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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1910)
K THE DAILY NEBRASKAN it viitkjrt Ti. . ,. ..-. ,. ... . . . . -. .- . It. HA ' && m ,j J l OLivturnrATRT . TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:15 Chas. B. Hanford Tonight and 8aturday Matinee -"THE AMERICAN LORD" Saturday Night "THE TAMING OF THE 8HREW" 'Eve., $1.50 to 25c Mat., $1.00 to 25c ..NexL-WexIfcVERNPN-jrHE. GREAT. mm mmm mmMi CJWnvil Boys--My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them!' L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring PERITORIC LENSES Does Away With Reflection SHAPED TO THE EYE HOWE - OPTICIAN 319 No. 12th The First Trust I Sav ings Bank 4 Per Cent Interest A $1 optnj in aooount Corner lOlh 6t O Slru The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain Cornell University Medical College A cllego dcRreo la ruqulrrd for admission. Advnnc (IhUhiIIdk irrimtod BtuduntspruH. nt ltK HfttlefHutory credentials from ncoroditod modleal colleges. Erory luclllty iautlorod to anriorttrHduatoa booklnv tho dt'Kreo of Doctor of Mouloluo. An phi fallltlosnroiileo offorod qunhllod graduates to pursuo original invest!- ?atln in uny dopartmont For furthnr jiar Innlnritnpplv to Thi Dun, Carnall Ualvirtlly Medical Collifi, Firm Avo. und28in St., Now York Uity. Brln Yeur Next Job of Printing to 3 IV a SJ I rAN TINE PRINTING CO. and Get Satisfactory Result 128-130 No. 14th St Auto 3477 j SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Cincinnati $2.50 Shoe Store and Electric Repair Factory New Location 142 North 12 WARTHpN'S Quality -Counts V TH ATS WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and, punch for Frat As Sorori ty, parties. Whipping Cream always on hahej. Boll 208. AateSlSl. 1818 NBt j)Campusij)j M Gleanings m C. H. Proy, florist, 1133 O street. mm Itofoort W. Dovoo, '09, Ib practicing law at Sidney, Neb. Chapln Bros., florists. 127 8o. 13th. 0 IlsB-Ruth-Qould-ot-OmahaHB-vlsltr Ing Miss Uarda Scott. Sho will not return homo until next week. '. Thornburg'a Orchestra Auto 5877. Tho Union Literary Society will glvo an Informal dancing party In tho music hall' of tho Templo tonight. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. James P. Wilson, who graduated hiBt year, Is deputy county treasurer of Sheridan county, RuBhvillo, Neb. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11R-119 So. 12th street Miss Lucilo Bell and Miss Clare Soriver left Friday for York, where they will spend a few days attending a house party. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. - Tho Union Literary Society held their annual banquet last evening at tho Lindell hotel. About forty couples were present. Before buying your spring footwear let Beckman Bros, show you their new snappy oxfords. ;i07 O at MIsb Janet Stevenson, Delta Delta Delta, ex-1912, Is attending tho Uni versity of Washington at Seattle. She was elected captain of tho sopromore girls' basketball team, which won tho school championship thia year. FULK FURNISHER - HATTER 1325 O STREET Picnic days aro hero. Wo make a specialty of putting up sandwiches, salads, cakes and all tho dainties that help to make tho day enjoyable. Dal rymplo's, 13th and M. tf - H. J. Broderson of last year's class has an excellent position this year. Ho Is instructor in chemistry at the Kan sas University and Is making good. "Miss Mary "Ward, Kappa Alpha Theta, of Bollvlllo, Kan., was hero last night to attend tho Theta formal. She will return to Bellvillo tomorrow. Xi Delta, tho sophomore girls' soci ety, held Initiation on Thursduy even ing at the home of Miss Helen Dins more at 1441 South Eleventh Btreot. Ben J. Lindsay, ex-1911, whoso homo was formerly at Pierce, Neb., Is now attending Harvard university. Ho is specializing in economics there. "Brig" Young, '09, of Kimball, Neb., was on tho campus yesterday, "Brig" bought an automobile in Lincoln and will drive it homo, where ho is en gaged. In tho land business. , Arrangements aro now being made by the Democratic Club to hold a ban quet In the course of a fow weeks. If - You 'f-f-h Then Wear 'F-FrH' Shoes SHOfr. . There's Honest Wear in Every Pair $3.50. $4 and $4.50. Box Calf's and Gun Metals in all shapes. Style and fit thrown in too. , Repairing done With Dispatch.. 1220 ,q This' will be tho first banquot of its' kind ever held at Nebraska, so It 1b anticipated that a largo crowd will attend, mm MIbs Ollvo Hammond and MIsb Lou Ibo Northrup arrived from Omaha yes terday morning and attended tho an nual party glvon by Kappa Alpha Theta last night. Prln. M. S. Gallahcr of Waco Is on rolled In tho junlversjty oxtenBlon de partment and Is taking" special work in theory of teaching. Mr. Qnllahor will bo In the university next year. Sunt. W. T. Stockdale, who Was last year secretary of tho Stato Toachors Association, 1b enrolled with Dean Fordydo, doing graduato work In school organization and administra tion. MIbs Lucilo Brown, PI Bota Phi, will leavo Monday for Washington, D. C, where sho will spend a fow months. Miss Brown will also visit other points in tho east and will ro turn to school noxt year. Miss Bess Gould of Omaha and Miss Nell Evans of Columbus arrived in town yestorday. Thoy will stay over until tho first of next week, attend ing their annual Delta Gamma party tonight Every university girl wolcomo. 'Nebruska spirit in evidence. In tho Templo. On Sunday, April 24, 4 p. m. Rah! Rah! Rah! Seniors. Tho cnblnet men of tho college Y. M. C. A. will play baBeball with the finance committeemen nt 3:30 o'clock this afternoon on Nebraska field. This will bo tho first of a series of gamer to bo played by the various commit tees of tho Y. M. C. A. J. T. Cooley of St Paul, who is with tho Western Publishing Co., is in LEIAIS UNDERWEAR New Spring and Summer line just in. If you've not experienced the delight of a Lewis Union Suit, put it off no longer. Prices reasonable. The satisfaction great. PRICES 31 UP TO 3 tho law collego for a few days in structing tho junior law class in tho uso of tho digest. Mr. Cooley spends a fow days each year In many of tho law colleges of tno west, teaching tho uso of tho digest. Tegner 8oclety Picnic Tho Tegner Society will give a pic nic today (Saturday) for members and invited guests. Tho crowd will leave on tho Intorurban, 14th and O streets, at twenty minutes past threo, and will got off tho car on Warren avenuo to spend tho rest of tho day at the stato farm grove. Should tho weather preclude the possibility of picnicking in tho grove tho society will meet In tho banquet hall at tho Tomplo at half past throe. mm German Club, Entertained. Tho German Club' waB very enjoy ably entertained Thursday night at 310 South 15th- street. Tho men of the club'wero hosts, .Miss Baker presided I at tho business meeting, during which.' threo new members were elected Into tho club. Thoy arc Mlsa Taylor, Miss Reed and Miss Osborne, Tho remain der of thq evening was spent In sing-, ing German songs, German conversa tion, and in partaking of light rofreshv ments. Tho mooting was well at tended. - Want Service Shoeir" Street ' Anto 841? " flail m t-. t Ja ' " fl('lljSv9jSSSSSW sJJtvBBBBBBBHaMBVBkV'iAwtL - MXlliltfaaaW ; s CaaaaaaaMwM PllaaW Ja aaaaaaaHSsV! II aViaBBBalay'iaBBHBlBBBBBBHvl nCImW '' :2ssH & .JYisBssssssssssHP SimSvk ryBflBMr)M tfM yR'f jdsHsssHFsHsssssssssssssvE. IJ iLSslHKflHIilHiHHHBui Who will The Oliver Fri.9 Sat. and Sat. Mat.. Apr. 15-18 In 'The American Lord' and On Friday night and Saturday mat Inoo P. Lawrence Walker presents Mr. Charles B. Hanford in tho farcial comedy "Tho Amorlcan Lord," by Georgo H. Broadhurst and Charles T. Dazey. Newfrom Cover to Cover WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL . DICTIONARY , JUST ISSUED. Eii.OW.Dr. W. T. limit, ferns af E4a catiea, fi Geacral Ufonsutioa practically DeaUea. 0 DtrMea Page: Issportaat Worfa Above, Less Imfwtaal Below. (J Ctaks Mere bfensatlea'' of hterett to Mere Peeple Thaa Amy Otter Dictleaary. 2700 PAGES. 6000 ILLUSTRATIONS. 406,000-WORDS '-AMD PHRASES GET THE BEST in Scholarship, Convenience, Authority, Utility. w, ,r,t V TVrlto lor CBColncn Tvem to I aaCMERRIAM C0..Ptlklicft.8HnIJ.HM. TOW Will fOMBTW VOBUBHOO tMi ymnufla. tvZ-5 CtfZ-oaHhkr fi I Lt vro' 96 fllONiMM IV1 ft iSVMn ' l B U! Kb Newfram Cover to Cover m J WEBSTER'S L ; ! appear Taming of the Shrew' Mr. Charles B. Hanford will also ap pear In "Tho Taming of tho 8hrow," a favorlto of tho multitudes both in Shakespeare's tlmo and today. Thia rollicking farco will bo presented on Saturday night only, which Is tho only Shakespearian offering of tho season. New Music Whon you go homo annd to mo for tho mmlo that art tba "llltn" hro nt the Unl. Btuv Jn tho nomo oyon tbuogh yon nro at homo. . WALT "The Music Man" laifl O STREET Hot Drinks r now la season. Do you know ay pltc where you can get' aa QUICK SERVICE u you caa at ournew store? Ne eecd of being crowded 4 Lincoln Candy K. ltCnen S. W. Cerar A. 6, SPALDING & BROS. TPHI are the Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES Spalding Trade Mark Jfcfc (a kaowa troagboat the world aa a Guarantee of Quality IFYOUM shoBld hare a oopjr of the rtp1(ilD(reUlo(rtta It's aoomiilet eeoorolo itedlanf Vbl'a Nv iu uer( aud la seat' free oa rejHtMt, A. G. Spalding & Bros. ' 147 Vafeiaa Aveaue, Cakat. i