The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1910, Image 4
ii ii i m !! I nil" rimiaitfilMMiwiiiiii r - a. I' "-'.' i "' ' ' M sr:-. -ytr "PT FSa - 4 -fpr If " HJF ,.ru,?-n . 4" u THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - J .1 S , i I r" '"kv i.v.wv"' "- - THEATRE OLIVEU TONIGHT, AT., AND SAT. MAT. LOfttlNEKEENE&CU. And Asocate Players ' TONIGHT "In Wyoming." 8AT. MAT "St. Elmo." 8AT.. NIGHT "A Man of Mystery." ! Night, 30, 20 and 10c. Mat, 25 and 10c. 8oats Now 8elllng for "The Merry Widow" auaaKX mm, NO INTERGOLLGEIATE ' CONTEST IS VERDICT MISSOURI TAKES AOTION TO KNOCK OUT ATHLETICS. NEBRASKA SHOULD fOLLOW Radical Aotion Due to Professor Davenport Pormor Lincoln Man and Always Op posed to Athlotics. r BoysMy Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L. J. HERZOG 1230 6 St Fine Tailoring Cornell University Medical College A collogo dotfroo In roiiulrod for ndmlsMon. Advanced standing grantod student? protnt In HntlBfaatory orodontlnlH from acoredltod inodtcal bolleRoii. Rrory facility la offered to umtoraraduntos looking thn dogroo of Doctor of Moulolnb. Ample fa tllltlos nro nlno of forou nualinod jrrAduato to punae original Invcstl Ration In any departtnont. For furthor par ilnulara npply to Till Dm, Cirmll Unlwillr Midlcil CiHtn, Flmt Aro. unit28tu St., Now York City. INHERE is definate difference in our b System clothes-$15 to $30-yetre: finerrient enough tov make them instant favorites with the college man who wants more of dash and individuality to his clothes. SAell Je.vielry Chas W. Fleming JEWELER anil OPTICIAN 1311 0 St. - Lincoln, Neb SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS , 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 AARTH ON'S L Quality Counts THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fan ty creams, sherbets. Ices aad punch' for Prat is Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream always oa hana. Bell 208. ato8181. 1818 N St New Music The University of Missouri will linvi' no intercollegiate athletics after December 1, 1910, unless the regents of that school over rule the action taken by the uni versity council in voting 27 to 2 to stop all competition with other schools after tho close of the next football season, The action of the Missouri council in voting to do away with all intercollegiate contests has not been published ili the press, and only became known here yesterday through u. letter to a member of 'the faculty from Prof. ('. 11. Davenport, of Missouri. The proceedings of tho Missouri coun cil are not given out to the re porters at Columbia, and the fact that this action has been taken is not generally known in the Missouri valley. Nebraska Should Follow. Professor Davenport, in writ ing, urges that Nebraska follow tho example of the Mif-fcouri school and pass a resolution tond ing to eliminate intercollegiate games. Professor Davenport, was the prime mover in the courso pursued at Missouri. He is u close friend of President Ross Mill of Missouri and was able, through his influence and ag gressive tactics, to force the Mis souri council to take radical ac tion. The tone of Professor. Daven port's letter indicates that the Misouri faculty found athletics had been run on a very liberal basis. The football season of last lull savored ol mueli that was against the moral code of ath lotics and the faculty was deeply stirred was the tions that led the Missouri dele gates to the conference meeting in Kansas City to demand the abolishment of .the Thanksgiving day game with Kansas university. Professor Davenport is a for mer Lincoln man, and for several years was principal, ol the Ijiii eoln high school. He has always boon strongly opposed to ath letics, and, as his local friends, say, never could rsee the right side of anything that concerned athletics. KsjSjijfiaL Jifflt Ym) M afaa AbammmVftarSwx3ammVamC - amwHv-hR. JIHBk Wjv jflB&Vt-- aV Haaaatt laaaaaaaaV- K Kaaaaaaaw 'TvTaaaaaaaaaV luV'iiW f'JaaaaTaV aaaw'aawdaaaw -'' '"Xaaaaaaaaaaaaat WJPebW Ii JaaaaaM tmmm "& faiaaaaaaV " 'JtzM & -laaaaaaK Our Kensington Clothes-$20 to $40-for the more cpnservatiye dresser, m possess every possible feature of made-to-order garments, yet they're ready for instant service. They Fit Right .and Stay Fit. Cheney Silk Neqkwear Wrinklo-proof, pin-proof, nonbind ing rovoraiblo nnd waalmblo four-in-hnndfl of gonuino Chonoy CAm Silk In two tonod offecta.. . . V Clmntioloor nockwoaraomothing ab solntoly now in nock wear 50c Light Weight Pajamas Unusual values in oxtra flnoSoisotto Pajamas; all tho popular colors, but toned with silk froge, very roomy una cool for warm Spring ovomngs.. ... Bountiful pajamas in othor linos, woll m ado and durablo ? 1,00 to $5 mJ -WW J :.$2.50 MAGEE Sc DEEMER LINCOLN AURORA RED OAK. by the revelations. It discovery of the eondi- WITH THE HIGH SCHOOLS. Debating. The championship of the south eastern district was woii by Wy more last Monday night,' April 25, against Falls City. Wymere was represented by Floy T; wis, Porothy Kaufman and Donald Deomrr, while Falls City was rep resented by Camelc Leyda, Jas. Falloon and Jean Cair. This is the third successive champion ship for Wymore. For the ast t .'o years Wymore was represent ed in Lincoln by M. 0. llar greayos, now a freshman in the university. The northwestern championship was decided last night between' Chadron and Alliance, victory go ing to tho latter school K. O. Otto, Atel Johnson and Ethel James spoke on the affirmative for Alliance, while Mareia Lex ington, Frank Morrison and Ken neth Wall upheld the negative for Chadron. Most of tho rep resentatives are preparing for the final contest which will be held icre on High hcaooi iete uav.v Genuine CALABACII PIPES and the NeW English COLLEGE PIPES AT El) YOUNG'S ALWAYS THE HEADQUARTERS Fresh Baked Goods of all Kinds. Ice Cream and Ices. We Serve Lunhces. rf&02 1307 O STREET Ladles' and Mon'o Clothing Cloaned, Pressed and Repaired, Hats Clouned Blocked and Retrimmod . L. BLUVVENTHAL Practical Hotter nnd Cleaner GoodH Callod For und Delivered. Boll Phono A-G21, AutoJ?honoJH48 225 So. inth St., Lindoll Hotel, Lincoln. Nob. - v- When voiuio liomo Bond to mo tot tho music Uial aro tho "Hlto" here at tho H Unl. HUV in tlio j;amo ovon tuoURh yon nro nt home. WALT "The Music Man" 1318 O STRGGT BrUf Yur Nxt Jo of Printing U IyAN TINE POINTING CO. and bat Satisfactory RatulU 121-130 No. 14th SC Aut. 3477 j I Beatrice. In ijn interesting and eXoiting game of baseball Tuesday the ninth grade won from the tenth thus putting the latter out of tho running for the high school chompionship. Honors so far aro about ovenly' divided between tho ninth and twelfth grades. UHlVEnSITY JEWELER fc If TICIAN C A. Tucker JEWELER S. 8. Shean OPTICIAN 1121 1 SHEET, YELLOW FMUT MEN'S CLOTHES - '! - i The young man who graduates in a "SOCIETY BRAND" SUIT will be Better Dressed than the pries who dprit. '."' ' Let ns show you what they are like. . h5 jfH d - mmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmSBf-V J JrrV 1 Mm' J KaHaaflJr TM i "M Summer Shoes Ijpr Young Men Perfect fit that means comfort and coolnesscustom style that 1 ' ft gives a smart, dressy elrect. You are sure ot getting both these features in your summer footwear if you come tous for a' pair of $3so $400 $500 REG AL SHOES . Rea quarter-sizes insure you an cxac fit, whatever your foot-length wy b-r-and Ute ucvvr Regal models are accurate reproducu'ons of the latetf, n'hm styles. J.Jt let tu shou) you the new" Regal Oxfordsthey'lf do the ret " SPEIER & SIMON SJ-; v fc . "". . A 1 ''i nt '.'jAwftt FAROUHAR f W . Wala,aaaMa4a WmWmMmM - . ..... 3 xa v- .; h v V.' '?&. '&&. ''SJdm!&!&mUi. Z&&. ..uQHZ&&2mt$&M: i-3-t nXiiitr'. Wi "4 j w jj4ai. au'atkA 'aiv A: