The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 15, 1910, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 117.
Price 5 Cents
- T
More Interest Shown in the Election
Yesterday than Has Ever Before
Been 8hown in Elections of
This Nature.
Tho Bophomoro class mot . in tho
chapol yesterday morning at 11 o'clock
and elected tho business manager and
managing editor of noxt year's Corn
huskor. About two hundred and fifty
sophomores were in attendanco. Prob
ably moro girls woro present than
have been present at any class meet
ing since tho first Bomestor presiden
tial election.
T.he candidates for buslonss man
ager were Q. C. KIddoo and Clarence
L. Clark. KIddoo was elected by a
majority of 143 to 89. Ho is at tho
present time business manager of tho
Nobraskan and well acquainted with
tho methods of advertising. KIddoo
Is a member, of Phi Kappa Psl fra
ternity. Ho is also one of tho sopho
more members of tho Y. M. C. A. cab
inet, and a guard on tho Bophomoro
basketball team.
Dana Van DuBen defeated Randall
CurtiB for tho position of Junior man
aging editor by a vote of 130 to 10G.
Van Dusen belongs to Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity and is one of tho
most prominent membors of tho soph
omore clasB. Ho was tho chairman of
tho committoo that drow up the Boph
omoro constitution. His- homo is in
South Qmaha.
New Ballot 8ystem.
The sophomore class has been noted
for Its tendency to stuff tho ballot box
at all elections. Those in charge of
tho election yesterday docldod to In
augurate a now Bystom of balloting.
Numbered and signed ballots were
obtained at tho registrar's office. Each
Bophomoro prosont at tho meeting was
banded one of thoso numbered ballots
at tho door. They were not distrib
uted by tollors. After every ono had
iwrltton tho name of their favorite can
didate on these ballots they wore col
lected by' tellers and counted.
Every one of these ballots wore
Baved and taken back to the regis
trar's office. They will bo recounted
there and tho result recorded. Any
ono who has any reason to believe
that there was any fraud practiced In
counting tho ballots at tho meeting
has the privilege o'f going to tho of
fice and recounting them to suit them
solves. This system of balloting
Beomed to meet with tho approval of
evory ono present at the mooting, and
it will probably bo used at all future
No Nominating Speeches.
No nominating speeches were! made
at yesterday's meeting. Tho plan of
announcing candidates that has been
used by tho Benlors this semester was
used by tho sophomores. The- presi
dent announced tho names of tho can
didates for the two positions and tho
class proceeded to vote at once.
Better Drainage and Third Court Is
.Tho tennis courts are undergoing
some marked Improvements. . The two
present courts are being filled in with
clay dirt and the plans are to arrange
tho courts so that they wHl ho higher!
than tho surrounding grounds In order
that tho water will bo able to drain
off. A third court will, also bp bullt
and when they are completed they
will represent three of the best courts
In Unc'oln.
Students 8olve Mystery of O 8treet
8lgn Yesterday.
As a student was dashing madly
down O street yesterday morning fh
search of an 8 o'clock, ho was seen to
halt suddenly and press his hand to
his forehead. His mouth oponed and
his oyes fairly protruded. On closer
examination it- -was discovoredthatr
ho was standing boforo a sign which
read "Wines and Sauer Kraut."
Thinking he had discovered a caso
for tho polico tho student hurried on
to report tho violation of tho law,
when ho overtook a fellow student.
Thinking two heads hotter than ono,
ho Imparted his secret. Student num
ber two then demanded a look at tho
sign, so back thoy both went. "Wlnos
and Sauor Kraut" was yet plainly
leglbloon"tho big sign board overlook
ing tho street. Student two was puz
fzled over the concoction botwoon
"wino" and "sauor kraut." Aftor
vainly racking their brainB for somo
timo for a solution of tho problem,
tho two students decided to take tho
quickest possible meanB of finding out,
namely to ask tho shopkeeper.
"Vino?" said tho heavy-sot butcher
who greeted them. "No-o-o. Ach, ya!
Dot vas a bum sign painter. Vicn-
ors " but tho studonts wore a rap
idly disappearing speck in tho direc
tion of tho university.
Football Men to Plan for Big Things
at Banquet.
Tho rally of football men held in
tho armory yesterday morning was a
successful affair. Many things woro
planned which will help tho team to
got ready this fall for a good Beason.
On Monday a banquet will bo held
for football "men, tho purposo being to
arouse their interest and got moro
men out for tho spring practice. Tho
banquet is In charge of a commltteo
of which Captain Tomplo Is chairman.
Tho attendanco will bo by Invitation
and tho affair will bo hold at tho
Temple. Enthusiasm will bo on tap
In wholesalo quantities. Chancellor
Samuel Avery, Dr. G. E. Condra, Dr.
It. G. Clapp and tho members of tho
athletic board will be present and will
present their side of tho problem.
Summer training clean, wholesome
living during the vacation months
will bo preached to tho men. Candi
dates will bo urged to cut out smok
ing from May 1 to December 1, to
guard their thealth, to take regular
and systematic exercise and to got as
much practice In handling a football
as possible.
Tho potential punters and drop
kickers will bo given footballs with
which thoy will bo askod to work sys
tematically. Other men will be asked
to practice tho handling of tho long
spiral, with Its erratic path of mo
tion, while still others will bo shown
how thoy can practice tho quick start
that heaves the opposing lineman out
of tho -way.
Football practice from now on will
be held only on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. Tho five-day practice
took much time, and It Is thought that
moro men will he out three tinies a
week. It Is hoped by tho rooters that
tho banquet of Monday will arouso
enthusiasm sufficient to get sixty men
out for the spring practice for the
noxt month.
Freshmen Attention.,
Tho interclass baseball games -will
bo pulled off next week. The fresh
"men and sophomores play tho first
game Thursday, April 21, at 2 p. in.
All eligible freshmen who are-out for
j tho team aro requested to report on
the athletic field at 3 p. m. sharp Sat
urday, April 16. Hand mo your-name
if you .can't come.
Problems In Maneuvering. Attacks and
Defense of Position Are to Be
8olved by the Cadets Com
petitive Drill Thursday.
An encampmont at tho Btato farm.
This is tho announcement mado by
the military department yostorday.
For tho first tlmo in tho history of tho
University of- NobraBka, tho membors
of tho second cadet battalion, which Is
at tho stato farm, will go Into camp
and havo an encampment similar to
tho annual encampment of tho first
battalion of cadots of tho unlvorsity.
Tho encampment will bo hold on the
drill grounds at the farm, and mem
bors of tho university aro cordially In
vited to attend this encampmont and
sco tho cadots doing tho real work of
soldlors. Tho quartermaster's depart
ment of tho Becond battalion will havo
chargo of tho mess at the' camp of
tho cadots and all other things of
this nature will bo In chargo of this
department. Last year tho moss at
tho oncampment of tho first battalion
was not In chargo of tho quartermas
ter and It is hoped to make this part
of tho encampment moro satisfactory
than It was last year by this change.
Previous to thiB tlmo tho cadots of
tho Btato farm school woro denied tho
prlvllego of going Into camp oa ac
count of tho early closing of school.
This year Captain Yates, tho comman
dant of all tho university cadots, felt
that this should not prevail and tho
cadets at tho farm will bo allowed
tho prlvllego of threo days of camp
The Order.
Tho second battalion will go Into
enmp near the drill grounds at 0 p. m.
April 19. .
In honor of Captain John G. Work
izer, Second United States Infantry,
commandant of cadets from 1905 to
1909, tho camp will bo called Camp
Tho following calls will bo In ef
First call, 6:40 a. m.
Rovollle, 5:50 a. m.
Assembly, G a. m.
Fatigue call, 6:05 a. m.
Mess call, 6:15 a. m.
Sick call, 7 a. m.
First call for drill, 7:15 a. m.
Recall, when-ordered.
Officers' call, 11 a. m.
First Sergeants' Call - t
Mess call, 12 m. " ' ,
Fatigue call, 4 p. m.
First call, 4:20 p in. " ,.
Guard Mounting
Assembly, 4:30 p. m.
Dress Parade " r "
First call, 5 p. m.
Assembly, 5:10 pm.
Retreat ,
Immediately after parade.
Mess call, 6 p. m.
Tatto, 9! 30 p. m.
Call to quarters, 10:15 p. m.
Taps, 10:30 p. m.
Cadets before leaving or entering
camp will register at the guard tent.
When not on duty seniors may leave
tho 'school grounds from reveille to
taps. All other cadets not on duty
during tho same hours may leave tho
camp, but not tho school grounds. .Any
exception to the foregoing will be with
tho written permission' of the com
mandant . -
The following program is an
nounced. T v
Wednesday Morning :
Outpost problem. ' V
Wednesday Afternoon-r .
Rovlow for tho govornor of Ne
braska. First call, 5 p. m.
Assembly, 6:10 p. m.
Thursday Morning
Advance and roar guard problem.
Thursday afternoon
Competitive drill, commencing at 1:30
p. m.
Presentation of prizes by tho-chancokJ
lor, University of Nebraska.
Friday Morning
Problom of attack and dofonso of a
position. .
Friday Aftornoon
Rifle firing competition.
By ordor of Captain Yates.
"Compet" Thursday.
Competitive drill will bo hold on
Thursday aftornoon, when tho five
companies of tho second battalion will
drill for tho prlzos, which will bo pre
sented to tho winning company and
tho winner of tho individual corapotl
tlvo drill by Chancellor Avery. Tho
camp will bo called "Camp Worklzor,"
In honor of Captain John J. G. Work
lzor, of tho Second Infantry, who was
commandant of tho cadots from 1005
until 1909.
Tho five companies, E, ir, G, H and
L, will havo prob'iums In outpost duty,
advance and roar guard, and in at
tack and defense of position. Previ
ous to tills year the different compa
nies have had to solve probloms In at
tack and dofonso of position whilo In
camp, but the othor" problems which
will havo to bo worked out aro Inno
vations in tho camp llfo of tho cadots
of tho university.
Gives Reading of "If I Were King."
Memorial hall was filled to tho limit
with university students thiB morninp
Miss Mattie Graco Hewitt, graduato
of tho Cumnich school of expression
of Northwestern, was the attraction of
tho hour. Her selection, entitled "If I
Woro King," she rendered with re
markablo talent and reflected credit
to her alma mater.
Provlous to her reading, Miss How-"
Itt gave a short summary of tho his
tory of Franco covering tho period
and settings of her selection. She
also separated her reading Into threo
chapters and devotocLtho Intervals bo
tweon tho chapters to explanatory re
marks relative to tho chango of set
tings or Introduction of now char
Hutchinson Elected by Goal Tossers
to Lead the 1911 Five.
Yesterday tho members of tho ath
letic board met and counted the vote
for basketball captain for novt year.
W. C. Hutchlns'on was elected captain
of tho team fcr tho season of ,1911.
Hutchinson has been on tho varsity
squad for tho p'ist two years and this
'year he won his letter. Hutchinson
'has held down tho position of forward
for tho past two seasons and this year
ho was Instrumental in saving tho
game for Nebraska In tho first con
test of tho Nebraska-Ames Borlos here.
The athletic board elected Dean C.
H. Richards as the delegate from Ne
braska at the football conference to
bo hold at Kansas City April 29. At
this meeting the Nebrasalc delegate
will attempt to see what can bo done
for the attitude which the Nebraska
athletic board has taken of tho play
ing of summer baseball by the men of
the' university who desire to play on
the university team. Dean Richards
will also confer with tho other dele
gates present on tho Te vis ion of the
football rules to take effect noxt fall.
Field Geology 21.
Class will meet In U7 at 8 a, m. Sat
urday, April 1ft, for a field trip to Bait
Creek valley and Dakota exposures in
West Lincoln. "
Expect to 8oore Well, Although Odds
Are Against Winning - Three,
Wrestling Events "N's" to Be
Awarded to Winners.
Tho gymnasium team which will
roprosont NobraBka at tho Intorcollo
glato contest at Minneapolis tonight
loft yesterday evening. Tho mombors
of tho toam aro Tabisca, Trump and
Weaver, gymnasts; E. B. Elliott,
wrestler,' nnd L. E. Morgan, foncor.
Tho toam wnB accompanied by Dr.
Tho ovents In tho contota which
count In tho scoring aro tho horizon
tal bars, tho parallel bars, tho sldo.
horse, flying rings, tumbling, fancy
club swinging and fencing, In short,
all tho regular gymnastic ovents. Ne-'
braBka will not havo an ohtry In the
club swinging contest, tho only man
In school who would stand a chanco
of winning being inollglblo.
Wrestling Bouts.
Nebraska's men aro onterod In the
various ovents. as follows: Tabisca and
Weaver on tho horizontal bars, Ta
bisca 'In tho side horso, Tabisca and
Trump in tho tumbling, and all three
on tho parallol bars and tho flying
rings. In tho fencing oach school will
(have ope man onterod. Thoro will be
threo wrestling ovents, tho lightweight
under" T35"poundi, Iho mfiTdlowoIghT
between 135 and 158 pounds and the
hoavywolght over 158. Only the lat
ter counts In tho scoring.
Nebraska's chances aro not particu
larly roseate, owing to lack of experi
ence on tho part of tho team. How
ever they are expected to bo well up
In tho scoring, ovon It thoy do not win
first placo. TablBca, who 'Is entered
In every event, Is flgurod on as tho
best man on tho team. Elliott should
stand a good chanco In tho wrestling,
as ho has been doing somo good work
In practice lately. -
Schools Entered, . .
Tho other, five sctiopjs In tho moot
aro Wisconsin, Minnesota, Chicago and
Iowa. Tho University of Minnespta is
tho host this year and the meet. will
bo held In their gymnasium.
"N's" will bo given to, mombors of
tho team winning first, second or third
In tho all-round championships, or se
curing, an Individual first; In any event.
Tabisca also, gets an. 'N" in that hp
was tho winner of tho, annual home '
contest In which tho team was- se
lected., . .. '
Professors Candy and Brenke'Are on.
Program: ' i:tca
The mathematical seminar 'wlll'meet
Frjday, April 15, at 4:30, ft!jjg392.
Tho following program wlirbot given:
"Mathematical ' TralnlnVfojEn-
glneors," Professor Candy. ,f ,
' "Integral Equations," Profesosr
i Wm. E. Kavan ll In Colon.
Wm. 'E. Kavan, whose home Is in
Omaha, and who attended the Univer
sity of Nebraska prior to his depar
ture for Panama, where he accepted a
government position, 1b reported as be
ing ill with typhoid fever and' is laid
lip in the Colon .hospital at Cristobal.
Mr. Kavan was taken ill two days
after his arrival In Cristohel aad he
may have contracted the fever .while'
visiting in Omaha Just prior to his de
parture. He has been ill- for two
weeks and is holding his owbu- -
v ',,...., '