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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1910)
. 7 U ' J r Whii&WMVe- -M ' ,- - Uhc VoL IX. No. 12. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY. APRIL 26. 1910. Price 5 Cents. 1 3ailv .kH m L m H me-oraeRatt I DAILY WORK OF THE TRACK SQUAD CONTINUES RESULT OF MEETS LA8T WEEK BRINGS ENCOURAGEMENT. SPRING PRACTICE RESUMED Highland Park Comes for a Contest With the. Cornhusker Nine on Wednesday Weather Han dicaps Practice. One of the largest squads over work ing on the Nebraska track has given hope to the heart of Coach Cherrlng ton that the work of the Cornhusker track team this year will he equal to that of any teams that Nebraska has been able to turn out in past years, The record of the mon in the work on the short and long-distance runs was a factor of encouragement. The work of the men on tho track so far tills spring has boon watched very anxiously by all the university body, as it is known that the team would have to develop wonderfully to over come the handicap caused by the loss of seVeral of last yonr'n veterans. Some of the most promising -material on last year's freshman squad did not return to school, and this fact has also aided in hnndicapplng the work of Coach Cherrlngton. Somo Good Records. In tho meets held last week the work of some of the men showed promise of further records, and that tho men of the squad will devolop a winning team is now the hoje of all the Kiii)i:orters of the Scarlet and Croam team. In the hundred-yard dash Reed made tho distance in ten and one-fifth seconds,' and this is ns fast as any of the men m the Missouri Valley can cover tho dltnnco. In the quncter-mile Captain Burke is one of the- best men in tho valloy and it is expected that he will bo ablo to hold his own In tho coining meets this spring. Tho work of tho nfen on the squad has met with sovero criticism on tho part of ono or the city dallies. This has caused considerable comment on the part of a largo number of tho moinl)ur8 of the student body and tho action of the paper In "knocking" tho work of tho university track squad has met with severe criticism on tho part of the student body. Tho larger por - tlon of tho men on tho university squad this year are now mon who have had little oxperienco in university ath letics and as It Is yet oarly in tho sea son, tho records made In tho meets last week will be cut down to a great oxtont before tho opening contest with Minnesota on the university athletic Hold May 22. Football Men Out. The cold weather owl the high winds for tho past'week have kept tho mon of the football squad from , working. Yesterday the squad was out for work again. Sid Collins was ono or tho men who donned a suit and punted tho pigskin for "two hours. This is Collins initial work In football circles since the Carlisle football gamo a year ago last Decombor. Ho will re turn to the fold again next fall and Is preparing to get 4nto condition for tho contests noxt season. The baseball game which wob to have been played Saturday afternoon on tlie athletic field between Coach Carroll's pupils and the Cotner Col legians was postponed on account of the high wind and th,e cold weather. The flrBt game on tho homo flejd will be played Wednesday afternoon, -when the Highland Park boys coma to battle for nine innings with the Cornhuskors. Tho Dos Moines bunch have had in the past ono of tho strongest aggrega tions that tho capital city has turned put' In the lino of amateur teams and they Intend to light the NebrnskanB to the finish. Baseball practice, which has alsc been discontinued for the past three dayB on account of tho weather, wnt resumed yesterday and tho team worked hard getting into shape for tho contest tomorrow. Tho men nro work ln.i.QQYerpomc the faulty loose play lug which was dominant in tho re cent game with tho Wesleyan Moth odists, and the Bnnppy stylo in which the Infleldors wont nfter tho pill yes terday seemed to prove the fact that thiB fault had been overcome to a cer tain extent. NON-COM HOP SUCCESSFUL. Lincoln Hotel 8cene of Last Military Dance. The last military hop of the season and almost tho last university dnnco of tho year was given by the non-com- missioned ofllccrs of the battalion in the Lincoln hotel Saturduy night. Ono hundred and four coupler attended the dance, which was a success in every particular. Walt's full orchestra fur nished the music. Tho dnnco was de layed slightly owing to tho lateness of the master of ceremonies. Ho wns to have arrived in Lincoln on an early train, but the train was late. Harry Calno was chairman nnd Harry Hath away master of ceremonies. Profes sor and Mrs. Chntburn chnporoncd tho dance. DLOOD SHED IN CLASS FIGHT Northwestern Freshies pp Floor With Sophs. fy Two hundred and fifty freshmen and sophomores of Northwestern Univer sity Friday night selected tho banquet hall of the Woman's Club in the Y. M. C. A. building at Evunston as the Held for ono of tho most furious class bat tles that ever has taken place at the institution. When the struggle was over the banquet hall, which earlier in tho evening had been all perked up with didoes and pink ribbons, looked like Sun Francisco after the-earthquake. When tho pollco finally fought their way Into the place and separated tho combatants the floor -was covered with the remnants of wrecked ovenlng clothes, crushed flowers, muddled linen, broken furniture, shattered diehoH, soups, entrees and lcos and a smear or two of human gore. Half a dozen or tho fighters were on tho floor being nursed back to con sciousness, and ono of them wub over In a nearbyilrug store having eight studies put in a gash under his eye. The freshmen stnrted the trouble outside of tho banquot hull, and the sophs put the finishing touch on it by bringing the battle Into tho banquet. Having smeared tho lloor-well with overythlng on tho tables, from napkins to finger bowls, the freshmen proceed ed to wlpo up tho smear with the sophomores, who, being in evening dresB, made excellent mops. Every bit of dirt that they picked up showed. When a section of dress coat or shirt became too dirty for further use the freshmen tore It off nnd used the clean part of tho sophomore that was left. After ten minutes of fighting, during which overythlng in tho place had been overturned, trnmplod on, broken and thoroughly muddled by the invad ers' boots, the light was still going on oven morrler than when It-started. It looked as though It wouldn't bo ended until the iall Itself had been torn down, so somo ono turned in a police riot call'. That brought a. wagon load of policeman to tho scone, and they by a care freo and generous use of .their clubs, soon drpvo the freshmen qut of tho hulldlng. Tho froshies, Turn over, had succeeded In getting off with the toastmaBtor and speakers SENIOR PLAY CASTE IS RUSILY AT WORK REHEARSALS EVERY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHT. PLAY WILL BE GIVEN ON JUNE 14 Senior Finance and Play Committees Are Engaged in Collecting $2.00 Assessment Play Will Be Giv en at the Oliver Theater. After numerous rehearsals and dili gent work on the part of the cast, tho senior play is rapidly rounding into shape. Rehearsals have been held every Tuesday and Wednesday night since the try-outs in the early part of February. Miss Howell is coaching the amatour actors again this year Und is very enthusiastic over the work ueing tlonc. At the last rehearsal the entire play was given without the ubo of tho man uscript. It wont along very smoothly. The leading characters showed groat Improvement In their work and ontcrod into the rehearsal with a spirit that was very pleasing to tho coach. There are still two or three minor characters that remain to bo selected. However, they are not important onough to interforo -with the progress or tho play. Seniors will bo selected for these parts in the near futuro and from that time on tho whole cast will rehearse regularly. Thero are alBo i two of tho minti characters who have been unable to report regularly for practice on account of sickncBs. They havo committed their lines and will, not hinder the prbgross of tho play. Given June 14. It lniB been deficltely decided, that tho play will bo given on the 14th of June. ' Two performances will be given, ono in tho afternoon and ono In the evening. It will ,ho given in tho Oliver as the senior piny was last year. The play and finance committees of the senior class aro engaged in the collection of the money that tho class voted to levy on the members of tho clnss. The assessment is two dollars. Each senior who pays his two dollars Is given a receipt which is good for two dollars' worth or tickets. Tho tickets -will be put on Bale in two or three weeks. No partiality Will be shown in the salo or these tickets. They will bo put on salo in tho office at the Oliver, and "first come, first served" plan will be carried out. The exact time that theso tjekots will be put on sale will be announced nt a later dato in tho Nebraskan. Tho prices this year will bo 50 cents for tho mntinoe, and fiO cents, 75 cents and $1.00 for the ovenlng per formance. Theso prices proved v.ery satisfactory last year and it is thought that they wHl meet with general ap proval this year. Tho play Itself is something differ ent from any that has over been given by a senior class In tho university. It is strictly a modorn American play. Clydo Fitch has written soma of tho most popular American plays of lato years and "Tho Climbers" is ono of tho most successful of them all. Laqt year's senior sjass gave a modern European play that proved very suc cessful. "Tho Climbers" is probably tho hardest play that has been at tempted by a class of tho university for many years. 18 A 8TRANGE GODDE88. Muse Provoked by Thought of Square Meal. Tho ways of tho muso aro strange and hard to .fathom. gomotlmos It takes tho grandeur of a mountain range or tho- vastnesa,of tho ocean to provoke her response. Yet some times she can bo Induced to come down nt tho tnoro mention of things commonplace. So It was with tho Y. W. C. A. oo-od who, whilo lost in contemplation of tho possibilities of tho. May morning breakfast, felt tho gontlo thump of tho muso nnd grabbing a poncll trans lated tho menu into vorso, an follows: "On tho sovonth of May, So they say, In tho early morning, Bright nnd gay, From seven till ten On that day, In SL Paul's church, You know tho way, v A breakfast raro, O hear my lay! Will thoro bo served By tho Y. W. C. A. Cereal crisp, and croquettes, too, . Potatoes creamed nnd coffoe for you, Fluffy biscuits with mnplo syrup, Strawberries and cream, to mnko you cheer up. For twentyfl-vo cents This feed you'll get, And If you will como You'll have no regret. A. O. W. DOG DIE8 HORRiBLE DEATH. Harry Hathaway Loses Valuable Canlno While Absent. A horrlblo death ns tho result of poisoning Is tho fato which met tho valuable brlndlo bulldog belonging to Harry Hathaway, a woll known Junior, Friday. Tho dog is tho Batno which caused considerable commotion on tho campus some tlmo ago by Its mys terious disappearance Harry Hathawuy was visiting at Kansas University at the timo. Tho dog wns destined to bocomo the house dog at tho Delta Upsllon liouse, and it Is bolioved Mint thero may bo somo motive oilier than is apparent on the surface in tho poisoning of tho ani mal. ADVANCE SALE REACHES 804 Outlook for 1910 Cornhusker la Very 'Encouraging. IJir to 0 o'clock yeatorday tho ad vanco sale for the 1910 Cornhusker hud readied tho total or 804 copies. This did not Include reservations which had been requested, but just that number of books which have been part or fully paid for. Tho total sale edition will be limited to about !)."0 copies, tho romninlng fifty copies going to people who havo boon Inter ested in getting tho Cornhuskor out. In former years it was tho custom of the management to givo ono book to onch member of the staff, but owing to tho fact that a largo part of tho staff fails to take any interest in tho making' up of tho book, a different plnn is being followed this year. Every member of the staff is required to mnko his deposlt-to-mnk'o sure of a book and to thoso whom Editor in Chief Mosoley and his managing pditors doom entitled to. a compli mentary Cornhusker, jx book will be given nnd their money refunded. At the present rate, which has averaged better than twonty-flvo books n day since tho book was placed on file, tho remaining books will all be subscribed for within ono week or ten days. After that timo theso books cannot bo ob tained under any circumstances, as tho required paynjent In advance makes It certain that every ono who has subscribed will pay tho balance and obtain a Cornhusker. . Tho first hundred pagos of tho 1910 Cornhuskor nro now In press and iho rest will shortly follow. Tho-flnanclol outlook "for tho 1910 Cornhusker Is also very encouraging in view of tho largo advance subscription; tho adver tising section will bo ono-thlrd larger than any preceding Cornhuskor. 'Tho extra rovenun will he needed, as thla I year's book will also cost more to pub- llsa than ever before. FOREST CLUB ANNUAL DEIN6 DISTRIBUTED 8ECOND PUBLICATION OF CLUB MAKE8 IT8 APPEARANCE. A NEAT BOOK OF IK) PACES Dean Besaey, G. A. ParsonB, W. R. Martin, J. 8. Boyce, L. L. Bishop and Many Others Contribute Articles on Various Phases. Tho Forest Club Annual has Just como from tho press nnd Is being de livered to subscribers. Tills Is the second annual publication of tho club. It is a neat Ifttlo booklet of 110 pages. Tho staff in chdrgo has boon: L. L. DlBhop, editor; J. S. Boyco, associate odltor; Prof. Raymond J. Pool, treas urer; Prof. F. J. Phillips, advisor. Tho book Is dodicuted to a list of ton patrons, to whom is duo great crodit for tho publication. Tho list contains members of tho faculty, Commercial Club of Lincoln and othors. The ForcBt Club officers and tho program of tho club for 1909-10 aro given. The first articlo is by Dean Charles E. Bessoy, on "Nomenclature of Plants." Dr. Bossey glvos a num ber of rules based on tho Vienna code, which are of lmportanco to foresters. C. A. Penrson contributes an article on "Marking Yellow Pino for Cutting' In tho Southwest" This article doals wllh tho difficulty of reproduction of tho yellow plno and tho means of overcoming it At Arbor Lodge. "Trees und Shrubs at Arbor Lodge" Is tho tltlo-of-ndotnlled account ow tho lurge number of forost growths at Arbor Lodge, tho homo of tho lato J. Sterling Morton at Nebraska City. Thero aro over 200 species of trees and shrubs thero, nnd a number of students of tho forestry department spont somo time there in investiga tion. Tho nrtlclo was prepared by two of tho party, Wado It. Martin and John S. Boyce. T. L. Bishop contributes an articlo entitled "Boundary Survey in Koote nai Nationnl Forost," It Is an account or tho work of a forost guard In Mon tana and Idaho, and Is Tory interest ing in showing methods or work In na tional rorests. "Effects of an Ico Storm on Forest Trees," by It. It. Hill tolls of tho actions of storms on for ost treesin Nebraska and othor states. Other Articles. A lengthy article on "Forest Plots" by C. G. Bates IsMpsigncd for experi menters and for advanced forest study. "Waste lagging and Milling In Colo radb" Is an nrtlclo by A. T. Upson on his experiences in somo of tho moun tainous logging regions. Ho mattes-a. number of excellent 'points on the waste there wtiich if heeded would re-' Bult in much saving. i Prof. Raymond J. Pool has nn articlo on "Nobrnska Forest Fungi."' This Is to be made nn annual report In tho Annual. It Is a very Important phase . of forestry, tho diseases and. pathology. Tho articlo deals scientifically With Nebraska fungi and a number of sketches aro presented to illustrate tho points. E. P. Pollys has an articlo on, "A Ndrthorn Idaho Lumborhig Op eration." Mr. Pollys is president of tho Forestry Club and spent ono or more vacations In Idaho studying this problom. M. Lazo, a Filipino student, writes tho closing articlo, which is en titled "Collection of Forest Treo Seeds and Fruits." It Is a write-up of the university herbarium., Altogether thq book presents a very favorable appearance and the clilb de serves great credit for Its work. The book, is woll illustrated throughout. Baked beans, baked on the premise and served ihot with delicious brow bread, 10c, at Ta Boston Lunch. ,&l