The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1910, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 127.
List of Athletio Events at Univer
sity Farm rSpikes and Iron
Sphinx to Meet Play by
Dramatic Club.
The program for Ivy Day, May
11, is now almost cftmplele, and
a good time for all is assured.
All classes, will be excused, and
professors will join with the stu
dents in the annual holiday.
The morning program will, take
place on the university campus,
north of the administration build
ing, and will be conducted by
the senior class. As this will be
the last appearance of the senior
class before the school, it is theit
desire to make it as impressive
ix possible, and i'ti will be done
in the following ways: The class
song, which will be selected by
the committee from all sent in,
Avill be rendered; the Class poem
will be read; the class gift will
bo presented to the university as
a token of appreciation for its
'Many favors; the oration wid bo
given by Jphu L. Rico ; - the ivy
will be planted by Presidont
.Jones of the senior class; aud
then the most attractive event of
the day the May pole dance- -vrll
be given by a number of sen
ior girls in caps and gowns.
Afternoon and Evening.
All the afternoon and evening
events will take place at tho uni
versity farm. The first event, the
track meet; will" begin at 2:30,'
and as no varsity men will be al
lowed to take part, it is expected
a great number of students will
enter. The following events will
be contested 100-yard dash, 220
yard dash, quarter mile, half mile
and mile' runs, high jump, pole
vault, running broad jump, shot
put, discus throw, aud inter-class
relay. First places will be award
ed with silver medals, second
f laces with bronze medals and'
third places with silk ribbons.
The winning class recoives a
beautiful silver cup, and it is ex
pected that this, trophy will
"arouse much interclass rivalry.
'Immediately after the athletic
meet, tlfc Iron Sphinx will meet
the; Spikes' in a championship
basball game. Then lunch will
be served, and it is planned that
the lunches this year will excel
'""iKo'so of past years. 'After lunch
there will be a, .short interval
to roam around, or listen' to a.
band coucert (dep1 endings upon
who. accompanies you.) "The re
mainder of the program will be
i given on tho platform which
will' be erected, and will consist
of the following: The announcc-
.mens oi uie inirceen juniors "io
bo admitted into tho Senior Iin-
nocents' SocietyV the tojj min
ute' programs by the four classes ;
and finally the play by tho dra
matic club. Tho latter will pro
duce 'The Elopement of ' Ellen-', '
and assures, us a good, entertain
ment.' , , t
To meet tho various expensos
of the day, an assessment of
twchty;five cents Jias beon laid
on every person iu school. Thin
twonty-nvc cent assessment
cures a ticket which admits the
holder td nil the cvcntR of the
dny, including the athletic meet,
dramatic club play, and lunch.
It is urged that all students aid
tlje committee by paying their
assessment nt once, as it is de
sired to have the assessments col
lected by May 4.
Popular Pianist Pleases a Large
' Audience.
Mr. Sidney Silber, of the Uni
versity of Nebraska Conservatory
of Music, yesterday gave a piano
recital at regular convocation
held iii the Temple theater. Evory
one attending seemed greiatly
pleased with the selections and
hciirtily applauded. The recital
was, undoubtedly one of the
finest exhibitions of musical tal
ent given to the students of the
university this year.
The program as rendered fol
lows :
Prelude in C Sharp Minor,
The Lark Qlinka-BalawircIT.
Arabesque (Pas trop Facile)
Op. 45 Nol Lesehelizky. (First
time in Lincoln.) '
Voices of the Woods, Op. 78
No. 4. Vordi-Liszt.
UP OR D6WN is question.
Platform Club Discusses Postal
The Platform Club met on
Wertncsdaj' evening in U. 106 and
listened to a debate on, the ques
tion, ''Should the present rate of
one cent per pound on second
class mail matter be increased to
nine cents a pound." This is tho
plan advocated by President Taft
and Postmaster General Meyer.
Clifford Phillips and A. M. Obor
felder upheld the affirmative and
Walter Weiss and B. Marccllus
spoke on the negative.
The meeting was well attended
by the club members and many
university students outside of the
club were present. A brief busi
ness session was held after the
debate and sovoral men wove
elected to membership in the
Last Dance of Year to Bo Given
at Lincoln Hotel.
Tho ticket's for tho sophomore
hop that is to be given at the
Lincoln hotel on the 20th of May,
.appeared on tlio "campus yester
day. f
The committee Jmd decided to
give 'the dance in Fraternity hull.
but such a largo number of re
quests'' for tickets , have been re
ceived that it was decided to se
cure the Lincoln 'for the dance.
The number of tickets barf been
limited to ninety and about" half
of. these have .boon spoken for.
Tickets may bo secured from
the following sophomores: Clar
ence Clark, Eula Bates, Florence
Rush, William Ritchie, 4. P,
Hawley, Helen Dinsmore, Charles
Lenders, and Vern Bates, Theso
people expect to sejl all of the
'tickets that remain for sale with-
in tho nex,'t ten days.
. ' i
Baksd beans, baked on the premise
md served hot with delicious, brow
bread, '10c, at Tke Boston 'Lunch, v
- . . ,
nro-in' uu'" 'u iu
Freshman -Team Will Bo Chosen
at the Samo Time Many
Sophs Expected to Get
Places This Year.
Beginning at 2:30 Saturday
afternoon, the men who have
been training on the 'track for
the past few weeks yvill enter a
series of try-outs and strive to
make a place on the varsity track
team of 1910. Tho men who make
good in tho try-outs Saturday
will compose the Nebraska team
in the first meet of the year. The
team may be" changed before caok
meet if some of the candidates
improvo to such an extent that
that they are able to' replace the
men who have already been
chosen. This system will compel
the men to work hard all yea
and give everyone a fair chance
0 mako tho team.
The contests will be held. on
the athletic field and the new cin
der path will be complotcd by
that time. No admission will be
charged and every student in the
university who is interested in
track sports- should attend.
The following events will be
held 100 yard dash, 220 yard
dash, 440 yard dasb, 880 yard
dash, mile run, two mile run,
board jump, high jump, polo
vault, hammer throw, shot put,
discus, 120 yard hurdle, 220 yard
Few Old Men Out.
There are only four old men
trying out for this year's team.
They are Captain Burke, Reed,
AmbcrsOn, and Campbell. This
leaves places to be filled in every
event, and both places in most
of them. The promising youngs
ters who are eligible for these
places fire Bates, Anderson, Pow
ers. Flack, Fleming, McGowan,
I' r '
Clark, Mclek, Harmon, Ankcny,
Elliot, Graham, Munson, Davis,
Pierce, Alexander, flicc, Gibson,
Slionka, Trump, Lyikar, Swan
son. A freshman track team will
also be chosen Saturday, The fol
lowing are promising freshmeh'
o varsity caliber who will prob
.ably make places on the fresh
man team: May, Ghristmas, Col
lieV, Lindstfom, Funkhausor,
Black,. May. and .Christmas will
up doubt put up an exciting race
in the dashes. '
The Nebraska team will enter
four meets this spring as followst
May 7 Tr-i-stato meet at Ver
milion, Sorttlr Dakota. Tho Uni-
vcrsity of South Dakota, "Univer
sity of, Nebraska .and Morning
side College will, enter this meet,
May 14 Kansas:Nebra8fta at
Lawrence. ' A
May 21 JNebrafika-Minnespta
meet at Lincoln.
May 28 Missouri Valley meet
at Des Moines.
Coach Cherrington says that he
is very much pleased, with .the
spirit with which ithe men are
working and that although tho
f owold men back this year rather
APRIL 29. 1910.
hiindk'iip"tlf(T wflc" Tlmislta wi'.
have one of the best, teams in
ils history next year.
.Excellent Program To Bo Oivon
In Memorial Hall.
Tlio University of Nebraska
cadet band will give a ooncort
this afternoon at 5 p. in., iu Me
morial hall. No admission .will
be charged and all friends of the
band are invited. The program
promises .to be an excellent ono
and the band never fails to ren
der excellent music at its con
certs. . .Following is the prrigrani:
War March of the Priests from
"Atalia," Mendelssohn.
Overture, "Ilhpiting for Luck,"
Waltz "Return of Spring"
Concert Piece, "Con Amore"
Hungarian Dances, No. 5 G
minor, No. 6" C Major Brahms.
List Made By tho Committe Yes
terday. The committee on accredited
soliools met yesterday and upon
the recommendation of Inspectors
Reed and Voss, tlic following
schools will be accredited next
year: --
Bloomfiold, Brady, Bridgeport,
Broken Bow, Chadron, Chadron
Academy,' Crawford, Creighton,
Creighton Academy, Exeter,
Franklin, Friend, Laurel, Loup
City, Madison, Oakland, Ord,
Overtoil, PiercOjPhiinviow, Pon
ca, Spencer, Sidney, Stanton,
Sutton, Table Rock, Tokamab,
Valley, Wayne, Wisncr.
Double Program for Today To
Be Given.
A series of convocations were
announced yesterday as follows:
Friday, April 29, 11 a. m.,
Temple theater "Health," W.
Earl Flynn.
Friday, April 29, 5 p. m., Me
morial hall. Univorsity band.
Tuesday, May S, 11 a. in., Me
morial hall. "The Problem of
Citizenship;" Professor F. C.
Tuesday, May 10, 11' a. my Me
morial hall. Annual' Peace Pro
gram, Address by Di F. ti. Love
land of Omaha.
Tuesday, May 17, 11 a, m.,
Tcmplij theater Junior clss pro
gram. -
Will. Collect $2.00 From Each
Senior for Expenses,
The. senior play oommittee mot
in U 106 at cloven t o'clock yes
terday . morning. They decided
to fill all 'parts in tho east tbat
yot remained .unfilled and to fill
them, nfc once. TluSro are several
miner parts in the cast for wlfiqh
the pei sons chosen in tho try
outs have never reported,
Each member 'of tho commit
too was givqri a list of'scniprs
frpm whjoh thoy aro to collect
tho two dollar assessment which
was recently lovicd'by tho class.
Price 5 Cents.
Freshmen Win Easily Varsity
Loaves Today on Eastern
Trip Froshman Game Is
Declared Off.
With Carr on tho mound tho
Presbytormn boys from Bollovuo
were helpless at the hands of
the freshmen yostorday. For
nine rounds a great big goose
egg was tho sum total of tho
minisli'is' score, whilo the fresh
men garncrod seven tallios off
tho Bcllovuo collegians.
The contesL was in favor of the
freshmen from the opening in
ning. Only onco wore tho eol-
legians dangerous and that was
when Larson tripled to right in
tho sixth with nobody out. But
the doughty littlo freshman con
timio'Mo pitch bal. and pulleu
himself out of the hole without
any serious result.
Warner tho Slugger. '
Wamor, who hold down the
first bag for the frcshics, had
slugging honors all to himself.
Out of four times up ho banged
tho horsehido on the cheek for
three safeties, at one time scor
ing fMowry who had just tripled.
Carr, throughout the game," had
the Presbyterians eating out of
his hand and amassed a total of
eleven strikeouts to tho credit
side of his ledger. Besides keep
ing the Bollovuo boys swinging
like gates, he issued but ono free "'
ticket to the initial pillow, whilo
Sweetland who was on the mound'
for the ministers, gave three men
through fare to the corner sack:
A game which was scheduled
for the ffeshmon for today with
the Beatrice high school has becn
Varsity Team Leaves,
Tho varsity team leaves today
on the , eastern trip. The lineup
will he changed a little from that
which made the jaunt into the
territory of the Jayhawkcrs,
Sturtzoncgger will Jio dropped
and Patterson will hold down the
right prardop. Olmstcad will go
along instead ,of Storms. Tho
rest of tl(o team to go, on tho
trip will bo: Captain Orccnslit,
Mathers, frank, Clark, Waiters, .
Metcalfe, Cummings, Slcuthor
and Ratclifl'c. The team will
play Ames, (two games), High
land Park, Cornell and perhaps
one Qr two other games to tako" ;
the place of tho cancelled games
with Minnesota and Iowa.
Great Stunts To .Be Pulled off
in Balmy Rural Air.
TliGLsenior breakfast committeo
met yesterday morning and com
pleted arrangements for tho last
.senior broakfast that tho .class
Will ever give," wjll bo pulled- off
on tho.JL4th of, May '
Tho' committee .will meet again.
at 5 o'clock, Tuesday.
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