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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1910)
mfm0mtmf,m -y T.jL-jiiriJiimiii i"" ' ""7 '""" ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN .,'. A L W V- t iV DIRECTORY, Business Directory. Ever loyal University student Is Urged to patron Ite thoao Nobraaknn advertisers, and to mention tho Nobraskan while do5 Ing eo. BANKS First Trua fc Savings BAKERIES Folsom BARBER SHOPS Greon'a ' . BOOK 8T0RE8 Co-op. ' Unlverlsty CLEANERS J, 0 Wood & Co. Joe, Tho Tailor. CLOTHING Farquhar Magoo & Doemer Mayer Broa. Palac Clothing Co. Speler & Simon Armstrong Clothing C: GOAL Gregory Whttobreaat CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kltchea Tommy DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln PITTS D0CT0R8 Dr. Cramb DRY GOODS ' Miller & Paine RudRo & auon-el HerpolBhclmora DRUGGISTS RlggB ENGRAVERS Cornell FL0RI8T8 C H. Frey CHAPIN BROS. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Magoo & Doemer Mayor Broa. Palace Clothing Co. Rudgo ft Quonzel Speler & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTER8 Budd Fulk Unland ArniBtrong Clothing Co. Mageo & Deemer Mayer BroB. Palaco Clothing Co. Rudgo & Guonzel Spoler & Simon ICE CREAM" ' Franklin Ice Cream Ce. JEWELERS Hallou Tuckor LAUNDRIES Evaua OPTICIANS Sheun Howe. ORCHESTRA Thoiuburg'B. PH0T0GRAPHER8 Townsend PRINTERS Blmmona , Van Tine , RESTAURANTS . Boston Lunch -Cauieiuu'ii Y. M'. C. A. Spa 8H0E8 Uockman Broa. Budd Meusa Bootery Rogers & I'orklna Mayer Broa. Mlllor & Paine Yates-Fronch Co. 8H0E REPAIRING Electric Sho Store . ' Yates-French Co. SKIRTS ,' SRIrrstorer ' " TAIL0R8 Elliott Broa, ,) , Herzog ; r w; .i . . Joe, The Tailor. r ,, ludwio I ii jrA THEATERS ' Oliver, .Orpheuaa. Lyric TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Ex. Underwood Typewriter 0. A MEET TODAY TO GET . A LINE ON TRACK MEN 8QUAD DIVIDED INTO TWO SEC TIONS TO COMPETE. REGULAR TRACK EVENTS LISTED Largoit Track Squad In the Hlatory of tho Unlveralty Reports Every Day "for "Work on the Cinder Path. An Innovation in tho work of tho men who havo boon working on. tho track squad for tho pnBt weeks Is to bo trlodi today. Tho men of tho squad havo been working for tho past woeks to got into form and Coach Chorrington is attempting- to got a lino on tho men wJia lmvo boon out for work. For this reason' Coach Chor rlngttiti haB divided tho mon of the squad Into two soctlons and theso mon havo been placod In charge of Reed and Amborson. ThlB afternoon tho men of tho squad will moot at tho stato fair grounds and thoro a moot will 1o hold to got a Hqo on tho mon who havo been worfctng for tho paBt few weoks and 8omothlng will bo dotormlned ns to what tho mon of tho track squad can do. Sixty Men Out. At tho ipros6nt timo thoro aro moro than sixty mon out for work on the cindor path, and thoy havo boon training faithfully. Novor before in tho history of tho university havo so many men signified that they aro anx- Ioub to mako tho team and porhapc win their letter. Tho chances to mako tho team for any of tho men of tho squad havo novor been bettor and tho men havo been making tho best of thelc opportunities. Tho vacancies left In tho team by tho Ineligibility of star mon on tho team last year loaves many events to bo filled with mon who aro now at university track work, and tho mon of the university are taking ovory advantago that thoy havo to mako tho toam. Tho oYonta which will bo run off to day will bo tho samo ub that at a reg ular tracy moot, consisting of 100 yard, 220-yard, 440-yard and 880-yard dnBhes; ono and two-mllo runs, shot put, hammer throw, discus throw, broad and high jump, polo vault, 120 yard and 220-yard hurdles, and one half mllo rolay race. Tho contest ants of tho two teams may enter any ovent they wish, ub this meet is for tho ono purposo only to got a lino on tho material for track work. The Teani.B Tho team under the leadership of G. E. Reed 1b as follows: McGowan, Nowman, Leo, Minor, Mollk, Funk- I'm Going to Help 100 ( i Boys Through School Aro you working your way through school? Then I'm willing to help you. I , havo work for 100 young men from tho end of this school .year until Sept. 1. I want only boyB who havo no moans of going through school ex cept by paying their own way. Tho work which I havo to offer 1b ersy for tho fellow who has tho metal. Not only Is it moro profitable than any other lino of work you can take up during tho summer, but it will glvo you a training and experience In salesmanship that Is always an asset. Tho only requirements: You must bo paying your way through Echool. Must bo of good habits. Must bo willing to sign a contract to work until Sept. 1 or thereabouts.' Call and got the particulars. This Is the best opoprtunity you. will have this year. S. R. McKELVIE Publisher Nebraska Farmer 119 North 16th Straat... IFlew LUNCHEON, From J2:30 to 2:30 flfoenu Crcnm of Now Asparagus Queen Olives Fillet of Halibut, Nantaise Pommes Long Branch Tenderloin of Roast Spring Chicken, Potatoes whipped in Cream Browned Potatoes Corn au tGmtfin Stringess Beans Combination Salad Pitted Cherry Pie Cheese Strawberry "Water ' Special Musical TABLES Shirt Sale 75c We will sell 16th, $1 and THIS IS A SNAP IN SHIRT. Shirts without Collars, 75o Shirts with Collars, 75o housor, Flack, Fleming, Elliott, Clark, Graham, Harmon, Toiler, Rico, Kon singer, Babbitt, Barney, Christmas Blanchard, Evans, Tolllfson, Hahno, McKlnney, Pharos, Robinson, Snyder, Tomplln, Tomple, Wolcott, Wessol, and Brown. Tho toam of which A. B". Amborson is captain is as follows,: Powers, Al exander, Davis, May, Collier, Shonka, Qlbson, Anderson, Lzlcar, Llndstrom, Munson, Ankony, Plasters, Becker, Coad, Frost, Gutberlot, Gallagher, Jones,. Landora, Plorco, Powell, Schock, Stolnhart, Tomploton, Wohl enberg, Votau, Broen, Kllllan, Roberts, Swanson. Munger. Miss Hazel Fall of Beatrice Is a guest of her sorority sisters at the Delta Gamma houso. She .will attend the annual party given at the Lincoln this evening. 2Lm6ell , Dotel Sunday, April M 50c Consome .Clear Radishes Beef, Bernardi Melon Mangoes Stuffed Chicken Patties, Marble Cake Ice Program by the New Lindellfs Orchestra MAY BE RESERVED BY TELEPHONE 4- J. G Shirt Sale 75c Saturday, April ot ry $1.50 Shirts for J J V COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. UNLAND & CO., Little Blk. VACATION HONEY You buy 60 to on credit pay vrhen old and keep tho profit 100 profit and mopthly prize t to our agents lmUpsndsnes fer Tsaohsrs ami Students who kcll and adrtirtlse'our PATENTED STEAM COOKEHand complete lino o( I'UKU ALUMINUM COOKINQ UTKN81LH. An opportunity to mako 1110.00 and oyer erery month. Experience not necessary. Write now for particular. Address SALES MANAGER. AMERICAN ALUMINUM MANUFACTURING QO. V LEMONT, ILLINOIS j SUBSCRIBE NOW for The Daily Nebraskan DINNER, 75c From 6 to 8 fllienu Lobster Cocktail Celery Chicken Okra "Wafers Young Onions Broiled Jumbo Whitefish, Remouladcr Pommes Pailles a la Reine New Asparagus, Fleurette Roast Virginia Ham, Sauce Yorkshire Now Peas, Francaise Lettuce-Tomato Salad, French Dressing Chocolate Ice Cream Assorted Cako Cafe Noir VENABLE) Manager Shirt Sale 75c UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 I STREET, YELLOW FRONT Y.ur ratrwufc Solicited M N