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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1910)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i s it . - I if College Clothes i . v t t , MHtll mMZMP f4Z&XiK&iFl sLLLF?riLLKMft f.iWT'yiWiv'zwJ Pfc ''-f 1 9 HHPBI raKS ! ";i L' i ' EllHul'S HKt3 & ct( r"ilvlS ill" Clothes for College men who want new, nifty styles and don't care for the conspicuous extremes, are the kirrd-we have to show you and they will make a hit with you because they have a style, character and in dividuality that stamps them as being garments for young men and made expressly to satisfy the tastes and ideas of tasty young dressers. You will find that we have just the kind you want for spring and you cannot get quite so good elsewhere; you had better come in and see them before the best ones are sold. We show more different styles and patterns and sell more young men's clothes than any two stores in Lincoln. Suits and Top Coats, $10 to $40 Armstrong Clothing Good Clothes Merchants j Home of Hart Stfhaffner & Marx All Wool Clothes. The leading manufacturers of Young Men's Clothes in America. Co wi x New Music Wlion you no Immo Hinil t mo for tlio iuu-Io tliul nr tlio HitH" li-ro at t lit Unl Htu In tlio K"'u vo llk"Kl vol ium ut hi nno WALT "The Music Man" HIS O ST.KIUT GREATEST GAME OF THE SEASON SOON Brinir Your Next Job of Printlnsr to IV AN TINE PRINTING nd Gat Satisfactory IGCO. I Rotultt I .... ..... ... . ..I o. . . IO-lJU NO. 14(11 31. UlO Jt c: pmTTTTTnmTTTTTTnjTTmTTTTTnmmTmTmQ SIMMONS fcTME f- R I IN T E R . AN ATTEMPT TO RAISE JACK BEST FUND TO $400. RUNTS WILL PLAY THE LENGTIIIES Klndheartedness Fills Breasts of the Young Philanthropists Doctors, Trainers and Water Boys Will ' Congregate on Battlefield. riot In a, ,mboalni n rr rn vlrt a. 3 til AUTO 2318 817 South 12th r Eimuuiiimuujjuiiuimimimijujiiiuc SCHOOL NEXT YEAR We Can Help You Come Back EXPENSE of a ycnr'B school is no more thnn you can make during sum mer. $00.00 per month sure. Good men earn more. Refer ences require d. Call Friday and Saturday. 209 Press Bldg. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yur PatrDBc Solicited Tho greatest baseball event In the history of the university will be pulled off in the not two or threo weoks. Tho "Lcngthies" will play tho "Hunts." It is safe to say that tills will bo 'tho big game of tho season. Tho men are training haul and expect to be In tho pink of condition by tho tlmo the gamo is pulled off. ' Tho object of tho gamo Is to ralso tho Jack Best fund. The fund has ' reached tho sum of $385. It Is tho de sire of those In. charge that this bo raisod to $100. Tho patriotic "Hongs" and "Shorts" In tho university havo decided to raise this money by means of a baseball game. From now until tho date of tho gamo these kind hearted men will bo soon diligently practicing at all hours of the day on tho athletic field, for this gamo Is to be no scrub contost, but a battlo between well trained stars. Thero will be coaches galore to urgo on their favorites and show them all tho fine points of tho gamo About fifteen trainers and rubbers havo been engagod for tho two weeks' practice, and each of those will be assisted by a water bpy. It is very evident that these great athletes are to bo well taken caro of. Every pro caution will bo talcen to soo that none of them suffers any Injury. Will Be Advertised. An advertising manager has been appointed to take charge of the work of advertising tho great contest. He Is a man woll vorsed In tho Ins and outs of tho advertising world. Ho Is preparing some of tho moKt original posters that havo evor been Been about tho university. Somo of them aro llfeslzo portraits of tho most notable players who will appear in this Important gamo. Below each plc- turo la a history of tho man that It represents. In this hlBtory will bo tho places of his birth, tho names of his parents, whero ho learned to play baseball, tho names of tho loams on which ho has played, and tho names of his lady friends. Another method of advertising that will bo used will bo a monstor parado. This will bo one of the most remark able parades ever organized by univer sity students. Three bands will ap poar In dazzling uniforms and the basebal) team that are to outer the nervo racking contest will bo seen riding In docorated automobiles sur rounded by armed guards. The, parado will enter tho gates of tho athletic field, Jho umpire will firo a cap pistol, tho doctors and their attendants will placo tho strotchcrs along tho sido lines, tho wnter boys will dampon tho sponges, and tho gamo will bo on. Players and Umpires. . L Tho men who will compose tho teams havo not yet been selected. A caucus was hold by tho "Longs" yes terday and Iho list of mon ellglblo for their team was narrowed down to the following: Sweet Shonka, Sister Elli ott, Hungry Holland, Happy Halllgan, Officer Collins, Doctor Cobb, Johnnie Jones, Shorty Struvo, Merry Christ mas, Lynnfleld Scott Loyd, Efllo Dins more and Samuel Adams Buck. Tho "Runt" team will bo selected from tho following sterling young gen tlemen: Cozetto Buchanan, Tubby Meyers, Halvenlo Stultz, Mummy Haw ley, Stub Hascall, Lengthy Oliver, RastUB V. Smith, Ferry Franklin Smith, Stew Elliott,, Pretty Forsyth, Rudolph McConnoll and Daniel Web ster Oborfelder. The matter of selecting tho umpires was a difficult proposition. It was de cided that thero should bo two of ficials and that they should bo chosen from tho faculty. After a long and j heated session and a great amount of deliberation on tho part of the dele gates tho following professors were finally chosen as umpires: II. W. Cald well and G. W. Lucky. "MY 'PEST HOUSE' DREAM." A spirited Interclass baseball con test Is now being waged. At this tlmo tho last year boys seem to bo having tho best of tho argument. The Semi-Metric Raving of a Varsity "Pest House" Patient, Con densed in Six Verses. I drenmod I was being exiled To a land I don't know just whore, But tho fact that 1 was leaving the "Pest House" Was all that I seemed to care The going was a matter of choice Between the two I've nlready named So I packed my grip In a hurry And left on tlio very next train. Somehow I felt contented, As wo traveled on to the coast, Such a relief to leave that "Post House," That "Boss," sassafaras tea and toast. For days wo were on tho steamer, Plowing through tho ocean deep; Still 'twas preferablo to the "Pest House," Though Roaslck. "homesick and weak. Ono morning wo saw land in the dls- tanco, And our steamer gave t a coarse, heavy blast; But suddenly waked from my slumber, I saw tho Burlington whizzing past. The flyer went on around tho curve, " And whistled onco more to arouso And end those blessed moments My dreams at tho old "Pest House." A fourth year has been added to tho law course at Harvalrd upon comple tion of which ono receives the degreo of juris doctor In addition to tho regu lar dogroo conferred. Beatrice High School. Tho class honors for this year wore recently awarded and aro as follows: Valedictorian, Edith McGaffey; snlu tatorlan, Edith Ludden. Just Pullishl Webster's NEW INTERNATIONAL Diction-r, . (G. & C. Merrinm Co. , S.-ir ;i:ilcl, Was. ) surpasses l!.c old lnte':ts'..ccj.I ." i.v-: ?. C, '. book exceeded '.i pcJi-ccticr 1. .ci i Chief, Dr. W. T. llarr.i. forr.itr U. S. Cor of Education. The deli.Vtior.s liav--' hco n arrangcdand nrrplificd 1 !.c of tii rr defined has been mere t jan doub'ed 1 .e Ly. molocy, synonyms, pronunciation, have re ceived unsparing tcholnrly hlior T e lan guage of English literature fur over ecu. centuries, the terminolofy cf 1'ie cr,is end sciences, and the ccy-dy i.iocc'i of street, shop, and houschoIJ, ere resetted with Cu I nets and clearness, l.n r.'.ic of vocabular), i:i richness of genenl information, and in con venience of consultation, lhebook sets n new mark in lexicography. 400,000 words and phrases. 6003 illustrations. 27C0rccs. Write to the puMiiber for Specimen Pace. c?!K!?9!l1D evanston .U ArR.uit li with Mutionholo THE NEW Arrow COLLARS pa SUMMER. HiPh cnouRh for looks low enoiifjh for comfort an. J 4 ionty of room lor the; tic to slide in.- l.nett. J'eatxvlv K (V Arrow PnfT. vn , A & raan s :.