes at th next ones are Z i 1 -'- "J 11 n'fy 'hoes at ti i-jP-jfiry Pty. The" niftiest ?c SHOEr Get in Lin : YATES-FRENCH CO. N Courses in Agriculture, Anatomy, Dotany, Chemistry, Education, Educa- tional Theory and Practlco, Secondary Education, Normal Training, Elemon tary Education, English Language and Literature, French, ' Geography and Geology, German, American History, Home Economics, Horticulture, Latin., .Manual Training, Mathematics, Me chanical Drawing, Philosophy and Psy chology, Physical Education, Physiol ogy, Political Science and Sociology, Rhetoric and English" Composition, Zoology, , Special attention to subjects ra-; quired for professional certificate. " , is Nino hours of collage work possible. Conditional admission on 22 points. Teachers 21 years or over may enter as Adult Special Students. High-School Courses in the Teach ers' Cojlego High School. For bulletin or Information address THE REGISTRAR, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln. An Racv --' wjf A flbt . "OUT' than anv other t)la'vr an tSa. nine. Ho must have tha Kr-. mt't ntadc. Chahce. Konetchv. Char n-t. Tenhevnnd Ctihl are men ivhoMjarrVirn'f wor!con firsl is due in a larce measure to First Basemen's Mitts feafwts-Patentc4 Lacln;? Dcvhjc, taced Thutate Deep. r., ww-j. H..a uubKiu ti wjju reamer Latlng thoulioUL, . Thm Tr-itMrk tm aw iAS??.n;r;fflr6Jr,'. S. I. REACM -.BBW .." fr"r"-S9 iKWi '-V M i- -l " A w, i. 'limuAUY JW. T.i r. ;W fr free J:aii C4 r-i ,-. Sttttltsi - Neat Repairing. 1220O.St. im Tirf.lt, z . Xy T-r r iHpnM, rm, eBSBBBBBBBBBBBSS tr -ww 'L v .r A j- - .. fv -V" " " I-' -n. (f'-.o -1, v JA ':V4- : 'V- ..