THE DAILY NEBRASKAN x .-?.- j. - r". VTiT The Presidents Guarantees are Behind Mayer Bros. "7")21othes US Rogers Peet and Henlev Clothes are twn nf the Maver "Rrnfc' . Aiiaiur. 'N , m ro id COPYRIGHT 1910 DY ROBERTS-WICKS CO. The above model is on display in our window. Seven" makes of clothing which not only have our guarantee but the guarantee of the Presidents of the companies. GUARANTEED-Not to Fade. fc GUARANTEED Inside a'nd Out GUARANTEED-To Fit Perfectly. GUARANTEED-Hand Made Clothes. GUARANTEED Perfect Workmanship. GUARANTEED-To Keep Their Shape. GUARAN TEED-1 00 Per Cent Pure Wool. GUARANTEED In Zvery Way to be the Highest Standard of Clothes Values obtainable. Youll find your size in the Popular Owl Greys, Humming Bird Blues and Havana Browns. Mayer Bros "Seven" Clothes, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50 to $35.00. Note the Owl Greys, Humm ing Bird Blues and the Havana Browns, Guaranteed 100 Pure Wool, Hand Tailored Garments, The Henley Make, MAYER BROTHERS ALL TRUNKS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS. ARROW COLLARS. 1 I Campus Gleanings C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O street. Wanted Man to spado garden, Sat drday. Carl Engberg. 122 Cbapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. . Joint Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. social at the Temple tomorrow night. Thornburg's Orchestra Auto 6877. Lost Kappa Kappa Gamma pin. Finder please return to Nebraskan of flee. 122-3t Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. . Sigma Alpha EpsIIon will entertain at tholr resldenco Friday night. Now Hayden Sludlo, 1127 O St. Sigma Chi will have a house party this evening. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, lli-UP Bo. 12th street Come to the Cascade Social at the Temple tomorrow night. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Tho dato on which the first annual banquet of Phi Alpha Tau Is May 10. Domestic -Lunch. J. McKensIe, 1230 H. ' Miss Howolls' advanced 'class In public speaking was held In the uni versity Temple this morning, tho ob ject being to accustom tho pupils to speak In a larger room than TJ10C. ' Beforo buying your spring footwear let Beckman Bros, show you their new snappy oxfords. 1107 O st Dr. E. M. Crambj Osteopathic Phy sician, U. of N. '99 Burlington block. . C. C. Bur-key mado a businoss trip to Edgar the foro part of tho week. C. M. Penny, '10, has boon recently elected principal of tho Blair high school, at a salary of $1,200. Tho Dramatic Club held a meeting in tho club rooms last night. A short program, consisting of panto mimo and recitation work, was givon and a business meeting hold Tho nlay, that will bo nresonto4. nnderMho auspices, of tho Dramatic Club on'tho evening of Ivy Day is on titled "Tho Elopoinenrof Ellon." Tho membership commltteo of tho Y. W. C. A. held an informal feed in tho Y. W. C. A. rooms Wednesduy pvenlng. About fifteen were preseut. Delta Zota announces tho following pledges: . Marie Houska and Teckla Egen, both of Omaha; Ruby and Kath trine Knepper of Lincoln. IL . New Unv Spoons and Forks Sterling Silver $1.00 to $3.00 Any building, Frat Houbo or scene engraved in bowl of spoons at Blight additional cost if wo aro furnished with cut or photo. ESTABLISHED 1871 HALLETT 1143 O STREET J. W. Searson, U. of N. '96, who 1b now working on his doctor's degree, leavos today for Hooper, wheco ho will attend an educational rally. CharleB 'Berry, freshman In tho uni versity,' left yesterday afternoon for his homo in Auburn, where ho "will spend a fow days'. The class of 1896 will hold a re union dinner tomorrow evening at the homo of Professor and Mrs. Almy, in honor of Mr. W. T. Elmoro, who takes his doctor's degree this year. It. R. McGep, '11, was in Noligh Wednesday. Dr. Lees delivered his lecture on the Oberammergau passion play at Au rora last night. ' Rev. D. R. Leland,. university pastor for the Presbyterian churches of Lin coln, has arranged to havo a picture taken this afternoon of tho Presby terian students attending school at the University of Nebraska. Tho students have been requested to meet at 4:50 p. m. today at tho west entranco to tho Administration building. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL gf HARVARD UNIVERSITY UNSECTARIAN UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES ELECTIVE courses leading to the University deree of S.T.B., A.M. and Pfa.D. Students paying the full fee may take without extra charge' appropriate courses nttrreA in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and In Andover Theolog ical Seminary. For particulars address The Dean of Harvard Divinity School, I Cambridge, Massacbucetts. THE- For $3.50 LZL V 1JMK. M a m You men can buy some mighty good oxfords in the "F-F-H line. . Tan, Gun Metal, Patent, Vici, Narrow, Mediam and Broad Toes. Wear thd now ones Bepair tho old ones 1220 O STREET Auto 8417 Bell 104 Wm4mmW i I fsf Every Well-Dretied Man In Town Needs A Pair Of The New REGAL SHOES For Dress Wear Your dress shoes must be correct in every detail of style, fit and finish and the one way to be sure of this is to come to us and. secure a pair of Regals. Our Regal dress modeli include the celebrated Regal pumps. Regal quarter-sizes insure the perfect fit necessary in dress shoes. 3o 4a5?. Speier & Simon N ""I ,t f f .V 1 sS