iTfot JMWfc4icVwA.w, -fc i l. .rBUJuMTil THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ! i if i1 The Daily Nebfaskan THE PROPERTY OP THK UNIVERSITY OF NEBRABIfA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by . . THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL 8TAFF. , Cdlter K. P. Frederick Managing Editor i:"ic".rl J LoLa auaaIiu Eriiifli T. M. Edaecombe AiioolAte Editor R. D, Hawley BUSINESS 8TAFF. Manager G. C, Klddoo Aaalatant Manager V. C. Hatoall Circulator C. Buchanan Editorial and Builne'sa Office i A1EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflce, Station At Lincoln, Neb. UB8CRIPTION PRICE. 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Centa Each. Telephones Auto 1888. Night Phonet Auto 1888t Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for lit the rato of 10 cont tho Innortlon for every fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty notlcea and Unlveralty bul letins will bladly be publlnhcd freo. Entered at the postofTlco at Lincoln, Nobrnnka, as aocond-olans mall matter snder the Act of Congress of March 1, 1179. . Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 . m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first insertions three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1910. "Cascado or DuBt" Is tho Blogan of tho Y. M. C. A. Wo commend tho spirit as- Nobraskan and tho rhetoric as "Dally Nobrnsknu." Thoro nro aomo pooplo who attend collogo with tho notion that It Is a poraonal Instruction form of corre spondence school. Thoy usually havo n collogo yell with as much spirit In It as an Inverted postago stamp. Every tlmo wo hoar of Dr. Pound or any other old Nebraska man got "tlng somo big offer out In tho collogl ato world wo can feel tho grin spread ing out over our orstwhllo gloomy faco. It Is Uko hoarlng that your big GIRLS and tan brother mado tho only touchdown In -tho gamo ot tho yoar. " ARBOR DAY. Yes, wo looked it up in tho regis trar's offlco and verified it at tho ob servatory. Today Is tho 22nd of April, and consequently Arbor Day. While wo do not demand any sort of a holiday ovory time an annlvorsary or a day commemorating Bomo ovont -comes along, wo "don't like to wake up somo morning and find that somothlng 'wo would havo liked to remomber has passed us a month ago. Thero are somo Nebraska men that aro worth remembering. A LONG TIME AGO. Onco upon a tlmo thero lived a man who said that Wesloyan could play 1all but that was a long tlmo ago, and ho Is dead. Liston! Wo will tell you tho story. Years and yoar ago when this uni versity was about tho slzo of an over grown country school thero was a man that owned tho land whero Wes loyan now stands. Ho" was a cranky old follow, always quarrollng with his neighbors, and ono time he met tho men who had "cleaned" him in a horse trade. It was Sunday, so thoy began talking baseball. His neighbor praised tho university team, which started an argument. As lie turned to go tho man stated that somo day thero would bo a university founded on his ground which would beat Nebraska. But that was a long time' ago and ho Is dead. WHY NOT? "Blng-ting-a-llng-ting. Blnk." Re peat that with tho proper nasal twang and you will bo a correct imitation of & mandolin, Lot us explain our rav ings At last tho university is to havo a mandolin club. Wo feel almost as Joy. OQOQOO000000000OOQOOGOQOQO0OQOOQOC CONVOCATION 1 5 "Faust" i UNIVERSITY 1 rrrjrrr r cr-rrr A tnr n ous as If wo had found our room rent paid up In ndvancq, Why, wo cannot claim to bo a university without a mandolin club. Whoro 1b all tho poetry, all tho hazy dreamy momorloB connected with collogo days to como from If wo do not havo tho college llfo to baso it on. Any ono holding tho notion that a university Jb a quick lunch countor for hungry knowledge sookors a placo to get facta crammed down with no other end In view than tho attainment of tho facts as quickly as posBlblo well, ho resomblcB tho bull who wnndorod Into the place whoro thoy sold china. Ho doeB not bolong horo. If such " thero bo In our midst, ho will probably not approvo of a man dolin club. But that should not deter ovory ablo bodied student who can pick anything Uko a mandolin or guitar from Joining tho organization and making It ono of tho best collogo mandolin clubs In tho country. Why not? ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM. Vesnxr 8ervlccs of Y. W. C. A. for 8unday. Tho Y. W. C. A. havo arranged an attractive and appropriate program for their Bonlor vesper sorvlco, to be given next Sunday afternoon in tho aBBodatlon room at 4 o'clock. This Why don't you ditch those heavy old out of shape winter shoes and look up my se mple shoe shop for some nice fresh stunning oxfords and pumps' worth $4.00 and more, patent, gun metal, suedes and they cost $2.50 only. Is an annual affair and Ib a sort of farowoll ralljr for tho unlvorslty senior girls. It Is representative of Nebras ka good fellowship and Nebraska BpIrlL Tho program follows: Quartot Fayo Hartnoy, Alfreda Pow ell, Grace Whlto, Edltli Forrest. "Tho Bost in Collego Llfo" Susio Stegnor Solo Mabel Doran "Our Futuro VIow". .Caroline OBborno Violin Solo Mary Herbert "Why I Am Glad to Graduato from This Unlvorslty" Fayo Hartley Solo Ethol Cathcart "Tho Y. W. C. A. and My Life".. .. Beaula Jennings Quartot Fayo Hartley, Alfreda Pow ' oil, Graco White, Edith Forrest. "When Wo Say 'Good-Bye ". ... Noll Blodgott "Our Seniors" Lucllo Mlllor "Tho Scarlet and tho Cream." TO GIVE "FAU8T" PROGRAM. 8pccal Program In Temple Theater at 5 O'clock. At a special convocation to bo held at tho Temple theater at 5 o'clock this afternoon, tho University Chorus will sing "Faust," with orchestral ac companiment and assisted by soloists. Tho program: Act I. Scene nnd Chorus "Vain! In rain do'l call" (Faust). "Careless, idle maiden." "Come forth, ye reapers." Scena and Duet "If I pray there is none to hear "Bo ralno .tho delight" (Faust, Mopbls t'opheles). Chorus r Tho Fair "Still or sparkling." ' Song of the Golden Calf (Mophis-topheles-. Waltz and Chorus "Soft and light." ".. Act II The Garden Scene. TVJJAX Program ' r CHORUS K Z hf Vs Iltormetzo and Flower Song (Slebel) Cavatlna "All hall, thou dwelling" (Faust). Duot "Tho hour Is lato" (Margarita, Faust). Act III. Romance "When all was young" (Slbbol). Soldiers' Chorus "Glory and lovo to tho men of old." Scena and Chorus "Tho Death of Valentine.1' Act IV Tho Prison 8cene. DuoU "My heart 1b overcomo" (Margarita, Faust). Trio "Angels pure, angels of light" (Mar garita, Faust, MephlstophcleB). Chorus of Angola "Redeemed! Christ Is arisen again." Cast of Characters. Margarita Mrs. Emily Holyoko Slebol Mrs. E. Lowls Baker FnuBt Mr. H. Aden Enyoart Mephlstophelos ....Mr. B. B. Gillespie Valentino Mr. Chas. H. Miller Tho University Chorus. Miss Loulso Zumwinkel, accompa nist; Mr. Edw. J. Walt, first violin; Mr. Ernest Harrison, second violin; Mr. Wm. T. Quick, viola; Miss Lillian Elcho, 'cello; Mr. Murray French, baBs; Mr. R. A. Fair, flute; Mr. C. E. Ewing, clarinet; Mr. S. Jellnek, cor net; Mrs. Carrlo B. Raymond, director. BUDD UPSTAIRS, 1413 O ST NEVER KNOW if yovNEVER TRY Whrn Vou want to got Cleaning and Pressing done by band and not by machinery bring your clothes to JOE The Tailor who la also n, Specialist on altering and refitt ing your clotbos up-to-dato. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin APRIL. 22, Friday Agricultural school com mencement. 22, Friday "Faust" program. Univer sity chorus and orchestra. 22, Saturday, 2 p. m. Dual track moot. Nebraska-Minnesota. Ath letic Hold. 22, Friday, 12 o'clock, U10C Meeting senior play. 23, Saturday Joint Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Cascade social. 23, Saturday, 2 p. m.-JDual track meeL Nebraska-Minnesota. Ath letic Held. 23, Saturday, 3:30 p. m. Baseball. Nebraska vs. Cotnor. Athlotic field. 23, Saturday, 8:30 p. m. Non-Corn hop. Lincoln hotel. 27, Tuesday, baseball, Highland Park, vs. Nebraska, athletic field. 27, Wednesday, 6; 60 to 7:30 Y. M. C. A. Rov. S. Z. Batten. 29, Friday, 5 p. m., Memorial Hall University band concert. 30, Saturday, 8 p. m Temple Agrl 7 cultural Club. MAY. 6-7, Friday and Saturday High School Fete Day.- Saturday Crochet Knit Ties, all colors,wocth 50cSaturday 25c Imported Lisle Sox, 25c values, 25 different s hades-5af urday 15c Domestic Cotton Sox, reg. 15c val ues, 15 shades Saturday 8c Stiff and Soft Hats, every shape and color, regular $2.50 values Saturday $1.90 The best line of $1.00 Union Suits and Shirts in the city. Palace Clothing Co. 1419 O Street Special Setturdety Hero are two special offers, that will be of exception al interest to College Men Saturday Men's 25c and 50c Fancy f c Hose, for pair 500 pairs of Men's Fancy Hose, full regular made, a good line of colors, in plaids, stripes and dots. Sizes 9 to 1H, last seasons styles tthat sold at 25c to 1 lmn 50c a pair, priced to close at 2 75c Shirts for 55c ' 25 dozen Men's Negligee Shirts, made of good per cale, white ground with neat conventicol stripes, cuffs attached. Sizes 14 to 17, regularly 75c, special C Cp Saturday only DDL Obillct & paine Genuine CALABACII PIPES and AT ED ALUAYS THE TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ------------ SOLD OR RENTED Rent Applies on Purchase Price. Five Days Free trial boforo you pay. Two years Kuurntoo when you purchaso. Easy Terms. Got ' Ulll HOW AltliW. 4WU "OH ifaUU, B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. Our Punches and Ices are the Best Ladies' and Mona Clothing Cleaned, Pressed and Ropairod, Hut3 Cldanod Blocked and Rotrimmod L. BLUMENTHAL Frctcl Hatter and Cleaner Goods Called For and Dolivnred. Boll Phono A-021, Auto Phona 044R - 22S So. 18th St. , Lindoll Hotel, Lincoln. Neb. Specials the New. English COLLEGE PIPES YOUNG'S HEADQUARTERS 143 So. 13th St. H 1307 O STREET'