The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1910, Image 3
WFFr iWTfWjrsi!! rifHp nwv ?wffpfm' ;f mwi&T-: t 4 j . A THE' DAILY NEBRASKAN k OLIVEU THEATRE Campus TONIGHT, FRI 8AT. & 8AT. MAT. LORaINEKEENE&CO. And Assoclato Players TONIGHT" Tho Morning After." FRIDAY'Mn Wyoming." Change Program Every Performance. Night, 30, 20 and 10c. Mat, 25 and 10c. Seats Now 8elling for "The Merry Widow" GleanM h- Advertisements Tor this column lli Classified Column II &W Y O C. H. Proy, florist, 1133 6 street. mm Edward Bernard, Cornell '08, vis ited tho Sigma Nu house Tuesday. Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Principal Ellsworth Davis of tho normal Nebraska high school was n campus visitor yesterday. Thornburg's Orchestra Auto 5877. Tho cast for tho Ivy Day play has been choson and is now rehearsing dally. U should be left at the business office? basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. nv and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three inser. tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. i" p.. JZ7 WANT ADS a k r i h R V WM mmmmm, Boys--My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L j. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring i PERITORIC LENSES Docs Away With Reflection SHAPED TO THE EYE HOWE OPTICIAN 319 No. 12th Th First Trust & Sav ings Bank 4 Per Cent Interest A $1 opans an aooount Comer 10th U O 3tta MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Three Great Concerts $3.00 MAY 16-17 OLIVER THEATRE Cornell University Medical College A colloKO degree. Is required for admission. AdvanctuHtnndltiR granted students prem nt ln(f satisfactory orodontlals from accredited medical coIIorcb. Erory tnolUty IsofTurod to andorttraduatossooklnK tho degree- ot Doctor of Mod let uo. Ample fa -1111109 aro also offered quallilod graduates to purduo original Investi gation in any department. For further pir tlculnra apply to Tbi Dim, Cirnill UaWarslty Midttil Collw, First Ave. and 28ih St., New York Oity. $3Aoll Jeuelry Chas. V. Fleming JEWELER and OPTICIAN 1311 0 St. - Lincoln, Neb SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. , TAILORS., 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 WARTHON'S' Quality Counts TH ATS WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR ' We make a ipecialty of fan cy creams, eherbeta. Ices aad punch for Frat & Sorori ty parUe:nipping Cream always ob hand. Boll 80S. . AUtO 11. ! am. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. E. A. Boostrom, assistant In botany, was called homo to Stromsburg yes terday. New Hayden Studio, 1127 O St. Searlo Davis returned Tuesday from Woeplng Water, whero ho had been looking after business Interests. mm Eat at Don Cameron's Cafo, 11R-119 So. 12th street Tho City Woman's Club, mot Mon day night in tho university Templo theater and had a very excellent'-pro gram. Tho Templo was filled and the platform was very . beautlfull decor ated with flowers. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Beforo buying your spring footwear let Bcckman Bros, show you their new snappy oxfords. 1107 O st. Domestic Lunch. 1230 H. McKensie, FULK 1325 O ST. Sister Walburger of St Katherino Academy, Jackson, Nob., "writes that sho will attend tho summer session of tho university. It 1b reported that a largo number of alumni members of tho Dramatic Club will bo present at tho annual, banquet. Tobio Agnes Cordon, '06, who was a fellow In romanco languages U. of N., is teaching French at.Des Moines Collego, DeB Moines, Iowa. . ' r MIbs Alice Chambers, who is stay ing at tho Woman's building, Is out of school temporarily because of an ac cident received tho night of "the Bur lington flro. Miss Ethel Field, who has been em ployed In Washington in tho depart ment of agriculture, Is now. In Now York City doing special, work In tho New York botanical garden's. Inspector A. A. Reed, who Is In charge of tho Fete Day program, stales that there will bo an unusually largo representation of high schools in this year's athletic contest A num ber of now schools report that they will be represented. vii 'FF'H Sends you to spend it . SHOEv therefore buy "F-F-H" Oxfords. Yovr Mfoney's Worth EyeryTimef L Repairin FOR SALE For Sale Duo bill on Lincoln's lead ing piano compapy. tf For Sale Duo bill on a gdod Lin coln tailor. Address H, Nebraskan, or call 1821. tf LOST Lost A bunch of keys, on the cam pus. Finder please leavo at tho Ne braskan ofllce. 125-31 i LoBt A watch, between Olympic Candy Kitchen and Hays Hall, having "Paulino" ongraved In tho back. Finder will receive reward. Call Auto 2482. 125-31 Lost A Mystic, Fish pin. Return to N.ebraskan ofllco. , 127-lt Lost a copy of Candy's Analytics and. a general noto book. Hoturn to Nebraskan ofllco. 12C-3t PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. LILLIAN 8NOW, 1339 O; hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Diseases of women. Auto 3038. DR. C. H. RU8H, Surgeon. Richards Block. Both Phones. TOM (MURRAY OF . CHICAGO used to say in his wirdbw's: "Suppose ydiT were found dead. Would your relatives care to recognize ybu with the underwear you're now wearing? Try some of our Lewis Underwear and you won't care who sees it. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, 221 Burr Blk. Bdth phones. LIFE INSURANCE UNION CENTRAL LIFE, 8. Bt Coon, agt., 216 Richards block. w Alliance will mako a' Btrong effort to bo a factor in tho state tractormoot. Many candidates- are "out for places. No forecast, however, can be made as to-xcsults, for hdrotofqre 'track t work has recolved llttlo attention, -tho .tli letlc energy of tho school having been devoted to other lines. "! '; .- An endeavor 'was made' in thdlbarly spring to organize' a league mmong western "Nebraska, cities thty purpose being fosieir '-brdcld wok; ;Oiir neighboring .fcitleenackcd tho" neces sary Initiative?, llowxlvier,nhericonAlli-' anco must attempt 'to' gain laurels' for all' tho northwest portion-of tie 'state. Allianco'Will placo Its-fetrbnge'st Effort In an attempt ,to land tho high, and boad jump. fy ' ' , 'V VM Vt li. , K Coach 'Ward of Pennsylvania Is: go ing ' to keep his1 Junior ibdat,- '"which with one - exception' is composed' of men who rowed as freshmen at Pough- keepsio, mntll the Henley races are over. Tho vaYsitjhcrew redeeined'it. self by beating tho second combina tion two lengths in three miles, both eights starting on even terms. - money he expects you to the' best advantage, 1220 O STREET , I ""V OUCTHT TO, PAY WHAT U OWE THE NEBRASKAN BASEMENT ADM. BLDQ. An Easy "OUT" A first . baseman has more -chances far mit.nutq than anv other nlaver on ihn nine. Ha must have tho best mitt made. Chance. Konctchv. Chnv n Tcnnoy nnd Stahl nro men wlmnu work on first is duo in a Iarcc measure First Basemen's Mitts Feafures Patented Lacing Device. Laced Tlmmb. Decn 1'ockct, Strap and JJucltles nt wrint. The guarantees satisfaction and' perfect goods. .Ths V,i.tR.EApH T ni.i- K;i' ."""."L VJrtte tor Frte Rucft Dt:o w.w MiiwiuimtJU 1,1 030 COMPANY. im Tulip SL, itlladelphla, Pt. CaHojut, i. Summed The University June 20 to August 12, 1910 Course In ' Agriculture,- Anatomy, Botany,4 Chemistry, Education, 'Educa tional Theory and Practice, Secondary Education, Normal Training, Elemen tary Education, English Language and Literature, French, Geography and Geology, German, American History, Homo Economics, Horticulture, Latin, Manual Training, Mathematics, Me chanical Drawing, Philosophy and Psy- cholbgyt Physical Education, Physiol ogy, Political Spience and Sociology, Rhetoric and English Composition, Zoology. C y r-' f ; t u. X - ivta. nrrnntn to Leather t. Trade Mark ".'.y .nu. Wm- C:'( IKKJiZ. Sessidtl of Nebraska - Special attention to subjects re quired for professional certificate. Nine hours of college work possible. Conditional admission- on ,22 points. Teachers 21 years or over may enter as Adult Special Students. ! High'School Courses in the Teach ers College High School., ' n - i For bulletin or Information addrese THE REGISTRAR, -". - T ., The University of Nebraska, Lincoln. .4- 4 j :( .A i Xt - ji '3, i sm wt'TI .'iimiii." : :vji stiW r.y.iiJfejittH