""vy tfiptfmmmHMMV t,,,,.! J.. tyijn.i 'Jj')mp fc'ifti ! ii "' Jiiiwyiayiyn i -yf n j J , -t ! ,' "j'1.' ? K.iJili'.H .- If - ..I .r i rii(.rtiiiiiii.ii i i'j in ' ' "jl "'r 1 n ii ir ii" , J ' J? THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ''. i -- w ' """iiy" "' Pmi .i ' iiipppi' mwip.' i-ip mrf I iHb) bbVi ii i1 - Aflm, i ip iwA I mMwi-.ip.i.. niiihiiA.M.nrt I. """' 'W mill '1WIH.II II Li il. !, ... Mr ... ; ., jljj, i ft The Daily Nebraskan . i - ' iii pnorKhTV or , TUB UNIVBR8.TY OF t NBDnABKA. Lincoln. Nebraska, . Published by . . , TlIB STUDENT PUBLICATION BOAIID EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor '. K. P frfdr'c2 Managing Editor Carl J. Lord AwoolaU Editor... T. M. Edgecombe Associate Editor ...R. D. nawiey BU8INE88 STAFF. Mnnaor .9' J?' ? ?' Atilatant Manager." V. C. Hascall Circulator C. Buchanan . pestetflce, Station A. Lincoln. Nab. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 6 Centa Each. Telephone! Auto 18Sf. Nloht Phones Auto 1B88 Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for nt the mto of 10 conta the Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty nottcea ahd University bul letins will bladly be published free. Entered at the postofflca at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mull maUer under theAcrof""Camn'essof March 1, 1179. ' ' iitiiiril.iM.nti tnt 4ti want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and S p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraetlon thereof the first Insertion! three Insertions twenty-five entss five Insertions forty cents: lit. i Wednesday, may 4, ioio. "Oh, Horror 1" Victor Hugo. Don't scratch I -About tho next step will be to fumigate tho library. "Quito an amount of air waH in motion at tho ball game last Saturday, causing the playora to mako several errors and it is said that tho band oven struck up a couple of airs." Cotncr nor air, don't you think? Rrithor fresh, even for tho Cot Gollogian. ' " MAY "And what diflorenco would it make," writeB tho oditor of tho Konsucky Idea, ''if tho comet did hit tho earth and destroy it? What is ono little earth to the universe, to an infinite numhor of larger and hotter worlds ?M Don't ho down-hearted, Ken tucky, You are young and there is stil some chance that you may ramble down from your Olym pus, out from your sea of juleps into tho bigger world you know not of. SOMEWHAT MYTHOLOGICAL. Smallpox. Ii is a nasty word. Neither pleasant to tho car nor pleasing to the eye, and the word has behind it centuries of tradi tion: plagilcs which swept away tho population of a quarter of a continent: distress and suffering lasting for years. Tho hlind ter r6r which accompanied tho word hrdays of old has been trans mitted "from generation to gen eration until today wo grab an ulster, a tooth brush and a collar button and fl'eo for our livos at the very mention of tho word. Aftdr the cold chills of terror . have desisted in their efforts to travel an unending trail up and down our spine; after bur eyes havb regained .tljoir normal rarigo of vision and no lon&or present tho worfd t'b lis through ajyoM 'ww HUjiiiuumuu lBr " UGgUl O feel in 'tho r same class with the infant who lies awake all night aftopa ghost story. After all, tho-terror, not the danger, of tlio Enrqjiean smallpox has'bdon our . Iferitage. Coolness; not cowar-r tyceM 1nooP8snry to s sto "fan spread of" t'he' diseased To this SALE wo might also add vaccination. TIOKif 8 CALLED IN. Only Eighty to 'Be Sold for Last Dance. Fraternity hall will be the sccno of tho last daj.ee of thaaott- ph, m R - h urn, on May p who. the frosh-, u Mnn,Du to man hop will bo hold. At the i1T. a; .. M '. i e it: M't.i. HtM M"8 Studies." Potter was for moeting of tho-committea-yestor-1 , , At - .. .... . , ,i.. u ... a.aJ i.h .-i.- "'y editor of thS Nebraskan. &, ;tvco ..nn,i a nnu, J;Mf Unimia t'""iw "' V"V "'""V MWVU havo bcon printed rihd no more. i.,v uuUU juiuu uV uu , will bo ordered Under any 01. niimHfnnn.iH. WnH'n nrnlinHkrn t will furnish the music. Tickets aro now on sale by members of tho committee, of which W. B. Romans is tho chairman. W. E, Smith is mas ter of ccromonies. "Members o the committco are as follows : Messrs. Smith, Warner, Murphy, Itadcliffo, Andrews and Misses Drake, Ilowrird. Hammer and Dahlmon. President II. 1 Coffee also has tickets for sale. KOMENSKY MAGAZINE OUT. Interesting Paper on Self-Taxed Americam Tho May issue nf tho Komert sky Magazine, published in the Bohemian language, is out. It contains a valuablo article on the poot Vrchlicky, writton by a Bohemian student of Columbia University, also a paper on tho stamp imposod by Bohomians of tho United States on themselves as a voluntary tax to aid in the support at collego of students of that nationality who need financial assistance. A depart ment dovoted to "th.0 fichoohk of. all nations and reports from vari 2O0 SHIRTS $1.50. $4 AND $5 SAMPLE SHOES $2.95. CLOYDING STORE HATS $1.55. ous Komcn8ky clubs in western universities are very interesting. Considerable space is devoted in this issue to tho doings of the membortf of the IComonsky Club at tho University of Nebraska. BIG MEETING AT Y. M. 0. A. Alexander, MaoDonald, Bednar, , Wallace and Potter ttrSpeak. A few of the wise seniors, who have been attending tho univer sity for four long years, will give some good advice to the younger and less mature students this evening at the mid-week meeting of the Y. M. C. A. Seven seniors, who have been through thd mill in studies and school ac tivities, will toll of their experi ences, loll of some laughable in cidents, and give a vast amount of advice to the under classmen, S. A. MTahood, chemistry "shark" and' former president of tho Y; M. C. A., will be chairman of tho mooting. All of tho talks will be ' on practical topics of interest to the average university man. J. M. Alexander, ox-president of tho senior class, will tell why it is best to tako an interest in school politics and to what an extent it is actually worth while to mix m politics. Dale P. MacDonald, a former track captain, has for "lii3 topic, "How About Univer sity Athletics?" "Why" Wo. Should Support Efebating in the University" will bo discussed by J. E. Bednar: Qednar has-been prominent in debating since hip .phomoro year and lias repre Rented life school on two oc'ca sions: ' Ii; 'Sliliaf will answer Hhe' question, "To What Extent Can a Student Assist in the Wdrk of the Y. Mi. C. A.t"Gco. Wallace, at one time business manager of theDaily .Nebraskan, will discuss "University Busi ness." II. W. Potter, one of the three men who were elected to rne.M AVill bo 6xpectcd to ad . vine iho younger students in a flhnpitaWo mannQV ftt 6.50 tonighfc ,n f. v M n A Awo b ' ' ' - . TENNIS TEAM TRY-OUTS. University to Send Team to Com pete with Oraighton at Omaha, tennis teams will try out for tho satind on Thursday aftor- noon on tho university courts. ho two teams showing the best form will bo taken to Omaha on May 7, where the university has a tournament with CreightOn Col lego. DRAMATIC CLUB BANQUET. Farewell to Club Members to Be Held May 12. The Dramatic Club will hold its nnntial banquet on tho evening of May 12. Tickets arc now on sale at U106 on Tuesdays and Thurs days. Tho prico por plato will be $1. All members of tho club are urged to order their tickets at tho first opportunity as tho commit tco should know the number of people to bo served. Tho banquet will be in the na turo of a farewell to tho members of the club who graduate Uur pringr An--excellent "program and toast list has boon prepared. BUDD 1415 O ST. NEVER KNOW it you NEVER TRY When yon want to got Cleaning and Preening done by band and not by machinery bring yonrolotbeato JOE The Tailor wbo Ib also a Specialist nn altorlng and refut ing your clothoa up-to-dato. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin MAY. 4, "Wednesday, 7 :15 p. ra., IJ10G Organization of Cosmopoli tan Club. 4, Wednesday, U112-Platform Club meeting. G-7, Friday and Saturday High School Feto Day. 4, "Wednesday, 6:50 to 7:30 Y. M. V. At meeting, J in churgo of sonior3. 9, Monday Election of -Athletic Board.' 10, Tuesday Convocation." An nual peace program. 11, Wednesday Ivy Day. All cxasses excused. . 14, -Saturday Dual track meol Nebraska-Kansas, . at Law rence. 14, Saturday, morning Senior breakfast T6-17, Monday and Tuesday Temple Minneapolis Sym phony Orchestra. 17, Tueadpy, 11 a. m., Temple vjuiivucuiiuu. ounior . pro gram. , . ,' GcMlne CALABAIH PlftS aM the New Engish COLLEGE firtS AT D YOUNG'S ALWAYS THE HEADQUARTERS Fresh Baked Goods of all j Ices. We Serve Lunches, ffl Ludios' and Mon's Clothing Cleaned, Pressed nd Ropulred, HatsClgonpd Blocked und Rotri mined L. BLUMEINTHML v Practical Hatter and Cleaner Goods Called For and Delivered. Bell Phono A-021, Auto Phono 0448 2sJ5 So. 18th St, Lindoll Hntol, Lincoln. Nob. TYPEWRITERS all MAKES . SOLD OR RENTED Ront Applies on Purchase Prico. Five Days Froo trial ho foro you pay., j wo years Kuarntoo when yon our list. Auti. 2080; Boll 12U. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc THE DIVINITY SCHOOL if HARVARD UNIVERSITY UNSECTARIAN "CLECTIVE courses leading to the University decrees of S.T37,A,M. and PtuD. Lu Students paying the lull fee may take without extra charge appropriate courses offered In the Graduate School of Arts, and Sciences and Id Aoddver Theolog ical Seminary. For particulars address The D;an of Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massac, ucetts. All Classes IVY DAY ! Pay Assessments Now "J' SfejSt The .191.0. Cornhusker V The Best Yeth Order Now '"'??.- . T- . 1307 O STREET imrunaso. iasy lorms. uot 143 So. 13th St. UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES Excused MAY 1 1 and Get Tickets fl 4ZJT-7Pd&, ' ""BHBHHIHBBlBU ! , j 1. - u. V "Tfvi t'M 1& ..Xs ' . iv -W 'S ' ,1 . -let" -1 ir i Jl . -S Ni - ? - - ,j .. ' v 'W- ..h- o&Lii r-rVA- iZrtit- r m