The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1910, Image 2
r miiiMUHmii yy iyilini'n( inui .iih,.. Mk. . 4i- -ir .BrcwterX2 A . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I. L H T I I .1 ! l! t . " The Daily Nebraskan THIS PROI'EltTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobmka. t PulillMicd by t Ann THE STUDENT PUHUCATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. , , , Editor K. P. Frederick Managing Editor .Carl J. Lord Associate Editor T. M. Edgecombe Adoclate Editor R. D. Hawley DU3INE83 STAFF. Manager O. C. Klddoo Assistant Manaoer V. C. Haioall Circulator C. Buchanan Editorial and Business Office: A8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. INSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lnole Copies, 6 Cents Each. Telephone! Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888 Auto 3844. - INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo charged for nt tho rnto of 10 contu tho Insertion for overy fifteen words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will bladly bo published fico. Entered at tho postofTIco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-class mull matter under the Act of Conffrdss of March S, 1179. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 . m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 0 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertlslng,,at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first insertloni three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1910. ' Tho latest addition to comet fash ions lias bcon furnished by Halloy'B comet. It now appears without a tail. It evidently borrowed tho Idea from tho tadpolo' Nothing llko being up-to-dato. ' Christopher ColumbliB and Bonja inln 'Franklin aro charged with being iho first and second hoboes to sot foot on American Boil. Horo's something boBldos chopping down cherry trees for tho youngor generation to Emulate. Tho notion of tho nthletlc board in standing by tholr convictions on tho matter of baseball eligibility is the only stand for thorn to take. If a Jew HOP T of the other collogcs with tho same convictions will assert thom a reform movement may bo effected. ' If tho present tendoncy at Missouri -to limit tho strolling places of tho "atrolly" Inclined students to fre quented places strengthens wo may expect a hlrod band of professional "frequenters" to bo stationed In all of those beautiful lanes on balmy even ings. LIGHT. Did you over vonturo on tho north ampus after" dark? Wo havo never had that experience, but vague rumors ire coming in of misfortunes which at tended thoso who havo. Ono man ovon assorts that ho entored that part of tho campus at" 0 o'clock In tho evening and becamo bo liopoleBsly lost that ho had to camp until tho soft gray dawn could light his footsteps. A candlo set In a lamp chimney would bo an Improvement over tho present lighting system injuso thoro. LET US 8ING. Music, they say, has tho power to charm tho savage' boast Wo do not give this as a reason for tho call for Ivy Day songs, but merely to Illustrate tho power of music. Scarcely any function Is completo without music. No colleges aro without It. I At Nebraska, the call for songs has been 'stronger and moro persistent this year than ever beforo. 'The university is awakening. Nebraska songs, songs - for every Nebraska occasion, songs of all kinds, ultimately a book of songs, 'will bind tho students, both -In and out of tho university, closer than ever before to tho old "Alma Mater." Lot us sing. DDE8T PLAY EVER PRE8ENTED. 1 L, Microbes -and Bugs Characters In i Piece. The oddest play ever produced In 0OoOffiOO$OBOaOB0QOOO s ft CONVOCATION I if SIDNEY I s TEMPLE THEATRE 9. 000000000OQQ2JQfflQSO0000000000000 Amorica 1b to bo presented this wook at tho University of Wisconsin. All of tho characters aro microbes, or bugs as they aro familiarly known by tho members of tho bactorlologlcal de partment of tho Btato university. The play depicts In brief tho history of tho war of tho gormB of tho world ngalnBt tho human race, and tho deci sion of gormland to oxtormlnato man kind, but tho action Includes tho love affair of Teddy Tuborclo and Bessie, tho stenographer. Tho play Is boing presented at tho wish of Dr. M. P. Ravonoh, tho American who contonded that Dr. Koch of Berlin was wrong in his thoory that bovlno tuborculosis Is not communlcablo to tho human body. 8peclmcn of 8llver Tree. Tho department 6f botany is in re ceipt of a boautiful specimen of tho loaf of tho silver treo from South Af rica. Tho specimen was sent to Dr. Bosaey by MIbs Alta Johnson, a for mer student at Nebraska, who Is teaching In South Africa. Plcnio Breakfast Committee. Tho freBhman picnic breakfastfeom mlttoe will meot today at 11:30 in the library building. It is planned to defi nitely line up tho whole affair at this timo and, a full attendanco 1b desired. HORACE B. ENGLISH, Chairman. 1 Down and see me on the Ha,t No argument; I've got the new days ahead of the rest. I am a Look me up. Chancellor to Columbus. Chancellor Avery leaves today for Columbus, whoro ho will speak be foro tho stato convention of commer cial clubs. Is an Expert on Beets. J. B. Warron, '98, 1b now employed In tho sugar boot industries of Holly, Colo. Ho Is employed as an export in diseases of beets. Revised Catalogue of Plants. N. P. Peterson, a former student of tho university, now at Baton Rouge, Louisiant, has sent a revised cata logue of Nebraska plants to tho de partment at Nebraska for revision. WILD 8PELLINQ AT MICHIGAN. Professor Tells of English as "8he Is Writ" at Ann Arbor. "Ho Bat In tho hot son" now wasn't that" a terrible affliction to como to a professor In the University of Mich igan in an examination paper? Or Txow would you, llko this: "His heart was filled with whoo"? isn't that enough to stop even a hoart? Theso skeletons In tho spojling closet of several of tho prominent families represented in tho different engineering classes ,wero rocently laid bare In a written 'examination given by Mr. H. A. Kenyon before a meet ing of tho Schoolmasters' Club. Mr. Kenyon told tho story In an address entitled, "Some "Wild Spellings I Havo Met." It Beems that tho Btudents of the University of Michigan can do other things bettor than -thejr can spell. Mr. Kenyon cited other instances where English as "writ" was terribly disfigured. For instance, many of the same sixty-four papers contained tho word "weary" spelled "worry." ThlB examination occurred two months ago, and there is "still ono work In the papers' that Mr. Kenyon is studying over, tho word "myBlly." Beforo tho O 00000000OfflM TODAY SILBER i j O CLOCK 6 ond of tho year, If Mr. Kenyan la unablo to Btudy it out, ho is going to beg tho student to tell him Just what ho really did intend that word to represent. Four sots of examination papers woro handled by Mr. Kenyori at the cIobo of tho laBt someBter. Threo of Uiobo sets were final "quizzoB," and tho students writing theso papers rep resonted all classes in tho engineering department, a majority of thom under classmen. Out of sixty-four papers, but threo woro written without errors. Others ranged from ono to twenty four misspelled wordB. Good studonts mado as many as six to twelve mistakes each In spelling. In all thero woro 322 mistakes mado in the sixty-four papers, Tho speaker classified the1 mistakes thus:. Mlstakos duo to carelessness, analogy or Ignorance; misapplied; duo to faulty articulation; mistakes duo to an attempt at elegance; uso of similar or similarly' pronounced words, correct themselves, but incorrectly used; original phonetic spelling; real ly original spelling, which could not bo placed In any of tho abovo dlvt 8lons. Detroit Journal. Spring training for tho Quaker track and crew candidates began this week, forty-four men being taken on. Until next Monday only supper will bo question. ones, 90 hat man. BUDD 1415 O ST. served at training table, but on adding seventeen baseball men, all three mcalB will bo given. NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When you want to Rot CloanlnR and Preiwlnir done by hand and not by machinery bring your clothes to JOE The Tailor wbo la also n Specialist on altering and rofltt inK your clothes up-to-dnto. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Styje and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin APRIL. 29, Friday, 6 p. m., Memorial' Hall University band concert. 30, Saturday, 8 p. m., Temple Agri ? cultural Club. ' MAY. C-7, Friday and Saturday High School Fete Day. 4, Wednesday, 6:60 to 7:30 Y. M. C. A. meeting, in charge of seniors. 10, Tuesday Convocation. Annual peace program. 11, Wednesday Ivy Day. All classes excused. 14, Saturday Dual track meot No- 15, Saturday Dual track meet Nebraska-Kansas, at Lawrence. 16-17, Monday and Tuesday, Temple Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, 17, Tuesday Convocation. Annual junior, ' p.roAram.,., , . 18, Wednesday, 6:50 tof7:30Y! M; C. 4. "The Tendency In Athletics." JflR a I? -SVIZ f( A 7eftih Genuine CAlABACIi PIPES and the New English COLLEGE PIPES AT ED YOUNG'S ALIAAYS THE HEADQUARTERS TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ------- SOLD OR RENTED Ront Applies on Purchase Prico. Fivo Days Froo trial boforo yon pay. Two years guar n too when you purchase. Easy Torms. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1201). B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th St. Fresh Baked Goods of all Kinds. Ice Cream and Ices. We Serve Lunhces. Ladies' and Men's Clothing Cleaned, iiiocKeu anu uotrunmou L. BLUMENTHAL Practical Hatter and Cleaner Goods Called For and Delivored. Boll Phono A-021, Auto Phono 0448 225 So. lth St., Lindoll Hotol, Lincoln. Nob. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL gf HARVARD UNIVERSITY UNSECTARIAN "CLECTIVE courses leading to the University degrees of S.T.B., A.M. and Ph.D. L-1 Students paying the full fee may take without extra charge appropriate courses oflered In the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and In Andover Theolog ical Seminary. For particulars address The Dean of Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massacbucetts. Fraternities Sororities We can ave you 12 pe cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON UUI.BW,. Gregory The AT LAST! The long looked for and Second Edition of The Cornhusker t (The OfHdal Field Song, fay action of Athletic Boad) HAS ARRIVED Beautiful scarlet and cream cover . . . . REVISED EDITION . . , v . Fcr sale at College Book.Stores and at all Music Stores y fl 1307 O STREET Pressed and Repaired. Hats Cleaned UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES Coal Man 1044 OSt ak tkk. cfrT jwara V A Jil V -ww- 4 ft