aj .- v ' f rS. ',-'' a, v a, i ;1 '. ''vn1 . -"., 1 1 t T f-KV )"" ft.flfe ., tCbe alls Vol. IX. No. 122. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, APRIL 22. 1910. Price 5 Cents. Iftebraekari COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT PROPOSED MAYOR DON L. LOVE ADVOCATES PLAN AT CONVOCATION. TO Sim WITHOUT COMPENSATION Believes His Plan Would Eliminate Graft and Corrupt Politics from Administration Points to New Distinction. The proposition of govornlng cities by a board of commissioners lias a staunch advocate In Mayop Don L. Lce of Lincoln, who expressed nis views relatlvo to this Issue In an address at regular convocation yesterday on "The Unpaid Commission in City Govern ment" Numbered Timong other inno vations in municipal government which ho proposed was the election of unpaid commissioners to appoint pro fessional heads for tho departmental divisions or city administration, there by eliminating the greatest incentive to public office -first money, tbon graft In no uncertain tones, ho declared that tho basic principle of the exist ing method of procuring city adminis trative officers 1b wrong both In the ory and practice. Great money docs not necessarily purchase great men, and only by a reorganization of this foundation can the cities of America over reallzo their hopes for 'a pure, unadulterated, and unprejudiced ad ministration of their affairs. Eliminate Graft. , As a"proluairTo tbc discussion of. Mayor Love's, tho Junior class was represented by Miss Genovlovo Har mer, piano solilst By way of explanation of his lec ture, Mayor Lovo stated that ' he would not endeavor to givo a com-, prelienslvo treatlBo of tho subject of commission city government, but rather would confine his paper to a presentation of one phase of tho is sue, namely, tho question whether or not tho aforesaid commission or coun cil would servo with a view of secur ing compensation. This constitutes tho dlfferenco between a right and a wrong commission city government, and must bo the nucleus around which tho fate of the question will ollug. Tho commission form of governing tho affairs of a city was dovlsed for ono purpose tho elimination of graft and corrupt politics from the admin istration and if It fails Ut perform thlB evidently desired expulsion, It falls In every thing. Seven ly-llvo cities in tho United StateB aroat pres ent striving toward a por'eirtton in this proposed reorganization, but gen erally, because of lack of foresight in adopting this non-salary amendment, they do not get results. We propose that tho commissioners of tho munici pality servo without pay. Tho full jsignificanco of this digression from ho present unavailing city commis sion may not he comprehended, but nevertheless It exists. It Is merely a utilization of the fact that there are two sides,, or every government, tho policy or political, and tho practical, administrative or business, and an at tempt to-base tho system on this dis crimination. Tho importance of recog nizing this difference, and as a conse quence, making a well .defined separa; tlon between policy and principle is manifest to every student of tho com mission city government Politics In the administration side of tho city af fairs1 will inevitably wreak destruc tion or at least repression of tho city's progress. Every city, to prosper, must select 'administrative officers because of their 'honesty, confidence and abil ity, and not because of some party platform or political doctrine to which they adhere. New Distinction. A new distinction now arises. Men should bo elected on questions of pol icy. Men should bo appointed on questipnB of principle. Tho city gov ernment has been ono great failuro In tho organization of local govern ments because of a unity of policy and administrative offices. They aro es sentially at variance, and must bo so treated. But wo aro confronted with the proposition that tho commission ers can't be appointed without involv ing political prejudice. Very true, but there Is an alternative which wo may exercise In a limitation of tho powers granted to tho commlslsoners. Permit them hb a collcctlvo body to ordain a policy, and then, In view of this deci sion, appoint professionals or exports to execute tho duties of the various heads of governmental departments. Their tenure of office would depend upon their conduct as administrative officers. The compensating by money or fur ther power of these commissioners would Involve the very esBenco of the political grart now apparent In so many municipal administrations. The greatest Incentive to political offices Ip compensation thereby received, and If such Is removed, the election of com mlssloners will ovolve from tho pol icy to tho principle platform. If com missioners ndminister only so far as tho declaring of a policy and tho ap pointment of professionals to effect this policy Is concerned, their posi tions will cease to bo tho goal of every grafting aspirant to wealth and notoriety, and becomo rather the means whereby public spirited citizens may benefit their community. The professionals appointed to tho depart ments of the city administration will then merely submit their reports to iit impartial tribunal lQJLr.aUncatlon. If such Is not forthcoming, tho ni polntmont may be withdrawn, thereby instituting a system of unbiased checks on the different departments. If adopted, this proposition would cer tainly bo a step toward tho Ideal mu-. nlcipal government COMPARATIVE SCHOLARSHIP. President of Chicago Gives Light on Standing of Men and Women. Interesting light on tho comparative scholarship standing of mon and wo men college students Is furnished by tho annunl report of tho president of tho University of Chicago, Just Issued. In tho proportion of students receiv ing conditions durjng the year the men vary from 20 to 10 per cent, while from 10 to 4 per cent of tho women were conditioned. From 10 to 17 per cent of tho men failed, accord ing to tho report, while tho number of women who failed was only from 12 to 8 per cent ' CA8CADE 80CIAL. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. Ct A. to Hold Big Stunt Saturday. A Joint social will bo held Saturday evening by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W, C. A. While the general aim of tho social is to stir up Interest for tho Cascade conference, thero will bo a goneral good time. Dr. Condra will glvp a short storeoptlcon lecture, showing a number of excellent Colo rado slides. A mock field meet will bo held, representing somo of tho typical stunts held at 'Cascade very summer. Ono evening at Cascade Is given over to Jollification, and all sorts of stunts aro pulled off. Each collego delegation presents a laugh able stunt. Somo of them will bo re produced Saturday evening. Refresh ments will bo served. vA Colorado mineral spring will be erected In the Y. M. C. A. rooms, from .whlqh cool rdlneral water will flow to quench tho thirsty. TJcVots aro free to all who wish to go. TRACK MEET HELD IN STORM OF DUST FIR8T PART OF EVENT8 YE8TER DAY. WEATHER MAKES WORK HARD Rest of Meet to Be Held Today Fair Grounds Coach Pleased With Showing. at Tho practlco track moot was startod yesterday on tho Nebraska field be tween teams captained by Guy Reed nnd "Skinny" Amberson. Yostcrday only field events were pulled off, and the track events, tho runs and Jump3, will be contested today on tho state fair grounds. Tho weather was rathor inaus picious, a high' wind coming up about 4 o'clock and making tho field a very dusty place. Almost all tho men wore out and much Interest was taken In the work. This meet will have noth ing to do with Coach Cherrlngton's choice for first tenm material. It was mainly to glvo tho men tho experience of a roal meet On account of the very bad wind, tho nolo vault and high Jump wcro postponed until today, when bettor weather Is hoped for. Tho coach was very much pleased with tho work tho men did, nnd especially with tho spirit which was shown by them. In tho broad Jump tho following mon wero entered: Monson, Fleming, Hilt ner. Landers, Neff, Beckman, Funk houser and Gibson. Monson won first, Hlltner second and Funkhousor third. Monson's best mark was 18 feet 11 IncbcB. Tho results were very 'close Jn the ahoUPUjL..J3honka won first with 3C.8, Funkhousor second wTOrth?- and Fleming third with 35.2. Seven big men wore in the event Eight mon contested in t8 discus throw. Funkhouser won this with a throw of 9Gi& feet Harmon was sec ond and Gibson third. In the 120-yard hurdles Funkhouser won from Flack In tho final heat. In tho 220-yard hurdles Flack won first, with Powers second. Harmon won tho hammer throw with 182 feet 2 Inches. Tho wind kept the men from mak ing any low marks. Tho public Is In vited to witness tho remainder of the meet at tho fair grounds today. ECONOMIC PRIZES. Students of the University May Compete., An opportunely to compote for eco nomic prizes amounting to $2,000 has again been given to tho students of the University of Nebraska. Tho In vitation comes from Professor J. Lau rence Laughlln of the University of Chicago, who 1b chairman of tho -committee In charge of the contests. Tho "prizes have been offered from year to year by Hart, Schaffncr & Marx for tho past six years and have brought out so many excellent studies of commercial and economic subjects that they aro now renowod for tho seventh year. Tho subjocts of tho essays cover such Important topics as; The value of protectionism to American worklngmen; . The economic reasons for or against building a deep waterway from the Lakes to the Gulf; The valuation of railways; . Tho. effect of modern immigration1 in the United States; Tho value of organized 'speculation; Tho history pt the rato of Interest In the United States. ' Tho universities whoso 'students have produced winning essaya In tho past are Washington and Lee, Har - vard, University of Chicago, Oborlln College, University of Wisconsin, Uni' verslty of Pennsylvania, University of Illinois, Woslcynn Unlvorslty, Tho Branch Normal Collego of Pino Bluff, ArknnBas; Northwestern Unlvorslty, University of, Michigan and Bowdoln Collego. . Somo of tho essays have been of such merit thnt they have been published in book form. Tho prizes aro to bo divided as fol lows: Class "A," firBt prlzo $1,000; second prlzo $500. Class "B," first prize '$300; second prlzo $200. Class B Includes only Uiobo, who at tho tlmo tho papers nro sent In. aro undorgraduatos of any Amorlcan col- Llogej class A includes nny other Americans without restriction. A con testant in class B Is cllgiblo to a prlzo In class A. Members of tho committee In charge of the essays aro as follows: Professor J. Lauro'nco Laughlln, University of Chlcngo, chairman; Professor J. B. Clark, Columbia University; Professor Henry C. Adams, Univer sity of Michigan; Horaco White, Esq., Now York City; . Professor Edwin F. Gay, Harvard University. DIFFICULTY IN COLLECTING. Want to Put Off Payment Until Last Moment. Tho Ivy Day committoo reports that the collectors are experiencing somo difficulty In collecting tho twenty-llvo cent assessments, by students desir ing to put off buying the tickets until nearly tho day of the ovont It Is abBO-! lutoly essential that all or nearly nil tho finances Bhould bo collected by tho first of May, so that tho commit too may know about how much they can "Sp'tiHd" 6TTjmedals,-.lunchoB.otc. This makes it necessary that tho dents secure tickets promptly, and help make tho day a grand success. Ivy Day Is a holiday gJvon exclu sively by,, tho students nnd for the Btudenta of tho Unlvorslty of Nebras ka, and tho attompt In made to make It ono of tho most onjoynblo holidays of tho school year. But tho commit tee states that In order that It may bo so, every student musl help boost, If It only ho by his presence on tho 11th of May and his quarter paid promptly. - I88UE 8ECOND EDITION. Professor 8tevens' Popular 8onn Hit Reappears In Attractive Cover. "Tho Cornhuskor," tho Nebraska song written some tlmo ago by Rob ert "W. Stoycns, made Its appearance yesterday In. .a now and moro attrac-. tlvo form than when published before! Tho cover of tho music Is a noat pleco of work In tho university colors, scar let and cream, printed on book paper. Tho last Issue of "Tho Cornhusker," although not nearly so attractive, Vas sold within a short time after Its ap pearance. Professor Stevens has sev eral other songs under way which will add a great deal to tho meager song lore possessed by Nebraska. Somo comment has, been drawn forth from time to tlmo by tho evident lack of any truo Nebraska songs. Conse quently, when Mr. Stevens', song made its appearance It was heralded with delight and is now nYmly established as the university song. The copjes aro on 'sale at tho city music stores and at the bbok stores. Tho song 'which. Professor Stevens has under way at the present time will bo .entitled "College Memories," nnd will bo dedicated to tho. alumni bf the University of Nebraska. Your car fare .would niv tnn a nl runch at the Boston Lunch, wh, Jhomej ' ' FIRST GAME OF SEASON WITH GOTNER TOMORROW INITIAL CONTEST ON NEW' DIA MOND CALLED AT 3:30.. (OTNER HAS A STROM NINE Nebraska Men Preparing to Fatten Batting Averages Off of tho Collegians' Star Twlrler. Tho first gnmo of tho season on tho homo fiold will bo played tomorrow afternoon. Tho Nebraska Cornhusk ors will meet tho collegians from Cot ner in tho first gamo of tho soason on tho now athletic field. Tho colle gians aro reputed to have tho strong est team in this part of tho stalo and they aro coming determined to win. In tho enrly games of tho soason Nebraska met tho Lincoln league team and Biiccumbcd to tho boyB from tho M street park. Tho following, day the lcaguo team mot thp Cotnor nlno and tho result was much .closet' than tho gamo tho provlous day .with tho Nebraska team. Nebraska Improves. Ono of tho best games that tho Cornhuskcrs havo put up so far this soason they played agalnBt tho Wcs loynn team Wednosday. At times tho Cornhuskors lagged and seemed to bo nBlcep and again thoy' would wakd up and mako tho spectators hold their breath at tho exhibition of tho gamo that makes, tho country famous. Tho team last year was noted for its wqll balanced qualities and tho team tbta yoar when It gots Into regular 'form will bo as well balanced If not bettor. Btu-rrnc'PJtch,nK 8taff la BtronK and tQ0 i .. " i, . . . f - vuiuruus on mo xcam can oo aeponuoa upon. Tho new men of tho team aro still to stand tho fire of tho season's games and this will glvo them further development tor tho gamo noxt yoar. Dally practlco Is tho program now. Every man Is put thrpugh tho hardest stunts, and nil aro drilled, by Coach Carroll, with tho hopo that, the bat ting averages will bo fattened bo for o tho season cIobos. No Class Game. Tho gamo betwjeen- the froshmon and tho sophomores yesterday after noon was pootponed on account of the grounds being occupied by tho 'varsity team. Tho class games will bo played as quickly as possible and doubt ex ists as to who will be winners In the class series. Six men of the freshman team havo been found ineligible for these class conteatsand this throws the first year team Into a mlx,-,up, and no organized team can. bri picked. The quality o'f'thb rest ,of the1 teams is unknown, " ' ' f .8tandng Changes. . Yesterday Delta Upsllon' defeated Phi Delta Theta 9 to 8 and tho win- ' nors of the north division of' the Inter fraternity league aro still unknown. Sigma Chi still loads with tbre,o vic tories and no defeats. In the game yesterday Klepser and Gibson offlcl ated for Delta Upsllon, whlib Howard, Halftgan and Owen w'oro Phf'Deit battery. ( Standing of tho teams: ' . 9 North Division W. Sigma Chi .....A 37 Phi Delta Theta ...... 2 Alpha Theta Chi .',..:'. ,r2' Delta Upsllon'.'. l Phi Kappa Psl ;... 1- Phl Gamma Delta .,.; 0 ' South Division Sigma Alpha Epsljoa .. 2 Alpha Tau Omega ",.;. 1 Kappa Sigma ,.,.. ....'. 3Igma Nu t. i Beta Theta PI ,.,,..'. . I Pet 0 1.000 1, .66J ' .500 " 1333 '2 .333 2 .000 Q MQP 1 Mi !' Q9 . AH 1 Delta Tau. Delta f