iw mnv'piii ? f5T!!s5!!5!3s!S3!!!J5!35K5 "tKa&iM?SrMtol'fc -r II i illllllp i . bw minrtwmfflWWit , i , .uani THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . OLIVEK THEATRE THE TALE OF THE If TAIL OF THE COMET SFOHTED BY PR0FE880R 8WEZEY IN EA8TERN 8KY. i J I' III tt i i i TONIGHT, SAT. & 8AT. MAT. And Fridayt Sat. & 8at. Mat. VERNON THE GREAT And HI Laughing Hypnotic Show Night 30, 20 & 10c. Mat. 25 & 10c WEEK OF APRIL 25 LORalNEKEENE&GO. H Vi4iltrii BoyS'-My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them I L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring PERITORIC LENSES Does Away With Reflection SHAPED TO THE EYE HOWE - OPTICIAN 319 No. 12th The First Trust & Sav ings Bank 4 Per Gent Interest A $i opens an aooount Comer I Oth & O SttMtt The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain Cornell University Medical College Ao'll(!icottoKreo In required for adiultttlnn Advnno- (I HtitnilliiK imuitinl Hturitmtn prM nt Inw xntlHrttotory urmonlliilit rrom nooroilliud medlti il colteut's ICviiry I olllty IsolTurocl to UUMorrfrMdaittoHHeoklmr tlw degrt'o nt Doctor of Mudioiuo. An pit' fa lilt lot tiro HlHoodurod pmlillod KrmltinUtn to purauo origins) Invmtl Ration In any iloimrttnout For further r tlrulnrHnpiilv to Thi Dun, Cirni'l Unliinllr Midlcil Collin, Firm Avo. umllMtu St., Now YorK Uity. SAell Jewelry Chas. W. Fleming JEWELER and OPTICIAN 1311 OSI. - Lincoln, Neb SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 WART HON'S lUMMaaHHsasBSianiaaasHHaBaM WILL' IT HIT NEBRASKA? No Danger 8ay Scientists Historical Comet Will Como Within 15,000,- 000 MIIcb of the Earth Can Put Tall In Trunk. I Quality Counts THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR W make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and punch tor Frat As Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream always) on hana. Bell SOS. Auto 8181. 1818 N 8t Halloy'B coniot wiib observed by Prof. O. D. Swczey at the university Wednesday morning. The periodic visitor was Blghted through the four Inch telescope, a Hinall tall being v!h Ible with thlB Instrument. The comet ilfuH at about -1 o'clock in the morn ing and tho best tlmo to look for it la about 4 :I10 or 4 :4H, nB by that tlmo the comet baa rlBcn above tho denao at mofphoro near the horizon which oth erwise would refract many of the rays. Professor Swczcy thought that be wan ablo to make out tho comet with tho nakod cyo. Ho looked along the tolescopo and discerned a hi cck of light which ho took for tho comet. He says that It can bo seen with a tele Bcopb or an opera glass. Through such an Instrument tho comet will appear llko a rather fuzzy and vaguo star. Tho comot is almost duo east and nbcut ton degrees, or one-eighteenth of tho diBtanco across the horizon above tho skyline. Recurring Periods. Tho intense intorcBt In Halley'B comet la not duo to brilliancy, and ia only partially duo to tho Tact that tho earth -will paes directly through tho tall of tho comot, whllo tho distance of tho earth from tho head will bo as to the unlvcVse but as the breadth of n hair. Tho chief scientific Intorc3t lies In tho fact that this comet Is one of recurring periods, returning to tho earth at Intervals of a little over seventy-five years. For Instance, its an nual recurrenco was 1n K178, MfG, 1581, 1G07. 1C82, 1758, and so on. Ed mund I alloy discovered this in 1082. snylng that If the comet returned In 1758, posterity nniBt admit that an Englishman had discovered tho comet's travel by tho law of gravita tion, in cither parabolas, hyperbolas or ellipses. Most comets follow the two first geometrical figures, but Hal ley's comot was tho apt ono for pur posos of astronomical proof because its orbit 1b that of an ellipse with tho earth -and sun near the swinging point. Identified With History. Eow comets have been so bound up with human history. At Intervals of almost regular recurrence, it has flared tho skies, a celestial scntlnol alnco tho days when man knolt down before wood and stone, slnco oven that earlier ago wlien tho prehistoric ape-man shrunk from Its bonms and cowered in its caves whllo tho mam moths and saurlans made night hide ous with tho cries of foar. It hung ovor.Romo In 11 13. C, when Agrlpp.i lay on tho death bid, whllo Its next appearance is chronicled with waillngs from Joscphus who sees predicted therein tho fall of tho city qf God, Jorusnlem. Attila looked with foar at tho hcav only portent as ho waited for tho armies to movo to conflict in tho bat tle of Chalons when tho "Scourgo of Qqd," tho terrlblo Hun wnrrlor who nearly set civilization back a thou sand years waB crushed. Matilda, Duchess of Normandy, and tho first Norman queen of JTnglnnd, gives us n picture of tho comet on tho tapestry which sho omblnzoned of tho triumph, making It more than probablo that tho Saxon hosts of Harold may havo been filled with fear at tho sight, a mani festation of the hand of God which wns soon to punish tho English leader for his perjury. Tho Turk'i conquest of Constantinople, tho founding ' of Jamestown and tho great uprising when Pechnnougb attempted to wipe out tho militant colony in tho James town massacre was presaged by the appoarunco of another comet which but 'for tho early dato might have been taken for tho one of great his tory. When tho earth passes through tho streamer of gas on May 18, he comet L-System Clothes are strictly young men's clothes snappy up-to-date styles and patterns. The workmanship is of the very highest grade. You'll be more than satisfied with them. The price is no more than you pay elsewhere for a good deal less value. $30.00 down to $15. Our Kensington Clothes $20.00 to $40.00 more conservative, but yet correct in style. They're the perfection of the clothes maker's art. They fit aid Stay Fit better than most tailor-made gaiments. MAGEE 8 DEEMER .' &... ... : "SW 1 . - I &3AW V i yriB iw -1.? ' wAM 7m &' jr- i- A 4V XOTOT LINCOLN AURORA RED OAK KENSINGTON CLOTHES MANHATTAN SHIRTS STETSON HATS Society Brand Clothes Make more young men satisfied with the style, fit and workmanship of their clothes than any other line ever made. CflWe are exclusive agents for Lincoln. Let us show you how they are different. FARQUHAR Is distant but 15,000,000 mllos. Tho orbits of tho two bodies intersect nt an anglo of about 15 degrees, llko tho spokes of a wheel. Tho point of In tersection, tho hub, will be reached by tho comet about eight days after the earth has passed that point. But the influenco of graity Is strong and nil compelling. Might not the nenr ap proach of the earth, backed as It la with all tho potential pulling energy of tho solar system, draw tho comet out of Its customary orbit and bring it near enough to the earth to cause a catastrophe. It need only strike tho earth's atmosphere to Induce such a dogreo of heat that all living things would perish, whllo to strlko tho earth Itself would mean the long prophesied end of tho world. Such nn event is far from probable, however. It has been estimated by competent astronomers that tho chances of a collision between such bodieB is nbout once in 2,000,000 years. Bring Your Next Job of Printing to Iy AN TINE PRINTING CO. " and Get Satisfactory Results a 128-130 No. 14th St. Auto 3477 J Modern Methods COMPANY H WINS. Annual Competitive Drill Held at State Farm Yesterday, Yesterday tho annual competitive drill between tho fivo companies of the second battalion was held at the state farm. Tho drill was closo, but company H won by a tew points. Tho drill resulted as follows: Company H, first; company G, second; company E, third; company P, fourth; company L, fifth. Tho individual-competitive drill rqsulted In victory for two men of company H. Following tho drill, tho rrizes were presented by Chancellor Avory. For tho past three years company H has won first in tho annual "corn pet." This year all tho prizes wore won by this company, which was a du plication of. tho feat they performed last year. New Music Whon you go home hpthI to mo for tho muxlo that, art tho Hita" h ro nt tho Unl. Stuv lu tho K'linoovon though you nro at homo. WALT "The Music Man" iaiS O STREET iivvr"rvj 3 fc ' - - - - - T -. CTME PRINTE R 3 f"rlnttno:, En amria. txrnooat Ing e t AUTO 2819 817 SOUTH 12TH 5 Dniuwuiiinniiimimiimmiiiuiimnu of tailoring secure for our cus tomers the best and most effi cient service from the measuring to the final finishing. Modern fabrics enables us to give our patrons the newest shades and most approved designs, and the fairest kind of prices put our customers in the saving class, while they are dressed as well as high-priced tailors could dress them. Suit or Top Coat to Your Order, and Measurement FOR $15.00 Fit Guaranteed SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS UNION TAILORS J. II. MgMULLCN, - Manager 133 So 13th. Auto 2372 - - Bell 2252 SCHOOL NEXT YEAR We Can Help You Come Back, EXPENSE of a year's school is no moro than you can make during sum mer. ?GO.OO per month suro. Good men oarn more. Refer ences required. Call Friday and Saturday. ' 209 Press' Bldg. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 1 STREET, . YELLOW FRONT Yeur Pitt-Mage Solicited -J a a