The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1910, Image 4
miLXl , irm '' THE DAILY NEBRASKA I- nm1M9MmwnMfrwknitmwmwmnmttwimtm'vmnt i ii'lif ' ' "" ' """'h-'iik"" -- ms It H k M hi i DIRECTORY. Business Directory Ever loyal University student' Is urged to patron ize thoBe NoWaslcatt advertisers, and to montlon tho N.obraskan while do ing so. ' UANKB First-Trus Ik Savings BAKERIE8 4 Fdlsom 1URBEU SHOPS Oroon's .-JlQOK-flXQItEB . Co-op. . ' UnlvorlBty CliEANERS J. 0 Wood ft Co. ioo, Tho Tailor. CLOTHING. Forquhar Mngoo & Doomor Mayer Bros. I'alace Clothing Co. , Spolor & Simon Arnrttroitg Clothing Ce. COAL Qregory Whltobroast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kltchei Tommy DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln " PITTS 'J ', DOCTORS ". Dr. Cramb DRY GOODS - Miller ft Paine -RudK & Client lIoTpolBholmora DRUGGISTS Rlggs BNQRAVER8 Cornell FLORISTS . C. H. Froy CHAPIN BROS. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mageo ft Deomejr Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. . Rudgo ft Guonzel Spolor ft Simon ArmBtrung Clothing Oe. HATTERS Budd Fulk Unland Armstrong Clothing Co. Magee & JDeemer Mayer Bros. I'alaco Clothing Co. Rudgo & Guentel Speler & Simon ICE CREAM Franklin Ico Cream O. JEWELERS Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS Shean . Ho wo. ORCHESTRA Thoruburg'a. PHOrOGUAPHERB Townnend PRINTERS - Slmmuus Van Tine RESTAURANTS , Bunion Luuub. '. Cameron's '- V. M. C. A. Spa ' 811Ufc.S Bookman Bros. Budd Men's Bootery Ruguru & Perklas Mayer Bros. Miller & Paine Yates-French Co. SHOE REPAIRINQ Elootrlo Sho Store Yqtes-French Co. 8KIRT8 8klrt Store TAILORS . Elliott. Broa, Hersog - JofB,,The Tailor. LUDWIO. " I i THEATERS . Oliver Orpheum. f . Lyric ,. -TYPEWRITERJT ' wf Lincoln Typewriter W.i- Underwood Typewriter Oe, lr Tl Classiflid Column Sfc Advertisements for thla column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there lfor - the - lrst - 4nsertlon - three - kiser4 tlons 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. WANT ADS FOB SALE For Salo A now high-grado bicycle, at 25 per cent discount. Inquire ut Ncbraskan oflfco. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. LILLIAN 8NOW, 1339 0; hours, 0 a. m. to 0 p. m. Diseases of womon. Auto 3038. Surgeon. Richards Block. Both Phones. DR. J. R. HAGGARD, 221 Burr Blk. Both phones. ' LIFE INSURANCE UNION CENTRAL LIFE, 8. B. Coon, agt., 216 Richards block. I'm Going to Help (00 Boys Through School Aro you working your way through school? Then I'm willing to help you. I havo work for 100 young mon from tho ond of this school year until Sept. 1. I want only boys who havo no moans of going through school ex ccpt by paying tholr own way. Tho wo'rk which I .havo to offdr is easy for tho fellow who hns tho motal. Not only is it moro profltnblo than nny other lino of work you can take up during tho summor, but it will give you a training and exporlenco In salesmanship that is always an asset. Tho only requirements: You must be paying your way through school. Must bo of good habits. MuBt bo willing to algn(t coutract to Work until Sopt. 1 or thorenbouts. Call and got tho particulars. This Is tho boBt opoprtunlty you will havo this yoar. S. R. McKELVIE Publisher Nebraska Farmer ...119 North 16th Street... Hot Drinks am bow m scasoa. De yoti Icmw lay pUcc when you can gt m QUICK SERVICE u yu caa at ouracw atari) ffo t U 4 Mat crowefoal Lincoln Candy , K i tclieii sw. c . IMlUKHiTONE HIGH 8CHOOL8 OF THE STATE. Falrbury. The ImHkotbnll season 1b now at u close. Tho boyB' toam played nine games during tho season and lost five. Tho girls played soven games and lost three. At tho Southeastern Nebraska Edu catlonal Association at Beatrice, the Falrbury contestant, Graco Schoon over, won second place. Tho contest was divided Into two partB, tho humor ous and dramatic. MIbb Schoonover - !nterc4 - - tho dramatic: Ono nf the Judges gave our contestant first place. Wilbur nnd Auburn ' tied for 'first place. , The seniors havo started their class play. Parts woro nsslgnod and. prac tice Is to begin Monday nlgit. On Wednesday night, April G, the sonlors entertained tho high school faculty at tho pleasant home of Lucy NuckollH. ProgroBBlve games wore played during Uie ovonlngr Mies Williams, tho .science toaclier won, tho prize. After this, light refreshments were served. ' On Saturday, April 0, tho Falrbury boys played their first game of base ball for this sanson with Carloton. The game resulted in a scoro of 11 to 3 In favor of Carloton. Norfolk. Seniors arc busy selling tickets for tholr class day entertainment to be given Friday, April 22. The money cleared will bo UBed to purchase a gift to bo presented to the high scihool, on commencement night. Tho class hns already given to tho high school dur ing the Inst throe yours threo largo pictures for the assembly room, "Sir Galahad," "Tho Challengo" and "Moon light at Sea." The following is tho program: Part I. - Instrumental Duot Anna Wolsh and Blrdlo Kuhl. Class History Dollle Pfundor. (Mass Prophecy Lotha Blakomnn. Piano Solo Carrie Thompson. Advice to Under Classmen BuhbIc Stolnor. Presentation of Lamp of Txmrnlng Ixjstor Weaver, President Claue 1910. IU'sponBO Marian Stltt. President Class 1911. Class Song Class 1910. Part II. THE SENIOR. Cast of Characters. Messenger Paul Cole M iss Palno , Susan Gillette Flunks Charles Ward Good Fellowship John Rlso THE SENIOR Charles Durland Athletic Boys Earl Krantz, Otto Wilde, Lester Weaver, Rex Booler Mr. Stookoy Edwin Macy D. O. H. Girls (piscouragerB of Hesi tancy) Carrlo Thompson, Hazol 'Alyeu, Martha Brown, Myrtlo Stamm, Ethel Illbben, Murglo Branlgan Bluff Warren Beelor Cruslies Gladys oWavor Class Spirit Harold Morrison Good Grades Marie Johnson Chorus Girls LoIb Iogan, J-othn Blnkeman, Emma Bruggemnn, Anna Wolsh, Horym Hauptll, Lil lian Johnson. Tho first bull gamo of the season wnB played on Saturday, April 1C, be tween Norfolk and Stanton. It was a "good game," score being 3 to-0 In favor of Norfolk. Tho following- wtt3 Norfolk's llno-up; Catcher, Morrison; pitcher, Kelohor (captain); short stop, Mapes; first baBo, Durland; second baso, Landers; third baso, Odiorno; right field. Briggs; contor flold, Ward; left field, Denton; subs., Krantz, Parish, Wllloy. The Norfolk team 'will play a. double-header with .Nellgh high school and Gates Acadomy nt Nellgh, April 23. Considerable interest in being taken in school gardens this spring. Super intendent Hunter has recently Issued a bulletin to tho principals of tho vari ous schools giving directions and sug gestions for work in this line, Tim plan is as follows: Tho principal of eacli school will divide each garden Into plots of about equal size, ono for each room. Tho children are to have appointed 'times to work In their own gardens and aro to do tho wortc of planting, wooding and cultivating. I Each room wjll organlzo a home'gais don club, to report at regular times assigned for indoor study 6n tho vari ous gardening subjects and will thoin use these as material for themes In their composition work. At tho time of the county fair and at the close of the season, an exhibit will bo mnde of tho best displays of vegetables and flowers raised by tho various rooms. Pupils' Individual displays from tho home gardens will be Included. SKILL IN KICKING IMPORTANT IN RUOBY ENGLI8H AND AMERICAN GAME8 ARE COMPARED. TWO STRIKING DIFFERENCES Great 8klll In Passing and Kicking Demanded of English Backfield Better Game for Minor Teams No Signals. Thore Irt"nuythlng but a lull in the battle of the Rhodes scholars over the comparative worth of American col lege and EngllBh rugby football. The following opinions from George Hur ley of Brown university, nn Oxford Rhodes scholar from Rhode Island, ure of Interest, inasmuch as radical football reformers have asked that the English game be transplanted to the American colleges nnd our game done away with: "In tho first place, let me suy that both American and English football are vory nno games. But there 'are two striking differences between thorn, one In tho theory of tho game and tho other In tho nature of the players. American football as a game is built up on tho principal of inter ference. Each man Is detailed either to push out of tho way or to stop Homo doflnlto opponent In each play. In English football the principle ol Interference Is admitted only in a very slight degree. It comes in only in tackling, and, to a strictly limited extent. In work in tho 'scrum,' which corresponds roughly to our Mine.' "Tho other noticeable difference 1b this: In varsity football thero is .not the grlmncss and intensity that you see In an Important game at homo. Tho men go hard, but they don't play tho game for all it Is worth every minute. Hard, fast tackling, for in stance. Is not at all usual. And this milder method of procedure, com bined with tho absence of mass plays and all tho other things that Intor forenco means, makes tho English gamo as played by Englishmen Ides dnngorouB than our game as played at our universities. Resembles Basketball. "But the danger Is not tho only thing to bo considered in -sport. Per sonally I should dlBliku very much to see tho comparatively haphazard 'scrum' formation Introduced In place of our scientific Une-plny. At the same time I should bo glnd if the skill In passing and kicking demand ed of an English backfield would come Into prominence in our gamo. Except that forward passing Isn't allowed, a sot of English bncka come down tht field as a baskotball team might, pass ing from ono to another until the ball roaches tho 'wing,' who Is picked for his speed, and when ho gets the ball he usually runs to scoro. "And tho skill In kicking, which Je a vory Important feature In tho game in England, Is mnrvolous. ' Most of tho seven mon who play behind the 'scrum In a 'rugger flftoon' can ad vance the ball forty or fifty yard by a kick to the side lines with either foot. No 8lgrals to Be Learned. "But despite the eminence of -these authorities, I can admit superiority in EngllBh rugby in only one partlcu lar. It Is a better gamo for ni afternoon's sport for two mlnoi teams. Thero are no signals to be learned, and If any one man does no' know tho gamo well or wishes to rest his weakness Isn't necessarily dlsas trous to his side. But tho uncer tainties of tho English gamo aro vorj trying. A long kick to the IdollneE is as effective as a brilliant run." Slxty-ono hundred and thlrty-twc J. are enrolled' at J Columbia University, New Music When you go homo send to jno for tlin niUblo Mint hi-- tbd "II td" h'ro nt tho Uni. BtHT In tho gamo oron though yon nro at faoino. WALT "The Music Man" lais O STREET MANAGER WANTED Energetic man who is well ac quainted in Y.M.O.A. to do sumo special woak dur ng not two two woelB. Good pay. Cull Tnra--duy or Wodnesdiiy. E, L. Brad bury, 208 Press BIdg. ernniiiiuiinniMMiiiiiiiiMiiiuinr ESIVVMONS t T HE RR1NTER c c c c c c rlnttnsc BnaraulnBi Kmboaalng Auto 2811 817 South 12th- 3 UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 6 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Ttr FatrMMfc Solicited THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Throo-yonr oounio, lending to dogi-vo nf Doc tor of I aw (J. D ). which by tho quarter. y ijM'om may bo complotod in tun nna o o ..urtli rnlonfliir yeit-H ollupo education ro Mured f r n-anlnr ndmiftslnti ouo yer of law emit counted towani cuHt-go dtKioo. Law ihrury of U3. 03 volamen. he Summer Quarter offers specM npportanN tltf to itudenta, teachers and rractltloncra First Term Begins June ao Second Term Begins July a8 OiurBOH onon In nil DopnrtmontH of tho Dnl orplty durintt tbo Summer Quarter. For Announcement Address W OF LAW SCHOOL, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO I Nnuifrnm Pmmrn Pnwnr sa non iiuiiiuuvgi wuufci ii WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY JUST ISSUED. Ed. faCkkf, Dr. W. T. Harrii, former U. S. Cob. ef Edn cation. 0 Geaeral Information Practically Doubled. tJ Dirlded Page : Important Wordi Abore, Lett Important Below. 0 Costaiai More Information of ' Interest to More People Than An Other Dictionary. 25TOO PAGES. 6000HLUSTRATI0nS. 400,000 WORDS AND PHRASES. GET THE BEST in Scholarship, Convenience, Authority, Utility. Wrlto lor Cpooimcn rncen to G.&CMERRIAM CO.,PatUi!!en,SprintncU.MiM. I Too will (a tu a furor to mention tMi publication. , G. SPALDING & BROS. THE are the Largeatv Manufacturers in the World of Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND Spalding 'Trade Mark PASTIMES 'J4JMa known troaghoat the world u m Guarantee, of Quality IFY0U:H5 V " T. "ori yon afaouU bar a copy al ta riimlillnir catalogs It'e nounatiletroaoyol pedlft or Whal'i &, lu Mr aud-U MaT (rM oa Miaoat. A. 6. Spalding & Bros. , 147 WtiuA ArMua, Ckluf liflBBBBB!! --, jjrwnijinmatug iirnirirTffnnm