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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1910)
ffT!' ntTy.'iiJ' , ,i , hMi.a,..t.wi-Li -.',,-.., -"i- iuMW - -A-$jilJt -V,-i- .VJp -V 1 ' ta-fc" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 -P., t t . f -- T H - Hr ! ' Lv &. , . ' 1 l. 1ftr The Daily Nebraskan THE PROPKHTY OF . TH UNIVEKBITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobranka. PUbllKhcd by ,. . THB STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. ..,,, Idltor K. P. FrjdorlcK Managing Editor Carl J. Lord Associate Editor T. M. Edgecombe Aasoolata Editor R. D. Hawloy BUSINESS STAFF. Managtr f j? 5,dt,0,J Assistant Manager V. C. Hasoall Circulator. C BUohanan Editorial and Business Offlcet ASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflct, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B-Cents Each. Telephone! Auto 18SS. Night Phonee Auto 1888 Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES wilt be charged for at tho rate of 10 conta the Insertion for every fifteen worda or fraction there of; Faoulty notice and Unlveralty bul letin! will bladly be publlwhed free. Entered at the poatofllco at Lincoln. Nebraska, aa second-class mall matter nder tho Act of Congress of March 1, 1171. Advertleementa far the want column should be left at the business office, bate ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Cash mutt aocompany all ordera for ad vertlelng, at the rate of ten cente for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertions three Insertion! twenty-five eenti) five Imartlona forty cents. MmmmmMMMm fcnaa mmmmmmmMmmmmmmMmmm mMMMMMmmmimmmmMMMMmmmmMMMMmMMmi SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1910. THE INEVITABLE. Again wo assnme tho rolo of benefactor. This time it is the eyesight o the student body. Over strain of the eyes will no longor l)o brought about by squinting at tho fino, closely set typo of tho Daily Nobraskan. In largo typo, soft and mellow to tho eye, the papor will henceforth bo a monument to tho kindly heart of tho present business management. Otherwise, frankly, tho pnpor would need a monument. There is no disguising tho fact that for School two years, since tho size of the sheet was increased from four to five columns, expenses have been exceeding receipts. Beginning with a surplus of $G50 two years ago, we are now facing a deficit. No matter How aesthetic the motivo may be in issuing a col lego paper it takes money to run it. Our advertisers have given us all the support that could bo asked for. On examining the books we find that our expenses have been no heavier than they Bhould have been. Only one con clusion remains. The subscrip tion list is either not largo enough jot isnot paid up. Ad a matter of fact it is a little of both pul verized and stirred into a com- - pound which "would wreck tho finest of fivo column papers. With the alternative, of reducing- tho size of the paper or en larging the typo- wo .choso tho latter. Not because we wished to gjye poorer saticfaction, not be-, cause we wished to work a hard ship with those subscribers who have supported us thus far, but because there is a largo class of students who did not support us in the endeavor to keep up tho former paper. Our stamps are gone used up in sending our duns to delinquent subscribers. Our collectors are worn to a shadow attempting to secure an audience for unpaid bills. And single copies of our paper circu late from hand to hand until scores of students secure the ben efite.of one subscription. "We are noji peevish or discontented. Wo are merely stating facts as they aroi It is only left to tho pres- cnt managomont to givo tho stu tlcntH a paper which they will support. WHY NOT? While idly kicking at a spider which hung from a chair in class room tho other day wo wore sud denly awakened by tho voice of the prof cssor. "Why may we not affirm tho obvious?" ho repeated as ho arose and scrawled it on. the board in largo loose hand writing. Why not, wo repeated. Then a vision aroso of all the petty intrigues and trifling rea sons which usually influence all affirmations. A vision of the surging mass of students and fac ulty pursuing a fleeing editor to the uttermost parts of Salt Creek. With a kick wo crushed the spider. Why not? "BASE BASE." "Baso Baso" is the heading which appears crossing the front page of a recent edition of the Cotncr Collegian. While this -is ovidently a typographical error, tho fundamental principle of tho game is well suggested. Bases. Aside from this verbal rubbish lot us turn tho spot light on the baseball team. Keep it thorq till all the details of the team soak into your pores. Then turn it on tho freshman team and let simi lar details soak in. Then you may depart feeling that whoever snys Nebraska cannot play ball, will bo branded forevor with the brand of Ananias. TEAM LEFT YESTERDAY. Baseball Men Started on Eastern Trip Yesterday Afternoon. Yesterday afternoon the mem bers of the baseball team left for Q1RLS look me up on Oxfords and Shoes. Stunning Pumps in $4 and $5 grades. I buy samples, as samples are always best, and sell the best make of shoe leather for $2.5o. That's why I am up stairs. tho eastern trip. Eleven men be sides Coach Carroll made tho trip. Tho men who left were Captain Gronslit, c; Clark, lb.; Watters, 2b.; Metcalfe, ss.; Gumming, 3b.; Slouther, RatclifTe and Patterson, fieldora, and Olmstead, Frank and Mather, pitchers. The team has games scheduled with Ames today and Monday. Tuesday they meec Highland Park at Des Moines, and Wednesday they play Cornell at Mt. Vernon. Tho game on Thursday which was scheduled with Iowa and the games for Friday and Saturday which were scheduled with Min nesota have beon cancelled at the request of those schools on ac count of the' Nebraska board of control refusing to certify to the eligibility of tho men on the team on account of the summer baseball rules made by tho Mis souri Valley and ".Big Eight" conferences. Games with some other teams will bo scheduled to fill tho vacancies. These games will probably bo scheduled with somo college teams in South Da kota, possibly with the University of South Dakota team at Vermil lion and perhaps one game vith Morningsido collqgo at Sio"ux City. WISS PADDOOK HE&E. Is Y. W. 0. A. Secretary for China. The Y. "W. C. A. has had n pleasant surprise in the form of in extended visit from Miss Es telle Paddoqk, d secretary ftr China of the Y. W. G) A who is associated in work with Miss (jracc Coppock in China, a grad uate of tho University of Nebras ka. Miss Paddock was expected only for the cabinet conference on .Saturday, but sho arrived in time to speak at the local cab inet meeting Thursday and to tell tho girls at the Friday noon meet ing of Miss Coppock 's excellorit work in her foreign station. Srie figures prominently in the pro grbm for the cabinet conference today, and will speak at a Sun day meeting at tho First Chris tian church at 4:30 p. m. Tho Sunday meeting is a joint assemblage of Cotncr, Wesloyan, Lincoln and. tho University, asso ciations. A special attraction will be a violin solo by Bessie Manning. There is- a rumor afloat of a joint picnic between tho Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A.,, to take th place of tho usual annual banquet. The date set is May 14. and the social committee is head ed by Randall Curtis. TO BE ENTERTAINED. High School Students to Become Acquainted with Univer sity Athletics. Special effort is being put forth to furnish entertainment for the high school athletes who will be here on High School Fete Day. Among tho things the athletes will bo entertained at a training luncheon Friday noon before the meet. That evening tho "N" Men's Association expects to give them a banquet. Saturday morn ing tho university gymnastic team will give an exhibition for tho visitors. Tho medals won in the meet will also be presented Saturday morning. BUDD 1415 O ST. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY Wln-n you want to got Cleaning and Pressing anno by Imnd and not by luiiohhtory bring yourolothos to JOE The Tailor who Is nlso a 8peclnllnt n altering and refitt ing yuur clotbfB up-to-ditto. MARGARET M. FRICKE Drenmakcr of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin APRIL. 30, Saturday, 8 p. m., Tomple Agricultural Club, MAY. . . 3, Tuesday, 11 a. m. Convoca - .tiori. Prof. F; C. "French, "The Problem of Citizen ship." C-7, Friday and' Saturday High School Fete Day. " 4, Wednesday, 6:50 to 7:30 Y. M. C. .A. meeting, in charge of sqnior3. 9, Monday-ElcctioH of Ath-lotic- Board. 10, Tuesday Convocation. An . nual peace program. 11, Wednesday Ivy Day. All classes excused. 14, Saturday Dual track meet Nebraska-Kansas' at Law reDce. 16-J7. Monday and Tuesday Temnlo Minneapolia . Sym phpny Orchestra. 17) Tuesday, Convocation. An ! nual junior program. Genuine CALABAUI PUIS and AT ED ALUAYS TH Fresh Baked Goods of all Kinds. Ice Cream and Ices. We Serve Lunches. Luetics' and Mon'tt ClotLing Cleaned, -Pressed and Ropuirod. Hats Cloauod f Blocked and'Rotntntued L. BLUMEINTHAL -. Practical Hattwr and Cleaner Goodn Callod For and DHvred. Bell Phono A-021, Auto Phono 0448, 225 So. ltitli St.. Lindoll Hutel, Lincoln. Nob. TYPEWRITERS all m a ke s ' SOLD OR RENTED Rout Applies mi Puichaso Prico. Five Days Freo trial before you pay. Two years guainiou when you purcbaso. Easy Tonns. Got our list. Auto. zOBU; Boll 12U. , . , B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St.. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL gf HARVARD UNIVERSITY,, UNSECTARIAfT pLEGTIVE courses leading to the University decrees of S.T.B., A.M.and,Ph.D. , Lu Students paying the lull fee may take without extra charge appropriate courses , offered in-the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and lu Andover Theolog ical Seminary. For particulars address The Dian of Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massac ucetts. Matchless Values in Suits $6.98 and $9.98 Evory ono of onr rognlur btuck vulueb up to $b5 00 ut tO 08 uud t0.08. $25 Dresses, $t0. Ihe Season's Gieatest Skirt Sale. Souio uru strictly piu.n tuilrod, whilo otLors tiro moat bouuiifolly braided (Jhoico. 4.0o xiiU $2 60. W 41ST& 4Uc, 05c 1.2d. up to $8 75. SILK PETTICOATS 5 Ou vulue ut 82.08. IsLACK PETliCU 'J S ut 05. Little Block Em mi 'n.T'J.i. I I ---- a -mm, m 4V V V Kv mMk 5&hif AT LAST! The long looked for and Second Edition of ' - I The Cornhusker (The Oflfdal Field Son?, fay action of Athletic Boad) HAS ARRIVED ... Beautilul scarlet and cream cover , , ....... REVISED EDITION '. . . ; ' , Fcr w'e at College Book Stores and at all Mtislc Stores the New English COLLEGE PIPES VOUNG'S HEADQUARTERS 1307 O STREET i UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES 121 No. 11th t. fl Vt -, I .il iifcMi t Kwm M mam m ' M I allaa Wf - f -t.I i ,- n :.' 5 " (t v J A -, yjf J 'II' -'-Tri rfc -X : SjC T3' "lri'"JlLJ, ZJZ , U-$4