The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1910, Image 1
( -ff 'kuki vi vr( &- "tfT " 1"" j ,f 4" v -.. C !- . i Jv, ,. A "SiSMBinJBM"- J A tlbe 2)atl$ flebtasfean Vol. IX. No. 126. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1910. Price 5 Cents. - JL q CANDIDATES HAVE TO FILE NAMES AT ONCE ONLY FIVE DAYS REMAIN A8PIRANT8 FOR OFFICE. TO ATHLETIC BOARD ELECTED SOON Five Student Members Chosen 8econd Monday in May Students Must Have Twelve Hours Work to Vote Faculty Members and Graduates Have Suffrage Fivo days is all that remains to can didates for the athletic board to file their names with tho secretary of tho present board. Tho election will bo held on tho second Monday in May which means that tho olection will bo held in ono week and flvo days. The names of tho candidates must be filed by Monday, according to a provision enacted by tho board that tho names shall bo filed ono week previews to the day of election. Llttlo or no excitemenl has been aroused as yet over tho upproaching election. Somo discussion of probable candidates has been going on about tho campus, but few, if any, of tho student body realized that tho day of olection was so near. Rules of Election. Tho rules governing tho athletic board election as to candidates, votors, method of polling tho votes and other dotailB follow: "Tho athletic board of tho Univer sity of Nebraska shall Include flvo stu dent mombers who shall servo for ono year and aro to bo elected annually. "Thoso eligible to voto at tho elec tion of such student mombers shall bo (i) all malo students of at least ono semester's residenco at tho university -Who have made twelve (12- or more hours credit during thoir last previous eomestor. (2) All members of tho fac ulty. (3) All malo graduates of tho university. "Any student eligible as a -voter may becomo a candidate for oloetion to student membership on tho board who flies with tho secretary of tho board at least ono week beforo tho day of election a written statement in which' ho declares his dosire to bo come a candidate, and his intention to remain in school the following year. "A list of all candidates for student membership shall bo published In tho Daily Nebraskan each publication day of tho week preceding tho date of tho election. "This olection shall take place on tho second Monday of May. Tho polls shall bo located iif Grant Memorial Hall, and tho hours of voting shall bo from 9:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m., and, tho Trlbuno as an authority on tho from 1:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. The.' subject of psychology. While at Ne faculty members of tho athletic board braska ho was a member of Alpha shall act as Judges of tho olection and thero shall bo at any time during tho hours of voting at least threo of tho .judges present at tho polls. At least two of (ho judges shall remain at tho polls and havo charge of tho ballot boxes during the hour of Intermission from 12:30 p. m. to 1:30 p. m. A majority of tho Judges of tho olection shall count tho ballots. nlty league Tho score ended 3 to 2 "Tho registrar of tho university in the Phi DeltB favor. Batteries shall provide a list of all" students phi Delta Thota Halllgan and Rp eligible, under the forqgolng require- man; Phi Kappa Psl KUllaiu and ments, to voto at tho election. This Swltzlcr. . list Bhall be kept at the polls and no ono who presents himself as a voter shall bo given a .ballot until his namo haB been found to be on this eligible list and -has, been properly recorded by the JudgeB of election. i "Each voter shall voto for not more than flvo candidates. Ballots shall be BASEBALL - Frshmen-Belleviie - provided on which shall bo printed In alphabetical order tho namcB of all the candidates and tho Instruction at the top, 'Voto for not more than five.' Tho rules of tho Australian ballot shall pre vail. "Tho flvo candidates having tho highest number of votes shall bo eloct ed. Tho nowly elected mombers of tho board shall tako ofllco within ono week of tho dato of thoir oloetion." Senior Breakfast Committee. Tho senior breakfast committeo will meet today in U10G at 11:30. Tho mombers of tho committeo aro S. A. Mahood, chairman; W. E. Byerts, W. J. Wohlonbcrg, Edna Stovens, J. M. Clark, May Dion and Alfreda Fowoll. FRESHMEN PLAY TODAY First Year Men to Play Fast Beltevue Aggregation. This aftornoon at 3:30 tho froshmon ball tosscrs meet tho fast nino from Bellovuo on tho homo lot. Tho fresh men havo nearly as fast a toam as the rogular university nino, and thoy aro prepared to whip tho PreBbytorians. Yesterday Bellovuo played Wesleyan at University Place, and como prot parod to whip tho first yoar team In tho first gamo that tho "frcshicB" play on tho homo lot. CHANCE TO EARN MONEY. Ambitious University Laborers Can Get Work for the 8ummer. Urilversity students who aro taking carpenter work, forgo work and other shop work and who desiro employment for tho summer aro assured of from $4 to $7 a day at Basin, Wyoming. In a recent letter to a momber of tho faculty it was stated that about thirty new houses and sovoral now bnsincsB blocks were going up at Basin, bo sldcs a mill and a brick .yard, which will give employment for any amount of skilled labor. Communications should bo addrossed to tho Shodd SIzor company. WRITE8 ON PSYCHOLOGY. Former Student Has Article In New York Tribune. ' Tho New York Dally Trlbuno of Sunday contains a lengthy discourse on psychology, given by H. L. Holllngs worth, who graduated from Nebraska in 1903. Mr. Hollingsworth was prin cipal of tho Fremont high .school for a couplo of years, going from thero to Columbia University to tako tho chair of psychology. Since leaving Nebras-, ka ho has taken tho degree of doc- tor of philosophy. Ho Is quoted by , Tau Omoga. PHI DELT3 WIN. Phi Kappa Psl Defeated by a Score of 3 to 2. Last evening tho Phi Delta Thota defeated Phi Kappa Psi in tho fastest gamo of tho season In tho lnterfrator- Standing of tho North Sldo: W. L. PcL Sigma Chi 3 0 1.000 Phi Delta Thota 3 Alpha Theta Chi 2 J Delta Upsllon 1 Phi Kappa Pel 1 Phi Gamma Delta 0 1 .760 2 .500 2 .33 ! 3 .25) 2 .00) HIGHLAND PARK MEETS DEFEAT HJOM NEBRASKA CORNHU8KER8 PILE UP 17 TAL LIES TO V18ITOR8' 6. GAME SLOW AND fEATURELESS Stenographers Completely Outclassed, and Cornhusker8 Hit the Ball at Will, Making a Total of Fourteen Hits. Thoy camo, thoy fought, and thoy lost. After juggling tho ball around for two hours and twonty-flvo minutes tho stonographors from Highland Park, which thoy say is located at tho capital city of Iowa, wont down to defeat at tho hands of Coach Carroll's CornhuBkors by a score of 17 to C. Tho exhibition of baseball which the toams put up was worthy of tho Salt Crook Rats or such similar aggrega tion. Of all tho loose playing that was over niado in a ball gamo that of yestorday was tho best exhibition thai has been put up on tho local diamond for several years. Tho gamo waB slow in every 'detail, and a largo sharo of tho fault was found on tho part of tho playing of tho visitors. Tho Corn hunkers como In for a llttlo of the criticism, but tho Btonogrnphers were up In tho air for tho most of tho con test. Nino Juicy errors wore piled up against tho boys from Dob Moines, nnd tho haughty Mr. Gardner, who tried to play around tho initial pillow, for tho stenographers, mado threo bt them. Tho work of Southwick, who gathered In tho cherries as thoy camo acrosB tho platter for tho visitors, was of high class ordor, and ho gritted hlB tooth and stuck tho wholo slaughter out with a sprained ankle. Greensllt and Metcalfe the Sluggers; For tho Cornhuskers, Cap Greensllt headed tho sluggers' list, although Motcalfo was a close second with two hits which registered him froo tickets to tho center pillow each time. "Dor Captain" wbb thoro In tho third In ning with a triple, which Sleuthor duplicated in tho fourth. In tho fifth round Daisy Cummlng, Who played tng around third for the Cornhuskers, put tho pill over tho center doll for n nico gentle llttlo triplet with the bases full. Watters worked the squeeze play to perfection in tho third with a man on second and third, and thoy both scored, and the sten ographers wero so fussed that they juggled tho ball and gayo Toughy a placo on tho first pillow and also do nated a nico orror to thoir mistake column. Frazler Clouts the Pill. In tho laBt Inning, with nary a soul on baseB, Frazler, tho southpaw who occupied the mound for tho Des Moines boys for tho last two innings, clouted tho ball clear to the fence for a homer, tho only hit tho visitors got which entitled them to an extra base. Tho score: , Highland Park. a.b. r. h. p.o. a. o. Gardner, lb.- 4 Bruco, 88 3 Houderebaldt, '3b. . . 4 Impson, 2b 4 Hobson, p 3 Barton, p 1 Frazlor, p 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 r 2 0 0 r l o 2 2 0 1 1 1 3 0 2 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 i 0 'Southwick, c 4 1 Warren, rf. ........ 4 1 1 Anderson, cf '3 0' 0 Joor, If, ,-..... 2 0 0 2. Totals .32 6 8 24 12 ! Nebraska. a.b. r. "h. p.o. a, o. Schloutor, rf 4 1 1 1 GroonBllt, c 4 2 2 7 Radcllffo, cf G 1 2 1 Pattorson, rf C 1 2 0 Metcalfe, ss 5 4 2 3 Clarko, lb -3 3 .2 12 Waters, 2b !Vr-3- 2 11 Cummlng, 3b 3 1 1 1 StormB, p 1 0 0 0 Prank, p 3 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 7 2 1 2 Totals 30 17 14 27 15 Scoro by innings: Nobrnska 012473 00 17 14 4 Highland P'k.'l' 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 6 8 9 Homo runs Frazler. Baso hits Slouthor, Greensllt, Cummlng. Two baso hits Ratcllffo, Motcalfo (2). Passed ball Greensllt. Bases on balls Off storms 5, off Frank 4, off Hob Bon 4, off Barton 1. Struck out By Storms 4, by Frank 2, by Hobson 3, by Frnzier 1. Hit by pltchod ball Anderson. Sacriflco hits Clark, Wat ters (2), Cummlng (2), Bruce, Joor. TImo of game 2:25. Umplro McCaf forty. SILVER SERPENT BANQUET Thirty-five Guests at Llndell Hotel. Silver Serpent held Its annual ban quet in tho Llndell hotel at G:30 last evening. About thirty-flvo momborB and alumni wero present. Tho tables wero arranged in a "V" and red and whlto carnations wore presented to tho guests. Miss Margaret Guthrlo presided as toaBtmlstross, and tho following toaste wero given: "Tho Serpent's Eye," "flfnyono Thompson; "Tho Sorpent's Coils," Nettle Hill; "Tho Serpent's Tall." Kate Field; "Tho Serponfs Charm," Lois Fossjor; "Tho Serpent's Hiss," Florence Rush; "Tho Sorpent's Wile," Alice Ensign," nnd a recitation by Hazel Porrin. BOHEMIAN8 HELD MEETING. Komensky Club Gives Interesting Program. , Tho Komensky Literary Club hold an Interesting meeting last evening at which tho following entertaining pro gram was rendorod by membors of that active association: Chorus Bohemia's National Hymn, "Kdo Domox Muj." Piano Solo "Nocturne," by Chopin; "La Secrete"," Gautlor," Mr Chas. Kokes. Recitation "All Sorts of , Misfor tunes," Miss Anna Kostoryz. Vocal Solo "Ma Dlvonka," Zdenok Fiblch; "When I'm Lord of High Degree," Jiranek, Miss Bessie Strejc. Reading "Wo Shall LIvo," (Paulino Maternova), Miss Vlasta Lolan- sky. Piano Solo "Minuet,"- PaderowskI; "Hom.o Longings," Abbott,' Mr. Charles Kokes. The club will hold its next regular meeting and program on tho evening of May 7th in tho music hall of tho Tomplo. AGRICULTURISTS TO MEET. 8everal Papers and Important Busi ness on Program. Tho regular meeting of tho Agricul tural Club will be hold at the Temple Saturday evening. J. A, Elwell will read a paper on. "Tho Preservation of tho Seed Bed," and I., V. Wood will talk on "Tho Advertising of Farm Products." An Important business meeting will bo held after tho pro gram, at which plans will bo laid or', a picnic and banquet ONADLE TO ANNOUNCE' ' DECISION ON SONS COMMITTEE FOUND NO 80NG EX ACTLY 8UITABLE, MORE SONCS ARE CALLED FOR Contest to Be Open to Entire State To Be Sent to Dally Nebraskan Question of 8ongs Bothers Other Colleges. Tho committeo In chargo of tho uni versity Bong contest was unablo to an nounce a decision at the closo of tho contest last night. An attempt has bcon mado to get a university song for Nebraska, something this Institution has always lacked. What is wanted is not a football song, but a sort ot patriotic hymn that shall bo a part of tho col logo Itself. Six songs wero submitted to tho committee. Each had its merits, but to tho committeo nono seemed just -appropriate or exactly sultablo. for, a university song. ThiB Is considered . too Important a matter to bo passod over hurriodly, so tho committee has decided to wait and extend tho tlmo in which Bongs can be submitted. No definite dato has boen set for tho clos ing, but it will not bo until somo timo next year. It is hoped that during tho summer somo ono may bo Inspired to wrlto Just what is needed. Open to 8tate. Tho contest is to bo opened to tho entire state. Heretofore only students paid much attention to tho need for a song, but It Is now hoped to get tho citizens of tho stato Interested in tho bo nccoptcd by tho students as tho thinkers may turn out a picco , of work worthy of the caubc. Tho committeo In charge aro Mrs. Carrio B. Raymond, chairman; Ed ward Walt, D. D, Plumb, Dean L. A. Sherman, August Hagenow, Professor E. B. Conant and Mrs. Conant. This committeo Ib composed of excellent musicians and a man who Is an au thority on any lltorary matter. They havo done a great deal of hard work, in this contest and thoir decision will hopo that somo of our writers or only ono which could havo been given. Tho committeo has askod that in tho future all songs to be submitted to them bo sent to tho Daily Nebras kan. This Is dono to havo some regu lar placo for contributions to bo sent and it will bo a place of easy access. Other Colleges. Tho song question just now Is both ering other colleges besides Nebraska. Northwestern, Texas and WlEcqnsin aro having Contests along tho samo ordor as Nebraska's. Northwestern and Texas aro offering cash prizes of from $20 to $60 for a suitable song.' Tho song writing, however, has to bo a work of Inspiration and Is not some thing that can be gotten by digging, It Is .hoped that "students and oth ers will Immediately send to ' tho Daily Nebraskan any offerings they may have, for tho need of Ihe song, Is great and It would Indeed be an honor to bo tho composer of tho university song. MI88 HOWELL AT MEETING. Gives Two Selections for Y. W. C. A. Miss Howell's readings at yester day's Y. W? C. A. nocn meeting wero highly appreciated by the girls, and an unusually largo crowd gathered to, hear her. She gave two selections preceded by appropriate rem?rks. Tho Petrified Fern," by Mary Lydia Boyles, and ''Legend Beautiful," by Longfel low. TODAY '