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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1910)
t A j priJM' k'Vi'. 2ailv t- ! Vol. IX. No. 118. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1910. Price 5 Cents. IFlebraeftan V K MANHATTAN AGGIES WIN ANOTHER GAME OWEN FRANK PLAY8 GOOD GAME AT 8HORT 8T0P. J. WSMM WILL PLAY DOANE TODAY Freshman Team Presents an Array of Baseball Material that Should Make Up Championship Var- slty for Next Three Years. Tho Gornhusker basoball toam was dofeatud in tho second gamo with tbo Kansas Aggios by tho scoro of 11 to 3. Tho Aggies batted liko fiends, but Thursday Beomod to bo tho Cornhusk .ors Jonah day, mid thoy woro unable to hit safely. Tbo Nebraska boys fielded well und had they boonablo to hit the bcoio urould havo been dif ferent Owen Frank held down tho short stop position In Thursday's gamo and playod a remarkably good gamo. Ho accepted seven, chances out of eight. His throwing was a feature of the gamo. Captain Grconsllt and Radcliffo alternated behind tho, bat, while Storms and Olmstoad did tho twirling. Just one year ago yesterday tho CornhuBkers played these same vie torlouB Jayhawkers. Tho result o. that game was a different tale. The Kansans woro smothered by a score of 14 to 3. It is thought that by tho time they-ploy their return gamo here later in tho spring tho local toam will bo In condition to turn the tables and got away with tho long end of the scoro. Tho final result of tho season cannot bo judged by tho result of tho two games played in Kansas. Freshmen to Play Doane. The freshmen left this morning for Crete, whoro thoy will play Doano this afternoon. This gamo will probably bo a fast one, at least Doano will have to play somo very fast ball if any showing Is mado against tho fresh men, as tho organization composed of first year men is a whirlwind. Two important games bavo alroady boon played by tho freshmen this year. Thoy defeated tho 'Aggies last Satur day by tho scoro of 15 to 1. The Aggies wero outclassed In every de partment of tho gamo, ospeclally in tho batting. Tho freshies batted tho ball nil over the diamond. Wednesday tho first year aggrega tion journeyed to University Placo and played Wesloyan. Tho gamo was a tio at tho end of tho ninth inning, and tho Methodists won in tho tenth on, account of an error. Tho batting of" the university boys-was tho foatur'o of tho gamo. Tho men who wont to Crete today are: Hunt, catcher; Carr and Klepser, pitchers; Warner, first base; McKlb bin, second base! Howard, short stop; Jamison, third base; Oliver, McKln noy, Maury and Prank, outfielders. Hunt is a catcher who should.' win ...his letter on tho varsity next year. Ho caught for tho Blees military acad emy team for three years and Is well Versed In nil departments of the game. Carr Is a Lincoln, high school man. Ho has played in tho city league for two or tbreo years and was, tho mainstay of tho high schooj team. His pitching this spring has been of Al qualtiy. Classy Ball. Klepser comos from Weeping Water. While In the high school there ho was the terror of all the high school teams in southeastern Nebras ka. He has lived up to his reputation this spring and has pitched somo of tbp -classiest hall seen on tho diamond this spring. Both ho and Carr are varsity material of the first class. War ner hails from Beaver City. Ho plays a heady game all the tlmo and Is a good batter. Jerry is (exrected to make two letters next year, one as an end of the football team and the other for filling Jasper Clark's shoes as first baseman on the baseball team. McKibbin comos from Lexington, whero ho played on tho Lexington high school team. Mac is one of tho best second basemen who has ever played on a university team. Howard Is a Fremont high school man and playod on tho baseball team thero. Ho has been putting up a fine article of ball this spring. In contributing Jamison, Wahoo has added another university basoball star to Its list. It is Bafo to say that thero will bo a fight for tho first baso posi tion on the varBity next year. Tho four candidates for tho outfield are all capable men. Oliver claims Randolph as his homo, McKinney comes from Omaha, Maury Is a Suporior man, and Frank's homo is in Grand iBland. Frank has dono somo remarkable hit ting thlB spring. In nino times at bat ho has mado seven hits, one of them boing a home run. ANTI-SPHINX ORGANIZATION. Rumors of New Political 8ocIety Cir culated Yesterday. Rumors wero circulated about tho campuB yesterday that a now organi zation was being formed for tho pur pose of opposing the Iron Sphinx. Who tho persons at tho back of tho move ment wero is not as yet definitely known, although several prominent sophomores wero mentioned In this connection. Tho plan of tho organization, on nearly as could bo ascertained yestor day, is to form a band of thirbr won and add to tho number as the old men drop out Tho object of tho band will bo to oppobo iron ..Sphinx in political affairs. CHEMICAL CLUB INITIATE8. Five New Members In Guests of Mr. Elley. On Thursday evening tho Chemical Club held an initiation in tho chem ical lecturo room, tho following men boing taken in: Abbott, Barber, Slna- mark, Bishop and Tomplln. Tho Initiation waB an exceedingly solemn affair and was greatly appreci ated by tbo now men as well as tho old. After this part of tho program, fhe men repaired to the chemical labora tory, whero they wero tho guests of tho club's sepretary, Mr. H. W. Elley, who had prepared a most appetizing "feed." When the men had heartily cheered Mr. Elley, the meeting ad journed, everyone declaring the even ing to havo been most enjoyable. 8IGMA ALPH8 WIN ANOTHER. Take the Big End of the Score In a Game with Betas. Sigma Alpha Epsllon easily won from Beta Theta Pi Thursday by tho score of 14 to 5. This was tho first gamo of tho year for tho Betas. Batteries Seldel and May; Wilson, Boll and Bulelgh. Standing of tho teams: North Side W. Sigma Chi 3 Phi Delta Theta- .... 1 Alpha Theta Chi ' 2 ' Delta UpBlIon a Phi Gamma Delta 0 Phi Kappa Psl 0 . South Side Alpha Tau Omega 1 Sigma Alpha Epsllon . 2 Sigma Nu J. .Kappa Sigma . , 1 Delta Tau Delta ....... 0 Beta Theta Pi ,. 0 L. 0 0 . 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 1 '2 1 Pet 1.000 l.'OOO .667 .000 .000 .000 1.000 1.000" .600 .500 .000 .000 Phi Kappa Psi and Delta XJpsilon did not play today owing to bad weather. ' Your car fare would pay for a nice1 lunch at the Boston Lunch. Whj t home?' CHANCELLORJVES . STATEMENT YESTERDAY DEFINE8 HI8 ATTITUDE ON FOOT BALL CONFERENCE. NO 5UR0E0M ON THE GROUNDS Rugby Might Be Quite Dangerous American Oarno Should Be Pre served if It can Be Made Reasonably Safe. Inasmuch as there has appeared In tho public press an account of reputed privato conversation of tho chancellor in regard to tho attitudo of tho Ne braska delegates towards tho Kansas City football conference, Mr. Avery has given to tho NebraBkan tho follow ing as an authorized statomont con cerning his attitudo in regard to tho matter: "Somo timo since I wroto to Chan cellor Strong asking him if ho regard ed the KanBaB City conference as nec essary inasmuch as it seemed from tho press reports that tho national football conference committeo was try ing to make a revision in good faith looking towards the elimination of the principal elements of danger. His re ply Indicated that ho thought than thn conference wpuld still bo a very im portant ono, and that bo hoped aB many of tho Nebraska regents would attend as possible. Should Be Revised. "I havo taken all along the ground that tho rules of tho gamo Bhould be bo revised that injuries to tho players aro not to bo anticipated. It should not bo considered necessary to havo a surgeon on tho grounds. Tho game should be no moro dangerous, and the accidents to tho players should not bo greater in proportion to those taking part, than In baseball and other virile sports. I am, however, Inclined to boliovo that tho national conference committeo should be accepted as work ing in gbod faith, and that tho new rules should bo given a fair trial. Might Be Dangerous. "I am Informed by experts that con sidering tho vigorous way In which' sports nro conducted in America, the Rugby gamo might bo quilo as dan gorouB as tho. gamo Is likely to be under the now rules. Further, I be lieve that tho American gamo should bo -preserved if It can bo mado rea sonably safe. "While holding tho above opinions, I shall endeavor to bo open-minded at tho Kansas- City meotlng. I would particularly, disclaim tho thought of presuming to state in advance how our regents will vote on any question that may arise. I may add, however, that If any decisive voto is taken tho Ne braska delegates may bo expected to show that unanimity of action and ex cellent team work which tho members of the present board of regents al ways show in deciding matters of In terest to tho university." ADDITION TO FACULTY. Professor Browned Well t Known to Students of 8tate. Tho University of Nebraska appears to be very fortunate In being able to secure Professor Brownoll of Peru as a member of its faculty In tho toach- ers' college. His work Is tho theory arid practice of teaching tho physical sciences and ho is also made super visor of the training school, where his duties will be to assist in, tho super vision of the .practice work in the teachers' college high school. Prof. Herbert Brown ell received his academic work' at Colgate, his normal, work at tho Oswego (N. Y.) state nor maf, from which ho graduated and later took post graduate work. He holds his degree, of B. Sc. from Hamll- ton college (N. Y.). Asldo from this more, formal training; ho camo to-Nc" braska in 1803 to tako his present po sition as head of tho department of physical sciences, with ten yoars of publio school oxperlonco back of him. Along with tho building of his depart ment up to a position such that it commands not only the-respoct but tho admiration of his contemporaries; ho has givon to tho high school and grades manuals in physics, chomlB try, naturo study .apd astronomy which aro being adopted not only in Nebraska, but in neighboring states. Whllo Professor Brownoll is known to all normal students as ono of tho best instructors in tho state normal school (many havo said In tho state), ho is remembered by thorn as moro than an Instructor, but rather as a teacher in all tho breadth of meaning in that word. GRADED ON MONEY 8PENT. University, of Missouri Puts on An other New Stunt. How would you liko to bo graded on tho way you spend your raonoy? That is what is happoning to tho students who tako tho first courso In homo co nomlcs. At tho end of ovory month each girl in tho class hands In nn ac count of her expenditures for that month. Ono of tho requirements for tho next account Is that ovorythlng mustJ be listed under olther necessary or un necessary expenditures. Last month tho glrlB wero not bo restricted, and some, of tho lists wore headed: Chafing-dish oxpenso, board, pleasure church and Y. W. C. A., and Irregular eating. . Ono girl's pleasure column included' nickleodcon expenses, what sho spent for baskotball tickets, for music and for having a guest at dinner. Sho had another column headed "irregu lar eating." Tho students aro allowed to havo what they call a D. T. W. sec tion In their account "D. T. W." stands for "don't tell what,"-and this section contains tho amount spent, but does not toll for what it was spent. Somo of tho girls who do not begin to roako their accounts until tho day before they must bo handed In find this section convenient. Othor students do not use it at all. Ono girl, whoso expenditures ranged from tho price of a cako of soap to her dues for a danco, had overy oxpenso dated and accounted for. When tho different accounts aro handed in the motives for tho expendi tures aro discussed In class. Almost an hour was spent ono day' In dis cussing motives for buying things to oat. . ENTHU8IA8TIC AFFAIR. Speakers at Football Dinner Monday Night. J . Tho football dinner to be held next Monday evening Is to bo an enthusi astic affair. The dinner is to bo held in the Temple banquet room at C p. m. Tho plates will cost but 15 or 20 cents. Mrs. Condra is in charge of the menu, which means that a, first class dinner will be forthcoming. " Mrs. Condra has very kindly acted In this capacity before for several football r" events and nas k achieved con siderable Teputatlon on account of her VdlnersT Chancellor Avery, Dr. Condra and ox-Captain Jim Harvey " will make short talks and others may bo called on. There will bo several alumni en thusiasts present On account' 6t limited room, only football men can be accommodated. This means that every one who has interest enough in the team tg get out next year and practice . ought to be present Plates can be ordered from Coach Ewlng, Manager Eager or Cap tain Temple up to 10 a. m. Monday, HAD NO RELATION WITH NATIONAL COUNCIL CHAPTER OF T. N. E. AT NEBRAS KA LOCAL ORGANIZATION. CHANCELLOR RECEIVES ItTIER Officers, of Fraternity Council-Answer His Inquiry and Claims No Com munication Had With Ne braska Chapter. At an early dato In tho spring the two mombora of tho Theta Nu Epsllon fratornity held an audience with Chan cellor Avory and doclared to him that as thor woro Unable to make the namos of tho members of tho frater nity public without tho members who belonged to othor fraternities opposed to Theta Nu Epsllon boing In danger of oxpulslon, tho fraternity of .Theta Nu Epsllon had disbanded. ' For several years Theta. Nu Epsllon has boon a fraternity In this univer sity which has mot with unfavorable comment in many instances, and on account of this a conforonco of, sev eral of tho alumni members of .the organization was hold with the cban- collor last year and he was told that tho fraternity as It oxistod Ideally at Nobraska had no connection with the national council. In tho reform move ment tho organization was compelled to oithor mako public its membership or disband. As tho mombers felt that it was Impossible to dothe-former-the lattor plan waB followed. ' Question Arises. Tho action of tho former local chap ter was taken In good faith by all. con cerned, until under dato of March 1st tho official publication of tho national publlcatlonappearcd and tho chapter of 'Theta Nu Epsllon at Nebraska was listed in this publication as one of tho chaptors of tho organization. This matter was called to tho attontlon of tho chancellor and ho communicated with James W. E. Moss, president, and J. E. Hasbruclr, historian of T. N. E. In reply to tho chancellor's letter theso men Informed Chancellor Avory that at tho present timo tho fartoraity of Thota Nu Epsllon as' a national fratornity had been in existence for but two yoars, and during tbatrt!mo thoy had attempted to get into com municatlon with tho .chapter at Ne braska, but this -was an impossibility, as tho members of tho chapter Inlhls university has never answered their communication. , , .. . t Tho letters from' theso . officials of tho nntlonal council of T. N. E. also stated that the national fra'terMtyihTd been reorganized upon a new , basis and that tbo fraternity was attempt ing to reform and live down the' dis repute Into, which it has grown. These men wished that tho chancellor or eomo member of the faculty 'accept am honorary membership In the fraternity of T. N. E. In order that the1 fraternity be'given a proper position In tho Uni versity of Nebraska and so: that it could bo re-established upon a basis baying tho sanction of 'all-the .mem bers of the faculty and of the' student body. The letters' In all received from thesojnen jild uphold the action-of the members of the local chapter in which they stated that they Wero local and were not connected with the national council, but did not re-echo the fact the local chapter had disbanded. Dean Forcfyce 'to 8peak. lU ' Dean' Charles Fbrdyce of the 'teach-,, ers' college will deliver 'an address Saturday morning, April 16, befiVe the Southwestern 'Iowa Teachersi:?ia relation, which meets at Cotffcil Bluffs 'next week.' Dr. frdrdvpaV rtiL 1 Ject will be the ''Irrepressible Boy." i... i.i l J. ..mi ii'