Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1910)
rrxrwm .,.,fcrw w.) If1 iWy.t.yiXu. frt-ift,,. vi i.l4A. 1 -4,' ,K.--jf vpijffm hi 1 f THE NEBRASKAN i it"- t. vr C. H. Prey, florist, 1133 0 street -1 Miss race liaydon of Nebraska ftv 'v '.'... ". " rli'iUKi jVtii.W. t . - UNI MEN . . Ciy will attend the Pi Phi party V mHnnmna )ijiCampusyj ffi Gleanings M V &"-. W '.if- Er-- mm. i. tomorrow night. Ch"apin BrosV florists. 127 So. 13th. . Professor Chatburn delivered - a good roads lecture at Superior last night. - Thornburg's Orchestra Auto 6877. The Peru club will hold its next meeting May 8. - - . Try a luncfo at the T. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Miss. Edith Crofenhaft of Ar- lihgton is visiting Miss Sarah Herrington of Alpha Ofnicron Pi. . Now Haydon Studio, 1127 O St: -, .. . II. 0. Perry loft today for Tc cumseh wliere ho will referee a high Bcliool meet. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, So. 12th street ; Alpha- Phi will give a house --party tonight ... a ' Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. lltb. Superintendent Dill of Wilbor is visiting the university and in cidentally looking for teachers. Beforo buying your oprlng footwear let Beckman Bros, show you their now snappy oxfords. 1107 O 8t The annual formal party of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity Will be givon in-ibo Lincoln hotel this evening y c . mesne L.uncn. j. AicKonsie, 230 H. ar" Dr. Edwin Maxey goes to Tork today whore ho will act as one of 'the judges in a dobatc between York .College and the Kearney -normal tonight. Dr. E. M. Cramb, OstoopathlCsPhy slclan, U. of N. '99-Burlington block. Professor Pugsloy of the de partment of agronomy lectured this week beforo the Agricultural Club of the Peru normal. About thh'Eyyoung ladies will leave today for a two days' field trip in geology. under the leader ship of Dr. and Mrs. Condra. -Studies will be ma$o along the Plalte river.- - i 0 0 All .Eastern Star girls and Masonic students arc cordially in vited "ISoTa party given at the Masonic temple, 236 So."Elevonth, Saturday evening, April 30 at 8:15 p. m. - , XL HE WORLD is waiting for you. It wants young men like you who for a few years have been storing tip brain power from the masters. V' l r- A, S Your ideas and opinions, which you will soon give to the world are wanted by business on every hand. You are' the young blood of this generation. You are the Young Men . who are going to make this world in this generation a bigger and and better place than ever before. A A ft A . m m You know as we know that clothes don't make the man but they go a long way an boosting him to the top. . 'I s --f We would especially recommend for your graduation outfit the follow- ' ing goods-Proved the Best By Test: A Mayer Bros. "T Suit $12.50 to $30:00; Manhattan Shirts at $1.50 taL$3.00; Silk Hose, a pair 50c; Knox, Stetson or Imperial JHats; the Stylish Arcade Oxfords at $4.00. I iV 10 T riAYER BROS ''' Head' to-Foot Clothiers y- ,r- The students' debating club will debate the Wesleyan debat ing society upon the income tax question. The members of the team from hero arc Warren, Hare and Rogers. Searsons and Martin's Studies ,iii Heading is' just of the press an'd 'largo orders are continually being received for tho book, not only iri Nebraska, but other states as well. Scarson and Martin are both university men and they and the, university may well feel proud of thopublication. IF YOU CANNOT SEE WELL SEE ME ! - .- - Wo offer oxport optical work in Eyo Examinations Lena Grinding and Frarao Fitting:. , Kryptjok Lenses, Opifex Lenses, Toric Lenses, Shur-On Mountings ESTABLISHED 1871 halLett 1143 O STREET THf AHEN FA 0k4r mtmh tvinMAtr Via axrAt-n Tr.n SfiOEv vjoixvao uu xxiwxivy jliu vA.puoi.o yyju. to spend it to the best advantage, !" therefore buy "F-F-H" Oxfords. Ydvr Money's Worth Every Time. Repairing 1220 O StREET W. S. Butterbaugh has drop ped Jiis graduate work in the uni versity. His duties as teacher at -University Place required too much time to allow him to -keep up the advanced work. O 0 A special convocation will be held in, tho Temple today at 11 o'clock, V.,Earl Flynn will lec ture and give ?)as exercises on health. ! . ' a 'Dean JPordycc announces that there are a largo number of calls for principals of schools that -he is unable to fill. x Ifany one cle- .sires to make applications for a school see Dean Fordyco at once. x , T. W. Sctti'son returned the fore part o the, wcelcfrom.a trip -fo jHooper, Nebraska, where ho at tended an educational rally. Tho Schoolmasters' cjub, of which many of the university fac ulty are members, will meet May G. Dr. Wolfe will read the paper of tho evening.' The following are among the members: Chan cellor Avery; Deans B'essey, Sher man, Fqrdycc, Professor Luckeyj Inspector Heed and TJjrector- J. L. McBrian. This will bo the annual open meeting ' in honor of tho ladies. -. Special Satvrday s . Men's 25c and 50c -Fancy Hose, for ... r MsWpair . Vt 'irtt.x' . 250 pairs of Men',8 Fancy Hose, fMregularmkde, a goob lino, of colors, in plaids, stripes ahcl flats. pizes y to ll-j, last season's styles that sold at 26c to 60c a pair, priced to close at . . I2e - -r t, if, , f ;. ., ,. A v M 't. - jp "i.rif .. VI-. u Ji . tHj