' fc" tA v' r - THfeDAILY NEBRASKAN j. " t-i wv ?ti,tn4fa jt J -' I I TS Men's 100 per ct. Pure Silk Hese at, a pate "nT "1 Box of Six Pairs, $.75 We have found it! A 100 Pure Silk Half Hose which we can sell at a price within the reach of all. Purple, black, tan, grey and gun metal, a box of six pairs at $2.75, per pair, 50c See the window display. mm fy NOTE Men's white pleated, coat style g w ft J style Shirts, attached and detached cuffs J Vy J? J special this week at Js J MAYER BROTHERS MAIL ORDERS FILLED . i . I I Campus Gleanings C. H. Frey, florist, H33 O street. Miss Marian Day of Superior is vis , iting at tho Woman's building as tho . guest Aof Miss Lois Coleman. Chapln Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. - SuptW. W. Stoner of York Is doing graduato work In the university ox tonBlon department of tho university. " Thornburg's Orchestra Auto 6877. This evening tho Catholic Students' - Club are planning to hold a dance in the Knights of Columbus hall. s Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. X ' 13th and P Sts. Prof. D. E. Huffman of tho chair of public speaking at Union College was on tho campus yesterday,. . ,p Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11R-119 So. 12th street. Elmer W. HIUb, '09, has charge of tho business department in the Paw nee City high school. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. . Hoqry C. Currier, '09, is an engineer with the Nebraska Telephone com- pany, Omaha. 'J 4 Before buying your spring footwear let Beckman Bros, show you their new snappy oxfords. 1107 O st It la reported .that the Alpha' Chi Omega sorority will, occupy , tho reek denco at 327 Iorth 13th street next i year. .5 Dr. B. M.fCramfy Osteopathic Phy sician, iU. of N. '99 Burlington block. If You Can See Well See Me The eyes are good enough to deserve the best of everything in the way of Spectacles. Hallett is Competent to Provide the Best ESTABLISHED 1871 1143 O STREET Director J. S. McBrlen will address the teachers of Pawneo county this afternoon at Pawneo City. Hubert Owen, Phi Delta Thota, left today for Omaha. Ho will spend Sun day with his parents there. Miss Florence Tlllotson, who gradu ated from tho U. of N. In 1908, is teaching in tho South Omaha high school. i Miss Ada Morgan, '10, has been olected aB primary teacher in the Ilavolock schools for next year. She has not as yet accepted. Prof. W. L. Slophens, U. of N. '89, superintendent of the Lincoln schools, Is one of tho students taking work In the, university extension department. Miss Alleen Gantt, '10, who gradu ated at the mid-year commencement, is spending this semester as an in structor in tho TccumBoh high school. Next year she will have charge of the JHngllah and history work in tho North Platto high school. . Picnic days are hero. Wo mako a specialty of putting up sandwiches, Balads, cakes and all tho dainties that help to mako tho day enjoyable. Dal rymplo's, 13th and M. tf Miss It. Louis Pitch of Galva, 111., arrived last night and will spend a few days visiting at tho Tri Delta houso. Miss Fitch is editor of the Trident, tho national Tri Doiia maga-'zlne. Ml88 Florence Dye, '10, who is at present an Instructor In tho econom: Icb department, has boon elected to tho position of Instructor of English and history In tho PlattBmouth high school. Word has been received by friends khoro that Professor Brpwnell of the Peru normal will accept tho. position to which ho was yesterday elected b the board of regents. His chair will bo in tho physical science department. 'Professors in tho university who have worked with Professor Brownell state Uhat ho is a very powerful instructor and a brilliant man and the unlvbr" felty is very fortunate in securing him. I th&N ' 3tt0t T-F-H'TwoHbleTies are what the boys want for party wear. Patent and Qun Metal plain toe and tipped, fitted- and- wrapped up f 6r $4.00. AND' THEY SURE DO FIT. ,YatesnFkrorich Co. ' Repairing wbfle' " fo'ofV (S STPPPT , you read tha papar, . ,v VJ a KCC 1 How We Make Every Customer Our Friend Every' man who enters our store for a pair of Shoes is made ,to feel perfectly at home. He can take his time about selecting a pair that suits him in every particular. We don t try to hurry up your selection and we 11 gladly show you every Regal style in our . stock. We want to give you entire sails' faction and make you a permanent cus tomer. Give us a chance come in for a pair of our smart, new REGAL SHOES Regal Speier & Simon Str w v. i? nil US $5 $350 $400 -Auto 8417. Bell 804 THE DIVINITY SCHOOL if HARVARD UNIVERSITY! UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES , ,, ,. ,, -A UNSECTARIAN PLECTYE cquwes leading to the Uplverslty degrees of S,T3 A.M. and PfaXJj ofkred in the Graduate School of Arts and Sconce and 1 AnvVCThoIo I leal Semfn'arv. For mH(r1ir AArn' Td Dun nf. HinritJ TVvlaU (mii I Cambridge, Massachocetts. . v,;isii I 1 I H Vv