I f9f. T'-'ZvyffiUyiCtAmiCjui. MWMiMIMt UIMUimtW THE NEBRASKAN I . I ! R I I r. It ?.' DIRECTORY. Buatnaaa, Directory Kwry loyal University student is umrt't.ptrM lie these Nebraakan advartlaarav and to mention the Nebraska- walla d las bo. BANKS Plrat Trui lb Savings DAKBRIE8 FolBom BARBER SHOPS Green's BOOK STOREB Co-op. Univerlsty CLEANERS J. 0 Wood it Co. Joe, Taa Tailor. CLOTHING Farqoaar Mage ft Deemer Mayer ?rov Palace- Clothing Co. Spelor & Simon Armstrong Clothlag Ca. COAL Gregory Wbltebreaat CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy- KiUaaa Tommy DANCING ACADBMiy Lincoln PITTS l DOCTORg . ', Dr. Crash u DRY GOODS Miller ft Paia Radge ft Gaeacel HerpoIsfceiBierr. mtm pRUaGIBTS., Rlggm ENGRAVERS Cornell FLORISTS C. H. Froy CHAPIN BROS. .'. FURNISHINGS Budd. Fulk Magoe & Doemer Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Rudge. ft GMce Speier ft Slmoa Armstrong Clotfelas O. HATTERS Budd FuUc Ualand Armstrong ClotMa. C Mage'e. ft Deemer Mayer Brea. Palace Cletkiag Oo. Rudg.ft.GHeaael Speier ft8hasa ICE CREAM Franklin Ice Cream Oe. JEWELERS HaUett Tuckor LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIAN8 Sheas. b Howe. ORCHESTRA ,.JJL Thornburg's. ",'T. PHOTOGRAPHERS ,"' Townsend. , PRINTERS Simmons " Van Tine " RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch Cameron's Y. M. C. A. Spa SHOES ' Ueckman Bros. ' , Budd Men's Bootery Rogers & Perkins Mayer Bros. Miller &. Paine Yntea-French Co. SHOD REPAIRING Electric Shoo Store Yatea-French Q. SKIRTS " Skirt Btore TAILORS Elliott Bros. Herzog Joo, The Tailor. LUDWIG. ' , V THEATERS . Oliver. a Orphean. . Lyric; . . ' TYPEWRITERS. - TJTi ftMataTypawrttar & U4wre-TjaefsnHec Oak . New Music Whon you ko homo Bond to mo for tho tnUMlor tnat aro tlu "Hit" hero at tho Unl. 8tnv In the game ovon though you aro at homo. WALT "The) Music Man" ma O STREET Bring Yaur Next Job of Printing to TINE PRINTING CO. Gat Satisfactory Results 124-130 No, 14th St. Aute 3477 V 0unmmiiiinmmmMHimmMHmmm gSIMMONS C THE R R I IN T E R 1 srlntnsx mtoommtngc Briar rats In ST. sat K AlTTO Silt 81? SOUTB 13TI1 s SCHOOL NEXT YEAR We Can Help You Come Back EXPENSE of a year's school is no more than you can mako during sum mor. 900.00 per month sure. Good men earn more. Refer ences required. Call Friday and Saturday. 209 Press Bldg. UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1128 1 STREET, YELLOW FRONT ' Tew ratreu$c Solicit p C llMiifnim Pminrfn Pmmr rsa J WEBSTER'S IXCVT INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY JUST ISSUED. Ea.faOtsf.Dr. W. T. Harris, foratr U. S. Com. ef Evo cation, ft -Genoral hf oraatioa Practically DwWea.i?DWlaedPaie: Iaportaat Words Abore, Less Iaaportsat Below, d Coatahs HVe Irfermatloa ef latereit to More PeeaJe Tbaa Any Otker DlcUeaary. 2700 PAGES. 6000 ILLUSTRATIONS. 400,000 WORDS AND PHRASES. GET THE BEST in Scholarship, Convenience, Authority, Utility. LIS SBff nf.t INDIA MAKES ADVANCE ALONGWITH EUROPE W. T. ELMORE, RECENTLY RE TURNED MI88IONARY, 8PEAK8.' MATIVE CUSTOMS ILLUSTRATED High Caste Indian Compares Favor ably With People of Other Nations Rites and Superstitions Pic tured Makes Appeal for Teachers. BBSV bbT BBT Wrlto lor Cpoolmen .Pacini to cCJRlAMCO..PBlKttr.S0rkifiU.M. H YottWtU Ions a furor to mratloa tfcispabllc&Uoav !' Mr. VV. T. Elmoro, nlumnua-of the UnlvorHlty of Nobraska, yeBtorday de livered n lecture at regular convoca tion on "India." Mr. Elmore recently returned from India, where he has been actively engaged in mlBsionnry work for ten years. H'ls discussion was well Illustrated by storeoptlcon vlows of photographs taken by him In this foreign country and Was undoubt edly an excellent presentation of the manners, customs and costumes of that dark race. His lecture, in foct, wns confined to a short description of each of the pictures thrown on tho canvas, and was particularly Instruc tive to all students of India and pros pective mlsslpnarics. Previous to discourse, MJbb Joy, rep resentative of the Junior class, rend ered two vocal solos. Advance of People. One of the moBt remarkable fact3 given significance by Mr. Elmore Is the consistent advance of tho India people with tho peoples of other European countries. Ho closely dis criminated between the "old" and "now" India, and by portraying the dress and customs of the Inhabitants of the "new" division, he made a fa vorable comparison between the high! caslo of this people with the samo of other foreign tribes. Among some of the notable repre sentations which the speaker gave' were pictures of uIb foreign home, the manner of living, tho schools Insti tuted for tho natives, Including tho class of teachers, students and In struction, the native practices such as tho traditional custom of initiating youth into manhood, tho performing of rites to ward off superstitious ovlls and idolatry. In conclusion Mr. Elmoro mado an appeal to tho girls of Nobraska to go to India and dlffuso sorao of their acquired knowledge among this illiter ate and soml-lrarbarou8 people by be coming not only teachers but princi pals of tho English schools. Ho ascribed tho canso of tho phenomlnal progress of the Indian people to the efforts mado by educated missionaries, toward this goal, and declared his in tention of resuming his work as an exponent and representative of tho University of Nebraska. A. E. Molor, fPrlncton '02, will coach tho Tiger nlno for the rest of the season In place of Clark, who Is leaving to pluy with tho Albany league team. Moler coached tho varsity team two years ago. A. 6. SPALDING & BROS, THE Spalding Trade Mark m trnoym troarhoat tb KorliTaa Guarantee ol Quality are the Largest Manufacturers in the World of 'Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES nm are inter stad la tblettt SDort von boald bar a oopy f tii ripalrilofrcatalnfru It's aoomiiUt ecnoTolo pedlaof WhM'a Mw lu Mport and U Mat fi-M on riaet. A. G. Spalding & Bros, i'47 Wabuk Arau, Cbkigo h THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Throe-yoar conrBO, lpadintr to dotfroe of Doc tor of I aw (J, D ). .which by the cpiartorly Hyfltom rnav bo completed In two and o o furth ra'ondtr vonr. ('oUopo oduoitlon ro quired for rvu1ar ndralaslon. ono yenr of law tins counted toward coIIcko degree. Law library of H3.0fl0 volumes. The Summer Quarter offers pecll opnortuftl- tlea to students, teachers and practitioners First Term Begins June ao Second Term Begins July a8 Courses onon In hM Dopartmontaof the Unl veralty durlntr tho Bnmmor Quarter. For Annbuncement Address DEAN OF LAW SC..00L, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAOO Hot prinks W now la Mtsoa. Do you know aav place where you can get u QUICK SERVICE M yau can at ourncw store? No aecd of being crowded Lincoln Candy tC itch en s.w. cem- It i The Nebraskan the rest of the year 4 25 Cents YOU NEED THE PAPER BASEMENT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING i H I w fpmWVIW1m 1W' jl Vf lw k k.a.14. 'fc j -t-v -iL. iB,ii"vy 'LsEi2r&ij, :gagyggg A