ft CTrT..3ty?"-i A t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ft I In i f The Daily Nebraskan T THE PnOPBRTV OF ,,,. 4 TUB UNIVEUSITY OP NEBrtABKA,' Lincoln, Nobrtwka. THE STUDENT PUBLICATION DOAUD " '" " EDITORIAL STAFF. Cdltr K. P. Pdorlok .Manaalna Editor ..CorT J. J Lord. AtiooTato Editor T. M. EdQooombe Aasoolate Editor R. D. Hawloy BUSINESS STAFF. Mnaer . ... Q- c- Klddoo .Aultunt Manager V. C. Haaoall 'Circulator. C. Buchanan i Editorial and Builneia Offlcot BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitpffloe, Station A, Lincoln, Nob. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Coplet, B Cents Each. T.lanknnm Alltn 1RRA. NlQht jPhonea Auto 1888J Auto 384fL - INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged lor at tho rnto or 10 contn tho taBortlon for very fifteen words or fraction there- of. Faculty notices and University, bul letins will bladly bo published froe. Entered at tho postotTlca at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under the Act of Congress of March 1, 1870. . - Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a, m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and s p. m. Cash mutt accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five "bents j fWe Insertions forty cents. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1010. THE BANQUET. As a promotor of good fooling and a blggor Nobraska spirit tho lntor- fratornlty banquot Wednesday night was a success In ovory respect. Arid 'say somo of tho tolograms, tho Bongs and tho cartobUB dlsplayod thoro woro so won, directed that wo fear tho "Cbrnhuskor will ovorlook them. 8IQNATURE8. ' Thoro uro still a fow studonts who romombor that questions or opinions may bo stated In tho "Forum," but sad to rolato thoy fall to sign their names to tholr communications. Wo aro gath ering qulto a collection of articles, ' -which, if not Identified by tho ond of ' tho yoar, will probably have to bo sub- Men's Oxfords morgod In tho oblivion of tho waste baskot all for want of a signature OBLIVION. Yob, it was a lemon; that gamo with Manhattan. It was of tho prickly, caustic, yellow jaundiced, acid variety, but it shouldn't sour us for tho rest of tho season, When tho team getB into shapo that littlo affair will havo mado about na much impression on our mornqry as that gamo of marblos wo playod and lost ono day behind Bill Smith's barn, years ago. Forget it. DAHLMAN'S VIEW. Mayor Dahlmnn has oxprcssod somo rathor pointed vIowb regarding con clusions to bo drawn from tho result of tho rocont municipal election. Aside from any views which wo may . hold regarding tho absurdity of his argument that tho university and tho , stato capital cannot bo located in tho samo city, wo b61Iovo that his views on tho conduct of tho student body and tho faculty in tho rocont election will bo taken seriously by fow if any persons "conversant with tho conduct of either studonts or faculty on that day. Thoso atudent8 who took nn nctlvfc part in tho rocont city election woro residents of tho city and qualified vot ers,, and as such woro only exercising ; their rjglits as citizens. Likewise tho mombors of tho faculty who took any . part whatsoever in tho election woro t residents of tho city nnd only exercls .. ing4ae. rights, of a citizen. In a word, i Maypr, JDahlman, Judging from his .Bt&tein.enti would put university fac oHUyi) and, :st,udents who aro qualified ox"V9fe?Xf J I 'the , capital city on the same olPten,'-wJth .other. persons considered as -03iq4f?sjijabjejtpltlzens.and disfranchised ov)r tW stytQv ?nf ' - Wo.ifcrtlQKfl $hat.a: member,, pfntlfe faculty "who is in tho employ of the state Is bound to fulfill certain obllga- &1 " r - Tt April 23 Non-Com Hop Walt's Orchestra BBBBBBBBBBl OT tlons to tho state But wo do not be llovo that tho stato.wlll demand that tho Iosb of citizenship or tho loss of tho right to porform his civic duties Is any part of tho obligation of any member of tho faculty to tho state. Consequently wo fall to seo-how Mr. Dalilman can concludo that tho oxer- clslng of this right was "wholosalo In torforonco on tho part of tho univer sity professors and studonts In Mon day's olectlon." TENN18. YoatB and years ago thero was a tlmo when tennis was tho most popu lar of university gamcB. Today it has dropped behind owing to tho rapid growth of football and baseball. Yet, should courtH bo provided, Bhould men with no Inclination for othor forms of athlotlcs absorb sufllclont forco of .character to try tho white flannels, it Is Bafo to say that tennis would assume a prominent position in uni versity athloticB. Thoro Is no roason why it Bliould not bo encouraged. Other collogOB put considerable stress on tennlB as a college game, and then lurking back thoro in tho groon shadows Hob that gamo with Kansas. A Colorado papor eulogies tennis as follows: "For thoso studonts who cannot or "do not deslro to play baseball or don a track suit, tonniB 1b an Idoal game. .It gives tho playor strenuous but not Goodyear violent oxorclso;' puts Into action ovory musclo of tho body; trains tho oyo; dovolops tho faculties of cau tion, diplomacy and alortness; and thoreforo bonofltB mind as well as body. Furthermore tonnls Is a gamo that tho gontler sex can onjoy, bo- causo it 1b freo from tho features that make basoball and football essential ly Bports for men; and bocauso It re quires skill rathor than accentuating peculiar phyBlcal qualities. "In all respects tennis is every body's game. It upholds tho prin ciples of 'woman suffrage' It sup ports the tenota of co-education. It puts no premium on avoirdupois. It can 'bo playod by tho dwarf as well as by tho giant It Is a gamo for tho grind' Just as much as for (ho var Blty athlete It Is playod without the fronzlod yolls of tho fans that mako baseball and football 'noisy games.' It causes no deaths. It is novor con demned, but always approved. It is a gamo of peaceful characteristics, but a gamo of skill and action." Miss Anna McCannon has just on rolled in tho school of music. Miss McaCnnon will reside at tho Woman's1 building. Irving S. Cutler and Georgo Bonol, both .medics '10, returned to Omaha yesterday after a couple of days' visit to tho Alpha Thota Chi house Fritz Slaglo, Acacia, lifts beon com pelled to leavo school bocauso of the Illness of his mother, and returned to his homo in South Auburn, yesterday. Dr. Maxoy leaves today for Hast ings, Ho will act as judgo on tho de bate, which takes placo tonight be tweon Hastings and ,Hebron . higjh schfloip,. ' , , . . .. j Professor Stuff yesterday afternoon addressed the literary department of "i Lincoln Hotel Tickets $1.5P i Dr. Maxoy loaves today for" Hast ings, whero ho will act as ono of tho judges at tho Hastlngs-Hobron debate tonight J. S. Morloy, official piano tuner of tho conservatory of music, was called to his homo in Minneapolis yestorday because of tho critical Illness of his mothor. Miss Nell Peterson, Delta Delta Dolta, has left school until next year. She will spend somo time traveling In tho south before her trip to Europe this summon Robert Ashby, '08, has accepted the position of assistant superintendent of farmers' Institutes in tho state of Washington, and will tako up the work May 1st. Ho will bo located at Pullman. Leslie L, Zook, '07, writes irom Chlco, Cal., that conditions aro very favorable for planting of spring crops. Ho Is carrying on experiments in plant brooding for tho bureau of plant industry, U. S. Department of Agri culture Mr. .Zook expects to spend somo months this summer in Old Mex ico, going on leavo from tho depart ment, and while thoro intends to do voto considerable attention to Mexican varieties of corn. High Heel, High Arch DOLLAR OFF 2 Button and 2 Ties. W I I Welt. U I I I I I I $2.50 NEVER KNOW it you NEVER TRY When you want to got donning and Pressing done- by hand and not by machinery bring your clothes to JOE The Tailor who Is also a Specialist on altering and refitt ing your clothes up-to-date. MARGARET M. FRICKE Dressmaker of Style and Economy UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin APRIL. 16, Saturday Y. W. C. A. Cabinet meeting. 2314 So. 17th. 10, Tuesday Democratic Club meets. Music Hall, Temple. 19, TuoBday Convocation and senior ""program. 21-22, Wednesday-Thursday, baseball, Kansas vs. Nebraska, athletic . field. 22, Friday "Faust" program. Unlver , sity chorus and orchestra. 26, Tuesday Convocation. Mr. W. T. Elmore "India." ' 27, Tuesday, basoball, Highland Park, vs. Nebraska, athletic field. MAY. 10, Tuesday Convocation. Annual peace program. 11, Wednesday Ivy Day. All classes excused. 1, Saturday Dual track meet Nebraska-Kansas, at Lawrence 17, Sunday, 8 p. m Memorial Hall Baccalaureate address to agricul tural school by Dean A. E. Bur nett. 22, Saturday, , 2 p., m.-r-Dual track meet, Nebraska-Minnesota. Ath letic field. 29, Saturday Missouri" Valley track meet at Des Moines. Our Kirschbatim True Blue" Serge Suits 5 ERGE is the .most serviceable -and dependable 'material for men's summer wear we would have you judge our serge suits by contrast with the usual hackneyed efforts in this line. KIRSCHBAUM "True Blue" Serges in two or three-piece suits are now offered in many choice fancy weaves in self color, which are exclusive with us. We invite your inspection for this remarkable group of garments, comprising many different single or double-breasted models, ranging in style from the conservative to the radical at prices from $15 to $25. We guarantee these goods. Should you find im perfection in the cloth or tailoring of a " Kirschbaum hand-made" garment, return the same and money will be refunded. Palace Clothing Co, 1419 O Street Art Needlework De partment Spting Showing of Sofa Pillows, Table gun ners and Library Scarfs Shown on the Aits and Crafts, Czashes, Linens, etc. You will not find a more beautiful display in the city than we are showing. Wo give free Embroidery and Stencil lessons every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 2 to 4 o'clock. Miss Mary McCartney, instructor. Pennants a specialty. Special orders taken 9 Hand Embroidered Sofa Pillows worth $6 to $8. Your choice $2.50. H. HERPOLSHEIMER CO. Mrs. Stevens, rop. and Mgr. Summer The University June 20 to August 12, 1910 Courses in Agriculture, Anatomy, Botany, Chemistry, Education, Educa tional Theory and Practlce,J3econdary Education, Normal Training, Elemen tary Education, English Language and Literature, French, Geography and Geology, German,, American History, Homo Economics, Horticulture Latin, Manual Training, Mathematics, Me chanical Drawing, Philosophy and Psy chology, Physical Education, Physiol ogy, Political Science and Sociology, Rhetoric and English Composition, Zoology. ' ( 'jni () Session of NebVaska Special attention to subjects re quired for professional certificate Nino hours of college work possible. Conditional admission on 22. points. Teachers 21 yoars or over may enter as Adult Special Students. HIgh-Sohool Courses In the Teach. Ors' College High School. For bulletin or Information ' address'' THE REGISTRAR, The University of Nebraska Lincoln V v i ,.M Wiimufiyw 1 4' A -a V